Python django.db.models.functions.TruncMonth() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of django.db.models.functions.TruncMonth().
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Example #1
Source File: From contratospr-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def spending_over_time(self, request): fiscal_year = request.query_params.get("fiscal_year") queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()) if fiscal_year: start_date, end_date = get_fiscal_year_range(int(fiscal_year)) queryset = queryset.filter( date_of_grant__gte=start_date, date_of_grant__lte=end_date ) queryset = ( queryset.without_amendments() .annotate(month=TruncMonth("date_of_grant")) .values("month") .annotate(total=Sum("amount_to_pay"), count=Count("id")) .values("month", "total", "count") .order_by("month") ) return Response(queryset)
Example #2
Source File: From autocompeter with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stats_by_domain(domain): searches = ( Search.objects .annotate(month=TruncMonth('created')) .values('month') .annotate(count=Count('id')) .values('month', 'count') ) fetches = {} for s in searches: year = str(s['month'].year) month = str(s['month'].month) if year not in fetches: fetches[year] = {} fetches[year][month] = s['count'] search = search = search.filter('term', documents = search.execute() return fetches, documents
Example #3
Source File: From polemarch with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def stats(self, last: int) -> OrderedDict: qs = self.filter(start_time__gte=now()-timedelta(days=last)) qs = qs.annotate( day=dbfunc.TruncDay('start_time'), month=dbfunc.TruncMonth('start_time'), year=dbfunc.TruncYear('start_time'), ) result = OrderedDict() result['day'] = self._get_history_stats_by(qs, 'day') result['month'] = self._get_history_stats_by(qs, 'month') result['year'] = self._get_history_stats_by(qs, 'year') return result
Example #4
Source File: From lexpredict-contraxsuite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): per_month = json.loads(self.request.GET.get('per_month', 'false')) qs = self.get_queryset() if per_month: qs = qs.order_by('date') \ .annotate(start=TruncMonth('date')) \ .values('start') \ .annotate(count=Sum('count')).order_by() data = list(qs) visible_interval = 360 else: qs = qs.order_by('date') \ .values(start=F('date')) \ .annotate(count=Sum('count')) data = list(qs) date_list_view = DateUsageListAPIView(request=self.request, format_kwarg={}) date_data = date_list_view.list(request=self.request).data visible_interval = 180 max_value = qs.aggregate(m=Max('count'))['m'] min_value = qs.aggregate(m=Min('count'))['m'] range_value = max_value - min_value for item in data: item['weight'] = (item['count'] - min_value) / range_value if per_month: item['url'] = '{}?month_search={}'.format( reverse('extract:date-usage-list'), item['start'].isoformat()) item['content'] = '{}, {}: {}'.format(item['start'].strftime('%B'), item['start'].year, item['count']) else: item['url'] = '{}?date_search={}'.format( reverse('extract:date-usage-list'), item['start'].isoformat()) item['content'] = '{}: {}'.format(item['start'].isoformat(), item['count']) item['date_data'] = [i for i in date_data if i['date'] == item['start']] initial_start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=visible_interval) initial_end_date = + datetime.timedelta(days=visible_interval) ret = {'data': data, 'per_month': per_month, 'initial_start_date': initial_start_date, 'initial_end_date': initial_end_date} return JsonResponse(ret)