Python confluent_kafka.Producer() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of confluent_kafka.Producer().
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Example #1
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_kafka_producer(self): try: if self.kafka_endpoint.startswith('@'): try: _k_endpoint = get_endpoint_from_consul(self.consul_endpoint, self.kafka_endpoint[1:]) log.debug('found-kafka-service', endpoint=_k_endpoint) except Exception as e: log.exception('no-kafka-service-in-consul', e=e) self.kproducer = None self.kclient = None return else: _k_endpoint = self.kafka_endpoint self.kproducer = _kafkaProducer( {'bootstrap.servers' :_k_endpoint} ) pass except Exception, e: log.exception('failed-get-kafka-producer', e=e) return
Example #2
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_conf_none(): """ Issue #133 Test that None can be passed for NULL by setting bootstrap.servers to None. If None would be converted to a string then a broker would show up in statistics. Verify that it doesnt. """ def stats_cb_check_no_brokers(stats_json_str): """ Make sure no brokers are reported in stats """ global seen_stats_cb_check_no_brokers stats = json.loads(stats_json_str) assert len(stats['brokers']) == 0, "expected no brokers in stats: %s" % stats_json_str seen_stats_cb_check_no_brokers = True conf = {'bootstrap.servers': None, # overwrites previous value '': 10, 'stats_cb': stats_cb_check_no_brokers} p = confluent_kafka.Producer(conf) p.poll(timeout=1) global seen_stats_cb_check_no_brokers assert seen_stats_cb_check_no_brokers
Example #3
Source File: From incubator-spot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _initialize_members(self, topic, server, port, zk_server, zk_port, partitions): # get logger isinstance self._logger = logging.getLogger("SPOT.INGEST.KafkaProducer") # kafka requirements self._server = server self._port = port self._zk_server = zk_server self._zk_port = zk_port self._topic = topic self._num_of_partitions = partitions self._partitions = [] self._partitioner = None self._kafka_brokers = '{0}:{1}'.format(self._server, self._port) # create topic with partitions self._create_topic() self._kafka_conf = self._producer_config(self._kafka_brokers) self._p = Producer(**self._kafka_conf)
Example #4
Source File: From ksql-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_ksql_create_stream_w_properties(self): """ Test GET requests """ topic = self.exist_topic stream_name = self.test_prefix + "test_ksql_create_stream" stream_name = "test_ksql_create_stream" ksql_string = "CREATE STREAM {} (ORDER_ID INT, TOTAL_AMOUNT DOUBLE, CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR) \ WITH (kafka_topic='{}', value_format='JSON');".format(stream_name, topic) streamProperties = {"": "earliest"} if 'TEST_KSQL_CREATE_STREAM' not in utils.get_all_streams(self.api_client): r = self.api_client.ksql(ksql_string, stream_properties=streamProperties) self.assertEqual(r[0]['commandStatus']['status'], 'SUCCESS') producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers}) producer.produce(self.exist_topic, '''{"order_id":3,"total_amount":43,"customer_name":"Palo Alto"}''') producer.flush() print() chunks = self.api_client.query("select * from {}".format(stream_name), stream_properties=streamProperties, idle_timeout=10) for chunk in chunks: pass assert json.loads(chunk)['row']['columns'][-1]=='Palo Alto'
Example #5
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def prepareProducer(self,groupID = "pythonproducers"): options ={ 'bootstrap.servers': self.kafka_brokers, '': groupID } # We need this test as local kafka does not expect SSL protocol. if (self.kafka_env != 'LOCAL'): options['security.protocol'] = 'SASL_SSL' options['sasl.mechanisms'] = 'PLAIN' options['sasl.username'] = 'token' options['sasl.password'] = self.kafka_apikey if (self.kafka_env == 'OCP'): options[''] = os.environ['PEM_CERT'] print("[KafkaProducer] - This is the configuration for the producer:") print('[KafkaProducer] - {}'.format(options)) self.producer = Producer(options)
Example #6
Source File: From ChaosTestingCode with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_idempotent_producer(self, retry_limit, buffering_max): console_out_many(["Creating idempotent producer with:", f" bootstrap.servers={self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers()}", f" acks={self.acks_mode}", f" retries={retry_limit}", " 60000", f" buffering={buffering_max}"], self.get_actor()) self.producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers(), 'message.send.max.retries': retry_limit, 'enable.idempotence': True, '': buffering_max, #'batch.num.messages': 1000, #'stats_cb': my_stats_callback, #'': 100, '': 60000, 'default.topic.config': { 'request.required.acks': self.acks_mode } })
Example #7
Source File: From ChaosTestingCode with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_producer(self, retry_limit, buffering_max): console_out_many(["Creating producer with:", f" bootstrap.servers={self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers()}", f" acks={self.acks_mode}", f" retries={retry_limit}", f" buffering={buffering_max}"], self.get_actor()) self.producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers(), 'message.send.max.retries': retry_limit, '': buffering_max, #'': 100, #'batch.num.messages': 1000, #'stats_cb': my_stats_callback, #'': 100, '': 60000, 'default.topic.config': { 'request.required.acks': self.acks_mode }})
Example #8
Source File: From xos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init(): global log global kafka_producer if not log: log = create_logger(Config().get("logging")) if kafka_producer: raise Exception("XOSKafkaProducer already initialized") else: "Connecting to Kafka with bootstrap servers: %s" % Config.get("kafka_bootstrap_servers") ) try: producer_config = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(Config.get("kafka_bootstrap_servers")) } kafka_producer = confluent_kafka.Producer(**producer_config)"Connected to Kafka: %s" % kafka_producer) except confluent_kafka.KafkaError as e: log.exception("Kafka Error: %s" % e)
Example #9
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_error_cb(): """ Test the error callback. """ global seen_all_brokers_down # Configure an invalid broker and make sure the ALL_BROKERS_DOWN # error is seen in the error callback. p = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': '', '': 10, 'error_cb': error_cb}) t_end = time.time() + 5 while not seen_all_brokers_down and time.time() < t_end: p.poll(1) assert seen_all_brokers_down
Example #10
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_fatal(): """ Test fatal exceptions """ # Configure an invalid broker and make sure the ALL_BROKERS_DOWN # error is seen in the error callback. p = Producer({'error_cb': error_cb}) with pytest.raises(KafkaException) as exc: raise KafkaException(KafkaError(KafkaError.MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED, fatal=True)) err = exc.value.args[0] assert isinstance(err, KafkaError) assert err.fatal() assert not err.retriable() assert not err.txn_requires_abort() p.poll(0) # Need some p use to avoid flake8 unused warning
Example #11
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_logging_producer(): """ Tests that logging works """ logger = logging.getLogger('producer') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) f = CountingFilter('producer') logger.addFilter(f) p = confluent_kafka.Producer({'debug': 'all'}, logger=logger) while f.cnt == 0: p.poll(timeout=0.5) print('%s: %d log messages seen' % (, f.cnt))
Example #12
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_thread_safety(): """ Basic thread safety tests. """ q = Queue() p = Producer({'': 10, '': 10}) threads = list() for i in range(1, 5): thr = threading.Thread(target=thread_run, name=str(i), args=[i, p, q]) thr.start() threads.append(thr) for thr in threads: thr.join() # Count the number of threads that exited cleanly cnt = 0 try: for x in iter(q.get_nowait, None): cnt += 1 except Empty: pass if cnt != len(threads): raise Exception('Only %d/%d threads succeeded' % (cnt, len(threads))) print('Done')
Example #13
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def terminate(self): """ Terminate Producer and Consumer """"Terminating (ran for {}s)".format(time.time() - self.start_time)) = False self.producer_thread.join() self.consumer_thread.join()
Example #14
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, topic, rate, conf): """ SoakClient constructor. conf is the client configuration """ self.topic = topic self.rate = rate self.disprate = int(rate * 10) = True self.stats_cnt = {'producer': 0, 'consumer': 0} self.start_time = time.time() self.logger = logging.getLogger('soakclient') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) self.logger.addHandler(handler) # Create topic (might already exist) self.create_topic(self.topic, conf) # # Create Producer and Consumer, each running in its own thread. # conf['stats_cb'] = self.stats_cb conf[''] = 10000 # Producer conf['error_cb'] = self.producer_error_cb self.producer = Producer(conf) # Consumer conf['error_cb'] = self.consumer_error_cb conf['on_commit'] = self.consumer_commit_cb"consumer: using {}".format(conf[''])) self.consumer = Consumer(conf) self.producer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.producer_thread_main) self.producer_thread.start() self.consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.consumer_thread_main) self.consumer_thread.start()
Example #15
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def producer_error_cb(self, err): """ Producer error callback """ self.logger.error("producer: error_cb: {}".format(err)) self.producer_error_cb_cnt += 1
Example #16
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def producer_run(self): """ Producer main loop """ sleep_intvl = 1.0 / self.rate self.producer_msgid = 0 self.dr_cnt = 0 self.dr_err_cnt = 0 self.producer_error_cb_cnt = 0 next_stats = time.time() + 10 while self.produce_record() now = time.time() t_end = now + sleep_intvl while True: if now > next_stats: self.producer_stats() next_stats = now + 10 remaining_time = t_end - now if remaining_time < 0: remaining_time = 0 self.producer.poll(remaining_time) if remaining_time <= 0: break now = time.time() remaining = self.producer.flush(30) self.logger.warning("producer: {} message(s) remaining in queue after flush()".format(remaining)) self.producer_stats()
Example #17
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, conf): """ conf is a config dict passed to confluent_kafka.Producer() """ super(VerifiableProducer, self).__init__(conf) self.conf['on_delivery'] = self.dr_cb self.producer = Producer(**self.conf) self.num_acked = 0 self.num_sent = 0 self.num_err = 0
Example #18
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dr_cb(self, err, msg): """ Producer delivery report callback """ if err is not None: self.logger.warning("producer: delivery failed: {} [{}]: {}".format(msg.topic(), msg.partition(), err)) self.dr_err_cnt += 1 else: self.dr_cnt += 1 if (self.dr_cnt % self.disprate) == 0: self.logger.debug("producer: delivered message to {} [{}] at offset {}".format( msg.topic(), msg.partition(), msg.offset()))
Example #19
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def produce(self, **kwargs): """ Asynchronously sends message to Kafka by encoding with specified or default avro schema. :param str topic: topic name :param object value: An object to serialize :param str value_schema: Avro schema for value :param object key: An object to serialize :param str key_schema: Avro schema for key Plus any other parameters accepted by confluent_kafka.Producer.produce :raises SerializerError: On serialization failure :raises BufferError: If producer queue is full. :raises KafkaException: For other produce failures. """ # get schemas from kwargs if defined key_schema = kwargs.pop('key_schema', self._key_schema) value_schema = kwargs.pop('value_schema', self._value_schema) topic = kwargs.pop('topic', None) if not topic: raise ClientError("Topic name not specified.") value = kwargs.pop('value', None) key = kwargs.pop('key', None) if value is not None: if value_schema: value = self._serializer.encode_record_with_schema(topic, value_schema, value) else: raise ValueSerializerError("Avro schema required for values") if key is not None: if key_schema: key = self._serializer.encode_record_with_schema(topic, key_schema, key, True) else: raise KeySerializerError("Avro schema required for key") super(AvroProducer, self).produce(topic, value, key, **kwargs)
Example #20
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_topic_config_update(): # *NOTE* default.topic.config has been deprecated. # This example remains to ensure backward-compatibility until its removal. confs = [{"": 600000, "default.topic.config": {"": 1000}}, {"": 1000}, {"default.topic.config": {"": 1000}}] def on_delivery(err, msg): # Since there is no broker, produced messages should time out. global seen_delivery_cb seen_delivery_cb = True assert err.code() == confluent_kafka.KafkaError._MSG_TIMED_OUT for conf in confs: p = confluent_kafka.Producer(conf) start = time.time() timeout = start + 10.0 p.produce('mytopic', value='somedata', key='a key', on_delivery=on_delivery) while time.time() < timeout: if seen_delivery_cb: return p.poll(1.0) if "CI" in os.environ: pytest.xfail("Timeout exceeded")"Timeout exceeded")
Example #21
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, configs): self._producer = confluent_kafka.Producer(configs) self._cancelled = False self._poll_thread = Thread(target=self._poll_loop) self._poll_thread.start()
Example #22
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def throttle_cb_instantiate_fail(): """ Ensure noncallables raise TypeError""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): confluent_kafka.Producer({'throttle_cb': 1})
Example #23
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def startup_event(): global producer, aio_producer aio_producer = AIOProducer(config) producer = Producer(config)
Example #24
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, configs, loop=None): self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._producer = confluent_kafka.Producer(configs) self._cancelled = False self._poll_thread = Thread(target=self._poll_loop) self._poll_thread.start()
Example #25
Source File: From ksql-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.url = "http://localhost:8088" self.api_client = KSQLAPI(url=self.url, check_version=False) self.test_prefix = "ksql_python_test" self.exist_topic = 'exist_topic' self.bootstrap_servers = 'localhost:29092' if utils.check_kafka_available(self.bootstrap_servers): producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers}) producer.produce(self.exist_topic, "test_message") producer.flush()
Example #26
Source File: From ksql-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.url = "http://localhost:8088" self.api_client = KSQLAPI(url=self.url, check_version=False) self.test_prefix = "ksql_python_test" self.exist_topic = self.test_prefix + '_exist_topic' self.bootstrap_servers = 'localhost:29092' if utils.check_kafka_available(self.bootstrap_servers): producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.bootstrap_servers}) producer.produce(self.exist_topic, "test_message") producer.flush()
Example #27
Source File: From kafka-compose with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): super(TwitterStreamListener, self).__init__() self.producer = Producer(**KAFKA_CONF) self.count = 0 self.tweets = []
Example #28
Source File: From xos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init(): global log global kafka_producer if not log: log = create_logger(Config().get("logging")) if kafka_producer: raise Exception("XOSKafkaProducer already initialized") else: "Connecting to Kafka with bootstrap servers: %s" % Config.get("kafka_bootstrap_servers") ) try: producer_config = { "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(Config.get("kafka_bootstrap_servers")) } kafka_producer = confluent_kafka.Producer(**producer_config)"Connected to Kafka: %s" % kafka_producer) except confluent_kafka.KafkaError as e: log.exception("Kafka Error: %s" % e)
Example #29
Source File: From Collaboration-System with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.LOG_CLASS = "StoreLog" self.method = settings.LOG_TYPE if self.method == settings.STORE: self.conf = settings.STORE_CONF elif self.method == settings.TOSERVER: self.conf = settings.SERVER_CONF elif self.method == settings.TOKAFKA: self.producer = Producer({'bootstrap.servers':'localhost:9092'})
Example #30
Source File: From winton-kafka-streams with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def producer(self): # TODO: Must set all config values applicable to a producer return kafka.Producer({'bootstrap.servers': self.config.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS})