Python confluent_kafka.Consumer() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of confluent_kafka.Consumer().
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Example #1
Source File: From xi-iot with MIT License | 7 votes |
def readMsg(): logging.debug("readMsg from kafkaTopic: %s", kafkaTopic) msg = kConsumer.poll(5.0) if msg is None: logging.debug('Received message: None') return None; if msg.error(): logging.warning("Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) return None logging.debug('Received message: {}'.format(msg.value().decode('utf-8'))) msgJson= json.loads(msg.value()) comment = msgJson['payload']['after']['comment_content']"got comment from kafkaTopic: %s", comment) return comment
Example #2
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_error_cb(): """ Tests error_cb. """ def error_cb(error_msg): global seen_error_cb seen_error_cb = True acceptable_error_codes = (confluent_kafka.KafkaError._TRANSPORT, confluent_kafka.KafkaError._ALL_BROKERS_DOWN) assert error_msg.code() in acceptable_error_codes conf = {'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:65531', # Purposely cause connection refused error '': 'test', '': '100', '': 1000, # Avoid close() blocking too long 'error_cb': error_cb } kc = confluent_kafka.Consumer(**conf) kc.subscribe(["test"]) while not seen_error_cb: kc.poll(timeout=1) kc.close() # global variable for stats_cb call back function
Example #3
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def consume_committed(conf, topic): print("=== Consuming transactional messages from topic {}. ===".format(topic)) consumer_conf = {'': str(uuid1()), 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', '': False, 'enable.partition.eof': True, 'error_cb': prefixed_error_cb(called_by()), } consumer_conf.update(conf) consumer = Consumer(consumer_conf) consumer.subscribe([topic]) msg_cnt = read_all_msgs(consumer) consumer.close() return msg_cnt
Example #4
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def prepareConsumer(self, groupID = "pythonconsumers"): options ={ 'bootstrap.servers': self.kafka_brokers, '': groupID, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', '': self.kafka_auto_commit, } if (self.kafka_env != 'LOCAL'): options['security.protocol'] = 'SASL_SSL' options['sasl.mechanisms'] = 'PLAIN' options['sasl.username'] = 'token' options['sasl.password'] = self.kafka_apikey if (self.kafka_env == 'OCP'): options[''] = os.environ['PEM_CERT'] print("[KafkaConsumer] - This is the configuration for the consumer:") print('[KafkaConsumer] - {}'.format(options)) self.consumer = Consumer(options) self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic_name]) # Prints out and returns the decoded events received by the consumer
Example #5
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def pollNextEvent(self, keyID, keyname): gotIt = False anEvent = {} while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) # Continue if we have not received a message yet if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) # Stop reading if we find end of partition in the error message if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue msgStr = self.traceResponse(msg) # Create the json event based on message string formed by traceResponse anEvent = json.loads(msgStr) # If we've found our event based on keyname and keyID, stop reading messages if (anEvent["payload"][keyname] == keyID): gotIt = True return anEvent # Polls for events until it finds an event with same key
Example #6
Source File: From openwhisk-package-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __createConsumer(self): if self.__shouldRun(): config = {'': ','.join(self.brokers), '': self.trigger, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'latest'}, '': False, 'api.version.request': True, 'isolation.level': 'read_uncommitted' } if self.isMessageHub: # append Message Hub specific config config.update({'': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'sasl.mechanisms': 'PLAIN', 'sasl.username': self.username, 'sasl.password': self.password, 'security.protocol': 'sasl_ssl' }) consumer = KafkaConsumer(config) consumer.subscribe([self.topic], self.__on_assign, self.__on_revoke)"[{}] Now listening in order to fire trigger".format(self.trigger)) return consumer
Example #7
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_stats_cb(): """ Tests stats_cb. """ def stats_cb(stats_json_str): global seen_stats_cb seen_stats_cb = True stats_json = json.loads(stats_json_str) assert len(stats_json['name']) > 0 conf = {'': 'test', '': '100', '': 1000, # Avoid close() blocking too long '': 200, 'stats_cb': stats_cb } kc = confluent_kafka.Consumer(**conf) kc.subscribe(["test"]) while not seen_stats_cb: kc.poll(timeout=1) kc.close()
Example #8
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_logging_consumer(): """ Tests that logging works """ logger = logging.getLogger('consumer') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) f = CountingFilter('consumer') logger.addFilter(f) kc = confluent_kafka.Consumer({'': 'test', 'debug': 'all'}, logger=logger) while f.cnt == 0: kc.poll(timeout=0.5) print('%s: %d log messages seen' % (, f.cnt)) kc.close()
Example #9
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def consumer_thread_main(self): """ Consumer thread main function """ try: self.consumer_run() except KeyboardInterrupt:"consumer: aborted by user") = False except Exception as ex: self.logger.fatal("consumer: fatal exception: {}".format(ex)) = False
Example #10
Source File: From kafka-influxdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _connect(self): """ Connect to Kafka and subscribe to the topic """ connection = self._setup_connection() "Connecting to Kafka with the following settings:\n %s...", connection) self.consumer = Consumer(**connection) self._subscribe()
Example #11
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, topic, rate, conf): """ SoakClient constructor. conf is the client configuration """ self.topic = topic self.rate = rate self.disprate = int(rate * 10) = True self.stats_cnt = {'producer': 0, 'consumer': 0} self.start_time = time.time() self.logger = logging.getLogger('soakclient') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) self.logger.addHandler(handler) # Create topic (might already exist) self.create_topic(self.topic, conf) # # Create Producer and Consumer, each running in its own thread. # conf['stats_cb'] = self.stats_cb conf[''] = 10000 # Producer conf['error_cb'] = self.producer_error_cb self.producer = Producer(conf) # Consumer conf['error_cb'] = self.consumer_error_cb conf['on_commit'] = self.consumer_commit_cb"consumer: using {}".format(conf[''])) self.consumer = Consumer(conf) self.producer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.producer_thread_main) self.producer_thread.start() self.consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.consumer_thread_main) self.consumer_thread.start()
Example #12
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def terminate(self): """ Terminate Producer and Consumer """"Terminating (ran for {}s)".format(time.time() - self.start_time)) = False self.producer_thread.join() self.consumer_thread.join()
Example #13
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pollEvents(self): gotIt = False while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[ERROR] - [KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue self.traceResponse(msg)
Example #14
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pollNextEventByKey(self, keyID): if (str(keyID) == ""): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: Key is an empty string") return None gotIt = False anEvent = {} while not gotIt: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=10.0) # Continue if we have not received a message yet if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): print("[KafkaConsumer] - Consumer error: {}".format(msg.error())) # Stop reading if we find end of partition in the error message if ("PARTITION_EOF" in msg.error()): gotIt= True continue msgStr = self.traceResponse(msg) # Create the json event based on message string formed by traceResponse anEvent = json.loads(msgStr) # If we've found our event based on keyname and keyID, stop reading messages if (str(msg.key().decode('utf-8')) == keyID): gotIt = True return anEvent # Polls for events endlessly
Example #15
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, conf): """ conf is a config dict passed to confluent_kafka.Consumer() """ super(VerifiableConsumer, self).__init__(conf) self.conf['on_commit'] = self.on_commit self.consumer = Consumer(**conf) self.consumed_msgs = 0 self.consumed_msgs_last_reported = 0 self.consumed_msgs_at_last_commit = 0 self.use_auto_commit = False self.use_async_commit = False self.max_msgs = -1 self.assignment = [] self.assignment_dict = dict()
Example #16
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def poll(self, timeout=None): """ This is an overriden method from confluent_kafka.Consumer class. This handles message deserialization using avro schema :param float timeout: Poll timeout in seconds (default: indefinite) :returns: message object with deserialized key and value as dict objects :rtype: Message """ if timeout is None: timeout = -1 message = super(AvroConsumer, self).poll(timeout) if message is None: return None if not message.error(): try: if message.value() is not None: decoded_value = self._serializer.decode_message(message.value(), is_key=False) message.set_value(decoded_value) if message.key() is not None: decoded_key = self._serializer.decode_message(message.key(), is_key=True) message.set_key(decoded_key) except SerializerError as e: raise SerializerError("Message deserialization failed for message at {} [{}] offset {}: {}".format( message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset(), e)) return message
Example #17
Source File: From incubator-spot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): consumer = Consumer(**self._kafka_conf) consumer.subscribe([self._topic]) return consumer
Example #18
Source File: From mordor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def commit_completed(err, partitions): if err: sys.stderr.write(str(err)) else: sys.stderr.write("""Committed partition offsets: {} """.format(str(partitions))) # Consumer configuration # See
Example #19
Source File: From xos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_kafka_consumer(self): # use the service name as the group id consumer_config = { "": Config().get("name"), "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(self.bootstrap_servers), "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "smallest"}, } return confluent_kafka.Consumer(**consumer_config)
Example #20
Source File: From ChaosTestingCode with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_consumer(self, group_id, topic): self.terminate = False console_out(f"Creating a consumer with bootstrap.servers: {self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers()}", self.consumer = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': self.broker_manager.get_bootstrap_servers(), 'api.version.request': True, '': True, '': 60000, '': group_id, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } }) self.topic = topic
Example #21
Source File: From refarch-kc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, kafka_env = 'LOCAL', kafka_brokers = "", kafka_apikey = "", topic_name = "",autocommit = True): self.kafka_env = kafka_env self.kafka_brokers = kafka_brokers self.kafka_apikey = kafka_apikey self.topic_name = topic_name self.kafka_auto_commit = autocommit # See # Prepares de Consumer with specific options based on the case
Example #22
Source File: From tributary with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, servers, group, topics, json=False, wrap=False, interval=1): c = Consumer({ 'bootstrap.servers': servers, '': group, 'default.topic.config': { 'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest' } }) if not isinstance(topics, list): topics = [topics] c.subscribe(topics) async def _listen(consumer=c, json=json, wrap=wrap, interval=interval): while True: msg = consumer.poll(interval) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): if msg.error().code() == KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF: continue else: print(msg.error()) break msg = msg.value().decode('utf-8') if not msg: break if json: msg = JSON.loads(msg) if wrap: msg = [msg] yield msg super().__init__(foo=_listen) self._name = 'Kafka'
Example #23
Source File: From xos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_kafka_consumer(self): # use the service name as the group id consumer_config = { "": Config().get("name"), "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(self.bootstrap_servers), "default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "smallest"}, } return confluent_kafka.Consumer(**consumer_config)
Example #24
Source File: From Gather-Deployment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initialize(self, stormconf, context): self.consumer = Consumer( { 'bootstrap.servers': 'kafka:9092', '': 'mygroup', 'auto.offset.reset': 'latest', } ) self.consumer.subscribe(['twitter'])
Example #25
Source File: From agogosml with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config): # pragma: no cover """ Streaming client implementation based on Kafka. Configuration keys: KAFKA_ADDRESS KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP KAFKA_TOPIC TIMEOUT EVENT_HUB_KAFKA_CONNECTION_STRING """ self.logger = Logger() self.topic = config.get("KAFKA_TOPIC") if not self.topic: raise ValueError("KAFKA_TOPIC is not set in the config object.") if not config.get("KAFKA_ADDRESS"): raise ValueError("KAFKA_ADDRESS is not set in the config object.") if config.get("TIMEOUT"): try: self.timeout = int(config.get("TIMEOUT")) except ValueError: self.timeout = None else: self.timeout = None kafka_config = self.create_kafka_config(config) self.admin = admin.AdminClient(kafka_config) if config.get("KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP") is None:'Creating Producer') self.producer = Producer(kafka_config) = False else:'Creating Consumer') self.consumer = Consumer(kafka_config) = True signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully)
Example #26
Source File: From winton-kafka-streams with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def consumer(self): log.debug('Starting consumer...') # TODO: Must set all config values applicable to a consumer consumer_args = {'bootstrap.servers': self.config.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, '': self.config.APPLICATION_ID, 'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': self.config.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET}, '': self.config.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT} log.debug('Consumer Arguments: %s', pprint.PrettyPrinter().pformat(consumer_args)) return kafka.Consumer(consumer_args)
Example #27
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def listen_for_messages_loop(): """Wrap listen_for_messages in while true.""" consumer = get_consumer()"Consumer is listening for messages...") for _ in itertools.count(): # equivalent to while True, but mockable msg = consumer.poll(timeout=1.0) if msg is None: continue if msg.error(): LOG.error(f"[listen_for_messages_loop] consumer.poll message: {msg}. Error: {msg.error()}") continue listen_for_messages(msg, consumer)
Example #28
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_consumer(): # pragma: no cover """Create a Kafka consumer.""" consumer = Consumer( { "bootstrap.servers": Config.INSIGHTS_KAFKA_ADDRESS, "": "hccm-group", "queued.max.messages.kbytes": 1024, "": False, "": False, "": 1080000, # 18 minutes } ) consumer.subscribe([HCCM_TOPIC]) return consumer
Example #29
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def listen_for_messages(msg, consumer, application_source_id): # noqa: C901 """ Listen for Platform-Sources kafka messages. Args: consumer (Consumer): Kafka consumer object application_source_id (Integer): Cost Management's current Application Source ID. Used for kafka message filtering. Returns: None """ try: try: msg = get_sources_msg_data(msg, application_source_id) offset = msg.get("offset") partition = msg.get("partition") except SourcesMessageError: return if msg:"Processing message offset: {offset} partition: {partition}") topic_partition = TopicPartition(topic=Config.SOURCES_TOPIC, partition=partition, offset=offset)"Cost Management Message to process: {str(msg)}") try: with transaction.atomic(): process_message(application_source_id, msg) consumer.commit() except (IntegrityError, InterfaceError, OperationalError) as err: connection.close() LOG.error(f"{type(err).__name__}: {err}") rewind_consumer_to_retry(consumer, topic_partition) except SourcesHTTPClientError as err: LOG.error(err) rewind_consumer_to_retry(consumer, topic_partition) except SourceNotFoundError: LOG.warning(f"Source not found in platform sources. Skipping msg: {msg}") consumer.commit() except KafkaError as error: LOG.error(f"[listen_for_messages] Kafka error encountered: {type(error).__name__}: {error}", exc_info=True) except Exception as error: LOG.error(f"[listen_for_messages] UNKNOWN error encountered: {type(error).__name__}: {error}", exc_info=True)
Example #30
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_consumer(): """Create a Kafka consumer.""" consumer = Consumer( { "bootstrap.servers": Config.SOURCES_KAFKA_ADDRESS, "": "hccm-sources", "queued.max.messages.kbytes": 1024, "": False, } ) consumer.subscribe([Config.SOURCES_TOPIC]) return consumer