Python confluent_kafka.TopicPartition() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of confluent_kafka.TopicPartition().
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Example #1
Source File: From winton-kafka-streams with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def commit_offsets(self): """ Commit consumed offsets if needed """ # may be asked to commit on rebalance or shutdown but # should only commit if the processor has requested. try: if self.commitOffsetNeeded: offsets_to_commit = [TopicPartition(t, p, o + 1) for ((t, p), o) in self.consumedOffsets.items()] self.consumer.commit(offsets=offsets_to_commit, asynchronous=False) self.consumedOffsets.clear() self.commitOffsetNeeded = False except KafkaException as ke: kafka_error = ke.args[0].code() if kafka_error in _taskMigratedErrorCodes: raise TaskMigratedError(f'{self} migrated.') else: raise
Example #2
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_protobuf_message_serialization(kafka_cluster, pb2, data): """ Validates that we get the same message back that we put in. """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-proto") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry({'url': 'http://localhost:8081'}) value_serializer = ProtobufSerializer(pb2, sr) value_deserializer = ProtobufDeserializer(pb2) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) expect = pb2(**data) producer.produce(topic, value=expect, partition=0) producer.flush() msg = consumer.poll() actual = msg.value() assert [getattr(expect, k) == getattr(actual, k) for k in data.keys()]
Example #3
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def verify_consumer_seek(c, seek_to_msg): """ Seek to message and verify the next consumed message matches. Must only be performed on an actively consuming consumer. """ tp = confluent_kafka.TopicPartition(seek_to_msg.topic(), seek_to_msg.partition(), seek_to_msg.offset()) print('seek: Seeking to %s' % tp) while True: msg = c.poll() assert msg is not None if msg.error(): print('seek: Ignoring non-message: %s' % msg.error()) continue if msg.topic() != seek_to_msg.topic() or msg.partition() != seek_to_msg.partition(): continue print('seek: message at offset %d' % msg.offset()) assert msg.offset() == seek_to_msg.offset(), \ 'expected message at offset %d, not %d' % (seek_to_msg.offset(), msg.offset()) break
Example #4
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def listen_for_messages(msg, consumer, application_source_id): # noqa: C901 """ Listen for Platform-Sources kafka messages. Args: consumer (Consumer): Kafka consumer object application_source_id (Integer): Cost Management's current Application Source ID. Used for kafka message filtering. Returns: None """ try: try: msg = get_sources_msg_data(msg, application_source_id) offset = msg.get("offset") partition = msg.get("partition") except SourcesMessageError: return if msg:"Processing message offset: {offset} partition: {partition}") topic_partition = TopicPartition(topic=Config.SOURCES_TOPIC, partition=partition, offset=offset)"Cost Management Message to process: {str(msg)}") try: with transaction.atomic(): process_message(application_source_id, msg) consumer.commit() except (IntegrityError, InterfaceError, OperationalError) as err: connection.close() LOG.error(f"{type(err).__name__}: {err}") rewind_consumer_to_retry(consumer, topic_partition) except SourcesHTTPClientError as err: LOG.error(err) rewind_consumer_to_retry(consumer, topic_partition) except SourceNotFoundError: LOG.warning(f"Source not found in platform sources. Skipping msg: {msg}") consumer.commit() except KafkaError as error: LOG.error(f"[listen_for_messages] Kafka error encountered: {type(error).__name__}: {error}", exc_info=True) except Exception as error: LOG.error(f"[listen_for_messages] UNKNOWN error encountered: {type(error).__name__}: {error}", exc_info=True)
Example #5
Source File: From openwhisk-package-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __sizeMessage(self, message): messagePayload = self.__getMessagePayload(message) return len(json.dumps(messagePayload).encode('utf-8')) # return list of TopicPartition which represent the _next_ offset to consume
Example #6
Source File: From openwhisk-package-kafka with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __getOffsetList(self, messages): offsets = [] for message in messages: # Add one to the offset, otherwise we'll consume this message again. # That's just how Kafka works, you place the bookmark at the *next* message. offsets.append(TopicPartition(message.topic(), message.partition(), message.offset() + 1)) return offsets
Example #7
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_avro_record_serialization(kafka_cluster, load_file, avsc, data, record_type): """ Tests basic Avro serializer functionality Args: kafka_cluster (KafkaClusterFixture): cluster fixture load_file (callable(str)): Avro file reader avsc (str) avsc: Avro schema file data (object): data to be serialized """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-avro") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry() schema_str = load_file(avsc) value_serializer = AvroSerializer(schema_str, sr) value_deserializer = AvroDeserializer(schema_str, sr) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) producer.produce(topic, value=data, partition=0) producer.flush() consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) msg = consumer.poll() actual = msg.value() if record_type == 'record': assert [v == actual[k] for k, v in data.items()] elif record_type == 'float': assert data == pytest.approx(actual) else: assert actual == data
Example #8
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_avro_record_serialization_custom(kafka_cluster): """ Tests basic Avro serializer to_dict and from_dict object hook functionality. Args: kafka_cluster (KafkaClusterFixture): cluster fixture """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-avro") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry() user = User('Bowie', 47, 'purple') value_serializer = AvroSerializer(User.schema_str, sr, lambda user, ctx: dict(, favorite_number=user.favorite_number, favorite_color=user.favorite_color)) value_deserializer = AvroDeserializer(User.schema_str, sr, lambda user_dict, ctx: User(**user_dict)) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) producer.produce(topic, value=user, partition=0) producer.flush() consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) msg = consumer.poll() user2 = msg.value() assert user2 == user
Example #9
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_protobuf_deserializer_type_mismatch(kafka_cluster): """ Ensures an Exception is raised when deserializing an unexpected type. """ pb2_1 = PublicTestProto_pb2.TestMessage pb2_2 = metadata_proto_pb2.HDFSOptions sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry({'url': 'http://localhost:8081'}) topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-proto-refs") serializer = ProtobufSerializer(pb2_1, sr) deserializer = ProtobufDeserializer(pb2_2) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(key_serializer=serializer) consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(key_deserializer=deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) def dr(err, msg): print("dr msg {} {}".format(msg.key(), msg.value())) producer.produce(topic, key=pb2_1(test_string='abc', test_bool=True, test_bytes=b'def'), partition=0) producer.flush() with pytest.raises(ConsumeError, match="Error parsing message"): consumer.poll()
Example #10
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_json_record_deserialization_mismatch(kafka_cluster, load_file): """ Ensures to_dict and from_dict hooks are properly applied by the serializer. Args: kafka_cluster (KafkaClusterFixture): cluster fixture load_file (callable(str)): JSON Schema file reader """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-json") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry({'url': 'http://localhost:8081'}) schema_str = load_file("contractor.json") schema_str2 = load_file("product.json") value_serializer = JSONSerializer(schema_str, sr) value_deserializer = JSONDeserializer(schema_str2) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) record = {"contractorId": 2, "contractorName": "Magnus Edenhill", "contractRate": 30, "trades": ["pickling"]} producer.produce(topic, value=record, partition=0) producer.flush() consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) with pytest.raises( ConsumeError, match="'productId' is a required property"): consumer.poll()
Example #11
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_sort(): """ TopicPartition sorting (rich comparator) """ # sorting uses the comparator correct = [TopicPartition('topic1', 3), TopicPartition('topic3', 0), TopicPartition('topicA', 5), TopicPartition('topicA', 5)] tps = sorted([TopicPartition('topicA', 5), TopicPartition('topic3', 0), TopicPartition('topicA', 5), TopicPartition('topic1', 3)]) assert correct == tps
Example #12
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_cmp(): """ TopicPartition comparator """ assert TopicPartition('aa', 19002) > TopicPartition('aa', 0) assert TopicPartition('aa', 13) >= TopicPartition('aa', 12) assert TopicPartition('BaB', 9) != TopicPartition('Card', 9) assert TopicPartition('b3x', 4) == TopicPartition('b3x', 4) assert TopicPartition('ulv', 2) < TopicPartition('xy', 0) assert TopicPartition('ulv', 2) <= TopicPartition('ulv', 3)
Example #13
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_subclassing(): class SubTopicPartition(TopicPartition): def __init__(self, topic_part_str): topic, part = topic_part_str.split(":") super(SubTopicPartition, self).__init__(topic=topic, partition=int(part)) st = SubTopicPartition("topic1:0") assert st.topic == "topic1" assert st.partition == 0 st = SubTopicPartition("topic2:920") assert st.topic == "topic2" assert st.partition == 920
Example #14
Source File: From kafka-influxdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _subscribe(self): """ Subscribe to Kafka topics. A workaround for missing Zookeeper support in confluent-python is required here. Automatic partition rebalancing is not working with Kafka Versions < 0.9.0. Therefore we manually assign the partitions to the consumer for legacy Kafka versions. """ if self.broker_version < self.KAFKA_VERSION_ZOOKEEPER_OPTIONAL: self.consumer.assign([TopicPartition(self.topic, p) for p in range(0, 10)]) else: self.consumer.subscribe([self.topic])
Example #15
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_delivery_report_serialization(kafka_cluster, load_file, avsc, data, record_type): """ Tests basic Avro serializer functionality Args: kafka_cluster (KafkaClusterFixture): cluster fixture load_file (callable(str)): Avro file reader avsc (str) avsc: Avro schema file data (object): data to be serialized """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-avro-dr") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry() schema_str = load_file(avsc) value_serializer = AvroSerializer(schema_str, sr) value_deserializer = AvroDeserializer(schema_str, sr) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) def assert_cb(err, msg): actual = value_deserializer(msg.value(), SerializationContext(topic, MessageField.VALUE)) if record_type == "record": assert [v == actual[k] for k, v in data.items()] elif record_type == 'float': assert data == pytest.approx(actual) else: assert actual == data producer.produce(topic, value=data, partition=0, on_delivery=assert_cb) producer.flush() consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) msg = consumer.poll() actual = msg.value() # schema may include default which need not exist in the original if record_type == 'record': assert [v == actual[k] for k, v in data.items()] elif record_type == 'float': assert data == pytest.approx(actual) else: assert actual == data
Example #16
Source File: From confluent-kafka-python with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_json_record_serialization_custom(kafka_cluster, load_file): """ Ensures to_dict and from_dict hooks are properly applied by the serializer. Args: kafka_cluster (KafkaClusterFixture): cluster fixture load_file (callable(str)): JSON Schema file reader """ topic = kafka_cluster.create_topic("serialization-json") sr = kafka_cluster.schema_registry({'url': 'http://localhost:8081'}) schema_str = load_file("product.json") value_serializer = JSONSerializer(schema_str, sr, to_dict=_testProduct_to_dict) value_deserializer = JSONDeserializer(schema_str, from_dict=_testProduct_from_dict) producer = kafka_cluster.producer(value_serializer=value_serializer) record = _TestProduct(product_id=1, name="The ice sculpture", price=12.50, tags=["cold", "ice"], dimensions={"length": 7.0, "width": 12.0, "height": 9.5}, location={"latitude": -78.75, "longitude": 20.4}) producer.produce(topic, value=record, partition=0) producer.flush() consumer = kafka_cluster.consumer(value_deserializer=value_deserializer) consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)]) msg = consumer.poll() actual = msg.value() assert all([getattr(actual, attribute) == getattr(record, attribute) for attribute in vars(record)])