Python telegram.utils.request.Request() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of telegram.utils.request.Request().
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Example #1
Source File: From TranscriberBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def start(self, token): self.voice_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=config.get_config_prop("app")["voice_max_threads"] ) self.photos_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=config.get_config_prop("app")["photos_max_threads"] ) self.misc_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=2 ) self.queue = mq.MessageQueue() self.request = Request(con_pool_size=10) self.mqbot = self.MQBot(token, request=self.request, mqueue=self.queue) self.updater = Updater(bot=self.mqbot, use_context=True) self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher self.__register_handlers() self.updater.start_polling(clean=True) self.updater.idle()
Example #2
Source File: From sacred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_proxy_request(telegram_config): from telegram.utils.request import Request if telegram_config["proxy_url"].startswith("socks5"): urllib3_proxy_kwargs = dict() for key in ["username", "password"]: if key in telegram_config: urllib3_proxy_kwargs[key] = telegram_config[key] return Request( proxy_url=telegram_config["proxy_url"], urllib3_proxy_kwargs=urllib3_proxy_kwargs, ) elif telegram_config["proxy_url"].startswith("http"): cred_string = "" if "username" in telegram_config: cred_string += telegram_config["username"] if "password" in telegram_config: cred_string += ":" + telegram_config["password"] if len(cred_string) > 0: domain = telegram_config["proxy_url"].split("/")[-1].split("@")[-1] cred_string += "@" proxy_url = "http://{}{}".format(cred_string, domain) return Request(proxy_url=proxy_url) else: return Request(proxy_url=telegram_config["proxy_url"]) else: raise Exception( "Proxy URL should be in format " "PROTOCOL://PROXY_HOST[:PROXY_PORT].\n" "HTTP and Socks5 are supported." )
Example #3
Source File: From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, token, base_url=None, base_file_url=None, request=None): self.token = self._validate_token(token) if base_url is None: base_url = '' if base_file_url is None: base_file_url = '' self.base_url = str(base_url) + str(self.token) self.base_file_url = str(base_file_url) + str(self.token) = None self._request = request or Request() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Example #4
Source File: From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def stop(self): """Stops the polling/webhook thread, the dispatcher and the job queue.""" self.job_queue.stop() with self.__lock: if self.running or self.dispatcher.has_running_threads: self.logger.debug('Stopping Updater and Dispatcher...') self.running = False self._stop_httpd() self._stop_dispatcher() self._join_threads() # Stop the Request instance only if it was created by the Updater if self._request: self._request.stop()
Example #5
Source File: From NanoWalletBot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def bot_start(): # set bot if (proxy_url_common is None): bot = Bot(api_key_common) else: proxy = Request(proxy_url = proxy_url_common, urllib3_proxy_kwargs = {'username': proxy_user_common, 'password': proxy_pass_common }) bot = Bot(token=api_key_common, request = proxy) return bot
Example #6
Source File: From munich-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_bot(): # Default size from the library, 4 workers + 4 additional request = Request(con_pool_size=8) return Bot(token=os.getenv("TG_TOKEN"), request=request)
Example #7
Source File: From BotListBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): # Start API # thread = threading.Thread(target=botlistapi.start_server) # thread.start() if settings.is_sentry_enabled(): sentry_sdk.init(settings.SENTRY_URL, environment=settings.SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT) botchecker_context = {} bot_token = str(settings.BOT_TOKEN) botlistbot = BotListBot( bot_token, request=Request( read_timeout=8, connect_timeout=7, con_pool_size=max(settings.WORKER_COUNT, 4), ), ) updater = Updater(bot=botlistbot, workers=settings.WORKER_COUNT) botlistbot.formatter = MarkdownFormatter( appglobals.job_queue = updater.job_queue # Get the dispatcher to on_mount handlers dp = updater.dispatcher routing.register(dp, None) basic.register(dp) updater.job_queue.run_repeating(admin.last_update_job, interval=3600 * 24) if settings.DEV:"Starting using long polling...") updater.start_polling() else:"Starting using webhooks...") updater.start_webhook( listen="", port=settings.PORT, url_path=settings.BOT_TOKEN ) f"{settings.BOT_TOKEN}" )"Listening..."), "Ready to rock", timeout=10) # Idling updater.idle() updater.stop()"Disconnecting...")
Example #8
Source File: From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, token=None, base_url=None, workers=4, bot=None, user_sig_handler=None, request_kwargs=None): if (token is None) and (bot is None): raise ValueError('`token` or `bot` must be passed') if (token is not None) and (bot is not None): raise ValueError('`token` and `bot` are mutually exclusive') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) con_pool_size = workers + 4 if bot is not None: = bot if bot.request.con_pool_size < con_pool_size: self.logger.warning( 'Connection pool of Request object is smaller than optimal value (%s)', con_pool_size) else: # we need a connection pool the size of: # * for each of the workers # * 1 for Dispatcher # * 1 for polling Updater (even if webhook is used, we can spare a connection) # * 1 for JobQueue # * 1 for main thread if request_kwargs is None: request_kwargs = {} if 'con_pool_size' not in request_kwargs: request_kwargs['con_pool_size'] = con_pool_size self._request = Request(**request_kwargs) = Bot(token, base_url, request=self._request) self.user_sig_handler = user_sig_handler self.update_queue = Queue() self.job_queue = JobQueue( self.__exception_event = Event() self.dispatcher = Dispatcher(, self.update_queue, job_queue=self.job_queue, workers=workers, exception_event=self.__exception_event) self.last_update_id = 0 self.running = False self.is_idle = False self.httpd = None self.__lock = Lock() self.__threads = []