Python tensorboard.SummaryWriter() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of tensorboard.SummaryWriter().
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Example #1
Source File: From pytorch-bilstmcrf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, sargs, input_vocabs, label_vocab, *args, val_data=None, **kwargs): super(LSTMCRFTrainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.args = sargs self.input_vocabs = input_vocabs self.label_vocab = label_vocab self.val_data = val_data self.writer = None if self.args.tensorboard: self.writer = T.SummaryWriter(self.args.save_dir) self.repeatables = { self.args.ckpt_period: self.save_checkpoint } if self.args.val: self.repeatables[self.args.val_period] = \ self.validate
Example #2
Source File: From mxnet-ssd with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, dist_logging_dir=None, scalar_logging_dir=None, logfile_path=None, batch_size=None, iter_monitor=0, frequent=None, prefix='ssd'): self.scalar_logging_dir = scalar_logging_dir self.dist_logging_dir = dist_logging_dir self.logfile_path = logfile_path self.batch_size = batch_size self.iter_monitor = iter_monitor self.frequent = frequent self.prefix = prefix self.batch = 0 self.line_idx = 0 try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.dist_summary_writer = SummaryWriter(dist_logging_dir) self.scalar_summary_writer = SummaryWriter(scalar_logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #3
Source File: From mxnet-ssd with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, logging_dir=None, prefix='val', images_path=None, class_names=None, batch_size=None, mean_pixels=None, det_thresh=0.5): self.logging_dir = logging_dir self.prefix = prefix if not os.path.exists(images_path): os.mkdir(images_path) self.images_path = images_path self.class_names = class_names self.batch_size = batch_size self.mean_pixels = mean_pixels self.det_thresh = det_thresh try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #4
Source File: From VideoSearchEngine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_writer(): return SummaryWriter(LOG_DIR)
Example #5
Source File: From VideoSearchEngine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_writer(): return SummaryWriter(LOG_DIR)
Example #6
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, logging_dir, prefix=None): self.prefix = prefix try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #7
Source File: From tensorboard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_log_scalar_summary(): logdir = './experiment/scalar' writer = SummaryWriter(logdir) for i in range(10): writer.add_scalar('test_scalar', i+1) writer.close()
Example #8
Source File: From mxnet-ssd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, logging_dir=None, prefix='val', roc_path=None, class_names=None): self.prefix = prefix self.roc_path = roc_path self.class_names = class_names try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #9
Source File: From mxnet-ssd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, logging_dir, prefix=None, layers_list=None): self.prefix = prefix self.layers_list = layers_list try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #10
Source File: From SNIPER-mxnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, logging_dir, prefix=None): self.prefix = prefix try: from tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir) except ImportError: logging.error('You can install tensorboard via `pip install tensorboard`.')
Example #11
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def do_training(num_epoch, optimizer, kvstore, learning_rate, model_prefix, decay): summary_writer = SummaryWriter(args.tblog_dir) lr_scheduler = SimpleLRScheduler(learning_rate) optimizer_params = {'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler} module.init_params() module.init_optimizer(kvstore=kvstore, optimizer=optimizer, optimizer_params=optimizer_params) n_epoch = 0 while True: if n_epoch >= num_epoch: break train_iter.reset() val_iter.reset() loss_metric.reset() for n_batch, data_batch in enumerate(train_iter): module.forward_backward(data_batch) module.update() module.update_metric(loss_metric, data_batch.label) loss_metric.get_batch_log(n_batch) train_acc, train_loss, train_recon_err = loss_metric.get_name_value() loss_metric.reset() for n_batch, data_batch in enumerate(val_iter): module.forward(data_batch) module.update_metric(loss_metric, data_batch.label) loss_metric.get_batch_log(n_batch) val_acc, val_loss, val_recon_err = loss_metric.get_name_value() summary_writer.add_scalar('train_acc', train_acc, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('train_loss', train_loss, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('train_recon_err', train_recon_err, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_acc', val_acc, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_loss', val_loss, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_recon_err', val_recon_err, n_epoch) print('Epoch[%d] train acc: %.4f loss: %.6f recon_err: %.6f' % (n_epoch, train_acc, train_loss, train_recon_err)) print('Epoch[%d] val acc: %.4f loss: %.6f recon_err: %.6f' % (n_epoch, val_acc, val_loss, val_recon_err)) print('SAVE CHECKPOINT') module.save_checkpoint(prefix=model_prefix, epoch=n_epoch) n_epoch += 1 lr_scheduler.learning_rate = learning_rate * (decay ** n_epoch)
Example #12
Source File: From SNIPER-mxnet with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def do_training(num_epoch, optimizer, kvstore, learning_rate, model_prefix, decay): summary_writer = SummaryWriter(args.tblog_dir) lr_scheduler = SimpleLRScheduler(learning_rate) optimizer_params = {'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler} module.init_params() module.init_optimizer(kvstore=kvstore, optimizer=optimizer, optimizer_params=optimizer_params) n_epoch = 0 while True: if n_epoch >= num_epoch: break train_iter.reset() val_iter.reset() loss_metric.reset() for n_batch, data_batch in enumerate(train_iter): module.forward_backward(data_batch) module.update() module.update_metric(loss_metric, data_batch.label) loss_metric.get_batch_log(n_batch) train_acc, train_loss, train_recon_err = loss_metric.get_name_value() loss_metric.reset() for n_batch, data_batch in enumerate(val_iter): module.forward(data_batch) module.update_metric(loss_metric, data_batch.label) loss_metric.get_batch_log(n_batch) val_acc, val_loss, val_recon_err = loss_metric.get_name_value() summary_writer.add_scalar('train_acc', train_acc, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('train_loss', train_loss, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('train_recon_err', train_recon_err, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_acc', val_acc, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_loss', val_loss, n_epoch) summary_writer.add_scalar('val_recon_err', val_recon_err, n_epoch) print('Epoch[%d] train acc: %.4f loss: %.6f recon_err: %.6f' % (n_epoch, train_acc, train_loss, train_recon_err)) print('Epoch[%d] val acc: %.4f loss: %.6f recon_err: %.6f' % (n_epoch, val_acc, val_loss, val_recon_err)) print('SAVE CHECKPOINT') module.save_checkpoint(prefix=model_prefix, epoch=n_epoch) n_epoch += 1 lr_scheduler.learning_rate = learning_rate * (decay ** n_epoch)