Python homeassistant.helpers.discovery.async_load_platform() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of homeassistant.helpers.discovery.async_load_platform().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyduofern with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def async_setup(hass, config): """Setup the duofern platform.""" serial_port = config.get('serial_port') code = config.get('code') configfile = config.get('config_file')['duofern'] = { 'stick': DuofernStickAsync(serial_port=serial_port, system_code=code, config_file_json=configfile)} hass.loop.create_task(['duofern']['stick'].handshake()) # wait for handshake done (via future) await['duofern']['stick'].available # wait for a bit to allow duofern devices to call in await asyncio.sleep(10) hass.async_add_job(discovery.async_load_platform(hass, 'cover', DOMAIN, {}, config)) # hass.async_add_job(discovery.async_load_platform(hass, 'sensor', DOMAIN, {}, config))
Example #2
Source File: From integration with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_sensor(): """Add sensor.""" hacs = get_hacs() try: if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml": hacs.hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform( hacs.hass, "sensor", DOMAIN, {}, hacs.configuration.config ) ) else: hacs.hass.async_add_job( hacs.hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup( hacs.configuration.config_entry, "sensor" ) ) except ValueError: pass
Example #3
Source File: From SmartHouse with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_sensor(): """Add sensor.""" hacs = get_hacs() try: if hacs.configuration.config_type == "yaml": hacs.hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform( hacs.hass, "sensor", DOMAIN, {}, hacs.configuration.config ) ) else: hacs.hass.async_add_job( hacs.hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup( hacs.configuration.config_entry, "sensor" ) ) except ValueError: pass
Example #4
Source File: From xknx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the KNX component.""" try:[DATA_XKNX] = KNXModule(hass, config)[DATA_XKNX].async_create_exposures() await[DATA_XKNX].start() except XKNXException as ex: _LOGGER.warning("Can't connect to KNX interface: %s", ex) hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( f"Can't connect to KNX interface: <br><b>{ex}</b>", title="KNX" ) for component, discovery_type in ( ("switch", "Switch"), ("climate", "Climate"), ("cover", "Cover"), ("light", "Light"), ("sensor", "Sensor"), ("binary_sensor", "BinarySensor"), ("scene", "Scene"), ("notify", "Notification"), ): found_devices = _get_devices(hass, discovery_type) hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform( hass, component, DOMAIN, {ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES: found_devices}, config ) ) DOMAIN, SERVICE_XKNX_SEND,[DATA_XKNX].service_send_to_knx_bus, schema=SERVICE_XKNX_SEND_SCHEMA, ) return True
Example #5
Source File: From Anniversaries with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up this component using YAML.""" if config.get(DOMAIN) is None: # config flow setup return True # log startup message CC_STARTUP_VERSION.format(name=DOMAIN, version=VERSION, issue_link=ISSUE_URL) ) platform_config = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SENSORS, {}) # If platform is not enabled, skip. if not platform_config: return False for entry in platform_config: hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform(hass, PLATFORM, DOMAIN, entry, config) ) hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={} ) ) return True
Example #6
Source File: From ha-wyzeapi with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the WyzeApi parent component.""" _LOGGER.debug(""" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyze Bulb and Switch Home Assistant Integration Version: v0.5.0 This is a custom integration If you have any issues with this you need to open an issue here: -------------------------------------------------------------------""") _LOGGER.debug("""Creating new WyzeApi component""") wyzeapi_account = WyzeApi(config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_USERNAME), config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_PASSWORD)) await wyzeapi_account.async_init() sensor_support = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SENSORS) light_support = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LIGHT) switch_support = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_SWITCH) lock_support = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_LOCK) if not wyzeapi_account.is_valid_login(): _LOGGER.error("Not connected to Wyze account. Unable to add devices. Check your configuration.") return False _LOGGER.debug("Connected to Wyze account") wyzeapi_devices = await wyzeapi_account.async_get_devices() # Store the logged in account object for the platforms to use.[DOMAIN] = { "wyzeapi_account": wyzeapi_account } # Start up lights and switch components if wyzeapi_devices: _LOGGER.debug("Starting WyzeApi components") if light_support == True: await discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "light", DOMAIN, {}, config) _LOGGER.debug("Starting WyzeApi Lights") if switch_support == True: await discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "switch", DOMAIN, {}, config) _LOGGER.debug("Starting WyzeApi switchs") if sensor_support == True: await discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "binary_sensor", DOMAIN, {}, config) _LOGGER.debug("Starting WyzeApi Sensors") if lock_support == True: await discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "lock", DOMAIN, {}, config) _LOGGER.debug("Starting WyzeApi lock") else: _LOGGER.error("WyzeApi authenticated but could not find any devices.") return True
Example #7
Source File: From breaking_changes with MIT License | 4 votes |
def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up this component.""" # Print startup message startup = STARTUP.format(name=DOMAIN, version=VERSION, issueurl=ISSUE_URL) throttle = Throttle() # Check that all required files are present file_check = await check_files(hass) if not file_check: return False # Create DATA dict[DOMAIN_DATA] = {}[DOMAIN_DATA]["throttle"] = throttle[DOMAIN_DATA]["components"] = ["homeassistant"][DOMAIN_DATA]["potential"] = {} if config[DOMAIN].get("scan_interval") is not None: throttle.interval = timedelta(seconds=config[DOMAIN].get("scan_interval")) # Load platforms for platform in PLATFORMS: # Get platform specific configuration platform_config = config[DOMAIN] hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform( hass, platform, DOMAIN, platform_config, config ) ) async def loaded_platforms(hass): """Load platforms after HA startup.""" for component in hass.config.components:[DOMAIN_DATA]["components"].append(component) _LOGGER.debug("Loaded components %s",[DOMAIN_DATA]["components"]) await update_data(hass, throttle) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, loaded_platforms(hass)) return True
Example #8
Source File: From mbapipy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def setup(hass, config): """Set up MercedesMe System.""" conf = config[DOMAIN] scan_interval = conf.get(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL) cache = hass.config.path(DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH) auth_handler = MercedesMeOAuth( conf.get(CONF_USERNAME), conf.get(CONF_PASSWORD), conf.get(CONF_ACCEPT_LANG), conf.get(CONF_COUNTRY_CODE), cache, ) token_info = auth_handler.get_cached_token() if not token_info: _LOGGER.debug("no token; requesting authorization") token_info = auth_handler.request_initial_token() else: _LOGGER.debug("cached token found") if not token_info: _LOGGER.warning("no token; authorization failed; check debug log") return False mercedesme_api = Controller( auth_handler, scan_interval, conf.get(CONF_ACCEPT_LANG), conf.get(CONF_COUNTRY_CODE), conf.get(CONF_EXCLUDED_CARS), conf.get(CONF_SAVE_CAR_DETAILS), conf.get(CONF_PIN), hass.config.path(""), )[DOMAIN] = MercedesMeHub(mercedesme_api, conf) for component in MERCEDESME_COMPONENTS: hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, {}, config) ) def hub_refresh(event_time): """Call Mercedes me API to refresh information.""""Updating Mercedes me component.")[DOMAIN].data.update() dispatcher_send(hass, SIGNAL_UPDATE_MERCEDESME) track_time_interval(hass, hub_refresh, timedelta(seconds=scan_interval)) return True
Example #9
Source File: From lutron-caseta-pro with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def async_setup_bridge(hass, config, fname, bridge): """Initialize a bridge by loading its integration report.""" _LOGGER.debug("Setting up bridge using Integration Report %s", fname) devices = await casetify.async_load_integration_report(fname) # Patch up device types from configuration. # All other devices will be treated as lights. await _patch_device_types(bridge, devices) _LOGGER.debug("Patched device list %s", devices) # sort devices based on device types types = { "sensor": [], "switch": [], "light": [], "cover": [], "scene": [], "fan": [], } for device in devices: types[device["type"]].append(device) # load MAC address used for unique IDs mac_address = None if CONF_MAC in bridge: mac_address = bridge[CONF_MAC] # Load default transition time, if present. transition_time = None if CONF_TRANSITION_TIME in bridge: transition_time = bridge[CONF_TRANSITION_TIME] # load platform by type for device_type in types: component = device_type _LOGGER.debug("Loading platform %s", component) hass.async_add_job( discovery.async_load_platform( hass, component, DOMAIN, { CONF_HOST: bridge[CONF_HOST], CONF_MAC: mac_address, CONF_DEVICES: types[device_type], CONF_TRANSITION_TIME: transition_time, }, config, ) )