Python github3.authorize() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of github3.authorize().
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Example #1
Source File: From lbry-sdk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_github(): config_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lbry-release-tool.json') if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path, 'r') as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) return github3.login(token=config['token']) token = os.environ.get("GH_TOKEN") if not token: print('GitHub Credentials') username = input('username: ') password = getpass('password: ') gh = github3.authorize( username, password, ['repo'], 'lbry release tool', two_factor_callback=lambda: input('Enter 2FA: ') ) with open(config_path, 'w') as config_file: json.dump({'token': gh.token}, config_file) token = gh.token return github3.login(token=token)
Example #2
Source File: From farcy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_session(): """Fetch and/or load API authorization token for GITHUB.""" ensure_config_dir() credential_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, 'github_auth') if os.path.isfile(credential_file): with open(credential_file) as fd: token = fd.readline().strip() gh = GitHub(token=token) try: # Test connection before starting gh.is_starred('github', 'gitignore') return gh except GitHubError as exc: raise_unexpected(exc.code) sys.stderr.write('Invalid saved credential file.\n') from getpass import getpass from github3 import authorize user = prompt('GITHUB Username') try: auth = authorize( user, getpass('Password for {0}: '.format(user)), 'repo', 'Farcy Code Reviewer', two_factor_callback=lambda: prompt('Two factor token')) except GitHubError as exc: raise_unexpected(exc.code) raise FarcyException(exc.message) with open(credential_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write('{0}\n{1}\n'.format(auth.token, return GitHub(token=auth.token)
Example #3
Source File: From CaveJohnson with MIT License | 5 votes |
def github_auth(): if os.path.exists(CREDENTIALS_FILE): with open(CREDENTIALS_FILE) as f: token = return token from github3 import authorize from getpass import getpass user = '' while not user: user = input("Username: ") password = '' while not password: password = getpass('Password for {0}: '.format(user)) note = 'cavejohnson, teaching Xcode 6 CI new tricks' note_url = '' scopes = ['repo:status', 'repo'] auth = authorize(user, password, scopes, note, note_url) with open(CREDENTIALS_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(auth.token) return auth.token # rdar://17923022
Example #4
Source File: From GitConsensusCLI with MIT License | 5 votes |
def auth(): username = click.prompt('Username') password = click.prompt('Password', hide_input=True) def twofacallback(*args): return click.prompt('2fa Code') hostid = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8)) note = 'gitconsensus - %s' % (hostid,) note_url = '' scopes = ['repo'] auth = github3.authorize(username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=twofacallback) with open("%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), '/.gitcredentials'), 'w') as fd: fd.write(str( + '\n') fd.write(auth.token + '\n')
Example #5
Source File: From maintainer-tools with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def authorize_token(user): config = read_config() if config.get('GitHub', 'token'): print("The token already exists.") sys.exit() password = getpass('Password for {0}: '.format(user)) note = 'OCA (odoo community association) Maintainers Tools' note_url = '' scopes = ['repo', 'read:org', 'write:org', 'admin:org'] try: # Python 2 prompt = raw_input except NameError: # Python 3 prompt = input def two_factor_prompt(): code = '' while not code: # The user could accidentally press Enter before being ready, # let's protect them from doing that. code = prompt('Enter 2FA code: ') return code try: auth = github3.authorize(user, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=two_factor_prompt) except github3.GitHubError as err: if err.code == 422: for error in err.errors: if error['code'] == 'already_exists': msg = ("The 'OCA (odoo community association) Maintainers " "Tools' token already exists. You will find it at " " and can " "revoke it or set the token manually in the " "configuration file.") sys.exit(msg) raise config.set("GitHub", "token", auth.token) write_config(config) print("Token stored in configuration file")
Example #6
Source File: From scraper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login(self, username="", password=""): """ Performs a login and sets the Github object via given credentials. If credentials are empty or incorrect then prompts user for credentials. Stores the authentication token in a CREDENTIALS_FILE used for future logins. Handles Two Factor Authentication. """ try: token = "" id = "" if not os.path.isfile("CREDENTIALS_FILE"): if username == "" or password == "": username = raw_input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") note = "GitHub Organization Stats App" note_url = "" scopes = ["user", "repo"] auth = github3.authorize( username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa, ) token = auth.token id = with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "w+") as fd: fd.write(token + "\n") fd.write(str(id)) fd.close() else: with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "r") as fd: token = fd.readline().strip() id = fd.readline().strip() fd.close() print("Logging in.") self.logged_in_gh = github3.login( token=token, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa ) self.logged_in_gh.user().to_json() except (ValueError, AttributeError, github3.models.GitHubError): print("Bad credentials. Try again.") self.login()
Example #7
Source File: From scraper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login(self, username="", password=""): """ Performs a login and sets the Github object via given credentials. If credentials are empty or incorrect then prompts user for credentials. Stores the authentication token in a CREDENTIALS_FILE used for future logins. Handles Two Factor Authentication. """ try: token = "" id = "" if not os.path.isfile("CREDENTIALS_FILE"): if username == "" or password == "": username = raw_input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") note = "GitHub Organization Stats App" note_url = "" scopes = ["user", "repo"] auth = github3.authorize( username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa, ) token = auth.token id = with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "w+") as fd: fd.write(token + "\n") fd.write(str(id)) fd.close() else: with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "r") as fd: token = fd.readline().strip() id = fd.readline().strip() fd.close() print("Logging in.") self.logged_in_gh = github3.login( token=token, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa ) self.logged_in_gh.user().to_json() except (ValueError, AttributeError, github3.models.GitHubError): print("Bad credentials. Try again.") self.login()
Example #8
Source File: From scraper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login(self, username="", password=""): """ Performs a login and sets the Github object via given credentials. If credentials are empty or incorrect then prompts user for credentials. Stores the authentication token in a CREDENTIALS_FILE used for future logins. Handles Two Factor Authentication. """ try: self.token = "" id = "" if not os.path.isfile("CREDENTIALS_FILE_ADMIN"): if username == "" or password == "": username = raw_input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") note = "GitHub Organization Stats App" note_url = "" scopes = ["user", "repo"] auth = github3.authorize( username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa, ) self.token = auth.token id = with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE_ADMIN", "w+") as fd: fd.write(self.token + "\n") fd.write(str(id)) fd.close() else: with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE_ADMIN", "r") as fd: self.token = fd.readline().strip() id = fd.readline().strip() fd.close() print("Logging in.") self.logged_in_gh = github3.login( token=self.token, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa ) self.logged_in_gh.user().to_json() except (ValueError, AttributeError, github3.models.GitHubError): print("Bad credentials. Try again.") self.login()
Example #9
Source File: From scraper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login(self, username="", password=""): """ Performs a login and sets the Github object via given credentials. If credentials are empty or incorrect then prompts user for credentials. Stores the authentication token in a CREDENTIALS_FILE used for future logins. Handles Two Factor Authentication. """ try: self.token = "" id = "" if not os.path.isfile("CREDENTIALS_FILE"): if username == "" or password == "": username = raw_input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") note = "GitHub Organization Stats App" note_url = "" scopes = ["user", "repo"] auth = github3.authorize( username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa, ) self.token = auth.token id = with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "w+") as fd: fd.write(self.token + "\n") fd.write(str(id)) fd.close() else: with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "r") as fd: self.token = fd.readline().strip() id = fd.readline().strip() fd.close() print("Logging in.") self.logged_in_gh = github3.login( token=self.token, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa ) self.logged_in_gh.user().to_json() except (ValueError, AttributeError, github3.models.GitHubError): print("Bad credentials. Try again.") self.login()
Example #10
Source File: From scraper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def login(self, username="", password=""): """ Performs a login and sets the Github object via given credentials. If credentials are empty or incorrect then prompts user for credentials. Stores the authentication token in a CREDENTIALS_FILE used for future logins. Handles Two Factor Authentication. """ try: self.token = "" id = "" if not os.path.isfile("CREDENTIALS_FILE"): if username == "" or password == "": username = raw_input("Username: ") password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") note = "GitHub Organization Stats App" note_url = "" scopes = ["user", "repo"] auth = github3.authorize( username, password, scopes, note, note_url, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa, ) self.token = auth.token id = with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "w+") as fd: fd.write(self.token + "\n") fd.write(str(id)) fd.close() else: with open("CREDENTIALS_FILE", "r") as fd: self.token = fd.readline().strip() id = fd.readline().strip() fd.close() print("Logging in.") self.logged_in_gh = github3.login( token=self.token, two_factor_callback=self.prompt_2fa ) self.logged_in_gh.user().to_json() except (ValueError, AttributeError, github3.models.GitHubError): print("Bad credentials. Try again.") self.login()