Python ipywidgets.Accordion() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of ipywidgets.Accordion().
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Example #1
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def subscriber_ui(self, labels): """ 构建订阅的已添加的买入策略ui初始化 :param labels: list序列内部对象str用来描述解释 """ # 添加针对指定买入策略的卖出策略 self.accordion = widgets.Accordion() buy_factors_child = [] for label in labels: buy_factors_child.append(widgets.Label(label, layout=widgets.Layout(width='300px', align_items='stretch'))) self.buy_factors = widgets.SelectMultiple( options=[], description=u'已添加的买入策略:', disabled=False, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', align_items='stretch') ) buy_factors_child.append(self.buy_factors) buy_factors_box = widgets.VBox(buy_factors_child) self.accordion.children = [buy_factors_box]
Example #2
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_object_inspector(self, **change): """ Handle function for the Object Inspector Widget DEPRECATED """ event = change['type'] # event type thewidget = change['widget'] if event == 'click': # If the user clicked # Clear children // Loading thewidget.children = [HTML('wait a second please..')] thewidget.set_title(0, 'Loading...') widgets = [] i = 0 for name, obj in self.EELayers.items(): # for every added layer the_object = obj['object'] try: properties = the_object.getInfo() wid = create_accordion(properties) # Accordion wid.selected_index = None # this will unselect all except Exception as e: wid = HTML(str(e)) widgets.append(wid) thewidget.set_title(i, name) i += 1 thewidget.children = widgets
Example #3
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): desc = 'Select one or more layers' super(CustomInspector, self).__init__(description=desc, **kwargs) self.selector = SelectMultiple() self.main = Accordion() self.children = [self.selector, self.main]
Example #4
Source File: From dask-cloudprovider with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _widget(self): from ipywidgets import Accordion accordion = Accordion(children=[log._widget() for log in self.values()]) [accordion.set_title(i, title) for i, title in enumerate(self.keys())] return accordion
Example #5
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def info2map(map): """ Add an information Tab to a map displayed with `geetools.ipymap` module :param map: the Map where the tab will be added :type map: geetools.ipymap.Map :return: """ try: from ipywidgets import Accordion except: print('Cannot use ipytools without ipywidgets installed\n' '') map.addTab('BAP Inspector', info_handler, Accordion())
Example #6
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build_job_viewer(): """Builds the job viewer widget Returns: widget: Job viewer. """ acc = widgets.Accordion(children=[widgets.VBox(layout=widgets.Layout(max_width='710px', min_width='710px'))], layout=widgets.Layout(width='auto', max_width='750px', max_height='500px', overflow_y='scroll', overflow_x='hidden')) acc.set_title(0, 'IBMQ Jobs') acc.selected_index = None acc.layout.visibility = 'hidden' display(acc) acc._dom_classes = ['job_widget'] display(Javascript("""$('div.job_widget') .detach() .appendTo($('#header')) .css({ 'z-index': 999, 'position': 'fixed', 'box-shadow': '5px 5px 5px -3px black', 'opacity': 0.95, 'float': 'left,' }) """)) acc.layout.visibility = 'visible' return acc
Example #7
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def control_panel(ric = None): from ipywidgets import Button, HTML,HBox,Accordion from IPython.core.display import display def fmt(inp): if inp is None: return "--" elif type(inp) is float: return "{:.4g}".format(inp) else: return str(inp) if ric is None: ric = qkit.ric def update_instrument_params(b): insdict = ric.get_all_instrument_params() for ins in sorted(insdict): if not ins in b.accordions: b.accordions[ins] = Accordion() table = "<table style='line-height:180%'>" # <tr style='font-weight:bold'><td> Parameter </td><td>Value</td></tr> for p in sorted(insdict[ins]): table += "<tr><td style='text-align:right;padding-right:10px'>" + str(p) + "</td><td>" + fmt(insdict[ins][p][0]) + insdict[ins][p][ 1] + "</td></tr>" table += """</table>""" b.accordions[ins].children = [HTML(table)] b.accordions[ins].set_title(0, ins) for child in b.accordions.keys(): if child not in insdict: del b.accordions[child] b.hbox.children = b.accordions.values() update_button = Button(description="Update") update_button.on_click(update_instrument_params) update_button.accordions = {} update_button.hbox = HBox() stop_button = Button(description="Stop measurement") stop_button.on_click(lambda b: qkit.ric.stop_measure()) stop_button.button_style = "danger" update_instrument_params(update_button) display(HBox([update_button,stop_button]),update_button.hbox)
Example #8
Source File: From qiskit-ibmq-provider with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, children: Optional[List] = None, **kwargs: Any): """AccordionWithThread constructor. Args: children: A list of widgets to be attached to the accordion. **kwargs: Additional keywords to be passed to ``ipywidgets.Accordion``. """ children = children or [] super(AccordionWithThread, self).__init__(children=children, **kwargs) self._thread = None # Devices VBox. self._device_list = None # type: Optional[wid.VBox]
Example #9
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 4 votes |
def image(image, region=None, visualization=None, name=None, dimensions=(500, 500), do_async=None): """ Preview an Earth Engine Image """ if do_async is None: do_async = CONFIG.get('do_async') start = time() if name: label = '{} (Image)'.format(name) loading = 'Loading {} preview...'.format(name) else: label = 'Image Preview' loading = 'Loading preview...' formatdimension = "x".join([str(d) for d in dimensions]) wid = Accordion([Label(loading)]) wid.set_title(0, loading) def compute(image, region, visualization): if not region: region = tools.geometry.getRegion(image) else: region = tools.geometry.getRegion(region) params = dict(dimensions=formatdimension, region=region) if visualization: params.update(visualization) url = image.getThumbURL(params) req = requests.get(url) content = req.content rtype = req.headers['Content-type'] if rtype in ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']: img64 = base64.b64encode(content).decode('utf-8') src = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"></img>'.format(img64) result = HTML(src) else: result = Label(content.decode('utf-8')) return result def setAccordion(acc): widget = compute(image, region, visualization) end = time() elapsed = end-start acc.children = [widget] elapsed = utils.format_elapsed(elapsed) acc.set_title(0, '{} [{}]'.format(label, elapsed)) if do_async: thread = threading.Thread(target=setAccordion, args=(wid,)) thread.start() else: setAccordion(wid) return wid
Example #10
Source File: From dask-gateway with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass if self.asynchronous: return None try: from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion except ImportError: self._cached_widget = None return None layout = Layout(width="150px") title = HTML("<h2>GatewayCluster</h2>") status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width="150px")) request = IntText(0, description="Workers", layout=layout) scale = Button(description="Scale", layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description="Minimum", layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description="Maximum", layout=layout) adapt = Button(description="Adapt", layout=layout) accordion = Accordion( [HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width="500px"), ) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, "Manual Scaling") accordion.set_title(1, "Adaptive Scaling") @scale.on_click def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): self.scale(request.value) @adapt.on_click def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) name = HTML("<p><b>Name: </b>{0}</p>".format( elements = [title, HBox([status, accordion]), name] if self.dashboard_link is not None: link = HTML( '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="{0}" target="_blank">{0}' "</a></p>\n".format(self.dashboard_link) ) elements.append(link) self._cached_widget = box = VBox(elements) self._status_widget = status return box