Python ipywidgets.Select() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of ipywidgets.Select().
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Example #1
Source File: From jupyter-innotater with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_widget(self): if self.dropdown: return Dropdown(options=self.classes, layout=self.layout, disabled=self.disabled) return Select(options=self.classes, layout=self.layout, disabled=self.disabled)
Example #2
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _select_alert(self, selection=None): """Select action triggered by picking item from list.""" if ( selection is None or "new" not in selection or not isinstance(selection["new"], str) ): self.selected_alert = None else: self.alert_id = selection["new"] self.selected_alert = self._get_alert(self.alert_id) if self.alert_action is not None: self._run_action()
Example #3
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _select_top_alert(self): """Select the first alert by default.""" top_alert = self.alerts.iloc[0] if not top_alert.empty: self.alert_id = top_alert.SystemAlertId self.selected_alert = self._get_alert(self.alert_id) if self.alert_action is not None: self._run_action()
Example #4
Source File: From pyiron with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def create_widgets(self): """ Returns: """ select = widgets.Select # Multiple self.w_group = select(description="Groups:") self.w_node = select(description="Nodes:") self.w_file = select(description="Files:") self.w_text = widgets.HTML() # self.w_text = widgets.Textarea() self.w_text.layout.height = "330px" self.w_text.layout.width = "580px" self.w_text.disabled = True # self.w_plot = self.fig w_list = widgets.VBox([self.w_group, self.w_node, self.w_file]) self.w_tab = widgets.HBox([w_list, self.w_text]) # tab = widgets.Tab(children=[self.w_group, self.w_node, self.w_file, self.w_text]) # [tab.set_title(num, name) for num, name in enumerate(['groups', 'nodes', 'files', 'text'])] # self.w_tab = tab self.w_path = widgets.Text(name="Path: ") self.w_path.layout.width = "680px" self.w_type = widgets.Text(name="Type: ") self.refresh_view()
Example #5
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_construction(self): select = Select(options=['a', 'b', 'c'])
Example #6
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_index_trigger(self): select = Select(options=[1, 2, 3]) observations = [] def f(change): observations.append( select.observe(f, 'index') assert select.index == 0 select.options = [4, 5, 6] assert select.index == 0 assert select.value == 4 assert select.label == '4' assert observations == [0]
Example #7
Source File: From tellurium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): = bioservices.ChEBI() self.kegg = bioservices.KEGG() self.wOntologySelect = w.Dropdown(description='Ontology:', options=['ChEBI', 'KEGG.Reaction']) self.wSearchTerm = w.Text(description='Search Term:', value="glucose") self.wSearchTerm.on_submit( self.wSearchButton = w.Button(description='Search') self.wSearchButton.on_click( self.wResultsSelect = w.Select(description='Results:', width='100%') self.wResultsSelect.on_trait_change(self.selectedTerm) self.wResultsURL = w.Textarea(description='URL:', width='100%') self.wResults = w.VBox(children=[ self.wResultsSelect, self.wResultsURL ], width='100%') for ch in self.wResults.children: ch.font_family = 'monospace' ch.color = '#AAAAAA' ch.background_color = 'black' # <Container> self.wContainer = w.VBox([ self.wOntologySelect, self.wSearchTerm, self.wSearchButton, self.wResults ]) # display the container display(self.wContainer) self.init_display()
Example #8
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, errormessages, molin, molout=None): self.molin = molin self.molout = molout self.msg = errormessages self.status = ipy.HTML('<h4>Forcefield assignment: %s</h4>' % ('Success' if molout else 'FAILED')) self.listdesc = ipy.HTML('<b>Errors / warnings:</b>') error_display = collections.OrderedDict((e.short, e) for e in self.msg) if len(error_display) == 0: error_display['No errors or warnings.'] = StructureOk() self.errorlist = ipy.Select(options=error_display) self.errmsg = ipy.HTML('-') self.viewer = self.molin.draw3d() self.viewer.ribbon(opacity=0.7) if self.errorlist.value is not None: self.switch_display({'old': self.errorlist.value, 'new': self.errorlist.value}) self.errorlist.observe(self.switch_display, 'value') children = (self.status, HBox([self.viewer, VBox([self.listdesc, self.errorlist])]), self.errmsg) super().__init__(children=children, layout=ipy.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column'))
Example #9
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_manager_ui(self): """裁判数据管理界面初始化""" description = widgets.Textarea( value=u'删除选择的裁判本地数据:\n' u'删除所选择的已训练好的本地裁判数据,谨慎操作!\n' u'分享选择的裁判:\n' u'将训练好的裁判数据分享到交易社区,供其他交易者使用\n' u'下载更多的裁判:\n' u'从交易社区,下载更多训练好的裁判数据\n', disabled=False, layout=widgets.Layout(height='150px') ) self.manager_umps = widgets.Select( options=[], description=u'本地裁判:', disabled=False, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', align_items='stretch') ) self.load_train_ump(self.manager_umps) delete_bt = widgets.Button(description=u'删除选择的裁判本地数据', layout=widgets.Layout(width='98%'), button_style='warning') delete_bt.on_click(self._do_delete_ump) share_bt = widgets.Button(description=u'分享选择的裁判', layout=widgets.Layout(width='98%'), button_style='info') share_bt.on_click(permission_denied) down_bt = widgets.Button(description=u'下载更多的裁判', layout=widgets.Layout(width='98%'), button_style='info') down_bt.on_click(permission_denied) return widgets.VBox([description, self.manager_umps, delete_bt, share_bt, down_bt])
Example #10
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_train_ui(self): """裁判特征训练面初始化""" description = widgets.Textarea( value=u'裁判特征训练:\n' u'通过在\'裁判特征采集\'选中\'回测过程生成交易特征\'可在回测完成后保存当此回测结果\n' u'所有回测的结果将显示在下面的\'备选回测:\'框中\n' u'通过\'开始训练裁判\'进行指定的回测裁判训练,训练后的裁判在\'裁判预测拦截\'下可进行选择,选中的裁判将在对应的' u'回测中生效,即开始在回测中对交易进行预测拦截等智能交易干涉行为', disabled=False, layout=widgets.Layout(height='150px') ) self.abu_result = widgets.Select( options=[], description=u'备选回测:', disabled=False, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', align_items='stretch') ) self.load_abu_result() train_bt = widgets.Button(description=u'开始训练裁判', layout=widgets.Layout(width='98%'), button_style='info') train_bt.on_click(self._do_train) delete_bt = widgets.Button(description=u'删除选择的备选回测本地数据', layout=widgets.Layout(width='98%'), button_style='warning') delete_bt.on_click(self._do_delete_abu_result) return widgets.VBox([description, self.abu_result, train_bt, delete_bt])
Example #11
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, default: int = 4, label: str = "Select time ({units}) to look back", origin_time: datetime = None, min_value: int = 1, max_value: int = 240, units: str = "hour", auto_display: bool = False, ): """ Create an instance of the lookback slider widget. Parameters ---------- default : int, optional The default 'lookback' time (the default is 4) label : str, optional The description to display (the default is 'Select time ({units}) to look back') origin_time : datetime, optional The origin time (the default is `datetime.utcnow()`) min_value : int, optional Minimum value (the default is 1) max_value : int, optional Maximum value (the default is 240) units : str, optional Time unit (the default is 'hour') Permissable values are 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' These can all be abbreviated down to initial characters ('d', 'm', etc.) auto_display : bool, optional Whether to display on instantiation (the default is False) """ # default to now self.origin_time = datetime.utcnow() if origin_time is None else origin_time self._time_unit = _parse_time_unit(units) if "{units}" in label: label = label.format( self._lookback_wgt = widgets.IntSlider( value=default, min=min_value, max=max_value, step=1, description=label, layout=Layout(width="60%", height="50px"), style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) self.end = self.origin_time self._time_unit = _parse_time_unit(units) self.start = self.end - timedelta( seconds=(self._time_unit.value * self._lookback_wgt.value) ) self._lookback_wgt.observe(self._time_range_change, names="value") if auto_display: self.display()
Example #12
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, description: str = "Select an item", item_list: List[str] = None, action: Callable[..., None] = None, item_dict: Mapping[str, str] = None, auto_display: bool = False, height: str = "100px", width: str = "50%", display_filter: bool = True, ): """ Select an item from a list or dict. Parameters ---------- description : str, optional The widget label to display. (the default is 'Select an item') item_list : List[str], optional A `list` of items to select from (the default is None) item_dict : Mapping[str, str], optional A `dict` of items to select from. When using `item_dict` the keys are displayed as the selectable items and value corresponding to the selected key is set as the `value` property. (the default is None) action : Callable[..., None], optional function to call when item selected (passed a single parameter - the value of the currently selected item) (the default is None) auto_display : bool, optional Whether to display on instantiation (the default is False) height : str, optional Selection list height (the default is '100px') width : str, optional Selection list width (the default is '50%') display_filter : bool, optional Whether to display item filter (the default is True) """ self._w_output = widgets.Output(layout={"border": "1px solid black"}) super().__init__( description=description, item_list=item_list, item_dict=item_dict, action=action, auto_display=auto_display, height=height, width=width, display_filter=display_filter, )
Example #13
Source File: From tellurium with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, debug=False): """ Creates and displays the search form. """ self.debug = debug self.s = bioservices.BioModels() = bioservices.ChEBI() # Define widgets # <Search> self.wSearchTerm = w.Text(description='Search biomodels by species:', value="CHEBI:17925") self.wSearchTerm.on_submit(self.searchChebi) self.wSearchButton = w.Button(description='Search') self.wSearchButton.on_click(self.searchChebi) self.wSearchChebi = w.HBox(children=[ self.wSearchTerm, self.wSearchButton ]) self.wSelectChebis = w.Select(description='Matching ChEBI:', width='600px', height='250px') # FIXME: update the deprecated functions self.wSelectChebis.on_trait_change(self.selectChebi) self.wSelectModels = w.Select(description='Matching BioModels:', width='200px') self.wSelectModels.on_trait_change(self.selectedModel) # <Model> self.wModelId = w.Text(description='Model ID:', value="No model selected") self.wModelCode = w.Text(description='Install Code:') self.wModelImport = w.Text(description='Import module code:') self.wModelSbml = w.Textarea(description='Model SBML:', width='800px', height='300px') # <Container> self.wModel = w.VBox([ self.wModelId, self.wModelCode, self.wSelectModels, self.wModelImport, self.wModelSbml ]) for ch in self.wModel.children: ch.font_family = 'monospace' ch.color = '#AAAAAA' ch.background_color = 'black' self.wContainer = w.VBox([ self.wSearchChebi, self.wSelectChebis, self.wModel ]) # display the widgets display(self.wContainer)
Example #14
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, mol): self._current_shapes = [] self.mol = mol self.tolerance = 0.3 * u.angstrom self.original_coords = mol.positions.copy() self.showing = ipy.HTML() self.viewer = mol.draw3d(width='650px') """:type viewer: moldesign.viewer.GeometryViewer""" self.description = ipy.HTML() self.symm_selector = ipy.Select() self.symm_selector.observe(self.show_symmetry, names='value') self.apply_button = ipy.Button(description='Symmetrize') self.apply_button.on_click(self.apply_selected_symmetry) self.reset_button = ipy.Button(description='Reset') self.reset_button.on_click(self.reset_coords) self.apply_all_button = ipy.Button(description='Apply all', layout=ipy.Layout(padding='10px')) self.apply_all_button.on_click(self.set_highest_symmetry) self.tolerance_descrip = ipy.HTML(u'<small>tolerance/\u212B</small>',) self.tolerance_chooser = ipy.BoundedFloatText(value=self.tolerance.value_in(u.angstrom), min=0.0) self.recalculate_button = ipy.Button(description='Recalculate') self.recalculate_button.on_click(self.coords_changed) self.symm_pane = VBox([self.description, self.symm_selector, HBox([self.apply_button, self.reset_button]), self.apply_all_button, HBox([self.tolerance_chooser, self.recalculate_button]), self.tolerance_descrip], layout=ipy.Layout(width='325px')) self.symmetry = None self.coords_changed() self.hbox = HBox([VBox([self.viewer, self.showing]), self.symm_pane]) super().__init__([self.hbox])