Python ipywidgets.IntText() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of ipywidgets.IntText().
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Example #1
Source File: From scqubits with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def create_widget(callback_func, init_params, image_filename=None): """ Displays ipywidgets for initialization of a QuantumSystem object. Parameters ---------- callback_func: function callback_function depends on all the parameters provided as keys (str) in the parameter_dict, and is called upon changes of values inside the widgets init_params: {str: value, str: value, ...} names and values of initialization parameters image_filename: str, optional file name for circuit image to be displayed alongside the qubit Returns ------- """ widgets = {} box_list = [] for name, value in init_params.items(): label = ipywidgets.Label(value=name) if isinstance(value, float): enter_widget = ipywidgets.FloatText else: enter_widget = ipywidgets.IntText widgets[name] = enter_widget(value=value, description='', disabled=False) box_list.append(ipywidgets.HBox([label, widgets[name]], layout=ipywidgets.Layout(justify_content='flex-end'))) if image_filename: file = open(image_filename, "rb") image = image_widget = ipywidgets.Image(value=image, format='png', layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width='400px')) ui_widget = ipywidgets.HBox([ipywidgets.VBox(box_list), ipywidgets.VBox([image_widget])]) else: ui_widget = ipywidgets.VBox(box_list) out = ipywidgets.interactive_output(callback_func, widgets) display(ui_widget, out)
Example #2
Source File: From dask-gateway with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _widget(self): import ipywidgets if self.min is None and self.max is None: return ipywidgets.IntText(value=self.value) else: return ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=self.value, min=self.min or -(2 ** 63), max=self.max or (2 ** 63 - 1), )
Example #3
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_widget(self): """构建AbuFactorSellNDay策略参数界面""" self.description = widgets.Textarea( value=u'持有N天后卖出策略:\n' u'卖出策略,不管交易现在什么结果,买入后只持有N天\n' u'需要与特定\'买入策略\'形成配合\n,' u'单独使用N天卖出策略意义不大', description=u'N天卖出', disabled=False, layout=self.description_layout ) sell_n_label = widgets.Label(u'设定买入后只持有天数,默认1', layout=self.label_layout) self.sell_n = widgets.IntText( value=1, description=u'N天', disabled=False ) sell_n_box = widgets.VBox([sell_n_label, self.sell_n]) is_sell_today_label = widgets.Label(u'设定买入n天后,当天还是隔天卖出', layout=self.label_layout) self.is_sell_today = widgets.Dropdown( options={u'N天后隔天卖出': False, u'N天后当天卖出': True}, value=False, description=u'当天隔天:', ) is_sell_today_box = widgets.VBox([is_sell_today_label, self.is_sell_today]) self.widget = widgets.VBox([self.description, sell_n_box, is_sell_today_box, self.add_box], # border='solid 1px', layout=self.widget_layout)
Example #4
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_widget(self): """构建AbuPickStockNTop策略参数界面""" self.description = widgets.Textarea( value=u'涨跌幅top N选股因子策略:\n' u'选股周期上对多只股票涨跌幅进行排序,选取top n个股票做为交易目标:\n' u'(只对在股池中选定的symbol序列生效,对全市场回测暂时不生效)\n', description=u'top N涨跌', disabled=False, layout=self.description_layout ) n_top_label = widgets.Label(u'设定选取top个交易目标数量,默认3', layout=self.label_layout) self.n_top = widgets.IntText( value=3, description=u'TOP N', disabled=False ) self.n_top_box = widgets.VBox([n_top_label, self.n_top]) direction_top_label1 = widgets.Label(u'direction_top参数的意义为选取方向:', layout=self.label_layout) direction_top_label2 = widgets.Label(u'默认值为正:即选取涨幅最高的n_top个股票', layout=self.label_layout) direction_top_label3 = widgets.Label(u'可设置为负:即选取跌幅最高的n_top个股票', layout=self.label_layout) self.direction_top = widgets.Dropdown( options={u'正(涨幅)': 1, u'负(跌幅)': -1}, value=1, description=u'选取方向:', ) self.direction_top_box = widgets.VBox([direction_top_label1, direction_top_label2, direction_top_label3, self.direction_top]) self.widget = widgets.VBox([self.description, self.n_top_box, self.direction_top_box, self.xd_box, self.reversed_box, self.add_box], # border='solid 1px', layout=self.widget_layout)
Example #5
Source File: From dask-gateway with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _widget(self): """ Create IPython widget for display within a notebook """ try: return self._cached_widget except AttributeError: pass if self.asynchronous: return None try: from ipywidgets import Layout, VBox, HBox, IntText, Button, HTML, Accordion except ImportError: self._cached_widget = None return None layout = Layout(width="150px") title = HTML("<h2>GatewayCluster</h2>") status = HTML(self._widget_status(), layout=Layout(min_width="150px")) request = IntText(0, description="Workers", layout=layout) scale = Button(description="Scale", layout=layout) minimum = IntText(0, description="Minimum", layout=layout) maximum = IntText(0, description="Maximum", layout=layout) adapt = Button(description="Adapt", layout=layout) accordion = Accordion( [HBox([request, scale]), HBox([minimum, maximum, adapt])], layout=Layout(min_width="500px"), ) accordion.selected_index = None accordion.set_title(0, "Manual Scaling") accordion.set_title(1, "Adaptive Scaling") @scale.on_click def scale_cb(b): with log_errors(): self.scale(request.value) @adapt.on_click def adapt_cb(b): self.adapt(minimum=minimum.value, maximum=maximum.value) name = HTML("<p><b>Name: </b>{0}</p>".format( elements = [title, HBox([status, accordion]), name] if self.dashboard_link is not None: link = HTML( '<p><b>Dashboard: </b><a href="{0}" target="_blank">{0}' "</a></p>\n".format(self.dashboard_link) ) elements.append(link) self._cached_widget = box = VBox(elements) self._status_widget = status return box
Example #6
Source File: From notebook-molecular-visualization with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, paramdef): super(ParamSelector, self).__init__(layout=ipy.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='nowrap', align_content='stretch')) self.paramdef = paramdef children = [] = ipy.HTML("<p style='text-align:right'>%s:</p>" % paramdef.displayname, layout=ipy.Layout(width='200px')) children.append( if paramdef.choices: self.selector = ipy.Dropdown(options=paramdef.choices, **self.WIDGETKWARGS) elif paramdef.type == bool: self.selector = ipy.ToggleButtons(options=[True, False], **self.WIDGETKWARGS) elif paramdef.units: self.selector = UnitText(units=paramdef.units, **self.WIDGETKWARGS) elif paramdef.type == float: self.selector = ipy.FloatText(**self.WIDGETKWARGS) elif paramdef.type == int: self.selector = ipy.IntText(**self.WIDGETKWARGS) elif paramdef.type == str: self.selector = ipy.Text(**self.WIDGETKWARGS) else: self.selector = ReadOnlyRepr(**self.WIDGETKWARGS) children.append(self.selector) children = [, self.selector] self.default_button = None if paramdef.default: self.default_button = ipy.Button(description='Default', tooltip='Set to default: %s' % self.paramdef.default, layout=ipy.Layout(width='75px')) self.default_button.on_click(self.default) children.append(self.default_button) self.default() self.help_link = None if paramdef.help_url: self.help_link = ipy.HTML('<a href="%s" target="_blank">?</a>' % paramdef.help_url) children.append(self.help_link) self.children = children
Example #7
Source File: From jupyter-ros with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def add_widgets(msg_instance, widget_dict, widget_list, prefix=''): """ Adds widgets. @param msg_type The message type @param widget_dict The form list @param widget_list The widget list @return widget_dict and widget_list """ # import only here so non ros env doesn't block installation from genpy import Message if msg_instance._type.split('/')[-1] == 'Image': w = widgets.Text() widget_dict['img'] = w w_box = widgets.HBox([widgets.Label(value='Image path:'), w]) widget_list.append(w_box) return widget_dict, widget_list for idx, slot in enumerate(msg_instance.__slots__): attr = getattr(msg_instance, slot) s_t = msg_instance._slot_types[idx] w = None if s_t in ['float32', 'float64']: w = widgets.FloatText() if s_t in ['int8', 'uint8', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64']: w = widgets.IntText() if s_t in ['string']: w = widgets.Text() if isinstance(attr, Message): widget_list.append(widgets.Label(value=slot)) widget_dict[slot] = {} add_widgets(attr, widget_dict[slot], widget_list, slot) if w: widget_dict[slot] = w w_box = widgets.HBox([widgets.Label(value=slot, layout=widgets.Layout(width="100px")), w]) widget_list.append(w_box) return widget_dict, widget_list
Example #8
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _init_widget(self): """构建AbuPickRegressAngMinMax策略参数界面""" self.description = widgets.Textarea( value=u'拟合角度选股因子策略:\n' u'将交易目标前期走势进行线性拟合计算一个角度,选中规则:\n' u'1. 交易目标前期走势拟合角度 > 最小拟合角度\n' u'2. 交易目标前期走势拟合角度 < 最大拟合角度\n', description=u'角度选股', disabled=False, layout=self.description_layout ) self.ang_min_label = widgets.Label(u'设定选股角度最小阀值,默认-5', layout=self.label_layout) self.ang_min_float = widgets.IntText( value=-5, description=u'最小:', disabled=False ) self.ang_min_ck = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description=u'使用最小阀值', disabled=False ) def ang_min_ck_change(change): self.ang_min_float.disabled = not change['new'] self.ang_min_ck.observe(ang_min_ck_change, names='value') self.ang_min_box = widgets.VBox([self.ang_min_label, self.ang_min_ck, self.ang_min_float]) self.ang_max_label = widgets.Label(u'设定选股角度最大阀值,默认5', layout=self.label_layout) self.ang_max_float = widgets.IntText( value=5, description=u'最大:', disabled=False ) self.ang_max_ck = widgets.Checkbox( value=True, description=u'使用最大阀值', disabled=False ) def ang_max_ck_change(change): self.ang_max_float.disabled = not change['new'] self.ang_max_ck.observe(ang_max_ck_change, names='value') self.ang_max_box = widgets.VBox([self.ang_max_label, self.ang_max_ck, self.ang_max_float]) self.widget = widgets.VBox([self.description, self.ang_min_box, self.ang_max_box, self.xd_box, self.reversed_box, self.add_box], # border='solid 1px', layout=self.widget_layout)