Python daiquiri.getLogger() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of daiquiri.getLogger().
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Example #1
Source File: From mergify-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_pull_logger(pull): return daiquiri.getLogger( __name__, gh_owner=pull["base"]["user"]["login"] if "user" in pull else "<unknown-yet>", gh_repo=(pull["base"]["repo"]["name"] if "base" in pull else "<unknown-yet>"), gh_private=( pull["base"]["repo"]["private"] if "base" in pull else "<unknown-yet>" ), gh_branch=pull["base"]["ref"] if "base" in pull else "<unknown-yet>", gh_pull=pull["number"], gh_pull_url=pull.get("html_url", "<unknown-yet>"), gh_pull_state=( "merged" if pull.get("merged") else (pull.get("mergeable_state", "unknown") or "none") ), )
Example #2
Source File: From matrix-capsules-with-em-routing with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setup_logger(logger_dir, name="logger"): os.environ['TZ'] = 'Africa/Johannesburg' time.tzset() daiquiri_formatter = daiquiri.formatter.ColorFormatter( fmt= "%(asctime)s %(color)s%(levelname)s: %(message)s%(color_stop)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") logger_path = os.path.join(logger_dir, name) daiquiri.setup(level=logging.INFO, outputs=( daiquiri.output.Stream(formatter=daiquiri_formatter), daiquiri.output.File(logger_path,formatter=daiquiri_formatter), )) # To access the logger from other files, just put this line at the top: # logger = daiquiri.getLogger(__name__) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # LOAD OR SAVE HYPERPARAMETERS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #3
Source File: From crontabs with MIT License | 6 votes |
def wrapped_target(target, q_stdout, q_stderr, q_error, robust, name, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ Wraps a target with queues replacing stdout and stderr """ import sys sys.stdout = IOQueue(q_stdout) sys.stderr = IOQueue(q_stderr) try: target(*args, **kwargs) except: # noqa if not robust: s = 'Error in tab\n' + traceback.format_exc() logger = daiquiri.getLogger(name) logger.error(s) else: raise if not robust: q_error.put(name) raise
Example #4
Source File: From msprime with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_logging(args): log_level = "WARN" if args.verbose == 1: log_level = "INFO" elif args.verbose >= 2: log_level = "DEBUG" daiquiri.setup(level=log_level) msprime_logger = daiquiri.getLogger("msprime") msprime_logger.setLevel("WARN")
Example #5
Source File: From mergify-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_engine(owner, repo, pull_number, sources): logger = daiquiri.getLogger( __name__, gh_repo=repo, gh_owner=owner, gh_pull=pull_number ) logger.debug("engine in thread start") try: result =, repo, pull_number, logger)) if result: subscription, pull = result with github.get_client(owner, repo) as client:, pull, subscription, sources) finally: logger.debug("engine in thread end")
Example #6
Source File: From daiquiri with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUpClass(cls): cls.logger = daiquiri.getLogger('my_module') cls.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) = six.moves.StringIO() cls.handler = daiquiri.handlers.TTYDetectorStreamHandler( cls.logger.logger.addHandler(cls.handler) super(TestColorExtrasFormatter, cls).setUpClass()
Example #7
Source File: From daiquiri with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_extra_with_two_loggers(): stream = six.moves.StringIO() daiquiri.setup(outputs=( daiquiri.output.Stream(stream), )) log1 = daiquiri.getLogger("foobar") log1.error("argh") log2 = daiquiri.getLogger("foobar", key="value") log2.warning("boo") lines = stream.getvalue().strip().split("\n") assert lines[0].endswith("ERROR foobar: argh") assert lines[1].endswith("WARNING foobar [key: value]: boo")
Example #8
Source File: From daiquiri with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_logger_set_level(self): logger = daiquiri.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
Example #9
Source File: From daiquiri with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_setup_json_formatter_with_extras(self): stream = six.moves.StringIO() daiquiri.setup(outputs=( daiquiri.output.Stream( stream, formatter=daiquiri.formatter.JSON_FORMATTER), )) daiquiri.getLogger(__name__).warning("foobar", foo="bar") self.assertEqual({"message": "foobar", "foo": "bar"}, json.loads(stream.getvalue()))
Example #10
Source File: From daiquiri with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_setup_json_formatter(self): stream = six.moves.StringIO() daiquiri.setup(outputs=( daiquiri.output.Stream( stream, formatter=daiquiri.formatter.JSON_FORMATTER), )) daiquiri.getLogger(__name__).warning("foobar") self.assertEqual({"message": "foobar"}, json.loads(stream.getvalue()))
Example #11
Source File: From crontabs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_error_queue(self, error_queue): try: error_name = error_queue.get(timeout=self.TIMEOUT_SECONDS) if error_name: error_name = error_name.strip() self._subprocesses = [s for s in self._subprocesses if s._name != error_name] logger = daiquiri.getLogger(error_name)'Will not auto-restart because it\'s not robust') except Empty: pass
Example #12
Source File: From crontabs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def expired(self): expired = False if self._until is not None and self._until < expired = True if not self._has_logged_expiration: self._has_logged_expiration = True logger = daiquiri.getLogger(self._name)'Process expired and will no longer run') return expired
Example #13
Source File: From crontabs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _log(self, msg): if self._verbose and not self._SILENCE_LOGGER: # pragma: no cover logger = daiquiri.getLogger(self._name)
Example #14
Source File: From crontabs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_logger(self, name='crontab_log'): logger = daiquiri.getLogger(name) return logger
Example #15
Source File: From raisetheempires with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def exception_handler(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return logger.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) if crash_log: text = editor.edit(filename=os.path.join(log_path(), "log.txt")) # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # logger.addHandler(handler)
Example #16
Source File: From mergify-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self): return daiquiri.getLogger( __name__, gh_owner=self.owner, gh_repo=self.repo, gh_branch=self.ref )
Example #17
Source File: From mergify-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _consume_pulls(self, stream_name, pulls): LOG.debug("stream contains %d pulls", len(pulls), stream_name=stream_name) for (owner, repo, pull_number), (message_ids, sources) in pulls.items(): statsd.histogram("engine.streams.batch-size", len(sources)) logger = daiquiri.getLogger( __name__, gh_repo=repo, gh_owner=owner, gh_pull=pull_number ) try: logger.debug("engine start with %s sources", len(sources)) start = time.monotonic() await self._run_engine_and_translate_exception_to_retries( stream_name, owner, repo, pull_number, sources ) await self.redis.execute_command("XDEL", stream_name, *message_ids) end = time.monotonic() logger.debug("engine finished in %s sec", end - start) except IgnoredException: await self.redis.execute_command("XDEL", stream_name, *message_ids) logger.debug("failed to process pull request, ignoring", exc_info=True) except MaxPullRetry as e: await self.redis.execute_command("XDEL", stream_name, *message_ids) logger.error( "failed to process pull request, abandoning", attempts=e.attempts, exc_info=True, ) except PullRetry as e: "failed to process pull request, retrying", attempts=e.attempts, exc_info=True, ) except StreamRetry: raise except StreamUnused: raise except Exception: # Ignore it, it will retried later logger.error("failed to process pull request", exc_info=True)
Example #18
Source File: From mergify-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _extract_pulls_from_stream(self, stream_name): messages = await self.redis.xrange(stream_name, count=config.STREAM_MAX_BATCH) LOG.debug("read stream", stream_name=stream_name, messages_count=len(messages)) statsd.histogram("engine.streams.size", len(messages)) # Groups stream by pull request pulls = collections.OrderedDict() for message_id, message in messages: data = msgpack.unpackb(message[b"event"], raw=False) owner = data["owner"] repo = data["repo"] source = data["source"] if data["pull_number"] is not None: key = (owner, repo, data["pull_number"]) group = pulls.setdefault(key, ([], [])) group[0].append(message_id) group[1].append(source) else: logger = daiquiri.getLogger( __name__, gh_repo=repo, gh_owner=owner, source=source ) logger.debug("unpacking event") try: converted_messages = await self._convert_event_to_messages( stream_name, owner, repo, source ) except IgnoredException: converted_messages = [] logger.debug("ignored error", exc_info=True) except StreamRetry: raise except StreamUnused: raise except Exception: # Ignore it, it will retried later logger.error("failed to process incomplete event", exc_info=True) continue logger.debug("event unpacked into %s messages", len(converted_messages)) messages.extend(converted_messages) deleted = await self.redis.xdel(stream_name, message_id) if deleted != 1: # FIXME(sileht): During shutdown, heroku may have already started # another worker that have already take the lead of this stream_name # This can create duplicate events in the streams but that should not # be a big deal as the engine will not been ran by the worker that's # shutdowning. contents = await self.redis.xrange( stream_name, start=message_id, end=message_id ) if contents: logger.error( "message `%s` have not been deleted has expected, " "(result: %s), content of current message id: %s", message_id, deleted, contents, ) return pulls