Python patsy.dmatrices() Examples
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code examples of patsy.dmatrices().
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Example #1
Source File: From patsylearn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def fit(self, data, y=None): """Fit the scikit-learn model using the formula. Parameters ---------- data : dict-like (pandas dataframe) Input data. Contains features and possible labels. Column names need to match variables in formula. """ eval_env = EvalEnvironment.capture(self.eval_env, reference=1) formula = _drop_intercept(self.formula, self.add_intercept) design_y, design_X = dmatrices(formula, data, eval_env=eval_env, NA_action=self.NA_action) self.design_y_ = design_y.design_info self.design_X_ = design_X.design_info self.feature_names_ = design_X.design_info.column_names # convert to 1d vector so we don't get a warning # from sklearn. design_y = column_or_1d(design_y) est = clone(self.estimator) self.estimator_ =, design_y) return self
Example #2
Source File: From pandas-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def transform_with_patsy(formula, data, *args, **kwargs): try: # needs patsy v0.5.1 to support formula in Python 3.7 # import patsy except ImportError: raise ImportError("'patsy' is required to transform with string formula") if '~' in formula: y, X = patsy.dmatrices(formula, data=data, return_type='dataframe', *args, **kwargs) if len(y.shape) > 1 and y.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError('target must be 1 dimensional') y = y.iloc[:, 0] return data._constructor(X, target=y) else: X = patsy.dmatrix(formula, data=data, return_type='dataframe', *args, **kwargs) return data._constructor(X)
Example #3
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __setstate__(self, d): if "restore_design_info" in d: # NOTE: there may be a more performant way to do this from patsy import dmatrices, PatsyError exc = [] try: data = d['frame'] except KeyError: data = d['orig_endog'].join(d['orig_exog']) for depth in [2, 3, 1, 0, 4]: # sequence is a guess where to likely find it try: _, design = dmatrices(d['formula'], data, eval_env=depth, return_type='dataframe') break except (NameError, PatsyError) as e: print('not in depth %d' % depth) exc.append(e) # why do I need a reference from outside except block pass else: raise exc[-1] self.design_info = design.design_info del d["restore_design_info"] self.__dict__.update(d)
Example #4
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __setstate__(self, d): if "restore_design_info" in d: # NOTE: there may be a more performant way to do this from patsy import dmatrices, PatsyError exc = [] try: data = d['frame'] except KeyError: data = d['orig_endog'].join(d['orig_exog']) for depth in [2, 3, 1, 0, 4]: # sequence is a guess where to likely find it try: _, design = dmatrices(d['formula'], data, eval_env=depth, return_type='dataframe') break except (NameError, PatsyError) as e: print('not in depth %d' % depth) exc.append(e) # why do I need a reference from outside except block pass else: raise exc[-1] self.design_info = design.design_info del d["restore_design_info"] self.__dict__.update(d)
Example #5
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def ordered_logit_processing(formula, data): """Process user input for an ordered logit model.""" # extract data arrays y, x = dmatrices(formula + " - 1", data, return_type="dataframe") y = y[y.columns[0]] # extract dimensions num_choices = len(y.unique()) beta_names = list(x.columns) num_betas = len(beta_names) num_cutoffs = num_choices - 1 # set-up index for params_df names = beta_names + list(range(num_cutoffs)) categories = ["beta"] * num_betas + ["cutoff"] * num_cutoffs index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip(categories, names), names=["type", "name"]) # make params_df np.random.seed(5471) start_params = pd.DataFrame(index=index) start_params["value"] = np.hstack( [ np.random.uniform(low=-0.5, high=0.5, size=len(x.columns)), np.arange(num_cutoffs) * 2, ] ) # make constraints constr = [{"loc": "cutoff", "type": "increasing"}] return start_params, y.to_numpy().astype(int), x.to_numpy(), constr
Example #6
Source File: From pyflux with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self,formula,data): # Initialize TSM object super(DynReg,self).__init__('DynReg') # Latent variables self.max_lag = 0 self._z_hide = 0 # Whether to cutoff variance latent variables from results self.supported_methods = ["MLE","PML","Laplace","M-H","BBVI"] self.default_method = "MLE" self.model_name = "Dynamic Linear Regression" self.multivariate_model = False # Format the data self.is_pandas = True # This is compulsory for this model type self.data_original = data self.formula = formula self.y, self.X = dmatrices(formula, data) self.z_no = self.X.shape[1] + 1 self.y_name = self.y.design_info.describe() self.data_name = self.y_name self.X_names = self.X.design_info.describe().split(" + ") self.y = np.array([self.y]).ravel() = self.y self.X = np.array([self.X])[0] self.index = data.index self._create_latent_variables()
Example #7
Source File: From pyflux with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, data, p, q, formula): # Initialize TSM object super(EGARCHMReg,self).__init__('EGARCHMReg') # Latent variables self.p = p self.q = q self.max_lag = max(self.p,self.q) self.z_no = self.p + self.q + 2 self._z_hide = 0 # Whether to cutoff variance latent variables from results self.supported_methods = ["MLE","PML","Laplace","M-H","BBVI"] self.default_method = "MLE" self.multivariate_model = False self.leverage = False self.model_name = "EGARCHMReg(" + str(self.p) + "," + str(self.q) + ")" # Format the data self.is_pandas = True # This is compulsory for this model type self.data_original = data self.formula = formula self.y, self.X = dmatrices(formula, data) self.z_no += self.X.shape[1]*2 self.y_name = self.y.design_info.describe() self.data_name = self.y_name self.X_names = self.X.design_info.describe().split(" + ") self.y = np.array([self.y]).ravel() = self.y self.data_length = len( self.X = np.array([self.X])[0] self.index = data.index self.initial_values = np.zeros(self.z_no) self._create_latent_variables()
Example #8
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _chunk_boot_ols_coefs(dat, formula, weights, seed): """ OLS computation of coefficients to be used in a parallelization context. """ # Random sample with replacement from all data dat = dat.sample(frac=1, replace=True, random_state=seed) y, x = dmatrices(formula, dat, 1, return_type="dataframe") b = _ols( x, y, robust=None, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False, weights=weights ) return list(b)
Example #9
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _ols_group(dat, formula, group_col, group, rank): """Compute OLS on data given a formula. Used by Lm2""" dat = dat[dat[group_col] == group].reset_index(drop=True) if rank: dat = dat.rank() y, x = dmatrices(formula, dat, 1, return_type="dataframe") b = _ols(x, y, robust=None, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False) return list(b)
Example #10
Source File: From plotnine with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def gls_formula(data, xseq, **params): """ Fit GLL using a formula """ eval_env = params['enviroment'] formula = params['formula'] init_kwargs, fit_kwargs = separate_method_kwargs( params['method_args'], sm.GLS, model = smf.gls( formula, data, eval_env=eval_env, **init_kwargs ) results =**fit_kwargs) data = pd.DataFrame({'x': xseq}) data['y'] = results.predict(data) if params['se']: _, predictors = dmatrices(formula, data, eval_env=eval_env) alpha = 1 - params['level'] prstd, iv_l, iv_u = wls_prediction_std( results, predictors, alpha=alpha) data['se'] = prstd data['ymin'] = iv_l data['ymax'] = iv_u return data
Example #11
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _corr_group(dat, formula, group_col, group, rank, corr_type): """Compute partial correlations via OLS. Used by Lm2""" from scipy.stats import pearsonr dat = dat[dat[group_col] == group].reset_index(drop=True) if rank: dat = dat.rank() y, x = dmatrices(formula, dat, 1, return_type="dataframe") corrs = [] for c in x.columns[1:]: other_preds = [e for e in x.columns if e != c] other_preds = x[other_preds] cc = x[c] pred_m_resid = _ols( other_preds, cc, robust=None, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False, resid_only=True, ) if corr_type == "semi": dv_m_resid = y.values.squeeze() elif corr_type == "partial": dv_m_resid = _ols( other_preds, y, robust=None, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False, resid_only=True, ) corrs.append(pearsonr(dv_m_resid, pred_m_resid)[0]) return corrs
Example #12
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def f_regression(df, dependent_variable, independent_variables, interaction_terms=[], model_limit=5): considered_independent_variables_per_model, patsy_models = \ construct_models(df, dependent_variable, independent_variables, interaction_terms, table_layout=MCT.ALL_VARIABLES.value) y, X = dmatrices(patsy_models[0], df, return_type='dataframe') f_test, r = f_regression(X, y, center=True) return
Example #13
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def recursive_feature_elimination(df, dependent_variable, independent_variables, interaction_terms=[], model_limit=5): considered_independent_variables_per_model, patsy_models = \ construct_models(df, dependent_variable, independent_variables, interaction_terms, table_layout=MCT.ALL_VARIABLES.value) y, X = dmatrices(patsy_models[0], df, return_type='dataframe') estimator = SVR(kernel='linear') selector = RFE(estimator, 5, step=1) selector =, y) return
Example #14
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run_logistic_regression(df, patsy_model, dependent_variable, estimator, weights): y, X = dmatrices(patsy_model, df, return_type='dataframe') model_result = discrete_model.MNLogit(y, X).fit(maxiter=100, disp=False, method="nm") p_values = model_result.pvalues[0].to_dict() t_values = model_result.tvalues[0].to_dict() params = model_result.params[0].to_dict() ste = model_result.bse[0].to_dict() constants = { 'p_value': p_values.get('Intercept'), 't_value': t_values.get('Intercept'), 'coefficient': params.get('Intercept'), 'standard_error': ste.get('Intercept') } regression_field_properties = { 'p_value': p_values, 't_value': t_values, 'coefficient': params, 'standard_error': ste } total_regression_properties = { 'aic': model_result.aic, 'bic': model_result.bic, 'r_squared': model_result.prsquared, 'r_squared_adj': model_result.prsquared, 'llf': model_result.llf, 'llnull': model_result.llnull, 'llr_pvalue': model_result.llr_pvalue # 'f_test': model_result.f_test } regression_results = restructure_field_properties_dict(constants, regression_field_properties, total_regression_properties) return regression_results
Example #15
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run_linear_regression(df, patsy_model, dependent_variable, estimator, weights): y, X = dmatrices(patsy_model, df, return_type='dataframe') model_result = sm.OLS(y, X).fit() p_values = model_result.pvalues.to_dict() t_values = model_result.tvalues.to_dict() params = model_result.params.to_dict() ste = model_result.bse.to_dict() conf_ints = parse_confidence_intervals(model_result) constants = { 'p_value': p_values.get('Intercept'), 't_value': t_values.get('Intercept'), 'coefficient': params.get('Intercept'), 'standard_error': ste.get('Intercept'), 'conf_int': conf_ints.get('Intercept') } regression_field_properties = { 'p_value': p_values, 't_value': t_values, 'coefficient': params, 'standard_error': ste, 'conf_int': conf_ints } total_regression_properties = { 'aic': model_result.aic, 'bic': model_result.bic, 'dof': model_result.nobs, 'r_squared': model_result.rsquared, 'r_squared_adj': model_result.rsquared_adj, 'f_test': model_result.fvalue, # 'resid': model_result.resid.tolist() } regression_results = restructure_field_properties_dict(constants, regression_field_properties, total_regression_properties) return regression_results
Example #16
Source File: From DIVE-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_design_matrices(df, dependent_variable, independent_variables, interactions=[]): patsy_model = create_patsy_model(dependent_variable, independent_variables, interactions=interactions) y, X = dmatrices(patsy_model, df, return_type='dataframe') return (y, X)
Example #17
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_from_formula_vs_no_formula(): mod = _MultivariateOLS.from_formula( 'Histamine0 + Histamine1 + Histamine3 + Histamine5 ~ Drug * Depleted', data) r ='svd') r0 = r.mv_test() endog, exog = patsy.dmatrices( 'Histamine0 + Histamine1 + Histamine3 + Histamine5 ~ Drug * Depleted', data, return_type="dataframe") L = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) # DataFrame input r = _MultivariateOLS(endog, exog).fit(method='svd') r1 = r.mv_test(hypotheses=[['Intercept', L, None]]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1['Intercept']['stat'].values, r0['Intercept']['stat'].values, decimal=6) # Numpy array input r = _MultivariateOLS(endog.values, exog.values).fit(method='svd') r1 = r.mv_test(hypotheses=[['Intercept', L, None]]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1['Intercept']['stat'].values, r0['Intercept']['stat'].values, decimal=6) L = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], ]) r1 = r.mv_test(hypotheses=[['Drug', L, None]]) # DataFrame input r = _MultivariateOLS(endog, exog).fit(method='svd') r1 = r.mv_test(hypotheses=[['Drug', L, None]]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1['Drug']['stat'].values, r0['Drug']['stat'].values, decimal=6) # Numpy array input r = _MultivariateOLS(endog.values, exog.values).fit(method='svd') r1 = r.mv_test(hypotheses=[['Drug', L, None]]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1['Drug']['stat'].values, r0['Drug']['stat'].values, decimal=6)
Example #18
Source File: From patsylearn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def score(self, data): """Predict with estimator using formula. Transform the data using formula, then predict on it using the estimator. Parameters ---------- data : dict-like (pandas dataframe) Input data. Column names need to match variables in formula. Data needs to contain the label column. """ design_infos = (self.design_y_, self.design_X_) design_y, design_X = dmatrices(design_infos, data) return self.estimator_.score(design_X, design_y)
Example #19
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def handle_formula_data(Y, X, formula, depth=0, missing='drop'): """ Returns endog, exog, and the model specification from arrays and formula Parameters ---------- Y : array-like Either endog (the LHS) of a model specification or all of the data. Y must define __getitem__ for now. X : array-like Either exog or None. If all the data for the formula is provided in Y then you must explicitly set X to None. formula : str or patsy.model_desc You can pass a handler by import formula_handler and adding a key-value pair where the key is the formula object class and the value is a function that returns endog, exog, formula object Returns ------- endog : array-like Should preserve the input type of Y,X exog : array-like Should preserve the input type of Y,X. Could be None. """ # half ass attempt to handle other formula objects if isinstance(formula, tuple(iterkeys(formula_handler))): return formula_handler[type(formula)] na_action = NAAction(on_NA=missing) if X is not None: if data_util._is_using_pandas(Y, X): result = dmatrices(formula, (Y, X), depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: result = dmatrices(formula, (Y, X), depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: if data_util._is_using_pandas(Y, None): result = dmatrices(formula, Y, depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: result = dmatrices(formula, Y, depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) # if missing == 'raise' there's not missing_mask missing_mask = getattr(na_action, 'missing_mask', None) if not np.any(missing_mask): missing_mask = None if len(result) > 1: # have RHS design design_info = result[1].design_info # detach it from DataFrame else: design_info = None # NOTE: is there ever a case where we'd need LHS design_info? return result, missing_mask, design_info
Example #20
Source File: From pymer4 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def to_corrs(self, corr_type="semi", ztrans_corrs=False): """ Transform fitted model coefficients (excluding the intercept) to partial or semi-partial correlations with dependent variable. The is useful for rescaling coefficients to a correlation scale (-1 to 1) and does **not** change how inferences are performed. Semi-partial correlations are computed as the correlation between a DV and each predictor *after* the influence of all other predictors have been regressed out from that predictor. They are interpretable in the same way as the original coefficients. Partial correlations reflect the unique variance a predictor explains in the DV accounting for correlations between predictors *and* what is not explained by other predictors; this value is always >= the semi-partial correlation. They are *not* interpretable in the same way as the original coefficients. Partial correlations are computed as the correlations between a DV and each predictor *after* the influence of all other predictors have been regressed out from that predictor *and* the DV. Good ref: Args: corr_type (string): 'semi' or 'partial' ztrans_partial_corrs (bool): whether to fisher z-transform (arctan) partial correlations before reporting them; default False Returns: pd.Series: partial or semi-partial correlations """ if not self.fitted: raise RuntimeError( "Model must be fit before partial correlations can be computed" ) if corr_type not in ["semi", "partial"]: raise ValueError("corr_type must be 'semi' or 'partial'") from scipy.stats import pearsonr corrs = [] corrs.append(np.nan) # don't compute for intercept for c in self.design_matrix.columns[1:]: dv = self.formula.split("~")[0] other_preds = [e for e in self.design_matrix.columns[1:] if e != c] right_side = "+".join(other_preds) y, x = dmatrices( c + "~" + right_side,, 1, return_type="dataframe" ) pred_m_resid = _ols( x, y, robust=False, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False, resid_only=True, ) y, x = dmatrices( dv + "~" + right_side,, 1, return_type="dataframe" ) if corr_type == "semi": dv_m_resid = y.values.squeeze() elif corr_type == "partial": dv_m_resid = _ols( x, y, robust=False, n_lags=1, cluster=None, all_stats=False, resid_only=True, ) corrs.append(pearsonr(dv_m_resid, pred_m_resid)[0]) if ztrans_corrs: corrs = np.arctanh(corrs) return pd.Series(corrs, index=self.coefs.index)
Example #21
Source File: From pyflux with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, data, formula, ar, units, layers, family=fam.Normal()): # Initialize TSM object super(NNARX, self).__init__('NNARX') # Latent Variable information = ar self.units = units self.layers = layers self.activation = np.tanh self.model_name = "NNARX(" + str( + ")" self.z_no = + 2 self.max_lag = self._z_hide = 0 # Whether to cutoff latent variables from results table self.supported_methods = ["BBVI"] self.default_method = "BBVI" self.multivariate_model = False # Format the data self.is_pandas = True # This is compulsory for this model type self.data_original = data.copy() self.formula = formula self.y, self.X = dmatrices(formula, data) self.y_name = self.y.design_info.describe() self.X_names = self.X.design_info.describe().split(" + ") self.y = self.y.astype(np.float) self.X = self.X.astype(np.float) self.z_no = self.X.shape[1] self.data_name = self.y_name self.y = np.array([self.y]).ravel() = self.y.copy() self.X = np.array([self.X])[0] self.index = data.index self.data_length =[0] self.X = self.X[, :] self.X = np.concatenate([self._ar_matrix().T, self.X], axis=1).T self._create_latent_variables() = family self.model_name2,, self.scale, self.shape, self.skewness, self.mean_transform, self.cythonized = self.model_name = self.model_name2 + " NNARX(" + str( + ")" # Build any remaining latent variables that are specific to the family chosen for no, i in enumerate( self.latent_variables.add_z(i[0], i[1], i[2]) self.latent_variables.z_list[-1].start = i[3] self.z_no = len(self.latent_variables.z_list) self.family_z_no = len( # Initialize with random weights for var_no in range(len(self.latent_variables.z_list)-self.family_z_no): self.latent_variables.z_list[var_no].start = np.random.normal() if isinstance(, fam.Normal): self.neg_loglik = self.normal_neg_loglik else: self.neg_loglik = self.general_neg_loglik
Example #22
Source File: From pyflux with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, formula, data, family): # Initialize TSM object super(GASReg,self).__init__('GASReg') # Latent Variables self.max_lag = 0 self._z_hide = 0 # Whether to cutoff variance latent variables from results self.supported_methods = ["MLE","PML","Laplace","M-H","BBVI"] self.default_method = "MLE" self.multivariate_model = False self.skewness = False # Format the data self.is_pandas = True # This is compulsory for this model type self.data_original = data self.formula = formula self.y, self.X = dmatrices(formula, data) self.y_name = self.y.design_info.describe() self.X_names = self.X.design_info.describe().split(" + ") self.y = self.y.astype(np.float) self.X = self.X.astype(np.float) self.z_no = self.X.shape[1] self.data_name = self.y_name self.y = np.array([self.y]).ravel() = self.y self.X = np.array([self.X])[0] self.index = data.index self.initial_values = np.zeros(self.z_no) self.data_length =[0] self._create_model_matrices() self._create_latent_variables() = family self.model_name2,, self.scale, self.shape, self.skewness, self.mean_transform, self.cythonized = # Identify whether model has cythonized backend - then choose update type if self.cythonized is True: self._model = self._cythonized_model self._mb_model = self._cythonized_mb_model self.recursion = else: self._model = self._uncythonized_model self._mb_model = self._uncythonized_mb_model self.model_name = self.model_name2 + " GAS Regression" # Build any remaining latent variables that are specific to the family chosen for no, i in enumerate( self.latent_variables.add_z(i[0],i[1],i[2]) self.latent_variables.z_list[no+self.z_no].start = i[3] self.family_z_no = len( self.z_no += len(
Example #23
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_fitting_data(self, vname): """ Return the data needed to fit a model for imputation. The data is used to impute variable `vname`, and therefore only includes cases for which `vname` is observed. Values of type `PatsyFormula` in `init_kwds` or `fit_kwds` are processed through Patsy and subset to align with the model's endog and exog. Parameters ---------- vname : string The variable for which the fitting data is returned. Returns ------- endog : DataFrame Observed values of `vname`. exog : DataFrame Regression design matrix for imputing `vname`. init_kwds : dict-like The init keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. fit_kwds : dict-like The fit keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. """ # Rows with observed endog ix = self.ix_obs[vname] formula = self.conditional_formula[vname] endog, exog = patsy.dmatrices(formula,, return_type="dataframe") endog = np.asarray(endog.iloc[ix, 0]) exog = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ix, :]) init_kwds = self._process_kwds(self.init_kwds[vname], ix) fit_kwds = self._process_kwds(self.fit_kwds[vname], ix) return endog, exog, init_kwds, fit_kwds
Example #24
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_split_data(self, vname): """ Return endog and exog for imputation of a given variable. Parameters ---------- vname : string The variable for which the split data is returned. Returns ------- endog_obs : DataFrame Observed values of the variable to be imputed. exog_obs : DataFrame Current values of the predictors where the variable to be imputed is observed. exog_miss : DataFrame Current values of the predictors where the variable to be Imputed is missing. init_kwds : dict-like The init keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. fit_kwds : dict-like The fit keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. """ formula = self.conditional_formula[vname] endog, exog = patsy.dmatrices(formula,, return_type="dataframe") # Rows with observed endog ixo = self.ix_obs[vname] endog_obs = np.asarray(endog.iloc[ixo]) exog_obs = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ixo, :]) # Rows with missing endog ixm = self.ix_miss[vname] exog_miss = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ixm, :]) predict_obs_kwds = {} if vname in self.predict_kwds: kwds = self.predict_kwds[vname] predict_obs_kwds = self._process_kwds(kwds, ixo) predict_miss_kwds = {} if vname in self.predict_kwds: kwds = self.predict_kwds[vname] predict_miss_kwds = self._process_kwds(kwds, ixo) return endog_obs, exog_obs, exog_miss, predict_obs_kwds, predict_miss_kwds
Example #25
Source File: From plotnine with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def lm_formula(data, xseq, **params): """ Fit OLS / WLS using a formula """ formula = params['formula'] eval_env = params['enviroment'] weights = data.get('weight', None) if weights is None: init_kwargs, fit_kwargs = separate_method_kwargs( params['method_args'], sm.OLS, model = smf.ols( formula, data, eval_env=eval_env, **init_kwargs ) else: if np.any(weights < 0): raise ValueError( "All weights must be greater than zero." ) init_kwargs, fit_kwargs = separate_method_kwargs( params['method_args'], sm.OLS, model = smf.wls( formula, data, weights=weights, eval_env=eval_env, **init_kwargs ) results =**fit_kwargs) data = pd.DataFrame({'x': xseq}) data['y'] = results.predict(data) if params['se']: _, predictors = dmatrices(formula, data, eval_env=eval_env) alpha = 1 - params['level'] prstd, iv_l, iv_u = wls_prediction_std( results, predictors, alpha=alpha) data['se'] = prstd data['ymin'] = iv_l data['ymax'] = iv_u return data
Example #26
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_fitting_data(self, vname): """ Return the data needed to fit a model for imputation. The data is used to impute variable `vname`, and therefore only includes cases for which `vname` is observed. Values of type `PatsyFormula` in `init_kwds` or `fit_kwds` are processed through Patsy and subset to align with the model's endog and exog. Parameters ---------- vname : string The variable for which the fitting data is returned. Returns ------- endog : DataFrame Observed values of `vname`. exog : DataFrame Regression design matrix for imputing `vname`. init_kwds : dict-like The init keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. fit_kwds : dict-like The fit keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. """ # Rows with observed endog ix = self.ix_obs[vname] formula = self.conditional_formula[vname] endog, exog = patsy.dmatrices(formula,, return_type="dataframe") endog = np.asarray(endog.iloc[ix, 0]) exog = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ix, :]) init_kwds = self._process_kwds(self.init_kwds[vname], ix) fit_kwds = self._process_kwds(self.fit_kwds[vname], ix) return endog, exog, init_kwds, fit_kwds
Example #27
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_split_data(self, vname): """ Return endog and exog for imputation of a given variable. Parameters ---------- vname : string The variable for which the split data is returned. Returns ------- endog_obs : DataFrame Observed values of the variable to be imputed. exog_obs : DataFrame Current values of the predictors where the variable to be imputed is observed. exog_miss : DataFrame Current values of the predictors where the variable to be Imputed is missing. init_kwds : dict-like The init keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. fit_kwds : dict-like The fit keyword arguments for `vname`, processed through Patsy as required. """ formula = self.conditional_formula[vname] endog, exog = patsy.dmatrices(formula,, return_type="dataframe") # Rows with observed endog ixo = self.ix_obs[vname] endog_obs = np.asarray(endog.iloc[ixo]) exog_obs = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ixo, :]) # Rows with missing endog ixm = self.ix_miss[vname] exog_miss = np.asarray(exog.iloc[ixm, :]) predict_obs_kwds = {} if vname in self.predict_kwds: kwds = self.predict_kwds[vname] predict_obs_kwds = self._process_kwds(kwds, ixo) predict_miss_kwds = {} if vname in self.predict_kwds: kwds = self.predict_kwds[vname] predict_miss_kwds = self._process_kwds(kwds, ixo) return (endog_obs, exog_obs, exog_miss, predict_obs_kwds, predict_miss_kwds)
Example #28
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle_formula_data(Y, X, formula, depth=0, missing='drop'): """ Returns endog, exog, and the model specification from arrays and formula Parameters ---------- Y : array-like Either endog (the LHS) of a model specification or all of the data. Y must define __getitem__ for now. X : array-like Either exog or None. If all the data for the formula is provided in Y then you must explicitly set X to None. formula : str or patsy.model_desc You can pass a handler by import formula_handler and adding a key-value pair where the key is the formula object class and the value is a function that returns endog, exog, formula object Returns ------- endog : array-like Should preserve the input type of Y,X exog : array-like Should preserve the input type of Y,X. Could be None. """ # half ass attempt to handle other formula objects if isinstance(formula, tuple(iterkeys(formula_handler))): return formula_handler[type(formula)] na_action = NAAction(on_NA=missing) if X is not None: if data_util._is_using_pandas(Y, X): result = dmatrices(formula, (Y, X), depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: result = dmatrices(formula, (Y, X), depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: if data_util._is_using_pandas(Y, None): result = dmatrices(formula, Y, depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) else: result = dmatrices(formula, Y, depth, return_type='dataframe', NA_action=na_action) # if missing == 'raise' there's not missing_mask missing_mask = getattr(na_action, 'missing_mask', None) if not np.any(missing_mask): missing_mask = None if len(result) > 1: # have RHS design design_info = result[1].design_info # detach it from DataFrame else: design_info = None # NOTE: is there ever a case where we'd need LHS design_info? return result, missing_mask, design_info