Python telegram.utils.helpers.mention_html() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of telegram.utils.helpers.mention_html().
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Example #1
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def unpin(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] try: bot.unpinChatMessage( except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNPINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name))
Example #2
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def button(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: query = update.callback_query # type: Optional[CallbackQuery] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] match = re.match(r"rm_warn\((.+?)\)", if match: user_id = chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] res = sql.remove_warn(user_id, if res: update.effective_message.edit_text( "Warn removed by {}.".format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) user_member = chat.get_member(user_id) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNWARN" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, user_member.user.first_name)) else: update.effective_message.edit_text( "User has already has no warns.".format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return ""
Example #3
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def reset_warns(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if user_id: sql.reset_warns(user_id, message.reply_text("Warnings have been reset!") warned = chat.get_member(user_id).user return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#RESETWARNS" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, warned.first_name)) else: message.reply_text("No user has been designated!") return ""
Example #4
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def set_warn_limit(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].isdigit(): if int(args[0]) < 3: msg.reply_text("The minimum warn limit is 3!") else: sql.set_warn_limit(, int(args[0])) msg.reply_text("Updated the warn limit to {}".format(args[0])) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SET_WARN_LIMIT" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet the warn limit to <code>{}</code>".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), args[0]) else: msg.reply_text("Give me a number as an arg!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( msg.reply_text("The current warn limit is {}".format(limit)) return ""
Example #5
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def pin(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] is_group = chat.type != "private" and chat.type != "channel" prev_message = update.effective_message.reply_to_message is_silent = True if len(args) >= 1: is_silent = not (args[0].lower() == 'notify' or args[0].lower() == 'loud' or args[0].lower() == 'violent') if prev_message and is_group: try: bot.pinChatMessage(, prev_message.message_id, disable_notification=is_silent) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#PINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) return ""
Example #6
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def unpin(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] try: bot.unpinChatMessage( except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNPINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name))
Example #7
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def unpin(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] try: bot.unpinChatMessage( except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNPINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name))
Example #8
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def pin(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] is_group = chat.type != "private" and chat.type != "channel" prev_message = update.effective_message.reply_to_message is_silent = True if len(args) >= 1: is_silent = not (args[0].lower() == 'notify' or args[0].lower() == 'loud' or args[0].lower() == 'violent') if prev_message and is_group: try: bot.pinChatMessage(, prev_message.message_id, disable_notification=is_silent) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#PINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) return ""
Example #9
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def reset_warns(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if user_id: sql.reset_warns(user_id, message.reply_text("Warnings have been reset!") warned = chat.get_member(user_id).user return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#RESETWARNS" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, warned.first_name), else: message.reply_text("No user has been designated!") return ""
Example #10
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def set_warn_limit(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].isdigit(): if int(args[0]) < 3: msg.reply_text("The minimum warn limit is 3!") else: sql.set_warn_limit(, int(args[0])) msg.reply_text("Updated the warn limit to {}".format(args[0])) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SET_WARN_LIMIT" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet the warn limit to <code>{}</code>".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), args[0]) else: msg.reply_text("Give me a number as an arg!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( msg.reply_text("The current warn limit is {}".format(limit)) return ""
Example #11
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def set_warn_limit(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].isdigit(): if int(args[0]) < 3: msg.reply_text("The minimum warn limit is 3!") else: sql.set_warn_limit(, int(args[0])) msg.reply_text("Updated the warn limit to {}".format(args[0])) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SET_WARN_LIMIT" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet the warn limit to <code>{}</code>".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), args[0]) else: msg.reply_text("Give me a number as an arg!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( msg.reply_text("The current warn limit is {}".format(limit)) return ""
Example #12
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def pin(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] is_group = chat.type != "private" and chat.type != "channel" prev_message = update.effective_message.reply_to_message is_silent = True if len(args) >= 1: is_silent = not (args[0].lower() == 'notify' or args[0].lower() == 'loud' or args[0].lower() == 'violent') if prev_message and is_group: try: bot.pinChatMessage(, prev_message.message_id, disable_notification=is_silent) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "Chat_not_modified": pass else: raise return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#PINNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) return ""
Example #13
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unmute(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You'll need to either give me a username to unmute, or reply to someone to be unmuted.") return "" member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) if member: if is_user_admin(chat, user_id, member=member): message.reply_text("This is an admin, what do you expect me to do?") return "" elif member.status != 'kicked' and member.status != 'left': if member.can_send_messages and member.can_send_media_messages \ and member.can_send_other_messages and member.can_add_web_page_previews: message.reply_text("This user already has the right to speak.") return "" else: bot.restrict_chat_member(, int(user_id), can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=True, can_send_other_messages=True, can_add_web_page_previews=True) message.reply_text("Unmuted!") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNMUTE" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) else: message.reply_text("This user isn't even in the chat, unmuting them won't make them talk more than they " "already do!") return ""
Example #14
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_warn_strength(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].lower() in ("on", "yes"): sql.set_warn_strength(, False) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a ban!") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has enabled strong warns. Users will be banned.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif args[0].lower() in ("off", "no"): sql.set_warn_strength(, True) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a kick! Users will be able to join again after.") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has disabled strong warns. Users will only be kicked.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) else: msg.reply_text("I only understand on/yes/no/off!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( if soft_warn: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *kick* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *ban* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
Example #15
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def mute(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You'll need to either give me a username to mute, or reply to someone to be muted.") return "" if user_id == message.reply_text("I'm not muting myself!") return "" member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) if member: if is_user_admin(chat, user_id, member=member): message.reply_text("Afraid I can't stop an admin from talking!") elif member.can_send_messages is None or member.can_send_messages: bot.restrict_chat_member(, user_id, can_send_messages=False) message.reply_text("Muted!") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#MUTE" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) else: message.reply_text("This user is already muted!") else: message.reply_text("This user isn't in the chat!") return ""
Example #16
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_flood(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if not user: # ignore channels return "" # ignore admins if is_user_admin(chat, sql.update_flood(, None) return "" should_ban = sql.update_flood(, if not should_ban: return "" try: chat.kick_member( msg.reply_text("I like to leave the flooding to natural disasters. But you, you were just a " "disappointment. Get out.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#BANNED" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}" \ "\nFlooded the group.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) except BadRequest: msg.reply_text("I can't kick people here, give me permissions first! Until then, I'll disable antiflood.") sql.set_flood(, 0) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#INFO" \ "\nDon't have kick permissions, so automatically disabled antiflood.".format(chat.title)
Example #17
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_flood(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val == "off" or val == "no" or val == "0": sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("I will no longer dismiss those who flood.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("I will no longer dismiss those who flood.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nDisabled antiflood.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif amount < 3: message.reply_text("Antiflood has to be either 0 (disabled), or a number bigger than 3!") return "" else: sql.set_flood(, amount) message.reply_text("Message control {} has been added to count ".format(amount)) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet antiflood to <code>{}</code>.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), amount) else: message.reply_text("I don't understand what you're saying .... Either use the number or use Yes-No") return ""
Example #18
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_warn_strength(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].lower() in ("on", "yes"): sql.set_warn_strength(, False) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a ban!") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has enabled strong warns. Users will be banned.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif args[0].lower() in ("off", "no"): sql.set_warn_strength(, True) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a kick! Users will be able to join again after.") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has disabled strong warns. Users will only be kicked.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) else: msg.reply_text("I only understand on/yes/no/off!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( if soft_warn: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *kick* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *ban* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
Example #19
Source File: From tgbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_flood(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val == "off" or val == "no" or val == "0": sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nDisabled antiflood.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif amount < 3: message.reply_text("Antiflood has to be either 0 (disabled), or a number bigger than 3!") return "" else: sql.set_flood(, amount) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been updated and set to {}".format(amount)) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet antiflood to <code>{}</code>.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), amount) else: message.reply_text("Unrecognised argument - please use a number, 'off', or 'no'.") return ""
Example #20
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def mute(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You'll need to either give me a username to mute, or reply to someone to be muted.") return "" if user_id == message.reply_text("I'm not muting myself!") return "" member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) if member: if is_user_admin(chat, user_id, member=member): message.reply_text("Afraid I can't stop an admin from talking!") elif member.can_send_messages is None or member.can_send_messages: bot.restrict_chat_member(, user_id, can_send_messages=False) message.reply_text("Shush!") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#MUTE" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) else: message.reply_text("This user is already muted!") else: message.reply_text("This user isn't in the chat!") return ""
Example #21
Source File: From Marie-2.0-English with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unban(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user_id, reason = extract_user_and_text(message, args) if not user_id: return "" try: member = chat.get_member(user_id) except BadRequest as excp: if excp.message == "User not found": message.reply_text("I can't seem to find this user") return "" else: raise if user_id == message.reply_text("How would I unban myself if I wasn't here...?") return "" if is_user_in_chat(chat, user_id): message.reply_text("Why are you trying to unban someone that's already in the chat?") return "" chat.unban_member(user_id) message.reply_text("Yep, this user can join!") log = "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNBANNED" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) if reason: log += "\n<b>Reason:</b> {}".format(reason) return log
Example #22
Source File: From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mention_html(self, name=None): """ Args: name (:obj:`str`): If provided, will overwrite the user's name. Returns: :obj:`str`: The inline mention for the user as HTML. """ if not name: return util_mention_html(, else: return util_mention_html(, name)
Example #23
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unmute(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user_id = extract_user(message, args) if not user_id: message.reply_text("You'll need to either give me a username to unmute, or reply to someone to be unmuted.") return "" member = chat.get_member(int(user_id)) if member: if is_user_admin(chat, user_id, member=member): message.reply_text("This is an admin, what do you expect me to do?") return "" elif member.status != 'kicked' and member.status != 'left': if member.can_send_messages and member.can_send_media_messages \ and member.can_send_other_messages and member.can_add_web_page_previews: message.reply_text("This user already has the right to speak.") return "" else: bot.restrict_chat_member(, int(user_id), can_send_messages=True, can_send_media_messages=True, can_send_other_messages=True, can_add_web_page_previews=True) message.reply_text("Unmuted!") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNMUTE" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, member.user.first_name)) else: message.reply_text("This user isn't even in the chat, unmuting them won't make them talk more than they " "already do!") return ""
Example #24
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def button(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: query = update.callback_query # type: Optional[CallbackQuery] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] match = re.match(r"rm_warn\((.+?)\)", if match: user_id = chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] res = sql.remove_warn(user_id, if res: update.effective_message.edit_text( "Warn removed by {}.".format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) user_member = chat.get_member(user_id) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNWARN" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, user_member.user.first_name), else: update.effective_message.edit_text( "User has already has no warns.".format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return ""
Example #25
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_warn_strength(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if args: if args[0].lower() in ("on", "yes"): sql.set_warn_strength(, False) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a ban!") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has enabled strong warns. Users will be banned.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif args[0].lower() in ("off", "no"): sql.set_warn_strength(, True) msg.reply_text("Too many warns will now result in a kick! Users will be able to join again after.") return "<b>{}:</b>\n" \ "<b>Admin:</b> {}\n" \ "Has disabled strong warns. Users will only be kicked.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) else: msg.reply_text("I only understand on/yes/no/off!") else: limit, soft_warn = sql.get_warn_setting( if soft_warn: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *kick* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: msg.reply_text("Warns are currently set to *ban* users when they exceed the limits.", parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ""
Example #26
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_flood(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> str: user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if not user: # ignore channels return "" # ignore admins if is_user_admin(chat, sql.update_flood(, None) return "" should_ban = sql.update_flood(, if not should_ban: return "" try: chat.kick_member( msg.reply_text("I like to leave the flooding to natural disasters. But you, you were just a " "disappointment. Get out.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#BANNED" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {}" \ "\nFlooded the group.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) except BadRequest: msg.reply_text("I can't kick people here, give me permissions first! Until then, I'll disable antiflood.") sql.set_flood(, 0) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#INFO" \ "\nDon't have kick permissions, so automatically disabled antiflood.".format(chat.title)
Example #27
Source File: From EmiliaHikari with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def button(update, context): query = update.callback_query # type: Optional[CallbackQuery] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] match = re.match(r"rm_warn\((.+?)\)", if match: user_id = chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] res = sql.remove_warn(user_id, if res: update.effective_message.edit_text( tl(update.effective_message, "Peringatkan dihapus oleh {}.").format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) user_member = chat.get_member(user_id) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#UNWARN" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\n<b>User:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), mention_html(, user_member.user.first_name), else: update.effective_message.edit_text( tl(update.effective_message, "Pengguna sudah tidak memiliki peringatan.").format(mention_html(, user.first_name)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) return ""
Example #28
Source File: From EmiliaHikari with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fed_info(update, context): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] args = context.args if args: fed_id = args[0] info = sql.get_fed_info(fed_id) else: fed_id = sql.get_fed_id( if not fed_id: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Grup ini tidak dalam federasi apa pun!")) return info = sql.get_fed_info(fed_id) owner =['owner']) try: owner_name = owner.first_name + " " + owner.last_name except: owner_name = owner.first_name FEDADMIN = sql.all_fed_users(fed_id) FEDADMIN.append(int( TotalAdminFed = len(FEDADMIN) user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[Chat] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] info = sql.get_fed_info(fed_id) text = tl(update.effective_message, "<b>ℹ️ Info federasi:</b>") text += "\nFedID: <code>{}</code>".format(fed_id) text += tl(update.effective_message, "\nNama: {}").format(info['fname']) text += tl(update.effective_message, "\nPembuat: {}").format(mention_html(, owner_name)) text += tl(update.effective_message, "\nSeluruh admin: <code>{}</code>").format(TotalAdminFed) getfban = sql.get_all_fban_users(fed_id) text += tl(update.effective_message, "\nTotal yang di banned: <code>{}</code>").format(len(getfban)) getfchat = sql.all_fed_chats(fed_id) text += tl(update.effective_message, "\nTotal grup yang terkoneksi: <code>{}</code>").format(len(getfchat)) send_message(update.effective_message, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
Example #29
Source File: From SkittBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_flood(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str: chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] if len(args) >= 1: val = args[0].lower() if val == "off" or val == "no" or val == "0": sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") elif val.isdigit(): amount = int(val) if amount <= 0: sql.set_flood(, 0) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been disabled.") return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nDisabled antiflood.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name)) elif amount < 3: message.reply_text("Antiflood has to be either 0 (disabled), or a number bigger than 3!") return "" else: sql.set_flood(, amount) message.reply_text("Antiflood has been updated and set to {}".format(amount)) return "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n#SETFLOOD" \ "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \ "\nSet antiflood to <code>{}</code>.".format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, user.first_name), amount) else: message.reply_text("Unrecognised argument - please use a number, 'off', or 'no'.") return ""
Example #30
Source File: From EmiliaHikari with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def report_alt(update, context) -> str: message = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] if chat and message.reply_to_message and sql.chat_should_report( reported_user = message.reply_to_message.from_user # type: Optional[User] chat_name = chat.title or chat.first or chat.username admin_list = chat.get_administrators() msg = tl(update.effective_message, "<b>{}:</b>" \ "\n<b>Pengguna yang dilaporkan:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)" \ "\n<b>Dilaporkan oleh:</b> {} (<code>{}</code>)").format(html.escape(chat.title), mention_html(, reported_user.first_name),, mention_html(, user.first_name), all_admins = [] for admin in admin_list: if admin.user.is_bot: # don't tag bot continue if sql.user_should_report( all_admins.append("<a href='tg://user?id={}'></a>".format(, tl(update.effective_message, "⚠️ {} <b>telah di laporkan ke admin!</b>{}").format( mention_html(, reported_user.first_name), "".join(all_admins)), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_to_message_id=message.reply_to_message.message_id) return msg return ""