Python utils.image.tensor_vstack() Examples

The following are 28 code examples of utils.image.tensor_vstack(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module utils.image , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #2
Source File:    From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #3
Source File:    From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #4
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #5
Source File:    From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #6
Source File:    From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #7
Source File:    From Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #8
Source File:    From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list]) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name] 
Example #9
Source File:    From Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #10
Source File:    From Accel with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_pair_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #11
Source File:    From Accel with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_pair_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #12
Source File:    From Accel with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #13
Source File:    From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #14
Source File:    From Faster_RCNN_for_DOTA with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch_quadrangle(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign quadrangle anchor for label
            label = assign_quadrangle_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #15
Source File:    From Sequence-Level-Semantics-Aggregation with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_triple_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label_f = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                    self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                    self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                    self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)


        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #16
Source File:    From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #17
Source File:    From Decoupled-Classification-Refinement with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #18
Source File:    From Relation-Networks-for-Object-Detection with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self, cur_from=None):
        # slice roidb
        if cur_from is None:
            cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list])

        data = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name]
        self.lock_data.acquire() = data
        self.label = label

        return data, label 
Example #19
Source File:    From RoITransformer_DOTA with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch_poly(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign quadrangle anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor_poly(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                       self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                       self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #20
Source File:    From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #21
Source File:    From Deformable-ConvNets with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #22
Source File:    From Flow-Guided-Feature-Aggregation with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_triple_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #23
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #24
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_pair_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #25
Source File:    From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_triple_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]
            print data['gt_boxes']

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border,
                                  self.normalize_target, self.bbox_mean, self.bbox_std)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #26
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self, cur_from=None):
        # slice roidb
        if cur_from is None:
            cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slices
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get each device
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rcnn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in data_list[0].keys():
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in label_list[0].keys():
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in label_list])

        data = [mx.nd.array(all_data[name]) for name in self.data_name]
        label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[name]) for name in self.label_name]
        self.lock_data.acquire() = data
        self.label = label

        return data, label 
Example #27
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name] 
Example #28
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_batch(self):
        # slice roidb
        cur_from = self.cur
        cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
        roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]

        # decide multi device slice
        work_load_list = self.work_load_list
        ctx = self.ctx
        if work_load_list is None:
            work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
        assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
            "Invalid settings for work load. "
        slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)

        # get testing data for multigpu
        data_list = []
        label_list = []
        for islice in slices:
            iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
            data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb, self.cfg)

        # pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
        data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
        for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
            data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]

        new_label_list = []
        for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
            # infer label shape
            data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
            del data_shape['im_info']
            _, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
            feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]

            # add gt_boxes to data for e2e
            data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]

            # assign anchor for label
            label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'], self.cfg,
                                  self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
                                  self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)

        all_data = dict()
        for key in self.data_name:
            all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])

        all_label = dict()
        for key in self.label_name:
            pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
            all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad) = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
        self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name]