Python tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState().
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Example #1
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _build_init_state(self, batch_size, enc_state, rnn_cell, mode, hparams): """Builds initial states for the given RNN cells.""" del mode # Unused. # Build init state. init_state = rnn_cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) if hparams.pass_hidden_state: # Non-GNMT RNN cell returns AttentionWrappedState. if isinstance(init_state, contrib_seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState): init_state = init_state.clone(cell_state=enc_state) # GNMT RNN cell returns a tuple state. elif isinstance(init_state, tuple): init_state = tuple( zs.clone(cell_state=es) if isinstance( zs, contrib_seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState) else es for zs, es in zip(init_state, enc_state)) else: ValueError("RNN cell returns zero states of unknown type: %s" % str(type(init_state))) return init_state
Example #2
Source File: From language with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _build_init_state(self, batch_size, enc_state, rnn_cell, mode, hparams): """Builds initial states for the given RNN cells.""" # Build init state. init_state = rnn_cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) inner_state = init_state.cell_state if hparams.pass_hidden_state: # Non-GNMT RNN cell returns AttentionWrappedState. if isinstance(inner_state, contrib_seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState): init_state = init_state.clone( cell_state=inner_state.clone(cell_state=enc_state)) # GNMT RNN cell returns a tuple state. elif isinstance(init_state.cell_state, tuple): init_state = init_state.clone( cell_state=tuple( zs.clone(cell_state=es) if isinstance( zs, contrib_seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState) else es for zs, es in zip(inner_state, enc_state))) else: ValueError("RNN cell returns zero states of unknown type: %s" % str(type(init_state))) return init_state
Example #3
Source File: From DeepChatModels with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wrapper(self, state): """Some RNN states are wrapped in namedtuples. (TensorFlow decision, definitely not mine...). This is here for derived classes to specify their wrapper state. Some examples: LSTMStateTuple and AttentionWrapperState. Args: state: tensor state tuple, will be unpacked into the wrapper tuple. """ if self._wrapper is None: return state else: return self._wrapper(*state)
Example #4
Source File: From DeepChatModels with MIT License | 5 votes |
def zero_state(self, batch_size, dtype): with tf.name_scope(type(self).__name__ + "ZeroState", values=[batch_size]): if self._initial_cell_state is not None: cell_state = self._initial_cell_state else: cell_state = self._cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype) error_message = ( "zero_state of AttentionWrapper %s: " % self._base_name + "Non-matching batch sizes between the memory " "(encoder output) and the requested batch size.") with tf.control_dependencies( [tf.assert_equal(batch_size, self._attention_mechanism.batch_size, message=error_message)]): cell_state = nest.map_structure( lambda s: tf.identity(s, name="checked_cell_state"), cell_state) alignment_history = () _zero_state_tensors = rnn_cell_impl._zero_state_tensors return AttentionWrapperState( cell_state=cell_state, time=tf.zeros([], dtype=tf.int32), attention=_zero_state_tensors(self._attention_size, batch_size, dtype), alignments=self._attention_mechanism.initial_alignments( batch_size, dtype), alignment_history=alignment_history)
Example #5
Source File: From DeepChatModels with MIT License | 5 votes |
def state_size(self): return AttentionWrapperState( cell_state=self._cell.state_size, attention=self._attention_size, time=tf.TensorShape([]), alignments=self._attention_mechanism.alignments_size, alignment_history=())
Example #6
Source File: From DeepChatModels with MIT License | 5 votes |
def shape(self): return AttentionWrapperState( cell_state=self._cell.shape, attention=tf.TensorShape([None, self._attention_size]), time=tf.TensorShape(None), alignments=tf.TensorShape([None, None]), alignment_history=())
Example #7
Source File: From DeepChatModels with MIT License | 4 votes |
def call(self, inputs, state): """First computes the cell state and output in the usual way, then works through the attention pipeline: h --> a --> c --> h_tilde using the naming/notation from Luong et. al, 2015. Args: inputs: `2-D` tensor with shape `[batch_size x input_size]`. state: An instance of `AttentionWrapperState` containing the tensors from the prev timestep. Returns: A tuple `(attention_or_cell_output, next_state)`, where: - `attention_or_cell_output` depending on `output_attention`. - `next_state` is an instance of `DynamicAttentionWrapperState` containing the state calculated at this time step. """ # Concatenate the previous h_tilde with inputs (input-feeding). cell_inputs = tf.concat([inputs, state.attention], -1) # 1. (hidden) Compute the hidden state (cell_output). cell_output, next_cell_state = self._cell(cell_inputs, state.cell_state) # 2. (align) Compute the normalized alignment scores. [B, L_enc]. # where L_enc is the max seq len in the encoder outputs for the (B)atch. score = self._attention_mechanism( cell_output, previous_alignments=state.alignments) alignments = tf.nn.softmax(score) # Reshape from [B, L_enc] to [B, 1, L_enc] expanded_alignments = tf.expand_dims(alignments, 1) # (Possibly projected) encoder outputs: [B, L_enc, state_size] encoder_outputs = self._attention_mechanism.values # 3 (context) Take inner prod. [B, 1, state size]. context = tf.matmul(expanded_alignments, encoder_outputs) context = tf.squeeze(context, [1]) # 4 (h_tilde) Compute tanh(W [c, h]). attention = self._attention_layer( tf.concat([cell_output, context], -1)) next_state = AttentionWrapperState( cell_state=next_cell_state, attention=attention, time=state.time + 1, alignments=alignments, alignment_history=()) return attention, next_state
Example #8
Source File: From aster with MIT License | 4 votes |
def call(self, inputs, state): if not isinstance(state, seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState): raise TypeError("Expected state to be instance of AttentionWrapperState. " "Received type %s instead." % type(state)) if self._is_multi: previous_alignments = state.alignments previous_alignment_history = state.alignment_history else: previous_alignments = [state.alignments] previous_alignment_history = [state.alignment_history] all_alignments = [] all_attentions = [] all_histories = [] for i, attention_mechanism in enumerate(self._attention_mechanisms): if isinstance(self._cell, rnn.LSTMCell): rnn_cell_state = state.cell_state.h else: rnn_cell_state = state.cell_state attention, alignments = _compute_attention( attention_mechanism, rnn_cell_state, previous_alignments[i], self._attention_layers[i] if self._attention_layers else None) alignment_history = previous_alignment_history[i].write( state.time, alignments) if self._alignment_history else () all_alignments.append(alignments) all_histories.append(alignment_history) all_attentions.append(attention) attention = array_ops.concat(all_attentions, 1) cell_inputs = self._cell_input_fn(inputs, attention) cell_output, next_cell_state = self._cell(cell_inputs, state.cell_state) next_state = seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState( time=state.time + 1, cell_state=next_cell_state, attention=attention, alignments=self._item_or_tuple(all_alignments), alignment_history=self._item_or_tuple(all_histories)) if self._output_attention: return attention, next_state else: return cell_output, next_state
Example #9
Source File: From AON with MIT License | 4 votes |
def call(self, inputs, state): if not isinstance(state, seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState): raise TypeError("Expected state to be instance of AttentionWrapperState. " "Received type %s instead." % type(state)) if self._is_multi: previous_alignments = state.alignments previous_alignment_history = state.alignment_history else: previous_alignments = [state.alignments] previous_alignment_history = [state.alignment_history] all_alignments = [] all_attentions = [] all_attention_states = [] all_histories = [] for i, attention_mechanism in enumerate(self._attention_mechanisms): if isinstance(self._cell, rnn.LSTMCell): rnn_cell_state = state.cell_state.h else: rnn_cell_state = state.cell_state attention, alignments, next_attention_state = _compute_attention( attention_mechanism, rnn_cell_state, previous_alignments[i], self._attention_layers[i] if self._attention_layers else None) alignment_history = previous_alignment_history[i].write( state.time, alignments) if self._alignment_history else () all_attention_states.append(next_attention_state) all_alignments.append(alignments) all_histories.append(alignment_history) all_attentions.append(attention) attention = array_ops.concat(all_attentions, 1) cell_inputs = self._cell_input_fn(inputs, attention) cell_output, next_cell_state = self._cell(cell_inputs, state.cell_state) next_state = seq2seq.AttentionWrapperState( time=state.time + 1, cell_state=next_cell_state, attention=attention, attention_state=self._item_or_tuple(all_attention_states), alignments=self._item_or_tuple(all_alignments), alignment_history=self._item_or_tuple(all_histories)) if self._output_attention: return attention, next_state else: return cell_output, next_state