Python oslo_db.exception.DBError() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of oslo_db.exception.DBError().
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Example #1
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _validate_create_member(self, lock_session, member_dict): """Validate creating member on pool.""" try: return self.repositories.member.create(lock_session, **member_dict) except odb_exceptions.DBDuplicateEntry as de: column_list = ['pool_id', 'ip_address', 'protocol_port'] constraint_list = ['uq_member_pool_id_address_protocol_port'] if ['id'] == de.columns: raise exceptions.IDAlreadyExists() if (set(column_list) == set(de.columns) or set(constraint_list) == set(de.columns)): raise exceptions.DuplicateMemberEntry( ip_address=member_dict.get('ip_address'), port=member_dict.get('protocol_port')) except odb_exceptions.DBError: # TODO(blogan): will have to do separate validation protocol # before creation or update since the exception messages # do not give any information as to what constraint failed raise exceptions.InvalidOption(value='', option='')
Example #2
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _validate_create_l7policy(self, lock_session, l7policy_dict): try: # Set the default HTTP redirect code here so it's explicit if ((l7policy_dict.get('redirect_url') or l7policy_dict.get('redirect_prefix')) and not l7policy_dict.get('redirect_http_code')): l7policy_dict['redirect_http_code'] = 302 return self.repositories.l7policy.create(lock_session, **l7policy_dict) except odb_exceptions.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exceptions.IDAlreadyExists() except odb_exceptions.DBError: # TODO(blogan): will have to do separate validation protocol # before creation or update since the exception messages # do not give any information as to what constraint failed raise exceptions.InvalidOption(value='', option='')
Example #3
Source File: From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _retry_on_exceptions(exc): if not isinstance(exc, exception.DBError): return False inn_e = exc.inner_exception if not isinstance(inn_e, sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError): return False return (( pymysql and isinstance(inn_e.orig, pymysql.err.InternalError) and (inn_e.orig.args[0] == pymysql.constants.ER.TABLE_DEF_CHANGED) ) or ( # HACK(jd) Sometimes, PostgreSQL raises an error such as "current # transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction # block" on its own catalog, so we need to retry, but this is not # caught by oslo.db as a deadlock. This is likely because when we use # Base.metadata.create_all(), sqlalchemy itself gets an error it does # not catch or something. So this is why this function exists. To # paperover I guess. psycopg2 and isinstance(inn_e.orig, psycopg2.InternalError) # current transaction is aborted and inn_e.orig.pgcode == '25P02' ))
Example #4
Source File: From designate with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_marker(table, marker, session): marker_query = select([table]).where( == marker) try: marker_resultproxy = session.execute(marker_query) marker = marker_resultproxy.fetchone() if marker is None: raise exceptions.MarkerNotFound( 'Marker %s could not be found' % marker) except oslo_db_exception.DBError as e: # Malformed UUIDs return StatementError wrapped in a # DBError if isinstance(e.inner_exception, sqlalchemy_exc.StatementError): raise exceptions.InvalidMarker() else: raise return marker
Example #5
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_upgrade(self, engine, data): sg_table = utils.load_table(self.table_name, engine) db_result = engine.execute( == self.share_group_id)) self.test_case.assertEqual(1, db_result.rowcount) for sg in db_result: self.test_case.assertTrue(hasattr(sg, self.new_attr_name)) # Check that we can write proper enum data to the new field for value in (None, 'pool', 'host'): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter engine.execute(sg_table.update().where( == self.share_group_id, ).values({self.new_attr_name: value})) # Check that we cannot write values that are not allowed by enum. for value in ('', 'fake', 'pool1', 'host1', '1pool', '1host'): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self.test_case.assertRaises( oslo_db_exc.DBError, engine.execute, sg_table.update().where( == self.share_group_id ).values({self.new_attr_name: value}) )
Example #6
Source File: From karbor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_report_state_disconnected_DBError(self): service_ref = {'host':, 'binary': self.binary, 'topic': self.topic, 'report_count': 0, 'id': 1} with mock.patch.object(service, 'db') as mock_db: mock_db.service_get_by_args.side_effect = exception.NotFound() mock_db.service_create.return_value = service_ref mock_db.service_get.side_effect = db_exc.DBError() serv = service.Service(, self.binary, self.topic, 'karbor.tests.unit.test_service.FakeManager' ) serv.start() serv.report_state() self.assertTrue(serv.model_disconnected) self.assertFalse(mock_db.service_update.called)
Example #7
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update(context, id, name, description, is_public=None): """Update share type by id.""" values = {} if name: values.update({'name': name}) if description == "": values.update({'description': None}) elif description: values.update({'description': description}) if is_public is not None: values.update({'is_public': is_public}) try: db.share_type_update(context, id, values) except db_exception.DBError: LOG.exception('DB error.') raise exception.ShareTypeUpdateFailed(id=id)
Example #8
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_string_too_long(self): value = 'a' * 512 # String is too long. # With STRICT_ALL_TABLES or TRADITIONAL mode set, this is an error. self.assertRaises(exception.DBError, self._test_string_too_long, value)
Example #9
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_dict_type_check(self): self.assertRaises(db_exc.DBError, JsonTable(id=1, jdict=[]).save, self.session)
Example #10
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_generic_dbapi(self): matched = self._run_test( "mysql", "select you_made_a_programming_error", self.ProgrammingError("Error 123, you made a mistake"), exception.DBError ) self.assertInnerException( matched, "ProgrammingError", "Error 123, you made a mistake", 'select you_made_a_programming_error', ())
Example #11
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_garden_variety(self): matched = self._run_test( "mysql", "select some_thing_that_breaks", AttributeError("mysqldb has an attribute error"), exception.DBError ) self.assertEqual("mysqldb has an attribute error", matched.args[0])
Example #12
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_cause_for_failed_flush_plus_no_savepoint(self): session = self.sessionmaker() with session.begin(): session.add(self.A(id=1)) try: with session.begin(): try: with session.begin_nested(): session.execute("rollback") session.add(self.A(id=1)) # outermost is the failed SAVEPOINT rollback # from the "with session.begin_nested()" except exception.DBError as dbe_inner: # in SQLA 1.1+, the rollback() method of Session # catches the error and repairs the state of the # session even though the SAVEPOINT was lost; # the net result here is that one exception is thrown # instead of two. This is SQLAlchemy ticket #3680 self.assertTrue( isinstance( dbe_inner.cause, exception.DBDuplicateEntry ) ) except exception.DBError as dbe_outer: self.assertTrue( isinstance( dbe_outer.cause, exception.DBDuplicateEntry ) ) # resets itself afterwards try: with session.begin(): session.add(self.A(id=1)) except exception.DBError as dbe_outer: self.assertIsNone(dbe_outer.cause)
Example #13
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unsupported_backend(self): self._not_dupe_constraint_test( "nonexistent", "insert into table some_values", self.IntegrityError("constraint violation"), exception.DBError )
Example #14
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ibm_db_sa_notadupe(self): self._not_dupe_constraint_test( 'ibm_db_sa', 'ALTER TABLE instance_types ADD CONSTRAINT ' 'uniq_name_x_deleted UNIQUE (name, deleted)', 'SQL0542N The column named "NAME" cannot be a column of a ' 'primary key or unique key constraint because it can contain null ' 'values.', exception.DBError )
Example #15
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_postgresql_not_deadlock(self): self._not_deadlock_test( "postgresql", 'relation "fake" does not exist', # can be either depending on #3075 (exception.DBError, sqla.exc.OperationalError), "TransactionRollbackError", orig_exception_cls=self.TransactionRollbackError )
Example #16
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ibm_db_sa_not_deadlock(self): self._not_deadlock_test( "ibm_db_sa", "SQL01234B Some other error.", exception.DBError, "Error", orig_exception_cls=self.Error )
Example #17
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_flush_wrapper_plain_integrity_error(self): """test a plain integrity error wrapped as DBError.""" _session = self.sessionmaker() with _session.begin(): foo = self.Foo(counter=1) _session.add(foo) _session.begin() self.addCleanup(_session.rollback) foo = self.Foo(counter=None) _session.add(foo) self.assertRaises(exception.DBError, _session.flush)
Example #18
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_multiple_error_handlers(self): handler = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None) sqla.event.listen(self.engine, "handle_error", handler, retval=True) # cause an error in DB API self._run_test( "mysql", "select you_made_a_programming_error", self.ProgrammingError("Error 123, you made a mistake"), exception.DBError ) # expect custom handler to be called together with oslo.db's one self.assertEqual(1, handler.call_count, 'Custom handler should be called')
Example #19
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _raise_savepoints_as_dberrors(error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect): # NOTE(rpodolyaka): this is a special case of an OperationalError that used # to be an InternalError. It's expected to be wrapped into oslo.db error. raise exception.DBError(error)
Example #20
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_retriable(exception): """Determine if the said exception is retriable. :param exception: The exception to check. :returns: True if 'exception' is retriable, otherwise False. """ if _is_nested_instance(exception, (db_exc.DBDeadlock, exc.StaleDataError, db_exc.DBConnectionError, db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry, db_exc.RetryRequest)): return True # Look for savepoints mangled by deadlocks. See bug/1590298 for details. return (_is_nested_instance(exception, db_exc.DBError) and '1305' in str(exception))
Example #21
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _is_nested_instance(e, etypes): """Check if exception or its inner excepts are an instance of etypes.""" if isinstance(e, etypes): return True if isinstance(e, exceptions.MultipleExceptions): return any(_is_nested_instance(i, etypes) for i in e.inner_exceptions) if isinstance(e, db_exc.DBError): return _is_nested_instance(e.inner_exception, etypes) return False
Example #22
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_retriable(e): """Determine if the exception is retriable. :param e: The exception to check. :returns: True if e is retriable and False otherwise. """ if getattr(e, '_RETRY_EXCEEDED', False): return False if _is_nested_instance(e, (db_exc.DBDeadlock, exc.StaleDataError, db_exc.DBConnectionError, db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry, db_exc.RetryRequest, obj_exc.NeutronDbObjectDuplicateEntry)): return True # looking savepoints mangled by deadlocks. see bug/1590298 for details. return _is_nested_instance(e, db_exc.DBError) and '1305' in str(e)
Example #23
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_translates_DBerror_inner_exception(self): with testtools.ExpectedException(db_exc.RetryRequest): with db_api.exc_to_retry(ValueError): raise db_exc.DBError(ValueError())
Example #24
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_mysql_savepoint_error(self): e = db_exc.DBError("(pymysql.err.InternalError) (1305, u'SAVEPOINT " "sa_savepoint_1 does not exist')") self.assertIsNone(self._decorated_function(1, e))
Example #25
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_wrong_cidr(self): wrong_cidrs = ["10.500.5.0/24", "", "", "cidr", "", '2001:db8:5000::/64', '2001:db8::/130'] for cidr in wrong_cidrs: self.assertRaises(exception.DBError, self._add_row, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), cidr=cidr)
Example #26
Source File: From neutron-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_wrong_mac(self): wrong_macs = ["fake", "", -1, "FK:16:3E:00:00:02", "FA:16:3E:00:00:020"] for mac in wrong_macs: self.assertRaises(exception.DBError, self._add_row, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), mac=mac)
Example #27
Source File: From manila with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def share_type_create(context, values, projects=None): """Create a new share type. In order to pass in extra specs, the values dict should contain a 'extra_specs' key/value pair: {'extra_specs' : {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', ...}} """ values = ensure_model_dict_has_id(values) projects = projects or [] session = get_session() with session.begin(): try: values['extra_specs'] = _metadata_refs(values.get('extra_specs'), models.ShareTypeExtraSpecs) share_type_ref = models.ShareTypes() share_type_ref.update(values) except db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exception.ShareTypeExists(id=values['name']) except Exception as e: raise db_exception.DBError(e) for project in set(projects): access_ref = models.ShareTypeProjects() access_ref.update({"share_type_id":, "project_id": project}) return share_type_ref
Example #28
Source File: From octavia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _validate_create_l7rule(self, lock_session, l7rule_dict): try: return self.repositories.l7rule.create(lock_session, **l7rule_dict) except odb_exceptions.DBDuplicateEntry: raise exceptions.IDAlreadyExists() except odb_exceptions.DBError: # TODO(blogan): will have to do separate validation protocol # before creation or update since the exception messages # do not give any information as to what constraint failed raise exceptions.InvalidOption(value='', option='')
Example #29
Source File: From designate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_update_pool_add_ns_record_without_priority(self): pool = self.create_pool(fixture=0) self.create_zone( new_ns_record = objects.PoolNsRecord(hostname='') pool.ns_records.append(new_ns_record) # PoolNsRecord without "priority" triggers a DB exception with testtools.ExpectedException(db_exception.DBError): self.central_service.update_pool(self.admin_context, pool)
Example #30
Source File: From neutron-vpnaas with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def helper_create_endpoint_group(self, info): """Create endpoint group database entry and verify OK.""" group = info['endpoint_group'] try: actual = self.plugin.create_endpoint_group(self.context, info) except db_exc.DBError as e:"Endpoint create in prep for test failed: %s" % e) self._compare_groups(group, actual) self.assertIn('id', actual) return actual['id']