Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From robosat with MIT License | 6 votes |
def feature_to_mercator(feature): """Normalize feature and converts coords to 3857. Args: feature: geojson feature to convert to mercator geometry. """ # Ref: src_crs = CRS.from_epsg(4326) dst_crs = CRS.from_epsg(3857) geometry = feature["geometry"] if geometry["type"] == "Polygon": xys = (zip(*part) for part in geometry["coordinates"]) xys = (list(zip(*transform(src_crs, dst_crs, *xy))) for xy in xys) yield {"coordinates": list(xys), "type": "Polygon"} elif geometry["type"] == "MultiPolygon": for component in geometry["coordinates"]: xys = (zip(*part) for part in component) xys = (list(zip(*transform(src_crs, dst_crs, *xy))) for xy in xys) yield {"coordinates": list(xys), "type": "Polygon"}
Example #2
Source File: From rio-cogeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_web_optimized_params( src_dst, tilesize=256, latitude_adjustment: bool = True, warp_resampling: str = "nearest", grid_crs=CRS.from_epsg(3857), ) -> Dict: """Return VRT parameters for a WebOptimized COG.""" bounds = list( transform_bounds(, CRS.from_epsg(4326), *src_dst.bounds, densify_pts=21 ) ) center = [(bounds[0] + bounds[2]) / 2, (bounds[1] + bounds[3]) / 2] lat = 0 if latitude_adjustment else center[1] max_zoom = get_max_zoom(src_dst, lat=lat, tilesize=tilesize) extrema = tile_extrema(bounds, max_zoom) left, _, _, top = mercantile.xy_bounds( extrema["x"]["min"], extrema["y"]["min"], max_zoom ) vrt_res = _meters_per_pixel(max_zoom, 0, tilesize=tilesize) vrt_transform = Affine(vrt_res, 0, left, 0, -vrt_res, top) vrt_width = (extrema["x"]["max"] - extrema["x"]["min"]) * tilesize vrt_height = (extrema["y"]["max"] - extrema["y"]["min"]) * tilesize return dict( crs=grid_crs, transform=vrt_transform, width=vrt_width, height=vrt_height, resampling=ResamplingEnums[warp_resampling], )
Example #3
Source File: From mapchete with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_mapchete_input(mapchete_input): """Mapchete process as input for other process.""" with as mp: config = mp.config.params_at_zoom(5) input_data = config["input"]["file2"] assert input_data.bbox() assert input_data.bbox(CRS.from_epsg(3857)) mp_input = assert not mp_input.is_empty()
Example #4
Source File: From atlite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def regrid(ds, dimx, dimy, **kwargs): """ Interpolate Dataset or DataArray `ds` to a new grid, using rasterio's reproject facility. See also: Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset|xr.DataArray N-dim data on a spatial grid dimx : pd.Index New x-coordinates in destination crs. MUST refer to x-coord of ds. dimy : pd.Index New y-coordinates in destination crs. MUST refer to y-coord of ds. **kwargs : Arguments passed to rio.wrap.reproject; of note: - resampling is one of gis.Resampling.{average,cubic,bilinear,nearest} - src_crs, dst_crs define the different crs (default: EPSG 4326, ie latlong) """ namex = namey = ds = maybe_swap_spatial_dims(ds, namex, namey) src_transform = _as_transform(ds.indexes[namex], ds.indexes[namey]) dst_transform = _as_transform(dimx, dimy) dst_shape = len(dimy), len(dimx) kwargs.update(dst_shape=dst_shape, src_transform=src_transform, dst_transform=dst_transform) kwargs.setdefault("src_crs", CRS.from_epsg(4326)) kwargs.setdefault("dst_crs", CRS.from_epsg(4326)) def _reproject(src, dst_shape, **kwargs): dst = np.empty(src.shape[:-2] + dst_shape, dtype=src.dtype) rio.warp.reproject(np.asarray(src), dst, **kwargs) return dst data_vars = ds.data_vars.values() if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset) else (ds,) dtypes = {da.dtype for da in data_vars} assert len(dtypes) == 1, "regrid can only reproject datasets with homogeneous dtype" return ( xr.apply_ufunc(_reproject, ds, input_core_dims=[[namey, namex]], output_core_dims=[['yout', 'xout']], output_dtypes=[dtypes.pop()], output_sizes={'yout': dst_shape[0], 'xout': dst_shape[1]}, dask='parallelized', kwargs=kwargs) .rename({'yout': namey, 'xout': namex}) .assign_coords(**{namey: (namey, dimy, ds.coords[namey].attrs), namex: (namex, dimx, ds.coords[namex].attrs)}) .assign_attrs(**ds.attrs) )