Python allennlp.common.util.ensure_list() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of allennlp.common.util.ensure_list().
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Example #1
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self, lazy): reader = QuoraParaphraseDatasetReader(lazy=lazy) instances = / u'data' / u'quora_paraphrase.tsv') instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"premise": u"What should I do to avoid sleeping in class ?".split(), u"hypothesis": u"How do I not sleep in a boring class ?".split(), u"label": u"1"} instance2 = {u"premise": u"Do women support each other more than men do ?".split(), u"hypothesis": u"Do women need more compliments than men ?".split(), u"label": u"0"} instance3 = {u"premise": u"How can one root android devices ?".split(), u"hypothesis": u"How do I root an Android device ?".split(), u"label": u"1"} assert len(instances) == 3 for instance, expected_instance in izip(instances, [instance1, instance2, instance3]): fields = instance.fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"premise"].tokens] == expected_instance[u"premise"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"hypothesis"].tokens] == expected_instance[u"hypothesis"] assert fields[u"label"].label == expected_instance[u"label"]
Example #2
Source File: From topic-rnn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 reader = IMDBLanguageModelingReader() dataset = instances = ensure_list(dataset) assert len(instances) == 10 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["source"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_0["source"] assert [t.text for t in fields["target"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_0["target"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["source"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_1["source"] assert [t.text for t in fields["target"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_1["target"] fields = instances[7].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["source"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_7["source"] assert [t.text for t in fields["target"].tokens] == TestIMDBReader.INSTANCE_7["target"]
Example #3
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self, lazy, coding_scheme): conll_reader = Conll2003DatasetReader(lazy=lazy, coding_scheme=coding_scheme) instances = / u'data' / u'conll2003.txt')) instances = ensure_list(instances) if coding_scheme == u'IOB1': expected_labels = [u'I-ORG', u'O', u'I-PER', u'O', u'O', u'I-LOC', u'O'] else: expected_labels = [u'U-ORG', u'O', u'U-PER', u'O', u'O', u'U-LOC', u'O'] fields = instances[0].fields tokens = [t.text for t in fields[u'tokens'].tokens] assert tokens == [u'U.N.', u'official', u'Ekeus', u'heads', u'for', u'Baghdad', u'.'] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == expected_labels fields = instances[1].fields tokens = [t.text for t in fields[u'tokens'].tokens] assert tokens == [u'AI2', u'engineer', u'Joel', u'lives', u'in', u'Seattle', u'.'] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == expected_labels
Example #4
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_brown_corpus_format(self): reader = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader(word_tag_delimiter=u'/') instances = / u'data' / u'brown_corpus.txt') instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 4 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"cats", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"dogs", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"snakes", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[3].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"birds", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"]
Example #5
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_default_format(self, lazy): reader = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader(lazy=lazy) instances = / u'data' / u'sequence_tagging.tsv') instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 4 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"cats", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"dogs", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"snakes", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"] fields = instances[3].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == [u"birds", u"are", u"animals", u"."] assert fields[u"tags"].labels == [u"N", u"V", u"N", u"N"]
Example #6
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_2_class(self): reader = StanfordSentimentTreeBankDatasetReader(granularity=u"2-class") instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"tokens": [u"The", u"actors", u"are", u"fantastic", u"."], u"label": u"1"} instance2 = {u"tokens": [u"It", u"was", u"terrible", u"."], u"label": u"0"} assert len(instances) == 2 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance1[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance1[u"label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance2[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance2[u"label"]
Example #7
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_3_class(self): reader = StanfordSentimentTreeBankDatasetReader(granularity=u"3-class") instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"tokens": [u"The", u"actors", u"are", u"fantastic", u"."], u"label": u"2"} instance2 = {u"tokens": [u"It", u"was", u"terrible", u"."], u"label": u"0"} instance3 = {u"tokens": [u"Chomp", u"chomp", u"!"], u"label": u"1"} assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance1[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance1[u"label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance2[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance2[u"label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance3[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance3[u"label"]
Example #8
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_use_subtrees(self): reader = StanfordSentimentTreeBankDatasetReader(use_subtrees=True) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"tokens": [u"The", u"actors", u"are", u"fantastic", u"."], u"label": u"4"} instance2 = {u"tokens": [u"The", u"actors"], u"label": u"2"} instance3 = {u"tokens": [u"The"], u"label": u"2"} assert len(instances) == 21 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance1[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance1[u"label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance2[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance2[u"label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance3[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance3[u"label"]
Example #9
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self, lazy): reader = StanfordSentimentTreeBankDatasetReader(lazy=lazy) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"tokens": [u"The", u"actors", u"are", u"fantastic", u"."], u"label": u"4"} instance2 = {u"tokens": [u"It", u"was", u"terrible", u"."], u"label": u"0"} instance3 = {u"tokens": [u"Chomp", u"chomp", u"!"], u"label": u"2"} assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance1[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance1[u"label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance2[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance2[u"label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"tokens"].tokens] == instance3[u"tokens"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance3[u"label"]
Example #10
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self, lazy): reader = LanguageModelingReader(tokens_per_instance=3, lazy=lazy) instances = ensure_list( / u'data' / u'language_modeling.txt')) # The last potential instance is left out, which is ok, because we don't have an end token # in here, anyway. assert len(instances) == 5 assert [t.text for t in instances[0].fields[u"input_tokens"].tokens] == [u"This", u"is", u"a"] assert [t.text for t in instances[0].fields[u"output_tokens"].tokens] == [u"is", u"a", u"sentence"] assert [t.text for t in instances[1].fields[u"input_tokens"].tokens] == [u"sentence", u"for", u"language"] assert [t.text for t in instances[1].fields[u"output_tokens"].tokens] == [u"for", u"language", u"modelling"] assert [t.text for t in instances[2].fields[u"input_tokens"].tokens] == [u"modelling", u".", u"Here"] assert [t.text for t in instances[2].fields[u"output_tokens"].tokens] == [u".", u"Here", u"'s"] assert [t.text for t in instances[3].fields[u"input_tokens"].tokens] == [u"'s", u"another", u"one"] assert [t.text for t in instances[3].fields[u"output_tokens"].tokens] == [u"another", u"one", u"for"] assert [t.text for t in instances[4].fields[u"input_tokens"].tokens] == [u"for", u"extra", u"language"] assert [t.text for t in instances[4].fields[u"output_tokens"].tokens] == [u"extra", u"language", u"modelling"]
Example #11
Source File: From kb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tacred_dataset_reader(self): reader = get_reader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/tacred/LDC2018T24.json')) # Check number of instances is correct self.assertEqual(len(instances), 3) # Check that first instance's tokens are correct tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] initial_tokens_0 = tokens_0[:6] expected_initial_tokens_0 = ['[CLS]', 'douglas', 'flint', '[SEP]', 'chairman', '[SEP]'] self.assertListEqual(initial_tokens_0, expected_initial_tokens_0) final_tokens_0 = tokens_0[-6:] expected_final_tokens_0 = ['a', 'govern', '##ment', '[UNK]', '.', '[SEP]'] self.assertListEqual(final_tokens_0, expected_final_tokens_0) # Check that first instances label is correct label_0 = instances[0]['label_ids'].label expected_label_0 = LABEL_MAP['per:title'] self.assertEqual(label_0, expected_label_0)
Example #12
Source File: From kb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_entity_mask(self): # Check 'mask' mode has expected behavior reader = get_reader() reader.entity_masking = 'mask' instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/tacred/LDC2018T24.json')) tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] subj_tokens_0 = tokens_0[14] self.assertEqual(subj_tokens_0, '[MASK]') tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] obj_tokens_0 = tokens_0[17] self.assertEqual(obj_tokens_0, '[MASK]') # Check 'type/role' mode has expected behavior reader.entity_masking = 'type/role' instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/tacred/LDC2018T24.json')) tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] subj_tokens_0 = tokens_0[14] self.assertEqual(subj_tokens_0, '[s-person]') tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] obj_tokens_0 = tokens_0[17] self.assertEqual(obj_tokens_0, '[o-title]')
Example #13
Source File: From scicite with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self): reader = AclarcDatasetReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/aclarc-train.jsonl')) instance1 = {"citation_text": ['Typical', 'examples', 'are', 'Bulgarian']} assert len(instances) == 10 fields = instances[0].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert [t.text for t in fields['citation_text'].tokens][:4] == instance1['citation_text'] reader = AclSectionTitleDatasetReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/aclarc-section-title.jsonl')) instance1 = {"section_name": 'related work', "citation_text": ['With', 'C99']} assert len(instances) == 10 fields = instances[1].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert [t.text for t in fields['citation_text'].tokens][:2] == instance1['citation_text'] assert fields['section_label'].label == instance1['section_name'] reader = AclCiteWorthinessDatasetReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/aclarc-cite-worthiness.jsonl')) instance1 = {"is_citation": 'False'} fields = instances[1].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert fields['is_citation'].label == instance1['is_citation']
Example #14
Source File: From allennlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_brown_corpus_format(self): reader = SequenceTaggingDatasetReader(word_tag_delimiter="/") instances = / "data" / "brown_corpus.txt") instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 4 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == ["cats", "are", "animals", "."] assert fields["tags"].labels == ["N", "V", "N", "N"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == ["dogs", "are", "animals", "."] assert fields["tags"].labels == ["N", "V", "N", "N"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == ["snakes", "are", "animals", "."] assert fields["tags"].labels == ["N", "V", "N", "N"] fields = instances[3].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == ["birds", "are", "animals", "."] assert fields["tags"].labels == ["N", "V", "N", "N"]
Example #15
Source File: From vampire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file_and_truncates_properly(self): reader = SemiSupervisedTextClassificationJsonReader(max_sequence_length=5) ag_path = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "imdb" / "train.jsonl" instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {"tokens": ['...', 'And', 'I', 'never', 'thought'], "label": "neg"} instance2 = {"tokens": ['The', 'fight', 'scenes', 'were', 'great'], "label": "pos"} instance3 = {"tokens": ['The', 'only', 'way', 'this', 'is'], "label": "neg"} assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance1["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance1["label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance2["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance2["label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance3["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance3["label"]
Example #16
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_default_format(self, lazy): reader = Seq2SeqDatasetReader(lazy=lazy) instances = / u'data' / u'seq2seq_copy.tsv')) instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"source_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"this", u"is", u"a", u"sentence", u"@end@"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"target_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"this", u"is", u"a", u"sentence", u"@end@"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"source_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"this", u"is", u"another", u"@end@"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"target_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"this", u"is", u"another", u"@end@"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"source_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"all", u"these", u"sentences", u"should", u"get", u"copied", u"@end@"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"target_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"all", u"these", u"sentences", u"should", u"get", u"copied", u"@end@"]
Example #17
Source File: From allennlp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_from_file_ag_news_corpus_and_truncates_properly(self, lazy): reader = TextClassificationJsonReader(lazy=lazy, max_sequence_length=5) ag_path = ( AllenNlpTestCase.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "ag_news_corpus.jsonl" ) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {"tokens": ["Memphis", "Rout", "Still", "Stings", "for"], "label": "2"} instance2 = {"tokens": ["AP", "-", "Eli", "Manning", "has"], "label": "2"} instance3 = {"tokens": ["A", "conference", "dedicated", "to", "online"], "label": "4"} assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance1["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance1["label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance2["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance2["label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance3["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance3["label"]
Example #18
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_srl_reader_can_filter_by_domain(self): conll_reader = SrlReader(domain_identifier=u"subdomain2") instances = / u'conll_2012') instances = ensure_list(instances) # If we'd included the folder, we'd have 9 instances. assert len(instances) == 2
Example #19
Source File: From nlp-models with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): super(TestCopyNetReader, self).setUp() params = Params.from_file("nlpete/tests/fixtures/copynet/experiment.json") self.reader = DatasetReader.from_params(params["dataset_reader"]) instances ="nlpete/tests/fixtures/copynet/copyover.tsv") self.instances = ensure_list(instances) self.vocab = Vocabulary.from_params( params=params["vocabulary"], instances=instances )
Example #20
Source File: From nlp-models with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): super(TestNL2BashReader, self).setUp() self.reader = NL2BashDatasetReader("target_tokens") instances ="nlpete/tests/fixtures/nl2bash/train.tsv") self.instances = ensure_list(instances)
Example #21
Source File: From propara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self): sc_reader = ProLocalDatasetReader() instances ='tests/fixtures/prolocal_toy_data.tsv') instances = ensure_list(instances) # read first instance fields = instances[0].fields correct_tokens = ["Green", "plants", "absorb", "water", "from", "the", "soil"] read_tokens = [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] assert correct_tokens == read_tokens assert fields["entity_span"].labels == [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] assert fields["verb_span"].labels == [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] assert fields["state_change_type_labels"].label == 'MOVE' assert fields["state_change_tags"].labels == ['B-LOC-TO', 'I-LOC-TO', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'B-LOC-FROM', 'I-LOC-FROM'] # read second instance fields = instances[1].fields print(fields) read_tokens = [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] assert read_tokens == ["Rocks", "in", "the", "shore", "break"] assert fields["entity_span"].labels == [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] assert fields["verb_span"].labels == [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] assert fields["state_change_type_labels"].label == 'DESTROY' assert fields["state_change_tags"].labels == ['O', 'O', 'B-LOC-FROM', 'I-LOC-FROM', 'O']
Example #22
Source File: From allennlp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_set_skip_indexing_true(self, lazy): reader = TextClassificationJsonReader(lazy=lazy, skip_label_indexing=True) ag_path = ( AllenNlpTestCase.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "integer_labels.jsonl" ) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {"tokens": ["This", "text", "has", "label", "0"], "label": 0} instance2 = {"tokens": ["This", "text", "has", "label", "1"], "label": 1} assert len(instances) == 2 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance1["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance1["label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance2["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance2["label"] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exec_info: ag_path = ( AllenNlpTestCase.FIXTURES_ROOT / "data" / "text_classification_json" / "imdb_corpus.jsonl" ) ensure_list( assert str(exec_info.value) == "Labels must be integers if skip_label_indexing is True."
Example #23
Source File: From kb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_kg_probe_reader(self): reader = get_reader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/kg_probe/file1.txt')) # Check instances are correct length self.assertEqual(len(instances), 2) # Check masking is performed properly expected_tokens_0 = ['[CLS]', '[MASK]', '[MASK]', '[UNK]', 'quick', '##est', '.', '[SEP]'] tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens'].tokens] self.assertListEqual(expected_tokens_0, tokens_0) expected_mask_indicator_0 = np.array([0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0], dtype=np.uint8) mask_indicator_0 = instances[0]['mask_indicator'].array assert np.allclose(expected_mask_indicator_0, mask_indicator_0) expected_tokens_1 = ['[CLS]', 'the', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', '[MASK]', '[MASK]', '[MASK]', '[MASK]', '.', '[SEP]'] tokens_1 = [x.text for x in instances[1]['tokens'].tokens] self.assertListEqual(expected_tokens_1, tokens_1) expected_mask_indicator_1 = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0], dtype=np.uint8) mask_indicator_1 = instances[1]['mask_indicator'].array assert np.allclose(expected_mask_indicator_1, mask_indicator_1)
Example #24
Source File: From kb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ultra_fine_reader_entity_markers(self): reader = get_reader("entity_markers") instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/evaluation/ultra_fine/train.json')) # Check number of instances is correct self.assertEqual(len(instances), 2) # Check that first instance's tokens are correct tokens_0 = [x.text for x in instances[0]['tokens']] segments_0 = list(instances[0]['segment_ids'].array) actual = list(zip(tokens_0, segments_0)) expected = [('[CLS]', 0), ('the', 0), ('british', 0), ('information', 0), ('commissioner', 0), ("'s", 0), ('office', 0), ('invites', 0), ('[e1start]', 0), ('web', 0), ('users', 0), ('[e1end]', 0), ('to', 0), ('locate', 0), ('its', 0), ('add', 0), ('##ress', 0), ('using', 0), ('google', 0), ('[UNK]', 0), ('.', 0), ('[SEP]', 0)] self.assertListEqual(actual, expected) self.assertEqual(actual[instances[0]['index_a'].label], ('[e1start]', 0))
Example #25
Source File: From scicite with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_from_file_scicite(self): reader = SciciteDatasetReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/scicite-train.jsonl')) instance1 = {"citation_text": ['These', 'results', 'are', 'in']} assert len(instances) == 10 fields = instances[0].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert [t.text for t in fields['citation_text'].tokens][:4] == instance1['citation_text'] print(fields.keys()) assert fields['labels'].label == "result" reader = SciciteSectitleDatasetReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/scicite-section-title.jsonl')) instance1 = {"section_name": 'introduction', "citation_text": ['SVM', 'and']} assert len(instances) == 10 fields = instances[0].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert [t.text for t in fields['citation_text'].tokens][:2] == instance1['citation_text'] assert fields['section_label'].label == instance1['section_name'] assert 'is_citation' not in fields reader = SciCiteWorthinessDataReader() instances = ensure_list('tests/fixtures/scicite-cite-worthiness.jsonl')) instance1 = {"is_citation": 'True'} fields = instances[0].fields assert isinstance(instances, list) assert fields['is_citation'].label == instance1['is_citation'] assert 'section_name' not in fields.keys()
Example #26
Source File: From vampire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_samples_properly(self): reader = SemiSupervisedTextClassificationJsonReader(sample=1, max_sequence_length=5) ag_path = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "imdb" / "train.jsonl" params = Params({"random_seed": 5, "numpy_seed": 5, "pytorch_seed": 5}) prepare_environment(params) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) instance = {"tokens": ['The', 'fight', 'scenes', 'were', 'great'], "label": "pos"} assert len(instances) == 1 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields["tokens"].tokens] == instance["tokens"] assert fields["label"].label == instance["label"]
Example #27
Source File: From vampire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ignores_label_properly(self): imdb_labeled_path = self.FIXTURES_ROOT / "imdb" / "train.jsonl" reader = SemiSupervisedTextClassificationJsonReader(ignore_labels=True) instances = instances = ensure_list(instances) fields = [i.fields for i in instances] labels = [f.get('label') for f in fields] assert labels == [None] * 3
Example #28
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_source_add_start_token(self): reader = Seq2SeqDatasetReader(source_add_start_token=False) instances = / u'data' / u'seq2seq_copy.tsv')) instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"source_tokens"].tokens] == [u"this", u"is", u"a", u"sentence", u"@end@"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"target_tokens"].tokens] == [u"@start@", u"this", u"is", u"a", u"sentence", u"@end@"]
Example #29
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_read_from_file(self, lazy): reader = SnliReader(lazy=lazy) instances = / u'data' / u'snli.jsonl') instances = ensure_list(instances) instance1 = {u"premise": [u"A", u"person", u"on", u"a", u"horse", u"jumps", u"over", u"a", u"broken", u"down", u"airplane", u"."], u"hypothesis": [u"A", u"person", u"is", u"training", u"his", u"horse", u"for", u"a", u"competition", u"."], u"label": u"neutral"} instance2 = {u"premise": [u"A", u"person", u"on", u"a", u"horse", u"jumps", u"over", u"a", u"broken", u"down", u"airplane", u"."], u"hypothesis": [u"A", u"person", u"is", u"at", u"a", u"diner", u",", u"ordering", u"an", u"omelette", u"."], u"label": u"contradiction"} instance3 = {u"premise": [u"A", u"person", u"on", u"a", u"horse", u"jumps", u"over", u"a", u"broken", u"down", u"airplane", u"."], u"hypothesis": [u"A", u"person", u"is", u"outdoors", u",", u"on", u"a", u"horse", u"."], u"label": u"entailment"} assert len(instances) == 3 fields = instances[0].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"premise"].tokens] == instance1[u"premise"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"hypothesis"].tokens] == instance1[u"hypothesis"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance1[u"label"] fields = instances[1].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"premise"].tokens] == instance2[u"premise"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"hypothesis"].tokens] == instance2[u"hypothesis"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance2[u"label"] fields = instances[2].fields assert [t.text for t in fields[u"premise"].tokens] == instance3[u"premise"] assert [t.text for t in fields[u"hypothesis"].tokens] == instance3[u"hypothesis"] assert fields[u"label"].label == instance3[u"label"]
Example #30
Source File: From magnitude with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_read(self, lazy): params = Params({ u'base_tarball_path': unicode(AllenNlpTestCase.FIXTURES_ROOT / u'data' / u'triviaqa-sample.tgz'), u'lazy': lazy }) reader = TriviaQaReader.from_params(params) instances ='web-train.json') instances = ensure_list(instances) assert len(instances) == 3 assert [t.text for t in instances[0].fields[u"question"].tokens[:3]] == [u"Which", u"American", u"-"] assert [t.text for t in instances[0].fields[u"passage"].tokens[:3]] == [u"The", u"Nobel", u"Prize"] url = u"" assert [t.text for t in instances[0].fields[u"passage"].tokens[-3:]] == [u"<", url, u">"] assert instances[0].fields[u"span_start"].sequence_index == 12 assert instances[0].fields[u"span_end"].sequence_index == 13 assert [t.text for t in instances[1].fields[u"question"].tokens[:3]] == [u"Which", u"American", u"-"] assert [t.text for t in instances[1].fields[u"passage"].tokens[:3]] == [u"Why", u"Do", u"n’t"] assert [t.text for t in instances[1].fields[u"passage"].tokens[-3:]] == [u"adults", u",", u"and"] assert instances[1].fields[u"span_start"].sequence_index == 38 assert instances[1].fields[u"span_end"].sequence_index == 39 assert [t.text for t in instances[2].fields[u"question"].tokens[:3]] == [u"Where", u"in", u"England"] assert [t.text for t in instances[2].fields[u"passage"].tokens[:3]] == [u"Judi", u"Dench", u"-"] assert [t.text for t in instances[2].fields[u"passage"].tokens[-3:]] == [u")", u"(", u"special"] assert instances[2].fields[u"span_start"].sequence_index == 16 assert instances[2].fields[u"span_end"].sequence_index == 16