Python plotly.subplots.make_subplots() Examples
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code examples of plotly.subplots.make_subplots().
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Example #1
Source File: From CrypTen with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update_error_diff(start_date, end_date, funcs): if type(funcs) is str: funcs = [funcs] start_df = func_df[func_df["date"] == start_date] end_df = func_df[func_df["date"] == end_date] fig = make_subplots( rows=len(funcs), cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "domain"}] for _ in range(len(funcs))] ) for i, func in enumerate(funcs): error = end_df[end_df["function"] == func]["total abs error"] error_prev = start_df[start_df["function"] == func]["total abs error"] func_text = func.capitalize() fig.add_trace( go.Indicator( mode="number+delta", value=float(error), title={ "text": f"{func_text}<br><span style='font-size:0.8em;color:gray'>" + "total abs error</span><br>" }, delta={ "reference": float(error_prev), "relative": True, "increasing": {"color": "#ff4236"}, "decreasing": {"color": "#008000"}, }, ), row=i + 1, col=1, ) fig.update_layout(height=300 * len(funcs)) return fig
Example #2
Source File: From tensortrade with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_figure(self, performance_keys): fig = make_subplots( rows=4, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.03, row_heights=[0.55, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15], ) fig.add_trace(go.Candlestick(name='Price', xaxis='x1', yaxis='y1', showlegend=False), row=1, col=1) fig.update_layout(xaxis_rangeslider_visible=False) fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name='Volume', showlegend=False, marker={'color': 'DodgerBlue'}), row=2, col=1) for k in performance_keys: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(mode='lines', name=k), row=3, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(mode='lines', name='Net Worth', marker={ 'color': 'DarkGreen' }), row=4, col=1) fig.update_xaxes(linecolor='Grey', gridcolor='Gainsboro') fig.update_yaxes(linecolor='Grey', gridcolor='Gainsboro') fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Price', row=1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Volume', row=2) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Performance', row=3) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Net Worth', row=4) fig.update_xaxes(title_standoff=7, title_font=dict(size=12)) self.fig = go.FigureWidget(fig) self._price_chart =[0] self._volume_chart =[1] self._performance_chart =[2] self._net_worth_chart =[-1] self.fig.update_annotations({'font': {'size': 12}}) self.fig.update_layout(template='plotly_white', height=self._height, margin=dict(t=50)) self._base_annotations = self.fig.layout.annotations
Example #3
Source File: From pycoQC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def alignment_reads_status (self, colors:list=["#f44f39","#fc8161","#fcaf94","#828282"], width:int= None, height:int=500, plot_title:str="Summary of reads alignment status"): """ Plot a basic alignment summary * colors List of colors (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsv or any CSS named colors * width With of the plotting area in pixel * height height of the plotting area in pixel * plot_title Title to display on top of the plot """ # Verify that alignemnt information are available if not self.has_alignment: raise pycoQCError ("No Alignment information available") ("\t\tComputing plot") df = self.alignments_df # Create empty multiplot figure fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, column_widths=[0.4, 0.6], specs=[[{"type": "table"},{"type": "pie"}]]) # plot Table data = go.Table( columnwidth = [3,2,2], header = {"values":list(df.columns), "align":"center", "fill_color":"grey", "font_size":14, "font_color":"white", "height":40}, cells = {"values":df.values.T , "align":"center", "fill_color":"whitesmoke", "font_size":12, "height":30}) fig.add_trace (data, row=1, col=1) # plot Pie plot data = go.Pie ( labels=df["Alignments"], values=df["Counts"], sort=False, marker={"colors":colors}, name="Pie plot", textinfo='label+percent') fig.add_trace (data, row=1, col=2) # Change the layout fig.update_layout( width = width, height = height, title = {"text":plot_title, "xref":"paper" ,"x":0.5, "xanchor":"center"}) return fig #~~~~~~~ALIGNMENT RATE METHOD AND HELPER~~~~~~~#
Example #4
Source File: From arche with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_box_subplots(stat: pd.DataFrame) -> go.Figure: """Create a figure with box subplots showing fields coverages for jobs. Args: stat: a dataframe with field coverages Returns: A figure with box subplots """ stat = stat.drop(columns=["std", "mean", "target deviation"]) traces = [ go.Box( y=row[1], name=row[0], boxpoints="all", jitter=0.3, boxmean="sd", hoverinfo="y", ) for row in stat.iterrows() ] cols = 4 rows = math.ceil(len(stat) / cols) fig = make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=cols) x = 0 for i, j in itertools.product(range(1, rows + 1), range(1, cols + 1)): if x == len(traces): break fig.append_trace(traces[x], i, j) x += 1 fig.update_layout(height=rows * 300 + 200, width=cols * 300, showlegend=False) fig.update_yaxes(tickformat=".4p") return fig
Example #5
Source File: From sound_field_analysis-py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot3Dgrid(rows, cols, viz_data, style, normalize=True, title=None): if len(viz_data) > rows * cols: raise ValueError('Number of plot data is more than the specified rows and columns.') fig = subplots.make_subplots(rows, cols, specs=[[{'is_3d': True}] * cols] * rows, print_grid=False) if style == 'flat': layout_3D = dict( xaxis=dict(range=[0, 360]), yaxis=dict(range=[0, 181]), aspectmode='manual', aspectratio=dict(x=3.6, y=1.81, z=1) ) else: layout_3D = dict( xaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), yaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), zaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), aspectmode='cube' ) rows, cols = _np.mgrid[1:rows + 1, 1: cols + 1] rows = rows.flatten() cols = cols.flatten() for IDX in range(0, len(viz_data)): cur_row = int(rows[IDX]) cur_col = int(cols[IDX]) fig.add_trace(genVisual(viz_data[IDX], style=style, normalize=normalize), cur_row, cur_col) fig.layout[f'scene{IDX + 1:d}'].update(layout_3D) if title is not None: fig.layout.update(title=title) filename = f'{title}.html' else: filename = f'{current_time()}.html' if env_info() == 'jupyter_notebook': plotly_off.iplot(fig) else: plotly_off.plot(fig, filename=filename)
Example #6
Source File: From SLM-Lab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_experiment(experiment_spec, experiment_df, metrics_cols): ''' Plot the metrics vs. specs parameters of an experiment, where each point is a trial. ref colors: ''' y_cols = metrics_cols x_cols = ps.difference(experiment_df.columns.tolist(), y_cols + ['trial']) fig = subplots.make_subplots(rows=len(y_cols), cols=len(x_cols), shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, print_grid=False) strength_sr = experiment_df['strength'] min_strength, max_strength = strength_sr.min(), strength_sr.max() for row_idx, y in enumerate(y_cols): for col_idx, x in enumerate(x_cols): x_sr = experiment_df[x] guard_cat_x = x_sr.astype(str) if x_sr.dtype == 'object' else x_sr trace = go.Scatter( y=experiment_df[y], yaxis=f'y{row_idx+1}', x=guard_cat_x, xaxis=f'x{col_idx+1}', showlegend=False, mode='markers', marker={ 'symbol': 'circle-open-dot', 'color': strength_sr, 'opacity': 0.5, # dump first portion of colorscale that is too bright 'cmin': min_strength - 0.5 * (max_strength - min_strength), 'cmax': max_strength, 'colorscale': 'YlGnBu', 'reversescale': False }, ) fig.add_trace(trace, row_idx + 1, col_idx + 1) fig.update_xaxes(title_text='<br>'.join(ps.chunk(x, 20)), zerolinewidth=1, categoryarray=sorted(guard_cat_x.unique()), row=len(y_cols), col=col_idx+1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y, rangemode='tozero', row=row_idx+1, col=1) fig.layout.update( title=f'experiment graph: {experiment_spec["name"]}', width=100 + 300 * len(x_cols), height=200 + 300 * len(y_cols)) plot(fig) graph_prepath = experiment_spec['meta']['graph_prepath'] save_image(fig, f'{graph_prepath}_experiment_graph.png') # save important graphs in prepath directly prepath = experiment_spec['meta']['prepath'] save_image(fig, f'{prepath}_experiment_graph.png') return fig
Example #7
Source File: From prophet with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_components_plotly( m, fcst, uncertainty=True, plot_cap=True, figsize=(900, 200)): """Plot the Prophet forecast components using Plotly. See plot_plotly() for Plotly setup instructions Will plot whichever are available of: trend, holidays, weekly seasonality, yearly seasonality, and additive and multiplicative extra regressors. Parameters ---------- m: Prophet model. fcst: pd.DataFrame output of m.predict. uncertainty: Optional boolean to plot uncertainty intervals, which will only be done if m.uncertainty_samples > 0. plot_cap: Optional boolean indicating if the capacity should be shown in the figure, if available. figsize: Set the size for the subplots (in px). Returns ------- A Plotly Figure. """ # Identify components to plot and get their Plotly props components = {} components['trend'] = get_forecast_component_plotly_props( m, fcst, 'trend', uncertainty, plot_cap) if m.train_holiday_names is not None and 'holidays' in fcst: components['holidays'] = get_forecast_component_plotly_props( m, fcst, 'holidays', uncertainty) regressors = {'additive': False, 'multiplicative': False} for name, props in m.extra_regressors.items(): regressors[props['mode']] = True for mode in ['additive', 'multiplicative']: if regressors[mode] and 'extra_regressors_{}'.format(mode) in fcst: components['extra_regressors_{}'.format(mode)] = get_forecast_component_plotly_props( m, fcst, 'extra_regressors_{}'.format(mode)) for seasonality in m.seasonalities: components[seasonality] = get_seasonality_plotly_props(m, seasonality) # Create Plotly subplot figure and add the components to it fig = make_subplots(rows=len(components), cols=1, print_grid=False) fig['layout'].update(go.Layout( showlegend=False, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1] * len(components) )) for i, name in enumerate(components): if i == 0: xaxis = fig['layout']['xaxis'] yaxis = fig['layout']['yaxis'] else: xaxis = fig['layout']['xaxis{}'.format(i + 1)] yaxis = fig['layout']['yaxis{}'.format(i + 1)] xaxis.update(components[name]['xaxis']) yaxis.update(components[name]['yaxis']) for trace in components[name]['traces']: fig.append_trace(trace, i + 1, 1) return fig
Example #8
Source File: From CrypTen with MIT License | 4 votes |
def update_runtime_diff(start_date, end_date, funcs): if type(funcs) is str: funcs = [funcs] start_df = func_df[func_df["date"] == start_date] end_df = func_df[func_df["date"] == end_date] fig = make_subplots( rows=len(funcs), cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "domain"}] for _ in range(len(funcs))] ) for i, func in enumerate(funcs): runtime = end_df[end_df["function"] == func]["runtime crypten"] runtime_prev = start_df[start_df["function"] == func]["runtime crypten"] func_text = func.capitalize() fig.add_trace( go.Indicator( mode="number+delta", value=float(runtime), title={ "text": f"{func_text}<br><span style='font-size:0.8em;color:gray'>" + "runtime in seconds</span><br>" }, delta={ "reference": float(runtime_prev), "relative": True, "increasing": {"color": "#ff4236"}, "decreasing": {"color": "#008000"}, }, ), row=i + 1, col=1, ) fig.update_layout(height=300 * len(funcs)) return fig
Example #9
Source File: From webviz-subsurface with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__( self, zmin=None, zmax=None, well=None, surfaces=None, sampling=5, nextend=5, zonelogshift=0, surfacenames=None, surfacecolors=None, cube=None, grid=None, gridproperty=None, zunit="", show_marginal=False, ): self._data = [] self._figure = make_subplots( rows=2 if show_marginal else 1, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0, row_heights=[0.05, 0.95] if show_marginal else [1], ) self._zmin = zmin if zmin else well.dataframe["Z_TVDSS"].min() self._zmax = zmax if zmax else well.dataframe["Z_TVDSS"].max() self._well = well self._nextend = nextend self._sampling = sampling self._surfaces = surfaces self._surfacenames = surfacenames self._surfacecolors = ( surfacecolors if surfacecolors is not None else [ "#1f77b4", # muted blue "#ff7f0e", # safety orange "#2ca02c", # cooked asparagus green "#d62728", # brick red "#9467bd", # muted purple "#8c564b", # chestnut brown "#e377c2", # raspberry yogurt pink "#7f7f7f", # middle gray "#bcbd22", # curry yellow-green "#17becf", # blue-teal ] ) self.zunit = zunit self.show_marginal = show_marginal self.main_trace_row = 2 if show_marginal else 1 self._cube = cube self._grid = grid self._gridproperty = gridproperty self._zonelogshift = zonelogshift self._fence = None
Example #10
Source File: From webviz-subsurface with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def make_distribution_plot(df, parameter, response, theme): """Make plotly traces for scatterplot and histograms for selected response and input parameter""" real_text = [f"Realization:{r}" for r in df["REAL"]] fig = make_subplots( rows=4, cols=2, specs=[ [{"colspan": 2, "rowspan": 2}, None], [None, None], [{"rowspan": 2}, {"rowspan": 2}], [None, None], ], ) fig.add_trace( { "type": "scatter", "showlegend": False, "mode": "markers", "x": df[parameter], "y": df[response], "text": real_text, }, 1, 1, ) fig.add_trace( {"type": "histogram", "x": df[parameter], "showlegend": False,}, 3, 1, ) fig.add_trace( {"type": "histogram", "x": df[response], "showlegend": False,}, 3, 2, ) fig["layout"].update( theme_layout( theme, { "height": 800, "bargap": 0.05, "xaxis": {"title": parameter,}, "yaxis": {"title": response}, "xaxis2": {"title": parameter}, "xaxis3": {"title": response}, "title": f"Distribution of {response} and {parameter}", }, ) ) fig["layout"]["font"].update({"size": 8}) return fig
Example #11
Source File: From spectre with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_cumulative_returns(returns, positions, transactions, benchmark, annual_risk_free): from import turnover, sharpe_ratio, drawdown, annual_volatility import plotly.graph_objects as go import plotly.subplots as subplots fig = subplots.make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) cum_ret = (returns + 1).cumprod() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cum_ret.index, y=cum_ret.values * 100 - 100, name='portfolio', hovertemplate='<b>Date</b>:%{x}<br><b>Return</b>: %{y:.3f}%')) fig.add_shape(go.layout.Shape(y0=0, y1=0, x0=cum_ret.index[0], x1=cum_ret.index[-1], type="line", line=dict(width=1))) if benchmark is not None: cum_bench = (benchmark + 1).cumprod() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=cum_bench.index, y=cum_bench.values * 100 - 100, name='benchmark', line=dict(width=0.5))) fig.add_shape(go.layout.Shape( type="rect", xref="x", yref="paper", opacity=0.5, line_width=0, fillcolor="LightGoldenrodYellow", layer="below", y0=0, y1=1, x0=cum_ret.idxmax(), x1=cum_ret[cum_ret.idxmax():].idxmin(), )) to = turnover(positions, transactions) * 100 resample = int(len(to) / 126) if resample > 0: to = to.fillna(0).rolling(resample).mean()[::resample] fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=to.index, y=to.values, opacity=0.2, name='turnover'), secondary_y=True) sr = sharpe_ratio(returns, annual_risk_free) dd, ddd = drawdown(cum_ret) mdd = abs(dd.min()) mdd_dur = ddd.max() vol = annual_volatility(returns) * 100 if benchmark is not None: bench_sr = sharpe_ratio(benchmark, annual_risk_free) bench_vol = annual_volatility(benchmark) * 100 else: bench_sr = 0 bench_vol = 0 ann = go.layout.Annotation( x=0.01, y=0.98, xref="paper", yref="paper", showarrow=False, borderwidth=1, bordercolor='black', align='left', text="<b>Overall</b> (portfolio/benchmark)<br>" "SharpeRatio: {:.3f}/{:.3f}<br>" "MaxDrawDown: {:.2f}%, {} Days<br>" "AnnualVolatility: {:.2f}%/{:.2f}%</b>" .format(sr, bench_sr, mdd * 100, mdd_dur, vol, bench_vol), ) fig.update_layout(height=400, annotations=[ann], margin={'t': 50}) fig.update_xaxes(tickformat='%Y-%m-%d') fig.update_yaxes(title_text='cumulative return', ticksuffix='%', secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(title_text='turnover', ticksuffix='%', secondary_y=True)
Example #12
Source File: From ross with MIT License | 3 votes |
def plot(self, percentile=[], conf_interval=[], *args, **kwargs): """Plot Campbell Diagram. This method plots Campbell Diagram. Parameters ---------- percentile : list, optional Sequence of percentiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. conf_interval : list, optional Sequence of confidence intervals to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. args: optional harmonics : list, optional List with the harmonics to be plotted. The default is to plot 1x. kwargs : optional Additional key word arguments can be passed to change the plot (e.g. line=dict(width=4.0, color="royalblue"), opacity=1.0, ...) *See Plotly Python Figure Reference for more information. Returns ------- subplots : Plotly graph_objects.make_subplots() Plotly figure with diagrams for frequency and log dec. """ fig0 = self.plot_nat_freq(percentile, conf_interval, *args, **kwargs) default_values = dict(showlegend=False) for k, v in default_values.items(): kwargs.setdefault(k, v) fig1 = self.plot_log_dec(percentile, conf_interval, *args, **kwargs) subplots = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2) for data in fig0["data"]: subplots.add_trace(data, 1, 1) for data in fig1["data"]: subplots.add_trace(data, 1, 2) subplots.update_xaxes(fig0.layout.xaxis, row=1, col=1) subplots.update_yaxes(fig1.layout.yaxis, row=1, col=1) subplots.update_xaxes(fig0.layout.xaxis, row=1, col=2) subplots.update_yaxes(fig1.layout.yaxis, row=1, col=2) subplots.update_layout( plot_bgcolor="white", width=1800, height=900, legend=dict( font=dict(family="sans-serif", size=14), bgcolor="white", bordercolor="black", borderwidth=2, ), ) return subplots