Python pymc3.HalfCauchy() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of pymc3.HalfCauchy().
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Example #1
Source File: From nispat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def from_posterior(param, samples, distribution = None, half = False, freedom=10): if len(samples.shape)>1: shape = samples.shape[1:] else: shape = None if (distribution is None): smin, smax = np.min(samples), np.max(samples) width = smax - smin x = np.linspace(smin, smax, 1000) y = stats.gaussian_kde(samples)(x) if half: x = np.concatenate([x, [x[-1] + 0.1 * width]]) y = np.concatenate([y, [0]]) else: x = np.concatenate([[x[0] - 0.1 * width], x, [x[-1] + 0.1 * width]]) y = np.concatenate([[0], y, [0]]) return pm.distributions.Interpolated(param, x, y) elif (distribution=='normal'): temp = if shape is None: return pm.Normal(param, mu=temp[0], sigma=freedom*temp[1]) else: return pm.Normal(param, mu=temp[0], sigma=freedom*temp[1], shape=shape) elif (distribution=='hnormal'): temp = if shape is None: return pm.HalfNormal(param, sigma=freedom*temp[1]) else: return pm.HalfNormal(param, sigma=freedom*temp[1], shape=shape) elif (distribution=='hcauchy'): temp = if shape is None: return pm.HalfCauchy(param, freedom*temp[1]) else: return pm.HalfCauchy(param, freedom*temp[1], shape=shape)
Example #2
Source File: From autoimpute with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the Imputer to the dataset by fitting bayesian model. Args: X (pd.Dataframe): dataset to fit the imputer. y (pd.Series): response, which is eventually imputed. Returns: self. Instance of the class. """ _not_num_series(self.strategy, y) nc = len(X.columns) # initialize model for bayesian linear reg. Default vals for priors # assume data is scaled and centered. Convergence can struggle or fail # if not the case and proper values for the priors are not specified # separately, also assumes each beta is normal and "independent" # while betas likely not independent, this is technically a rule of OLS with pm.Model() as fit_model: alpha = pm.Normal("alpha",, sd=self.asd) beta = pm.Normal("beta",, sd=self.bsd, shape=nc) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy("σ", self.sig) mu = score = pm.Normal("score", mu, sd=sigma, observed=y) self.statistics_ = {"param": fit_model, "strategy": self.strategy} return self
Example #3
Source File: From autoimpute with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the Imputer to the dataset by fitting bayesian and LS model. Args: X (pd.Dataframe): dataset to fit the imputer. y (pd.Series): response, which is eventually imputed. Returns: self. Instance of the class. """ _not_num_series(self.strategy, y) nc = len(X.columns) # get predictions for the data, which will be used for "closest" vals y_pred =, y).predict(X) y_df = DataFrame({"y": y, "y_pred": y_pred}) # calculate bayes and use appropriate means for alpha and beta priors # here we specify the point estimates from the linear regression as the # means for the priors. This will greatly speed up posterior sampling # and help ensure that convergence occurs if is None: = self.lm.intercept_ if is None: = self.lm.coef_ # initialize model for bayesian linear reg. Default vals for priors # assume data is scaled and centered. Convergence can struggle or fail # if not the case and proper values for the priors are not specified # separately, also assumes each beta is normal and "independent" # while betas likely not independent, this is technically a rule of OLS with pm.Model() as fit_model: alpha = pm.Normal("alpha",, sd=self.asd) beta = pm.Normal("beta",, sd=self.bsd, shape=nc) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy("σ", self.sig) mu = score = pm.Normal("score", mu, sd=sigma, observed=y) params = {"model": fit_model, "y_obs": y_df} self.statistics_ = {"param": params, "strategy": self.strategy} return self
Example #4
Source File: From autoimpute with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the Imputer to the dataset by fitting bayesian and LS model. Args: X (pd.Dataframe): dataset to fit the imputer. y (pd.Series): response, which is eventually imputed. Returns: self. Instance of the class. """ _not_num_series(self.strategy, y) nc = len(X.columns) # get predictions for the data, which will be used for "closest" vals y_pred =, y).predict(X) y_df = DataFrame({"y": y, "y_pred": y_pred}) # calculate bayes and use appropriate means for alpha and beta priors # here we specify the point estimates from the linear regression as the # means for the priors. This will greatly speed up posterior sampling # and help ensure that convergence occurs if is None: = self.lm.intercept_ if is None: = self.lm.coef_ # initialize model for bayesian linear reg. Default vals for priors # assume data is scaled and centered. Convergence can struggle or fail # if not the case and proper values for the priors are not specified # separately, also assumes each beta is normal and "independent" # while betas likely not independent, this is technically a rule of OLS with pm.Model() as fit_model: alpha = pm.Normal("alpha",, sd=self.asd) beta = pm.Normal("beta",, sd=self.bsd, shape=nc) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy("σ", self.sig) mu = score = pm.Normal("score", mu, sd=sigma, observed=y) params = {"model": fit_model, "y_obs": y_df} self.statistics_ = {"param": params, "strategy": self.strategy} return self
Example #5
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _pyro_noncentered_model(J, sigma, y=None): import pyro import pyro.distributions as dist mu = pyro.sample("mu", dist.Normal(0, 5)) tau = pyro.sample("tau", dist.HalfCauchy(5)) with pyro.plate("J", J): eta = pyro.sample("eta", dist.Normal(0, 1)) theta = mu + tau * eta return pyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(theta, sigma), obs=y)
Example #6
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _numpyro_noncentered_model(J, sigma, y=None): import numpyro import numpyro.distributions as dist mu = numpyro.sample("mu", dist.Normal(0, 5)) tau = numpyro.sample("tau", dist.HalfCauchy(5)) with numpyro.plate("J", J): eta = numpyro.sample("eta", dist.Normal(0, 1)) theta = mu + tau * eta return numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(theta, sigma), obs=y)
Example #7
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pymc3_noncentered_schools(data, draws, chains): """Non-centered eight schools implementation for pymc3.""" import pymc3 as pm with pm.Model() as model: mu = pm.Normal("mu", mu=0, sd=5) tau = pm.HalfCauchy("tau", beta=5) eta = pm.Normal("eta", mu=0, sd=1, shape=data["J"]) theta = pm.Deterministic("theta", mu + tau * eta) pm.Normal("obs", mu=theta, sd=data["sigma"], observed=data["y"]) trace = pm.sample(draws, chains=chains) return model, trace
Example #8
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, learner_cls, parameter_keys, model_params, fit_params, model_path, **kwargs, ): self.priors = [ [pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 10}], [pm.Laplace, {"mu": 0, "b": 10}], ] self.uniform_prior = [pm.Uniform, {"lower": -20, "upper": 20}] self.prior_indices = np.arange(len(self.priors)) self.parameter_f = [ (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), (pm.Cauchy, {"alpha": 0, "beta": 1}), 0, -5, 5, ] self.parameter_s = [ (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), (pm.HalfNormal, {"sd": 0.5}), (pm.Exponential, {"lam": 0.5}), (pm.Uniform, {"lower": 1, "upper": 10}), 10, ] # ,(pm.HalfCauchy, {'beta': 2}), (pm.HalfNormal, {'sd': 1}),(pm.Exponential, {'lam': 1.0})] self.learner_cls = learner_cls self.model_params = model_params self.fit_params = fit_params self.parameter_keys = parameter_keys self.parameters = list(product(self.parameter_f, self.parameter_s)) pf_arange = np.arange(len(self.parameter_f)) ps_arange = np.arange(len(self.parameter_s)) self.parameter_ind = list(product(pf_arange, ps_arange)) self.model_path = model_path self.models = dict() self.logger = logging.getLogger(ModelSelector.__name__)
Example #9
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def model_configuration(self): """ Constructs the dictionary containing the priors for the weight vectors for the model according to the regularization function. The parameters are: * **weights** : Weights to evaluates the utility of the objects For ``l1`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{b}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Laplace}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{b}=\\text{b}_w) For ``l2`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{sd}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{sd}=\\text{sd}_w) """ if self.regularization == "l2": weight = pm.Normal prior = "sd" elif self.regularization == "l1": weight = pm.Laplace prior = "b" configuration = { "weights": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 10}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ] } "Creating default config {}".format(print_dictionary(configuration)) ) return configuration
Example #10
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def fit_cross_cov(self, n_exp=2, n_gauss=2, range_mu=None): """ Fit an analytical covariance to the experimental data. Args: n_exp (int): number of exponential basic functions n_gauss (int): number of gaussian basic functions range_mu: prior mean of the range. Default mean of the lags Returns: pymc.Model: PyMC3 model to be sampled using MCMC """ self.n_exp = n_exp self.n_gauss = n_gauss n_var = self.n_properties df = self.exp_var lags = self.lags # Prior standard deviation for the error of the regression prior_std_reg = df.std(0).max() * 10 # Prior value for the mean of the ranges if not range_mu: range_mu = lags.mean() # pymc3 Model with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement # Define priors sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=prior_std_reg, testval=1., shape=n_var) psill = pm.Normal('sill', prior_std_reg, sd=.5 * prior_std_reg, shape=(n_exp + n_gauss)) range_ = pm.Normal('range', range_mu, sd=range_mu * .3, shape=(n_exp + n_gauss)) lambda_ = pm.Uniform('weights', 0, 1, shape=(n_var * (n_exp + n_gauss))) # Exponential covariance exp = pm.Deterministic('exp', # (lambda_[:n_exp*n_var]* psill[:n_exp] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)), (range_[:n_exp].reshape((1, n_exp)) / 3.) ** -1)))) gauss = pm.Deterministic('gaus', psill[n_exp:] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)) ** 2, (range_[n_exp:].reshape((1, n_gauss)) * 4 / 7.) ** -2)))) # We stack the basic functions in the same matrix and tile it to match the number of properties we have func = pm.Deterministic('func', T.tile(T.horizontal_stack(exp, gauss), (n_var, 1, 1))) # We weight each basic function and sum them func_w = pm.Deterministic("func_w", T.sum(func * lambda_.reshape((n_var, 1, (n_exp + n_gauss))), axis=2)) for e, cross in enumerate(df.columns): # Likelihoods pm.Normal(cross + "_like", mu=func_w[e], sd=sigma[e], observed=df[cross].values) return model
Example #11
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def fit_cross_cov(df, lags, n_exp=2, n_gaus=2, range_mu=None): n_var = df.columns.shape[0] n_basis_f = n_var * (n_exp + n_gaus) prior_std_reg = df.std(0).max() * 10 # if not range_mu: range_mu = lags.mean() # Because is a experimental variogram I am not going to have outliers nugget_max = df.values.max() # print(n_basis_f, n_var*n_exp, nugget_max, range_mu, prior_std_reg) # pymc3 Model with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement # Define priors sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=prior_std_reg, testval=1., shape=n_var) psill = pm.Normal('sill', prior_std_reg, sd=.5 * prior_std_reg, shape=(n_exp + n_gaus)) range_ = pm.Normal('range', range_mu, sd=range_mu * .3, shape=(n_exp + n_gaus)) # nugget = pm.Uniform('nugget', 0, nugget_max, shape=n_var) lambda_ = pm.Uniform('weights', 0, 1, shape=(n_var * (n_exp + n_gaus))) # Exponential covariance exp = pm.Deterministic('exp', # (lambda_[:n_exp*n_var]* psill[:n_exp] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)), (range_[:n_exp].reshape((1, n_exp)) / 3.) ** -1)))) gaus = pm.Deterministic('gaus', psill[n_exp:] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)) ** 2, (range_[n_exp:].reshape((1, n_gaus)) * 4 / 7.) ** -2)))) func = pm.Deterministic('func', T.tile(T.horizontal_stack(exp, gaus), (n_var, 1, 1))) func_w = pm.Deterministic("func_w", T.sum(func * lambda_.reshape((n_var, 1, (n_exp + n_gaus))), axis=2)) # nugget.reshape((n_var,1))) for e, cross in enumerate(df.columns): # Likelihoods pm.Normal(cross + "_like", mu=func_w[e], sd=sigma[e], observed=df[cross].values) return model
Example #12
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def model_configuration(self): """ Constructs the dictionary containing the priors for the weight vectors for the model according to the regularization function. The parameters are: * **weights** : Weights to evaluates the utility of the objects * **weights_k** : Weights to evaluates the fractional allocation of each object in :math:'Q' to each nest For ``l1`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{b}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Laplace}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{b}=\\text{b}_w) For ``l2`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{sd}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{sd}=\\text{sd}_w) Returns ------- configuration : dict Dictionary containing the priors applies on the weights """ if self._config is None: if self.regularization == "l2": weight = pm.Normal prior = "sd" elif self.regularization == "l1": weight = pm.Laplace prior = "b" self._config = { "weights": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ], "weights_ik": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ], } "Creating model with config {}".format(print_dictionary(self._config)) ) return self._config
Example #13
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def model_configuration(self): """ Constructs the dictionary containing the priors for the weight vectors for the model according to the regularization function. The parameters are: * **weights** : Distribution of the weigh vectors to evaluates the utility of the objects For ``l1`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{b}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Laplace}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{b}=\\text{b}_w) For ``l2`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{sd}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{sd}=\\text{sd}_w) """ if self._config is None: if self.regularization == "l2": weight = pm.Normal prior = "sd" elif self.regularization == "l1": weight = pm.Laplace prior = "b" self._config = { "weights": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ] } "Creating model with config {}".format(print_dictionary(self._config)) ) return self._config
Example #14
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def model_configuration(self): """ Constructs the dictionary containing the priors for the weight vectors for the model according to the regularization function. The parameters are: * **weights** : Weights to evaluates the utility of the objects For ``l1`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{b}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Laplace}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{b}=\\text{b}_w) For ``l2`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{sd}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{sd}=\\text{sd}_w) Returns ------- configuration : dict Dictionary containing the priors applies on the weights """ if self._config is None: if self.regularization == "l2": weight = pm.Normal prior = "sd" elif self.regularization == "l1": weight = pm.Laplace prior = "b" self._config = { "weights": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ] } "Creating model with config {}".format(print_dictionary(self._config)) ) return self._config #
Example #15
Source File: From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def model_configuration(self): """ Constructs the dictionary containing the priors for the weight vectors for the model according to the regularization function. The parameters are: * **weights** : Weights to evaluates the utility of the objects * **weights_k** : Weights to evaluates the utility of the nests For ``l1`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{b}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Laplace}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{b}=\\text{b}_w) For ``l2`` regularization the priors are: .. math:: \\text{mu}_w \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=0, \\text{sd}=5.0) \\\\ \\text{sd}_w \\sim \\text{HalfCauchy}(\\beta=1.0) \\\\ \\text{weights} \\sim \\text{Normal}(\\text{mu}=\\text{mu}_w, \\text{sd}=\\text{sd}_w) Returns ------- configuration : dict Dictionary containing the priors applies on the weights """ if self._config is None: if self.regularization == "l2": weight = pm.Normal prior = "sd" elif self.regularization == "l1": weight = pm.Laplace prior = "b" self._config = { "weights": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ], "weights_k": [ weight, { "mu": (pm.Normal, {"mu": 0, "sd": 5}), prior: (pm.HalfCauchy, {"beta": 1}), }, ], } "Creating model with config {}".format(print_dictionary(self._config)) ) return self._config