Python pymc3.Deterministic() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of pymc3.Deterministic().
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Example #1
Source File: From cryptotrader with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, Y, n_samples=10000, tune_steps=1000, n_jobs=4): with pm.Model() as self.model: # Priors std = pm.Uniform("std", 0, self.sps, testval=X.std()) beta = pm.StudentT("beta", mu=0, lam=self.sps, alpha = pm.StudentT("alpha", mu=0, lam=self.sps,, testval=Y.mean()) # Deterministic model mean = pm.Deterministic("mean", alpha + beta * X) # Posterior distribution obs = pm.Normal("obs", mu=mean, sd=std, observed=Y) ## Run MCMC # Find search start value with maximum a posterior estimation start = pm.find_MAP() # sample posterior distribution for latent variables trace = pm.sample(n_samples, njobs=n_jobs, tune=tune_steps, start=start) # Recover posterior samples self.burned_trace = trace[int(n_samples / 2):]
Example #2
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def built_model(self): """ Initialise :class:`pymc3.Model` depending on problem composites, geodetic and/or seismic data are included. Composites also determine the problem to be solved. """'... Building model ...\n') pc = self.config.problem_config with Model() as self.model: self.rvs, self.fixed_params = self.get_random_variables() self.init_hyperparams() total_llk = tt.zeros((1), tconfig.floatX) for datatype, composite in self.composites.items(): if datatype in bconfig.modes_catalog[pc.mode].keys(): input_rvs = weed_input_rvs( self.rvs, pc.mode, datatype=datatype) fixed_rvs = weed_input_rvs( self.fixed_params, pc.mode, datatype=datatype) else: input_rvs = self.rvs fixed_rvs = self.fixed_params total_llk += composite.get_formula( input_rvs, fixed_rvs, self.hyperparams, pc) # deterministic RV to write out llks to file like = Deterministic('tmp', total_llk) # will overwrite deterministic name ... llk = Potential(self._like_name, like)'Model building was successful! \n')
Example #3
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def built_hyper_model(self): """ Initialise :class:`pymc3.Model` depending on configuration file, geodetic and/or seismic data are included. Estimates initial parameter bounds for hyperparameters. """'... Building Hyper model ...\n') pc = self.config.problem_config if len(self.hierarchicals) == 0: self.init_hierarchicals() point = self.get_random_point(include=['hierarchicals', 'priors']) if self.config.problem_config.mode == bconfig.geometry_mode_str: for param in pc.priors.values(): point[] = param.testvalue with Model() as self.model: self.init_hyperparams() total_llk = tt.zeros((1), tconfig.floatX) for composite in self.composites.values(): if hasattr(composite, 'analyse_noise'): composite.analyse_noise(point) composite.init_weights() composite.update_llks(point) total_llk += composite.get_hyper_formula(self.hyperparams) like = Deterministic('tmp', total_llk) llk = Potential(self._like_name, like)'Hyper model building was successful!')
Example #4
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_hyper_formula(self, hyperparams): """ Get likelihood formula for the hyper model built. Has to be called within a with model context. problem_config : :class:`config.ProblemConfig` """ hp_specific = self.config.dataset_specific_residual_noise_estimation logpts = hyper_normal( self.datasets, hyperparams, self._llks, hp_specific=hp_specific) llk = Deterministic(self._like_name, logpts) return llk.sum()
Example #5
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_hyper_formula(self, hyperparams): """ Get likelihood formula for the hyper model built. Has to be called within a with model context. """ logpts = tt.zeros((self.n_t), tconfig.floatX) for k in range(self.n_t): logpt = self._eval_prior( hyperparams[bconfig.hyper_name_laplacian], self._llks[k]) logpts = tt.set_subtensor(logpts[k:k + 1], logpt) llk = Deterministic(self._like_name, logpts) return llk.sum()
Example #6
Source File: From pyGPGO with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits a Gaussian Process regressor using MCMC. Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples, nfeatures) Training instances to fit the GP. y: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples,) Corresponding continuous target values to `X`. """ self.X = X self.n = self.X.shape[0] self.y = y self.model = pm.Model() with self.model as model: l = pm.Uniform('l', 0, 10) log_s2_f = pm.Uniform('log_s2_f', lower=-7, upper=5) s2_f = pm.Deterministic('sigmaf', tt.exp(log_s2_f)) log_s2_n = pm.Uniform('log_s2_n', lower=-7, upper=5) s2_n = pm.Deterministic('sigman', tt.exp(log_s2_n)) f_cov = s2_f * covariance_equivalence[type(self.covfunc).__name__](1, l) Sigma = f_cov(self.X) + tt.eye(self.n) * s2_n ** 2 y_obs = pm.MvNormal('y_obs', mu=np.zeros(self.n), cov=Sigma, observed=self.y) with self.model as model: if self.step is not None: self.trace = pm.sample(self.niter, step=self.step())[self.burnin:] else: self.trace = pm.sample(self.niter, init=self.init)[self.burnin:]
Example #7
Source File: From pyGPGO with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits a Student-t regressor using MCMC. Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples, nfeatures) Training instances to fit the GP. y: np.ndarray, shape=(nsamples,) Corresponding continuous target values to `X`. """ self.X = X self.n = self.X.shape[0] self.y = y self.model = pm.Model() with self.model as model: l = pm.Uniform('l', 0, 10) log_s2_f = pm.Uniform('log_s2_f', lower=-7, upper=5) s2_f = pm.Deterministic('sigmaf', tt.exp(log_s2_f)) log_s2_n = pm.Uniform('log_s2_n', lower=-7, upper=5) s2_n = pm.Deterministic('sigman', tt.exp(log_s2_n)) f_cov = s2_f * covariance_equivalence[type(self.covfunc).__name__](1, l) Sigma = f_cov(self.X) + tt.eye(self.n) * s2_n ** 2 y_obs = pm.MvStudentT('y_obs',, mu=np.zeros(self.n), Sigma=Sigma, observed=self.y) with self.model as model: if self.step is not None: self.trace = pm.sample(self.niter, step=self.step())[self.burnin:] else: self.trace = pm.sample(self.niter, init=self.init)[self.burnin:]
Example #8
Source File: From bambi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _build_dist(self, spec, label, dist, **kwargs): """Build and return a PyMC3 Distribution.""" if isinstance(dist, str): if hasattr(pm, dist): dist = getattr(pm, dist) elif dist in self.dists: dist = self.dists[dist] else: raise ValueError( f"The Distribution {dist} was not found in PyMC3 or the PyMC3BackEnd." ) # Inspect all args in case we have hyperparameters def _expand_args(key, value, label): if isinstance(value, Prior): label = f"{label}_{key}" return self._build_dist(spec, label,, **value.args) return value kwargs = {k: _expand_args(k, v, label) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()} # Non-centered parameterization for hyperpriors if ( spec.noncentered and "sigma" in kwargs and "observed" not in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["sigma"], pm.model.TransformedRV) ): old_sigma = kwargs["sigma"] _offset = pm.Normal(label + "_offset", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=kwargs["shape"]) return pm.Deterministic(label, _offset * old_sigma) return dist(label, **kwargs)
Example #9
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pymc3_noncentered_schools(data, draws, chains): """Non-centered eight schools implementation for pymc3.""" import pymc3 as pm with pm.Model() as model: mu = pm.Normal("mu", mu=0, sd=5) tau = pm.HalfCauchy("tau", beta=5) eta = pm.Normal("eta", mu=0, sd=1, shape=data["J"]) theta = pm.Deterministic("theta", mu + tau * eta) pm.Normal("obs", mu=theta, sd=data["sigma"], observed=data["y"]) trace = pm.sample(draws, chains=chains) return model, trace
Example #10
Source File: From abyes with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def posterior_mcmc(self, data): """ Find posterior distribution for the numerical method of solution """ with pm.Model() as ab_model: # priors mua = pm.distributions.continuous.Beta('muA', alpha=self.alpha_prior, beta=self.beta_prior) mub = pm.distributions.continuous.Beta('muB', alpha=self.alpha_prior, beta=self.beta_prior) # likelihoods pm.Bernoulli('likelihoodA', mua, observed=data[0]) pm.Bernoulli('likelihoodB', mub, observed=data[1]) # find distribution of difference pm.Deterministic('lift', mub - mua) # find distribution of effect size sigma_a = pm.Deterministic('sigmaA', np.sqrt(mua * (1 - mua))) sigma_b = pm.Deterministic('sigmaB', np.sqrt(mub * (1 - mub))) pm.Deterministic('effect_size', (mub - mua) / (np.sqrt(0.5 * (sigma_a ** 2 + sigma_b ** 2)))) start = pm.find_MAP() step = pm.Slice() trace = pm.sample(self.iterations, step=step, start=start) bins = np.linspace(0, 1, self.resolution) mua = np.histogram(trace['muA'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True) mub = np.histogram(trace['muB'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True) sigma_a = np.histogram(trace['sigmaA'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True) sigma_b = np.histogram(trace['sigmaB'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True) rvs = trace['lift'][500:] bins = np.linspace(np.min(rvs) - 0.2 * abs(np.min(rvs)), np.max(rvs) + 0.2 * abs(np.max(rvs)), self.resolution) lift = np.histogram(rvs, bins=bins, normed=True) rvs = trace['effect_size'][500:] bins = np.linspace(np.min(rvs) - 0.2 * abs(np.min(rvs)), np.max(rvs) + 0.2 * abs(np.max(rvs)), self.resolution) pes = np.histogram(rvs, bins=bins, normed=True) posterior = {'muA': mua, 'muB': mub, 'sigmaA': sigma_a, 'sigmaB': sigma_b, 'lift': lift, 'es': pes, 'prior': self.prior()} return posterior
Example #11
Source File: From phoenics with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _create_model(self): with pm.Model() as self.model: # getting the location primers for layer_index in range(self.num_layers): setattr(self, 'w%d' % layer_index, self.__get_weights(layer_index, self.weight_shapes[layer_index])) setattr(self, 'b%d' % layer_index, self.__get_biases(layer_index, self.bias_shapes[layer_index])) if layer_index == 0: fc = pm.Deterministic('fc%d' % layer_index, pm.math.tanh(, self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index))) setattr(self, 'fc%d' % layer_index, fc) elif 0 < layer_index < self.num_layers - 1: fc = pm.Deterministic('fc%d' % layer_index, pm.math.tanh(, 'fc%d' % (layer_index - 1)), self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index))) setattr(self, 'fc%d' % layer_index, fc) else: self._loc = pm.Deterministic('bnn_out', pm.math.sigmoid(, 'fc%d' % (layer_index - 1)), self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index)) ) # getting the precision / standard deviation / variance self.tau_rescaling = np.zeros((self.num_obs, self.network_input.shape[1])) for obs_index in range(self.num_obs): self.tau_rescaling[obs_index] += self.var_e_ranges self.tau_rescaling = self.tau_rescaling**2 tau = pm.Gamma('tau', self.num_obs**2, 1., shape = (self.num_obs, self.network_input.shape[1])) self.tau = tau / self.tau_rescaling self.scale = pm.Deterministic('scale', 1. / pm.math.sqrt(self.tau)) # learn the floats self.loc = pm.Deterministic('loc', (self.upper_rescalings - self.lower_rescalings) * self._loc + self.lower_rescalings) self.out_floats = pm.Normal('out_floats', self.loc[:, self.floats], tau = self.tau[:, self.floats], observed = self.network_output[:, self._floats]) # learn the integers self.int_scale = pm.Deterministic('int_scale', 1. * self.scale) self.out_ints = DiscreteLaplace('out_ints', loc = self.loc[:, self.ints], scale = self.int_scale[:, self.ints], observed = self.network_output[:, self._ints]) # learn the categories dist_counter, cat_var_index = 0, 0 self.alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', (self.loc + 1.) * self.scale) self.num_cats = 0 for var_e_index, var_e_type in enumerate(self.var_e_types): if var_e_type == 'categorical' and self.var_e_begin[var_e_index] == var_e_index: begin, end = self.var_e_begin[var_e_index], self.var_e_end[var_e_index] var_e_name = self.var_e_names[var_e_index] param_index = np.argwhere(self.var_p_names == var_e_name)[0, 0] self.param_index = param_index out_dirichlet = pm.Dirichlet('dirich_%d' % dist_counter, a = self.alpha[:, begin : end], shape = (self.num_obs, int(end - begin)) ) out_cats = pm.Categorical('out_cats_%d' % dist_counter, p = out_dirichlet, observed = self.network_output[:, param_index]) self.num_cats += 1 dist_counter += 1
Example #12
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def fit_cross_cov(df, lags, n_exp=2, n_gaus=2, range_mu=None): n_var = df.columns.shape[0] n_basis_f = n_var * (n_exp + n_gaus) prior_std_reg = df.std(0).max() * 10 # if not range_mu: range_mu = lags.mean() # Because is a experimental variogram I am not going to have outliers nugget_max = df.values.max() # print(n_basis_f, n_var*n_exp, nugget_max, range_mu, prior_std_reg) # pymc3 Model with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement # Define priors sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=prior_std_reg, testval=1., shape=n_var) psill = pm.Normal('sill', prior_std_reg, sd=.5 * prior_std_reg, shape=(n_exp + n_gaus)) range_ = pm.Normal('range', range_mu, sd=range_mu * .3, shape=(n_exp + n_gaus)) # nugget = pm.Uniform('nugget', 0, nugget_max, shape=n_var) lambda_ = pm.Uniform('weights', 0, 1, shape=(n_var * (n_exp + n_gaus))) # Exponential covariance exp = pm.Deterministic('exp', # (lambda_[:n_exp*n_var]* psill[:n_exp] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)), (range_[:n_exp].reshape((1, n_exp)) / 3.) ** -1)))) gaus = pm.Deterministic('gaus', psill[n_exp:] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)) ** 2, (range_[n_exp:].reshape((1, n_gaus)) * 4 / 7.) ** -2)))) func = pm.Deterministic('func', T.tile(T.horizontal_stack(exp, gaus), (n_var, 1, 1))) func_w = pm.Deterministic("func_w", T.sum(func * lambda_.reshape((n_var, 1, (n_exp + n_gaus))), axis=2)) # nugget.reshape((n_var,1))) for e, cross in enumerate(df.columns): # Likelihoods pm.Normal(cross + "_like", mu=func_w[e], sd=sigma[e], observed=df[cross].values) return model
Example #13
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def fit_cross_cov(self, n_exp=2, n_gauss=2, range_mu=None): """ Fit an analytical covariance to the experimental data. Args: n_exp (int): number of exponential basic functions n_gauss (int): number of gaussian basic functions range_mu: prior mean of the range. Default mean of the lags Returns: pymc.Model: PyMC3 model to be sampled using MCMC """ self.n_exp = n_exp self.n_gauss = n_gauss n_var = self.n_properties df = self.exp_var lags = self.lags # Prior standard deviation for the error of the regression prior_std_reg = df.std(0).max() * 10 # Prior value for the mean of the ranges if not range_mu: range_mu = lags.mean() # pymc3 Model with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement # Define priors sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=prior_std_reg, testval=1., shape=n_var) psill = pm.Normal('sill', prior_std_reg, sd=.5 * prior_std_reg, shape=(n_exp + n_gauss)) range_ = pm.Normal('range', range_mu, sd=range_mu * .3, shape=(n_exp + n_gauss)) lambda_ = pm.Uniform('weights', 0, 1, shape=(n_var * (n_exp + n_gauss))) # Exponential covariance exp = pm.Deterministic('exp', # (lambda_[:n_exp*n_var]* psill[:n_exp] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)), (range_[:n_exp].reshape((1, n_exp)) / 3.) ** -1)))) gauss = pm.Deterministic('gaus', psill[n_exp:] * (1. - T.exp(, 1)) ** 2, (range_[n_exp:].reshape((1, n_gauss)) * 4 / 7.) ** -2)))) # We stack the basic functions in the same matrix and tile it to match the number of properties we have func = pm.Deterministic('func', T.tile(T.horizontal_stack(exp, gauss), (n_var, 1, 1))) # We weight each basic function and sum them func_w = pm.Deterministic("func_w", T.sum(func * lambda_.reshape((n_var, 1, (n_exp + n_gauss))), axis=2)) for e, cross in enumerate(df.columns): # Likelihoods pm.Normal(cross + "_like", mu=func_w[e], sd=sigma[e], observed=df[cross].values) return model
Example #14
Source File: From arviz with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def constant_data_to_xarray(self): """Convert constant data to xarray.""" # For constant data, we are concerned only with deterministics and data. # The constant data vars must be either pm.Data (TensorSharedVariable) or pm.Deterministic constant_data_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Var] for var in self.model.deterministics: ancestors = self.theano.tensor.gof.graph.ancestors(var.owner.inputs) # no dependency on a random variable if not any((isinstance(a, self.pymc3.model.PyMC3Variable) for a in ancestors)): constant_data_vars[] = var def is_data(name, var) -> bool: assert self.model is not None return ( var not in self.model.deterministics and var not in self.model.observed_RVs and var not in self.model.free_RVs and var not in self.model.potentials and (self.observations is None or name not in self.observations) ) # I don't know how to find pm.Data, except that they are named variables that aren't # observed or free RVs, nor are they deterministics, and then we eliminate observations. for name, var in self.model.named_vars.items(): if is_data(name, var): constant_data_vars[name] = var if not constant_data_vars: return None if self.dims is None: dims = {} else: dims = self.dims constant_data = {} for name, vals in constant_data_vars.items(): if hasattr(vals, "get_value"): vals = vals.get_value() # this might be a Deterministic, and must be evaluated elif hasattr(self.model[name], "eval"): vals = self.model[name].eval() vals = np.atleast_1d(vals) val_dims = dims.get(name) val_dims, coords = generate_dims_coords( vals.shape, name, dims=val_dims, coords=self.coords ) # filter coords based on the dims coords = {key: xr.IndexVariable((key,), data=coords[key]) for key in val_dims} try: constant_data[name] = xr.DataArray(vals, dims=val_dims, coords=coords) except ValueError as e: # pylint: disable=invalid-name raise ValueError("Error translating constant_data variable %s: %s" % (name, e)) return xr.Dataset(data_vars=constant_data, attrs=make_attrs(library=self.pymc3))
Example #15
Source File: From autoimpute with MIT License | 4 votes |
def impute(self, X): """Generate imputations using predictions from the fit bayesian model. The impute method returns the values for imputation. Missing values in a given dataset are replaced with the samples from the posterior predictive distribution of each missing data point. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): predictors to determine imputed values. Returns: np.array: imputated dataset. """ # check if fitted then predict with least squares check_is_fitted(self, "statistics_") model = self.statistics_["param"]["model"] labels = self.statistics_["param"]["labels"] # add a Deterministic node for each missing value # sampling then pulls from the posterior predictive distribution # each missing data point. I.e. distribution for EACH missing with model: p_pred = pm.Deterministic( "p_pred", pm.invlogit(model["alpha"] + model["beta"].dot(X.T)) ) tr = pm.sample( self.sample, tune=self.tune, init=self.init, **self.sample_kwargs ) self.trace_ = tr # decide how to impute. Use mean of posterior predictive or random draw # not supported yet, but eventually consider using the MAP if not self.fill_value or self.fill_value == "mean": imp = tr["p_pred"].mean(0) elif self.fill_value == "random": imp = np.apply_along_axis(np.random.choice, 0, tr["p_pred"]) else: err = f"{self.fill_value} must be 'mean' or 'random'." raise ValueError(err) # convert probabilities to class membership # then map class membership to corresponding label fill_thresh = np.vectorize(lambda f: 1 if f > self.thresh else 0) preds = fill_thresh(imp) label_dict = {i:j for i, j in enumerate(labels.values)} imp = Series(preds).replace(label_dict, inplace=False) return imp.values
Example #16
Source File: From autoimpute with MIT License | 4 votes |
def impute(self, X): """Generate imputations using predictions from the fit bayesian model. The transform method returns the values for imputation. Missing values in a given dataset are replaced with the samples from the posterior predictive distribution of each missing data point. Args: X (pd.DataFrame): predictors to determine imputed values. Returns: np.array: imputed dataset. """ # check if fitted then predict with least squares check_is_fitted(self, "statistics_") model = self.statistics_["param"] # add a Deterministic node for each missing value # sampling then pulls from the posterior predictive distribution # each missing data point. I.e. distribution for EACH missing with model: mu_pred = pm.Deterministic( "mu_pred", model["alpha"]+model["beta"].dot(X.T) ) tr = pm.sample( self.sample, tune=self.tune, init=self.init, **self.sample_kwargs ) self.trace_ = tr # decide how to impute. Use mean of posterior predictive or random draw # not supported yet, but eventually consider using the MAP if not self.fill_value or self.fill_value == "mean": imp = tr["mu_pred"].mean(0) elif self.fill_value == "random": imp = np.apply_along_axis(np.random.choice, 0, tr["mu_pred"]) else: err = f"{self.fill_value} must be 'mean' or 'random'." raise ValueError(err) return imp
Example #17
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_formula(self, input_rvs, fixed_rvs, hyperparams, problem_config): """ Formulation of the distribution problem for the model built. Has to be called within a with-model-context. Parameters ---------- input_rvs : list of :class:`pymc3.distribution.Distribution` hyperparams : dict of :class:`pymc3.distribution.Distribution` Returns ------- llk : :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` log-likelihood for the distributed slip """"Loading %s Green's Functions" % self.load_gfs( crust_inds=[self.config.gf_config.reference_model_idx], make_shared=True) hp_specific = self.config.dataset_specific_residual_noise_estimation self.input_rvs = input_rvs self.fixed_rvs = fixed_rvs ref_idx = self.config.gf_config.reference_model_idx mu = tt.zeros((self.Bij.ordering.size), tconfig.floatX) for var in self.slip_varnames: key = self.get_gflibrary_key( crust_ind=ref_idx, wavename='static', component=var) mu += self.gfs[key].stack_all(slips=input_rvs[var]) residuals = self.Bij.srmap( tt.cast((self.sdata - mu) * self.sodws, tconfig.floatX)) self.init_hierarchicals(problem_config) if len(self.hierarchicals) > 0: residuals = self.remove_ramps(residuals) logpts = multivariate_normal_chol( self.datasets, self.weights, hyperparams, residuals, hp_specific=hp_specific) llk = Deterministic(self._like_name, logpts) return llk.sum()
Example #18
Source File: From beat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_formula( self, input_rvs, fixed_rvs, hyperparams, problem_config): """ Get geodetic likelihood formula for the model built. Has to be called within a with model context. Part of the pymc3 model. Parameters ---------- input_rvs : dict of :class:`pymc3.distribution.Distribution` fixed_rvs : dict of :class:`numpy.array` hyperparams : dict of :class:`pymc3.distribution.Distribution` problem_config : :class:`config.ProblemConfig` Returns ------- posterior_llk : :class:`theano.tensor.Tensor` """ hp_specific = self.config.dataset_specific_residual_noise_estimation self.input_rvs = input_rvs self.fixed_rvs = fixed_rvs 'Geodetic optimization on: \n ' '%s' % ', '.join(self.input_rvs.keys())) self.input_rvs.update(fixed_rvs) t0 = time() disp = self.get_synths(self.input_rvs) t1 = time() logger.debug( 'Geodetic forward model on test model takes: %f' % (t1 - t0)) los_disp = (disp * self.slos_vectors).sum(axis=1) residuals = self.Bij.srmap( tt.cast((self.sdata - los_disp) * self.sodws, tconfig.floatX)) self.init_hierarchicals(problem_config) if len(self.hierarchicals) > 0: residuals = self.remove_ramps(residuals) logpts = multivariate_normal_chol( self.datasets, self.weights, hyperparams, residuals, hp_specific=hp_specific) llk = Deterministic(self._like_name, logpts) return llk.sum()
Example #19
Source File: From phoenics with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _create_model_old(self): self._get_rescalings() with pm.Model() as self.model: # getting the location for layer_index in range(self.num_layers): setattr(self, 'w%d' % layer_index, self.__get_weights(layer_index, self.weight_shapes[layer_index])) setattr(self, 'b%d' % layer_index, self.__get_biases(layer_index, self.bias_shapes[layer_index])) if layer_index == 0: fc = pm.Deterministic('fc%d' % layer_index, pm.math.tanh(, self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index))) setattr(self, 'fc%d' % layer_index, fc) elif 0 < layer_index < self.num_layers - 1: fc = pm.Deterministic('fc%d' % layer_index, pm.math.tanh(, 'fc%d' % (layer_index - 1)), self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index))) setattr(self, 'fc%d' % layer_index, fc) else: self.loc = pm.Deterministic('loc', (self.upper_rescalings - self.lower_rescalings) * pm.math.sigmoid(, 'fc%d' % (layer_index - 1)), self.weight(layer_index)) + self.bias(layer_index)) + self.lower_rescalings) # getting the standard deviation (or rather precision) self.tau_rescaling = np.zeros((self.num_obs, self.observed_params.shape[1])) for obs_index in range(self.num_obs): self.tau_rescaling[obs_index] += self.domain_ranges self.tau_rescaling = self.tau_rescaling**2 self.tau = pm.Gamma('tau', self.num_obs**2, 1., shape = (self.num_obs, self.observed_params.shape[1])) self.tau = self.tau / self.tau_rescaling # = pm.Deterministic('sd', 0.05 + 1. / pm.math.sqrt(self.tau)) self.scale = pm.Deterministic('scale', 1. / pm.math.sqrt(self.tau)) print(self.observed_params.shape) print(self._floats) print(self._integers) quit() # now that we got all locations and scales we can start getting the distributions # floats are easy, as we can take loc and scale as they are self.out = pm.Normal('out', self.loc, tau = self.tau, observed = self.observed_params) # integers are a bit more tricky and require the following transformation for the beta binomial alpha = ((n - mu) / sigma**2 - 1) / (n / mu - (n - mu) / sigma**2) beta = (n / mu - 1) * alpha self.alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', alpha) self.beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', beta)