Python pymc3.find_MAP() Examples

The following are 4 code examples of pymc3.find_MAP(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pymc3 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From cryptotrader with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit(self, X, Y, n_samples=10000, tune_steps=1000, n_jobs=4):
        with pm.Model() as self.model:
            # Priors
            std = pm.Uniform("std", 0, self.sps, testval=X.std())
            beta = pm.StudentT("beta", mu=0, lam=self.sps,
            alpha = pm.StudentT("alpha", mu=0, lam=self.sps,, testval=Y.mean())
            # Deterministic model
            mean = pm.Deterministic("mean", alpha + beta * X)
            # Posterior distribution
            obs = pm.Normal("obs", mu=mean, sd=std, observed=Y)
            ## Run MCMC
            # Find search start value with maximum a posterior estimation
            start = pm.find_MAP()
            # sample posterior distribution for latent variables
            trace = pm.sample(n_samples, njobs=n_jobs, tune=tune_steps, start=start)
            # Recover posterior samples
            self.burned_trace = trace[int(n_samples / 2):] 
Example #2
Source File:    From bambi with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _laplace(model):
    """Fit a model using a laplace approximation.

    Mainly for pedagogical use. ``mcmc`` and ``advi`` are better approximations.

    model: PyMC3 model

    Dictionary, the keys are the names of the variables and the values tuples of modes and standard
    with model:
        varis = [v for v in model.unobserved_RVs if not pm.util.is_transformed_name(]
        maps = pm.find_MAP(start=model.test_point, vars=varis)
        hessian = pm.find_hessian(maps, vars=varis)
        if np.linalg.det(hessian) == 0:
            raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("Singular matrix. Use mcmc or advi method")
        stds = np.diag(np.linalg.inv(hessian) ** 0.5)
        maps = [v for (k, v) in maps.items() if not pm.util.is_transformed_name(k)]
        modes = [v.item() if v.size == 1 else v for v in maps]
        names = [ for v in varis]
        shapes = [np.atleast_1d(mode).shape for mode in modes]
        stds_reshaped = []
        idx0 = 0
        for shape in shapes:
            idx1 = idx0 + sum(shape)
            stds_reshaped.append(np.reshape(stds[idx0:idx1], shape))
            idx0 = idx1
    return dict(zip(names, zip(modes, stds_reshaped))) 
Example #3
Source File:    From cs-ranking with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def fit_pymc3_model(self, sampler, draws, tune, vi_params, **kwargs):
    callbacks = vi_params.get("callbacks", [])
    for i, c in enumerate(callbacks):
        if isinstance(c, CheckParametersConvergence):
            params = c.__dict__
            params["diff"] = "absolute"
            callbacks[i] = CheckParametersConvergence(**params)
    if sampler == "variational":
        with self.model:
                self.trace = pm.sample(chains=2, cores=8, tune=5, draws=5)
                vi_params["start"] = self.trace[-1]
                self.trace_vi =**vi_params)
                self.trace = self.trace_vi.sample(draws=draws)
            except Exception as e:
                if hasattr(e, "message"):
                    message = e.message
                    message = e
                self.trace_vi = None
        if self.trace_vi is None and self.trace is None:
            with self.model:
                    "Error in vi ADVI sampler using Metropolis sampler with draws {}".format(
                self.trace = pm.sample(
                    chains=1, cores=4, tune=20, draws=20, step=pm.NUTS()
    elif sampler == "metropolis":
        with self.model:
            start = pm.find_MAP()
            self.trace = pm.sample(
        with self.model:
            self.trace = pm.sample(
                chains=2, cores=8, tune=tune, draws=draws, **kwargs, step=pm.NUTS()
Example #4
Source File:    From abyes with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def posterior_mcmc(self, data):
        Find posterior distribution for the numerical method of solution

        with pm.Model() as ab_model:
            # priors
            mua = pm.distributions.continuous.Beta('muA', alpha=self.alpha_prior, beta=self.beta_prior)
            mub = pm.distributions.continuous.Beta('muB', alpha=self.alpha_prior, beta=self.beta_prior)
            # likelihoods
            pm.Bernoulli('likelihoodA', mua, observed=data[0])
            pm.Bernoulli('likelihoodB', mub, observed=data[1])

            # find distribution of difference
            pm.Deterministic('lift', mub - mua)
            # find distribution of effect size
            sigma_a = pm.Deterministic('sigmaA', np.sqrt(mua * (1 - mua)))
            sigma_b = pm.Deterministic('sigmaB', np.sqrt(mub * (1 - mub)))
            pm.Deterministic('effect_size', (mub - mua) / (np.sqrt(0.5 * (sigma_a ** 2 + sigma_b ** 2))))

            start = pm.find_MAP()
            step = pm.Slice()
            trace = pm.sample(self.iterations, step=step, start=start)

        bins = np.linspace(0, 1, self.resolution)
        mua = np.histogram(trace['muA'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True)
        mub = np.histogram(trace['muB'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True)
        sigma_a = np.histogram(trace['sigmaA'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True)
        sigma_b = np.histogram(trace['sigmaB'][500:], bins=bins, normed=True)

        rvs = trace['lift'][500:]
        bins = np.linspace(np.min(rvs) - 0.2 * abs(np.min(rvs)), np.max(rvs) + 0.2 * abs(np.max(rvs)), self.resolution)
        lift = np.histogram(rvs, bins=bins, normed=True)

        rvs = trace['effect_size'][500:]
        bins = np.linspace(np.min(rvs) - 0.2 * abs(np.min(rvs)), np.max(rvs) + 0.2 * abs(np.max(rvs)), self.resolution)
        pes = np.histogram(rvs, bins=bins, normed=True)

        posterior = {'muA': mua, 'muB': mub, 'sigmaA': sigma_a, 'sigmaB': sigma_b,
                     'lift': lift, 'es': pes, 'prior': self.prior()}

        return posterior