Python detectron.utils.c2.gauss_fill() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of detectron.utils.c2.gauss_fill().
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Example #1
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_cluster_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Cluster RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # cluster Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cluster_cls_score', dim, 2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cluster_cls_score', 'cluster_cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = 2 model.FC( blob_in, 'cluster_bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) )
Example #2
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if not cfg.MODEL.Cluster_RCNN_ON else cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES-1, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if not cfg.MODEL.Cluster_RCNN_ON else cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES-1 ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MODEL.CASCADE_ON: # add stage parameters to list if '1' not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params['1'] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params['1'].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params['1'].append(model.biases[idx])
Example #3
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_cascade_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim, stage): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" stage_name = "_{}".format(stage) model.FC( blob_in, "cls_score" + stage_name, dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax("cls_score" + stage_name, "cls_prob" + stage_name, engine="CUDNN") num_bbox_reg_classes = 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes model.FC( blob_in, "bbox_pred" + stage_name, dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) # add stage parameters to list if str(stage) not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params[str(stage)] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.biases[idx]) return "cls_prob" + stage_name, "bbox_pred" + stage_name
Example #4
Source File: From CBNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_cascade_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim, stage): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" stage_name = "_{}".format(stage) model.FC( blob_in, "cls_score" + stage_name, dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax("cls_score" + stage_name, "cls_prob" + stage_name, engine="CUDNN") num_bbox_reg_classes = 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes model.FC( blob_in, "bbox_pred" + stage_name, dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) # add stage parameters to list if str(stage) not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params[str(stage)] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.biases[idx]) return "cls_prob" + stage_name, "bbox_pred" + stage_name
Example #5
Source File: From Detectron-Cascade-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MODEL.CASCADE_ON: # add stage parameters to list if '1' not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params['1'] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params['1'].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params['1'].append(model.biases[idx])
Example #6
Source File: From Detectron-Cascade-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_cascade_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim, stage): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" stage_name = "_{}".format(stage) model.FC( blob_in, "cls_score" + stage_name, dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax("cls_score" + stage_name, "cls_prob" + stage_name, engine="CUDNN") num_bbox_reg_classes = 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes model.FC( blob_in, "bbox_pred" + stage_name, dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0), ) # add stage parameters to list if str(stage) not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params[str(stage)] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params[str(stage)].append(model.biases[idx]) return "cls_prob" + stage_name, "bbox_pred" + stage_name
Example #7
Source File: From CBNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MODEL.CASCADE_ON: # add stage parameters to list if '1' not in model.stage_params: model.stage_params['1'] = [] for idx in range(-2, 0): model.stage_params['1'].append(model.weights[idx]) model.stage_params['1'].append(model.biases[idx])
Example #8
Source File: From Detectron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) )
Example #9
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) )
Example #10
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_image_level_classifier(model, blob_in, dim_in, spatial_scale_in): from detectron.utils.c2 import const_fill from detectron.utils.c2 import gauss_fill def negateGrad(inputs, outputs): outputs[0].feed(inputs[0].data) def grad_negateGrad(inputs, outputs): scale = cfg.TRAIN.DA_IMG_GRL_WEIGHT grad_output = inputs[-1] outputs[0].reshape(grad_output.shape) outputs[0].data[...] = -1.0*scale* model.GradientScalerLayer([blob_in], ['da_grl'], -1.0*cfg.TRAIN.DA_IMG_GRL_WEIGHT) model.Conv('da_grl', 'da_conv_1', dim_in, 512, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0)) model.Relu('da_conv_1', 'da_conv_1') model.Conv('da_conv_1', 'da_conv_2', 512, 1, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if model.train: ['da_label_wide', 'da_conv_2'], 'da_label' ) loss_da = ['da_conv_2', 'da_label'], 'loss_da', scale=model.GetLossScale() ) loss_gradient = blob_utils.get_loss_gradients(model, [loss_da]) model.AddLosses('loss_da') return loss_gradient else: return None
Example #11
Source File: From CBNet with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out
Example #12
Source File: From KL-Loss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_fast_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add RoI classification and bounding box regression output ops.""" # Box classification layer model.FC( blob_in, 'cls_score', dim, model.num_classes, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if not model.train: # == if test # Only add softmax when testing; during training the softmax is combined # with the label cross entropy loss for numerical stability model.Softmax('cls_score', 'cls_prob', engine='CUDNN') # Box regression layer num_bbox_reg_classes = ( 2 if cfg.MODEL.CLS_AGNOSTIC_BBOX_REG else model.num_classes ) model.FC( blob_in, 'bbox_pred', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.PRED_STD: if cfg.PRED_STD_LOG: bias = 0. model.FC( blob_in, #'blob_in0' 'bbox_pred_std', dim, num_bbox_reg_classes * 4, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.0001), bias_init=const_fill(bias) )'bbox_pred_std', 'bbox_pred_std_abs') #model.Relu('bbox_pred_std', 'bbox_pred_std_abs')'bbox_pred_std', 'bbox_pred_std_abs')
Example #13
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out
Example #14
Source File: From Detectron-DA-Faster-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _add_instance_level_classifier(model, blob_in, dim_in, spatial_scale): from detectron.utils.c2 import const_fill from detectron.utils.c2 import gauss_fill def negateGrad(inputs, outputs): outputs[0].feed(inputs[0].data) def grad_negateGrad(inputs, outputs): scale = cfg.TRAIN.DA_INS_GRL_WEIGHT grad_output = inputs[-1] outputs[0].reshape(grad_output.shape) outputs[0].data[...] = -1.0*scale* model.RoIFeatureTransform( blob_in, 'da_pool5', blob_rois='da_rois', method=cfg.FAST_RCNN.ROI_XFORM_METHOD, resolution=7, sampling_ratio=cfg.FAST_RCNN.ROI_XFORM_SAMPLING_RATIO, spatial_scale=spatial_scale ) model.FCShared('da_pool5', 'da_fc6', dim_in * 7 * 7, 4096, weight='fc6_w', bias='fc6_b') model.Relu('da_fc6', 'da_fc6') model.FCShared('da_fc6', 'da_fc7', 4096, 4096, weight='fc7_w', bias='fc7_b') da_blobs = model.Relu('da_fc7', 'da_fc7') model.GradientScalerLayer([da_blobs], ['dc_grl'], -1.0*cfg.TRAIN.DA_INS_GRL_WEIGHT) model.FC('dc_grl', 'dc_ip1', 4096, 1024, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0)) model.Relu('dc_ip1', 'dc_relu_1') model.Dropout('dc_relu_1', 'dc_drop_1', ratio=0.5, is_test=False) model.FC('dc_drop_1', 'dc_ip2', 1024, 1024, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.01), bias_init=const_fill(0.0)) model.Relu('dc_ip2', 'dc_relu_2') model.Dropout('dc_relu_2', 'dc_drop_2', ratio=0.5, is_test=False) dc_ip3 = model.FC('dc_drop_2', 'dc_ip3', 1024, 1, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.05), bias_init=const_fill(0.0)) loss_gradient = None if model.train: dc_loss = [dc_ip3, 'dc_label'], 'loss_dc', scale=model.GetLossScale() ) loss_gradient = blob_utils.get_loss_gradients(model, [dc_loss]) model.AddLosses('loss_dc') return loss_gradient, da_blobs, 4096
Example #15
Source File: From Detectron with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out
Example #16
Source File: From Detectron-Cascade-RCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out
Example #17
Source File: From Clustered-Object-Detection-in-Aerial-Image with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out
Example #18
Source File: From KL-Loss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_mask_rcnn_outputs(model, blob_in, dim): """Add Mask R-CNN specific outputs: either mask logits or probs.""" num_cls = cfg.MODEL.NUM_CLASSES if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 1 if cfg.MRCNN.USE_FC_OUTPUT: # Predict masks with a fully connected layer (ignore 'fcn' in the blob # name) dim_fc = int(dim * (cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION / cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO)**2) blob_out = model.FC( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim_fc, num_cls * cfg.MRCNN.RESOLUTION**2, weight_init=gauss_fill(0.001), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) else: # Predict mask using Conv # Use GaussianFill for class-agnostic mask prediction; fills based on # fan-in can be too large in this case and cause divergence fill = ( cfg.MRCNN.CONV_INIT if cfg.MRCNN.CLS_SPECIFIC_MASK else 'GaussianFill' ) blob_out = model.Conv( blob_in, 'mask_fcn_logits', dim, num_cls, kernel=1, pad=0, stride=1, weight_init=(fill, {'std': 0.001}), bias_init=const_fill(0.0) ) if cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO > 1: blob_out = model.BilinearInterpolation( 'mask_fcn_logits', 'mask_fcn_logits_up', num_cls, num_cls, cfg.MRCNN.UPSAMPLE_RATIO ) if not model.train: # == if test blob_out =, 'mask_fcn_probs') return blob_out