Python pybullet.getJointInfo() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pybullet.getJointInfo().
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Example #1
Source File: From Boston_Dynamics_Atlas_Explained with MIT License | 7 votes |
def setRobot(self, robot, physicsClientId=None): self._robot = robot if physicsClientId != None: self._physicsClientId = physicsClientId joint_id_list = [] joint_pos_list = [] self._joint_number = 0 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(robot, i) if jointInfo[2] == 0: joint_id_list.append(jointInfo[0]) joint_pos_list.append(p.getJointState(robot, jointInfo[0])[0]) self._joint_number += 1 print(self._joint_number) self._joint_id = np.array(joint_id_list, dtype=np.int32) self._joint_targetPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._joint_currentPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float)
Example #2
Source File: From pybullet-robot-envs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def get_joint_ranges(self): lower_limits, upper_limits, joint_ranges, rest_poses = [], [], [], [] for joint_name in self._joint_name_to_ids.keys(): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self.robot_id, self._joint_name_to_ids[joint_name], physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) ll, ul = jointInfo[8:10] jr = ul - ll # For simplicity, assume resting state == initial state rp = self.initial_positions[joint_name] lower_limits.append(ll) upper_limits.append(ul) joint_ranges.append(jr) rest_poses.append(rp) return lower_limits, upper_limits, joint_ranges, rest_poses
Example #3
Source File: From pybullet-robot-envs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def get_joint_ranges(self): lower_limits, upper_limits, joint_ranges, rest_poses, joint_dumping = [], [], [], [], [] for joint_name in self._joint_name_to_ids.keys(): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self.robot_id, self._joint_name_to_ids[joint_name], physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) ll, ul = jointInfo[8:10] jr = ul - ll # For simplicity, assume resting state == initial state rp = self.initial_positions[joint_name] lower_limits.append(ll) upper_limits.append(ul) joint_ranges.append(jr) rest_poses.append(rp) joint_dumping.append(0.1 if self._joint_name_to_ids[joint_name] in self._joints_to_control else 100.) return lower_limits, upper_limits, joint_ranges, rest_poses, joint_dumping
Example #4
Source File: From assistive-gym with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enforce_hard_human_joint_limits(self): if not self.human_controllable_joint_indices: return # Enforce joint limits. Sometimes, external forces and break the person's hard joint limits. joint_states = p.getJointStates(self.human, jointIndices=self.human_controllable_joint_indices, joint_positions = np.array([x[0] for x in joint_states]) if self.human_joint_lower_limits is None: self.human_joint_lower_limits = [] self.human_joint_upper_limits = [] for i, j in enumerate(self.human_controllable_joint_indices): joint_info = p.getJointInfo(self.human, j, joint_name = joint_info[1] joint_pos = joint_positions[i] lower_limit = joint_info[8] upper_limit = joint_info[9] self.human_joint_lower_limits.append(lower_limit) self.human_joint_upper_limits.append(upper_limit) # print(joint_name, joint_pos, lower_limit, upper_limit) for i, j in enumerate(self.human_controllable_joint_indices): if joint_positions[i] < self.human_joint_lower_limits[i]: p.resetJointState(self.human, jointIndex=j, targetValue=self.human_joint_lower_limits[i], targetVelocity=0, elif joint_positions[i] > self.human_joint_upper_limits[i]: p.resetJointState(self.human, jointIndex=j, targetValue=self.human_joint_upper_limits[i], targetVelocity=0,
Example #5
Source File: From assistive-gym with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enforce_joint_limits(self, body): # Enforce joint limits joint_states = p.getJointStates(body, jointIndices=list(range(p.getNumJoints(body,, joint_positions = np.array([x[0] for x in joint_states]) lower_limits = [] upper_limits = [] for j in range(p.getNumJoints(body, joint_info = p.getJointInfo(body, j, joint_name = joint_info[1] joint_pos = joint_positions[j] lower_limit = joint_info[8] upper_limit = joint_info[9] if lower_limit == 0 and upper_limit == -1: lower_limit = -1e10 upper_limit = 1e10 lower_limits.append(lower_limit) upper_limits.append(upper_limit) # print(joint_name, joint_pos, lower_limit, upper_limit) if joint_pos < lower_limit: p.resetJointState(body, jointIndex=j, targetValue=lower_limit, targetVelocity=0, elif joint_pos > upper_limit: p.resetJointState(body, jointIndex=j, targetValue=upper_limit, targetVelocity=0, lower_limits = np.array(lower_limits) upper_limits = np.array(upper_limits) return lower_limits, upper_limits
Example #6
Source File: From onshape-to-robot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def contactPoints(self): """Gets all contact points and forces Returns: list -- list of entries (link_name, position in m, force in N) """ result = [] contacts = p.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.floor, bodyB=self.robot) for contact in contacts: link_index = contact[4] if link_index >= 0: link_name = (p.getJointInfo(self.robot, link_index)[12]).decode() else: link_name = 'base' result.append((link_name, contact[6], contact[9])) return result
Example #7
Source File: From robotics-rl-srl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reset(self): """ Reset the environment """ objects = p.loadSDF(os.path.join(self.urdf_root_path, "kuka_iiwa/kuka_with_gripper2.sdf")) self.kuka_uid = objects[0] p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.kuka_uid, [-0.100000, 0.000000, -0.15], [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000]) self.joint_positions = [0.006418, 0.113184, -0.011401, -1.289317, 0.005379, 1.737684, -0.006539, 0.000048, -0.299912, 0.000000, -0.000043, 0.299960, 0.000000, -0.000200] self.num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.kuka_uid) for jointIndex in range(self.num_joints): p.resetJointState(self.kuka_uid, jointIndex, self.joint_positions[jointIndex]) p.setJointMotorControl2(self.kuka_uid, jointIndex, p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=self.joint_positions[jointIndex], force=self.max_force) self.end_effector_pos = np.array([0.537, 0.0, 0.5]) self.end_effector_angle = 0 self.motor_names = [] self.motor_indices = [] for i in range(self.num_joints): joint_info = p.getJointInfo(self.kuka_uid, i) q_index = joint_info[3] if q_index > -1: self.motor_names.append(str(joint_info[1])) self.motor_indices.append(i)
Example #8
Source File: From costar_plan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def findGraspFrame(self): ''' Helper function to look up the grasp frame associated with a robot. ''' joints = pb.getNumJoints(self.handle) grasp_idx = None for i in xrange(joints): idx, name, jtype, qidx, \ uidx, flags, damping, friction, \ lower, upper, max_force, max_vel, \ link_name = pb.getJointInfo(self.handle, i) #info = pb.getJointInfo(self.handle, i) #print(info) #link_name = info[12] assert(isinstance(link_name, str)) if link_name == self.grasp_link: grasp_idx = i break return grasp_idx
Example #9
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, joint_name, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex, scale, model_type): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex self.joint_name = joint_name _,_,self.jointType,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_, _,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex) self.power_coeff = 0 if model_type=="MJCF": self.scale = scale else: self.scale = 1 if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: self.upperLimit *= self.scale self.lowerLimit *= self.scale
Example #10
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _BuildJointNameToIdDict(self): num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.minitaur) self.joint_name_to_id = {} for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = p.getJointInfo(self.minitaur, i) self.joint_name_to_id[joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8")] = joint_info[0]
Example #11
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, joint_name, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex, scale, model_type): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex self.joint_name = joint_name _,_,self.jointType,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_, _,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex) self.power_coeff = 0 if model_type=="MJCF": self.scale = scale else: self.scale = 1 if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: self.upperLimit *= self.scale self.lowerLimit *= self.scale
Example #12
Source File: From bullet-gym with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, joint_name, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex self.joint_name = joint_name _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex) self.power_coeff = 0
Example #13
Source File: From bullet-gym with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getScene(self, bodies): parts = {} joints = {} for i in range(len(bodies)): for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodies[i])): _,joint_name,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,part_name = p.getJointInfo(bodies[i],j) joints[joint_name] = Joint(bodies,i,j) joints[joint_name].disable_motor() parts[part_name] = BodyPart(bodies,i,j) return parts, joints
Example #14
Source File: From bullet-gym with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex)
Example #15
Source File: From bipedal-robot-walking-simulation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, robot, physicsClientId, timeStep, kp, kd, torque, max_velocity): self._robot = robot self._physicsClientId = physicsClientId jointNameToId = {} joint_id_list = [] joint_pos_list = [] self._joint_number = 0 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(self._robot, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self._robot, i, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId) if jointInfo[2] == 0: joint_id_list.append(jointInfo[0]) joint_pos_list.append(p.getJointState(self._robot, jointInfo[0], physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)[0]) jointNameToId[jointInfo[1].decode('UTF-8')] = jointInfo[0] self._joint_number += 1 self._joint_id = np.array(joint_id_list, dtype=np.int32) self._joint_targetPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._joint_currentPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._jointNameToId = jointNameToId self._kp = kp self._kd = kd self._torque = torque self._max_velocity = max_velocity self._timeStep = timeStep # print(self._joint_id) # print(self._joint_targetPos) # print(self._jointNameToId)
Example #16
Source File: From bipedal-robot-walking-simulation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setRobot(self, robot, physicsClientId=None): self._robot = robot if physicsClientId != None: self._physicsClientId = physicsClientId jointNameToId = {} joint_id_list = [] joint_pos_list = [] self._joint_number = 0 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(self._robot, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self._robot, i, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId) if jointInfo[2] == 0: joint_id_list.append(jointInfo[0]) joint_pos_list.append(p.getJointState(self._robot, jointInfo[0], physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)[0]) jointNameToId[jointInfo[1].decode('UTF-8')] = jointInfo[0] self._joint_number += 1 self._joint_id = np.array(joint_id_list, dtype=np.int32) self._joint_targetPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._joint_currentPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float)
Example #17
Source File: From Boston_Dynamics_Atlas_Explained with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, robot, physicsClientId, timeStep, kp, kd, torque, max_velocity): self._robot = robot self._physicsClientId = physicsClientId jointNameToId = {} joint_id_list = [] joint_pos_list = [] self._joint_number = 0 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(self._robot, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self._robot, i, physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId) if jointInfo[2] == 0: joint_id_list.append(jointInfo[0]) joint_pos_list.append(p.getJointState( self._robot, jointInfo[0], physicsClientId=self._physicsClientId)[0]) jointNameToId[jointInfo[1].decode('UTF-8')] = jointInfo[0] self._joint_number += 1 self._joint_id = np.array(joint_id_list, dtype=np.int32) self._joint_targetPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._joint_currentPos = np.array(joint_pos_list, dtype=np.float) self._jointNameToId = jointNameToId self._kp = kp self._kd = kd self._torque = torque self._max_velocity = max_velocity self._timeStep = timeStep # print(self._joint_id) # print(self._joint_targetPos) # print(self._jointNameToId)
Example #18
Source File: From pybullet-robot-envs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def reset(self): # Load robot model flags = p.URDF_ENABLE_CACHED_GRAPHICS_SHAPES | p.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE self.robot_id = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(franka_panda.get_data_path(), "panda_model.urdf"), basePosition=self._base_position, useFixedBase=True, flags=flags, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) assert self.robot_id is not None, "Failed to load the panda model" # reset joints to home position num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.robot_id, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) idx = 0 for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = p.getJointInfo(self.robot_id, i, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) joint_name = joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8") joint_type = joint_info[2] if joint_type is p.JOINT_REVOLUTE or joint_type is p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: assert joint_name in self.initial_positions.keys() self._joint_name_to_ids[joint_name] = i p.resetJointState(self.robot_id, i, self.initial_positions[joint_name], physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) p.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot_id, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=self.initial_positions[joint_name], positionGain=0.2, velocityGain=1.0, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) idx += 1 self.ll, self.ul, self.jr, = self.get_joint_ranges() if self._use_IK: self._home_hand_pose = [0.2, 0.0, 0.8, min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, m.pi)), min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, 0)), min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, 0))] self.apply_action(self._home_hand_pose) p.stepSimulation(physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id)
Example #19
Source File: From NTP-vat-release with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_link_name(body, link): # Links and Joints have the corresponding UIDs _, joint_name, joint_type, _, _, _, damping, friction, \ lower, upper, max_force, max_vel, _ = \ p.getJointInfo(body, link) return joint_name # TODO
Example #20
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def getMotorJointStates(robot): joint_states = p.getJointStates(robot, range(p.getNumJoints(robot))) joint_infos = [p.getJointInfo(robot, i) for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot))] joint_states = [j for j, i in zip(joint_states, joint_infos) if i[3] > -1] joint_positions = [state[0] for state in joint_states] joint_velocities = [state[1] for state in joint_states] joint_torques = [state[3] for state in joint_states] return joint_positions, joint_velocities, joint_torques
Example #21
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def multiplyJacobian(robot, jacobian, vector): result = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] i = 0 for c in range(len(vector)): if p.getJointInfo(robot, c)[3] > -1: for r in range(3): result[r] += jacobian[r][i] * vector[c] i += 1 return result
Example #22
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def Step(stepIndex): for objectId in range(objectNum): record = log[stepIndex*objectNum+objectId] Id = record[2] pos = [record[3],record[4],record[5]] orn = [record[6],record[7],record[8],record[9]] p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(Id,pos,orn) numJoints = p.getNumJoints(Id) for i in range (numJoints): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(Id,i) qIndex = jointInfo[3] if qIndex > -1: p.resetJointState(Id,i,record[qIndex-7+17])
Example #23
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def getMotorJointStates(self, robot): import pybullet as p joint_states = p.getJointStates(robot, range(p.getNumJoints(robot))) joint_infos = [p.getJointInfo(robot, i) for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot))] joint_states = [j for j, i in zip(joint_states, joint_infos) if i[3] > -1] joint_positions = [state[0] for state in joint_states] joint_velocities = [state[1] for state in joint_states] joint_torques = [state[3] for state in joint_states] return joint_positions, joint_velocities, joint_torques
Example #24
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): # initialize robot self.body = p.loadURDF("../soccer_description/models/soccerbot/model.xacro") self.state = RobotState() self.imu = -1 self.imuMeasurements = JointMeasurement() self.joints = [] self.motors = [] # create a list of joints and find the IMU for i in range(p.getNumJoints(self.body)): self.joints.append(i) jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(self.body, i) if jointInfo[1].decode('ascii') == "torso_imu": self.imu = jointInfo[0] if self.imu == -1: raise AttributeError("Could not find robot's imu sensor from joint list") # rearrange joint order to match the order of positions found in the csv files. See: # self.motors = self.joints[2:14] + self.joints[17:21] + self.joints[14:16] + self.joints[0:2] # initialize animations self.getupBackAnimation = Animation("./trajectories/getupback.csv") self.getupFrontAnimation = Animation("./trajectories/getupfront.csv") self.readyAnimation = Animation("./trajectories/ready.csv") self.standingAnimation = Animation("./trajectories/standing.csv") self.activeAnimation = None
Example #25
Source File: From robosuite with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_inverse_kinematics(self, urdf_path): """ This function is responsible for doing any setup for inverse kinematics. Inverse Kinematics maps end effector (EEF) poses to joint angles that are necessary to achieve those poses. """ # These indices come from the urdf file we're using self.effector_right = 27 self.effector_left = 45 # Use PyBullet to handle inverse kinematics. # Set up a connection to the PyBullet simulator. p.connect(p.DIRECT) p.resetSimulation() self.ik_robot = p.loadURDF(urdf_path, (0, 0, 0), useFixedBase=1) # Relevant joints we care about. Many of the joints are fixed and don't count, so # we need this second map to use the right ones. self.actual = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38] self.num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.ik_robot) n = p.getNumJoints(self.ik_robot) = [] self.lower = [] self.upper = [] self.ranges = [] for i in range(n): info = p.getJointInfo(self.ik_robot, i) # Retrieve lower and upper ranges for each relevant joint if info[3] > -1:, i)[0]) self.lower.append(info[8]) self.upper.append(info[9]) self.ranges.append(info[9] - info[8]) # Simulation will update as fast as it can in real time, instead of waiting for # step commands like in the non-realtime case. p.setRealTimeSimulation(1)
Example #26
Source File: From assistive-gym with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_motor_joint_states(self, robot): num_joints = p.getNumJoints(robot, joint_states = p.getJointStates(robot, range(num_joints), joint_infos = [p.getJointInfo(robot, i, for i in range(num_joints)] joint_states = [j for j, i in zip(joint_states, joint_infos) if i[2] != p.JOINT_FIXED] joint_positions = [state[0] for state in joint_states] joint_velocities = [state[1] for state in joint_states] joint_torques = [state[3] for state in joint_states] return joint_positions, joint_velocities, joint_torques
Example #27
Source File: From NTP-vat-release with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_joint_name(body, joint): # Links and Joints have the corresponding UIDs _, joint_name, joint_type, _, _, _, damping, friction, \ lower, upper, max_force, max_vel, _ = \ p.getJointInfo(body, joint) return joint_name
Example #28
Source File: From NTP-vat-release with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_joint_dynamics(body, joint): # Links and Joints have the corresponding UIDs _, joint_name, joint_type, _, _, _, damping, friction, \ lower, upper, max_force, max_vel, _ = \ p.getJointInfo(body, joint) dynamics = { 'damping': damping, 'friction': friction } return dynamics
Example #29
Source File: From NTP-vat-release with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_joint_limit(body, joint): # Links and Joints have the corresponding UIDs _, joint_name, joint_type, _, _, _, damping, friction, \ lower, upper, max_force, max_vel, _ = \ p.getJointInfo(body, joint) limit = { 'lower': lower, 'upper': upper, 'effort': max_force, 'velocity': max_vel } return limit
Example #30
Source File: From assistive-gym with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ik(self, body, target_joint, target_pos, target_orient, ik_indices=range(29, 29+7), max_iterations=1000, half_range=False): key = '%d_%d' % (body, target_joint) if key not in self.ik_lower_limits: self.ik_lower_limits[key] = [] self.ik_upper_limits[key] = [] self.ik_joint_ranges[key] = [] self.ik_rest_poses[key] = [] j_names = [] for j in range(p.getNumJoints(body, if p.getJointInfo(body, j,[2] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint_info = p.getJointInfo(body, j, lower_limit = joint_info[8] upper_limit = joint_info[9] # print(len(self.ik_lower_limits[key]), joint_info[1], lower_limit, upper_limit) if lower_limit == 0 and upper_limit == -1: # lower_limit = -1e10 # upper_limit = 1e10 lower_limit = -2*np.pi upper_limit = 2*np.pi self.ik_lower_limits[key].append(lower_limit) self.ik_upper_limits[key].append(upper_limit) if not half_range: self.ik_joint_ranges[key].append(upper_limit - lower_limit) else: self.ik_joint_ranges[key].append((upper_limit - lower_limit)/2.0) # self.ik_rest_poses[key].append((upper_limit + lower_limit)/2.0) j_names.append([len(j_names)] + list(joint_info[:2])) self.ik_rest_poses[key] = self.np_random.uniform(self.ik_lower_limits[key], self.ik_upper_limits[key]).tolist() if target_orient is not None: ik_joint_poses = np.array(p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, target_joint, targetPosition=target_pos, targetOrientation=target_orient, lowerLimits=self.ik_lower_limits[key], upperLimits=self.ik_upper_limits[key], jointRanges=self.ik_joint_ranges[key], restPoses=self.ik_rest_poses[key], maxNumIterations=max_iterations, else: ik_joint_poses = np.array(p.calculateInverseKinematics(body, target_joint, targetPosition=target_pos, lowerLimits=self.ik_lower_limits[key], upperLimits=self.ik_upper_limits[key], jointRanges=self.ik_joint_ranges[key], restPoses=self.ik_rest_poses[key], maxNumIterations=max_iterations, # print(j_names) # print(ik_joint_poses) # exit() target_joint_positions = ik_joint_poses[ik_indices] return target_joint_positions