Python pybullet.JOINT_PRISMATIC Examples
The following are 15
code examples of pybullet.JOINT_PRISMATIC().
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Example #1
Source File: From NTP-vat-release with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_cstr(descr): if descr['joint_type'] == 'revolute': joint_type = p.JOINT_REVOLUTE elif descr['joint_type'] == 'prismatic': joint_type = p.JOINT_PRISMATIC elif descr['joint_type'] == 'fixed': joint_type = p.JOINT_FIXED elif descr['joint_type'] == 'point2point': joint_type = p.JOINT_POINT2POINT else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized joint type {}'.format(joint_type)) if (descr['parent_frame_quat'] is None) or \ (descr['child_frame_quat'] is None): cstr = p.createConstraint( parentBodyUniqueId=descr['parent_body'], parentLinkIndex=descr['parent_link'], childBodyUniqueId=descr['child_body'], childLinkIndex=descr['child_link'], jointType=joint_type, jointAxis=descr['joint_axis'], parentFramePosition=descr['parent_frame_pos'], childFramePosition=descr['child_frame_pos']) else: cstr = p.createConstraint( parentBodyUniqueId=descr['parent_body'], parentLinkIndex=descr['parent_link'], childBodyUniqueId=descr['child_body'], childLinkIndex=descr['child_link'], jointType=joint_type, jointAxis=descr['joint_axis'], parentFramePosition=descr['parent_frame_pos'], childFramePosition=descr['child_frame_pos'], parentFrameOrientation=descr['parent_frame_quat'], childFrameOrientation=descr['child_frame_quat']) return cstr
Example #2
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def initialize(self): self.urdfLinks=[] self.urdfJoints=[] self.robotName = "" self.linkNameToIndex={} self.jointTypeToName={p.JOINT_FIXED:"JOINT_FIXED" ,\ p.JOINT_REVOLUTE:"JOINT_REVOLUTE",\ p.JOINT_PRISMATIC:"JOINT_PRISMATIC" }
Example #3
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def writeJoint(self, file, urdfJoint, precision=5): jointTypeStr = "invalid" if urdfJoint.joint_type == p.JOINT_REVOLUTE: if urdfJoint.joint_upper_limit < urdfJoint.joint_lower_limit: jointTypeStr = "continuous" else: jointTypeStr = "revolute" if urdfJoint.joint_type == p.JOINT_FIXED: jointTypeStr = "fixed" if urdfJoint.joint_type == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: jointTypeStr = "prismatic" str = '\t<joint name=\"{}\" type=\"{}\">\n'.format(urdfJoint.joint_name, jointTypeStr) file.write(str) str = '\t\t<parent link=\"{}\"/>\n'.format(urdfJoint.parent_name) file.write(str) str = '\t\t<child link=\"{}\"/>\n'.format(urdfJoint.child_name) file.write(str) if urdfJoint.joint_type == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: #todo: handle limits lowerLimit=-0.5 upperLimit=0.5 str='<limit effort="1000.0" lower="{:.{prec}f}" upper="{:.{prec}f}" velocity="0.5"/>'.format(lowerLimit,upperLimit,prec=precision) file.write(str) file.write("\t\t<dynamics damping=\"1.0\" friction=\"0.0001\"/>\n") str = '\t\t<origin xyz=\"{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}\"/>\n'.format(urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[0],\ urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[1],urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[2], prec=precision) str = '\t\t<origin rpy=\"{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}\" xyz=\"{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}\"/>\n'.format(urdfJoint.joint_origin_rpy[0],\ urdfJoint.joint_origin_rpy[1],urdfJoint.joint_origin_rpy[2],\ urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[0],\ urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[1],urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz[2], prec=precision) file.write(str) str = '\t\t<axis xyz=\"{:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f} {:.{prec}f}\"/>\n'.format(urdfJoint.joint_axis_xyz[0],\ urdfJoint.joint_axis_xyz[1],urdfJoint.joint_axis_xyz[2], prec=precision) file.write(str) file.write("\t</joint>\n")
Example #4
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, joint_name, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex, scale, model_type): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex self.joint_name = joint_name _,_,self.jointType,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_, _,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex) self.power_coeff = 0 if model_type=="MJCF": self.scale = scale else: self.scale = 1 if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: self.upperLimit *= self.scale self.lowerLimit *= self.scale
Example #5
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_state(self): """Get state of joint Position is defined in real world scale """ x, vx,_,_ = p.getJointState(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex) if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: x *= self.scale vx *= self.scale return x, vx
Example #6
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_state(self, x, vx): """Set state of joint x is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: x /= self.scale vx /= self.scale p.resetJointState(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex, x, vx)
Example #7
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_position(self, position): """Set position of joint Position is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: position = np.array(position) / self.scale p.setJointMotorControl2(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex,p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=position)
Example #8
Source File: From GtS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_velocity(self, velocity): """Set velocity of joint Velocity is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: velocity = np.array(velocity) / self.scale p.setJointMotorControl2(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex,p.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=velocity) # , positionGain=0.1, velocityGain=0.1)
Example #9
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, joint_name, bodies, bodyIndex, jointIndex, scale, model_type): self.bodies = bodies self.bodyIndex = bodyIndex self.jointIndex = jointIndex self.joint_name = joint_name _,_,self.jointType,_,_,_,_,_,self.lowerLimit, self.upperLimit,_,_,_, _,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex) self.power_coeff = 0 if model_type=="MJCF": self.scale = scale else: self.scale = 1 if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: self.upperLimit *= self.scale self.lowerLimit *= self.scale
Example #10
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_state(self): """Get state of joint Position is defined in real world scale """ x, vx,_,_ = p.getJointState(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex) if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: x *= self.scale vx *= self.scale return x, vx
Example #11
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_state(self, x, vx): """Set state of joint x is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: x /= self.scale vx /= self.scale p.resetJointState(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex], self.jointIndex, x, vx)
Example #12
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_position(self, position): """Set position of joint Position is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: position = np.array(position) / self.scale p.setJointMotorControl2(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex,p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=position)
Example #13
Source File: From midlevel-reps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_velocity(self, velocity): """Set velocity of joint Velocity is defined in real world scale """ if self.jointType == p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: velocity = np.array(velocity) / self.scale p.setJointMotorControl2(self.bodies[self.bodyIndex],self.jointIndex,p.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=velocity) # , positionGain=0.1, velocityGain=0.1)
Example #14
Source File: From pybullet-robot-envs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def reset(self): # Load robot model flags = p.URDF_ENABLE_CACHED_GRAPHICS_SHAPES | p.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE self.robot_id = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(franka_panda.get_data_path(), "panda_model.urdf"), basePosition=self._base_position, useFixedBase=True, flags=flags, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) assert self.robot_id is not None, "Failed to load the panda model" # reset joints to home position num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.robot_id, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) idx = 0 for i in range(num_joints): joint_info = p.getJointInfo(self.robot_id, i, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) joint_name = joint_info[1].decode("UTF-8") joint_type = joint_info[2] if joint_type is p.JOINT_REVOLUTE or joint_type is p.JOINT_PRISMATIC: assert joint_name in self.initial_positions.keys() self._joint_name_to_ids[joint_name] = i p.resetJointState(self.robot_id, i, self.initial_positions[joint_name], physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) p.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot_id, i, p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=self.initial_positions[joint_name], positionGain=0.2, velocityGain=1.0, physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id) idx += 1 self.ll, self.ul, self.jr, = self.get_joint_ranges() if self._use_IK: self._home_hand_pose = [0.2, 0.0, 0.8, min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, m.pi)), min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, 0)), min(m.pi, max(-m.pi, 0))] self.apply_action(self._home_hand_pose) p.stepSimulation(physicsClientId=self._physics_client_id)
Example #15
Source File: From qibullet with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def loadRobot(self, translation, quaternion, physicsClientId=0): """ Loads the robot into a simulation, loads the joints and the links descriptions. The joints are set to 0 rad. Parameters: translation - List containing 3 elements, the translation [x, y, z] of the robot in the WORLD frame quaternion - List containing 4 elements, the quaternion [x, y, z, q] of the robot in the WORLD frame physicsClientId - The id of the simulated instance in which the robot is supposed to be loaded Returns: boolean - True if the method ran correctly, False otherwise """ try: self.physics_client = physicsClientId self.robot_model = pybullet.loadURDF( self.description_file, translation, quaternion, useFixedBase=False, globalScaling=1.0, physicsClientId=self.physics_client, flags=pybullet.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION | pybullet.URDF_USE_MATERIAL_COLORS_FROM_MTL) except pybullet.error as e: raise pybullet.error("Cannot load robot model: " + str(e)) for i in range(pybullet.getNumJoints( self.robot_model, physicsClientId=self.physics_client)): if IS_VERSION_PYTHON_3: # PYTHON 3 version needs a conversion bytes to str joint_info = pybullet.getJointInfo( self.robot_model, i, physicsClientId=self.physics_client) self.link_dict[joint_info[12].decode('utf-8')] =\ Link(joint_info) if joint_info[2] == pybullet.JOINT_PRISMATIC or\ joint_info[2] == pybullet.JOINT_REVOLUTE: self.joint_dict[joint_info[1].decode('utf-8')] =\ Joint(joint_info) else: # PYTHON 2 Version joint_info = pybullet.getJointInfo( self.robot_model, i, physicsClientId=self.physics_client) self.link_dict[joint_info[12]] = Link(joint_info) if joint_info[2] == pybullet.JOINT_PRISMATIC or\ joint_info[2] == pybullet.JOINT_REVOLUTE: self.joint_dict[joint_info[1]] = Joint(joint_info)