Python scapy.utils.PcapWriter() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of scapy.utils.PcapWriter().
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Example #1
Source File: From scapy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def start(self): # Wireshark must be running first, because PcapWriter will block until # data has been read! with ContextManagerSubprocess(conf.prog.wireshark): args = [conf.prog.wireshark, "-Slki", "-"] if self.args: args.extend(self.args) proc = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=None, stderr=None, ) self.fname = proc.stdin WrpcapSink.start(self)
Example #2
Source File: From pyDot11 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, psk = None, essid = None, pcap = False): = if psk is not None and essid is not None: if os.path.isfile('handshakes.sqlite'): os.remove('handshakes.sqlite') self.con = lite.connect('handshakes.sqlite') self.con.text_factory = str self.db = self.con.cursor() self.tgtInfo = {} self.availTgts = set() self.catchDict = {} self.encDict = {} self.alert = set() self.pke = 'Pairwise key expansion' self.pmk = PBKDF2(psk, essid, 4096).read(32) self.db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS\ "shakes"("pkt" TEXT,\ "vmac" TEXT,\ "bmac" TEXT,\ "nonce" TEXT,\ "e_num" TEXT,\ UNIQUE(vmac, bmac, e_num));') self.con.commit() if pcap is True: self.eapolTrack = PcapWriter('eapols.pcap', sync = True) self.pcap = pcap else: self.eapolTrack = None self.pcap = None
Example #3
Source File: From scapy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def start(self): self.f = PcapWriter(self.fname, linktype=self.linktype)
Example #4
Source File: From airpydump with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, iface, save, file__, curses): self.iface=iface self.file__ = PcapWriter(file__, append=True, sync=True) if else '' self.handshakes = 0 self.stop_hopper = False self.thread = self.chain_thread() self.curses = curses if self.curses: self.display = Display(self) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.print_exit)
Example #5
Source File: From EvilTwinFramework with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def pre_scanning(self): self.packet_logger = PcapWriter(self.destination_folder + self.current_log_file, append=True, sync=True) SessionManager().log_event(NeutralEvent("Packet Logger initiated."))
Example #6
Source File: From EvilTwinFramework with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def refresh(self): self._nlogs = self._get_log_count() self.packet_logger = PcapWriter(self.destination_folder + "packet_log{n}.cap".format(n = self._nlogs), append=True, sync=True)
Example #7
Source File: From Sniffer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, iface = '', newiface = 'mon0', filename = '', outputmode = 1, savingPkt = 0, savingPcap = 0, filtermode = '', iHost = []): self.iface = iface #old interface self.newiface = newiface #a new interface in monitor mode self.sign = ['—','\\' ,'|' ,'/'] #stupid thing :) self.filename = filename #local pcap filename self.sfilename = str(int(time.time())) self.outputmode = outputmode #0->don't output, 1->output self.savingPkt = savingPkt #0->don't save, 1->save self.savingPcap = savingPcap self.filtermode = '( tcp[13:1]==24 )' #'tcp[13:1]==24' #only sniff tcp self.iHost = iHost if filtermode: self.filtermode += ' and ( %s )' %filtermode # if self.savingPkt: InitPktsFile(self.sfilename) if savingPcap: self.pktdump = PcapWriter("./Pcaps/%s.pcap" %(self.sfilename), append=True, sync=True) if self.iface == '' and filename: print putColor('[!]Offline Mode!', 'green') print ' [-]Filter:', putColor(self.filtermode, 'green') pkt = sniff(offline = './Pcaps/' + filename, prn = self.Collector, filter = self.filtermode, store = 0)#DO NOT USING store = 1!!! #Or you'll see your memory BOOM print else: self.Init() self.Exit()
Example #8
Source File: From Sniffer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, iface = '', newiface = 'mon0', filename = '', outputmode = 1, savingPkt = 0, savingPcap = 0, filtermode = '', iHost = []): self.iface = iface #old interface self.newiface = newiface #a new interface in monitor mode self.sign = ['—','\\' ,'|' ,'/'] #stupid thing :) self.filename = filename #local pcap filename self.sfilename = str(int(time.time())) self.outputmode = outputmode #0->don't output, 1->output self.savingPkt = savingPkt #0->don't save, 1->save self.savingPcap = savingPcap self.filtermode = '( tcp[13:1]==24 )' #'tcp[13:1]==24' -> only sniff tcp self.iHost = iHost if filtermode: self.filtermode += ' and ( %s )' %filtermode # if self.savingPkt: InitPktsFile(self.sfilename) if savingPcap: self.pktdump = PcapWriter("./Pcaps/%s.pcap" %(self.sfilename), append=True, sync=True) if self.iface == '' and filename: print putColor('[!]Offline Mode!', 'green') print ' [-]Filter:', putColor(self.filtermode, 'green') print ' [-]', ClearLine() pkt = sniff(offline = './Pcaps/' + filename, prn = self.Collector, filter = self.filtermode, store = 0)#DO NOT USING store = 1!!! #Or you'll see your memory BOOM print else: self.Init() self.Exit()
Example #9
Source File: From Sniffer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, iface = '', newiface = 'mon0', filename = '', outputmode = 1, savingPkt = 0, savingPcap = 0, filtermode = '', iHost = []): self.iface = iface #old interface self.newiface = newiface #a new interface in monitor mode self.sign = ['—','\\' ,'|' ,'/'] #stupid thing :) self.filename = filename #local pcap filename self.sfilename = str(int(time.time())) self.outputmode = outputmode #0->don't output, 1->output self.savingPkt = savingPkt #0->don't save, 1->save self.savingPcap = savingPcap self.filtermode = '( tcp[13:1]==24 )' #'tcp[13:1]==24' -> only sniff tcp self.iHost = iHost if filtermode: self.filtermode += ' and ( %s )' %filtermode # if self.savingPkt: InitPktsFile(self.sfilename) if savingPcap: self.pktdump = PcapWriter("./Pcaps/%s.pcap" %(self.sfilename), append=True, sync=True) if self.iface == '' and filename: print(putColor('[!]Offline Mode!', 'green')) print(' [-]Filter:', putColor(self.filtermode, 'green')) print(' [-]', end='') ClearLine() pkt = sniff(offline = './Pcaps/' + filename, prn = self.Collector, filter = self.filtermode, store = 0)#DO NOT USING store = 1!!! #Or you'll see your memory BOOM print() else: self.Init() self.Exit()
Example #10
Source File: From WiFiBroot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def save(self): global WRITE__ if WRITE__: _wr = PcapWriter(WRITE__, append=False, sync=True) _wr.write(self.THEPOL) pull.use("Handshake >> [%s] Count [%s] %s[Saved]%s" % (pull.DARKCYAN+WRITE__+pull.END, str(len(self.THEPOL)), pull.GREEN, pull.END )) else: pull.error("Handshake not saved. Use -w, --write for saving handshakes. ")
Example #11
Source File: From Sniffer with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Version: 3.0; Running in Py2.x') parser.add_argument("-i", default='', help="the interface you want to use") parser.add_argument("-mi", default='mon0', help="name of the interface in monitor mode") parser.add_argument("-f", default='', help="local pcap filename(in the offline mode)") parser.add_argument("-o", default='1', help="show msg in the terminal? 0: No, 1: Yes") parser.add_argument("-sPkt", default='1', help="save Pkts during snifffing? 0: No, 1: Yes") parser.add_argument("-sPcap", default='0', help="save Pcap during snifffing? 0: No, 1: Yes") parser.add_argument("-fm", default='', help="filter syntax used in scapy") parser.add_argument("-iHF", default='iHost.txt', help="highlight these hosts when stop the sniffer(in the iHost.txt") parser.add_argument("-fHF", default='fHost.txt', help="filter these hosts when show msg in terminal(in the fHost.txt") args = parser.parse_args() self.iface = args.i #old interface self.newiface = args.mi #a new interface in monitor mode self.sign = ['—','\\' ,'|' ,'/'] #stupid thing :) self.filename = args.f #local pcap filename self.sfilename = str(int(time.time())) self.outputmode = args.o #0->don't output, 1->output self.savingPkt = args.sPkt #0->don't save, 1->save self.savingPcap = args.sPcap self.filtermode = '( tcp[13:1]==24 )'#'tcp[13:1]==24' -> only sniff tcp self.SrcIP = [] self.fHF = args.fHF if self.filtermode += ' and ( %s )' # if self.savingPkt == '1': InitPktsFile(self.sfilename) if self.savingPcap == '1': self.pktdump = PcapWriter("./Pcaps/%s.pcap" %(self.sfilename), append=True, sync=True) try: with open(args.iHF, 'r') as fp: self.iHost = re.findall('(\S+)', except: ErrorDog(self.Exit) if self.iface == '' and self.filename: print putColor('[!]Offline Mode!', 'green') print ' [-]Filter:', putColor(self.filtermode, 'green') print ' [-]', ClearLine() try: pkt = sniff(offline = './Pcaps/' + self.filename, prn = self.Collector, filter = self.filtermode, store = 0)#DO NOT USING store = 1!!! #Or you'll see your memory BOOM print except: ErrorDog(self.Exit) else: self.Init() self.Exit()