Python joblib.parallel_backend() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of joblib.parallel_backend().
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Example #1
Source File: From civis-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_template_submit(mock_file, mock_result, mock_pool): # Verify that creating child jobs from a template looks like we expect file_id = 17 mock_client = create_client_mock() mock_file.return_value = file_id factory = civis.parallel.make_backend_template_factory( from_template_id=1234, client=mock_client) n_calls = 3 register_parallel_backend('civis', factory) with parallel_backend('civis'): # NB: joblib >v0.11 relies on callbacks from the result object to # decide when it's done consuming inputs. We've mocked the result # object here, so Parallel must be called either with n_jobs=1 or # pre_dispatch='all' to consume the inputs all at once. parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=1, pre_dispatch='n_jobs') parallel(delayed(sqrt)(i ** 2) for i in range(n_calls)) assert mock_file.call_count == 3, "Upload 3 functions to run" assert mock_pool().submit.call_count == n_calls, "Run 3 functions" for this_call in mock_pool().submit.call_args_list: assert this_call == assert mock_result.call_count == 3, "Create 3 results"
Example #2
Source File: From civis-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_civis_backend_pickles(mock_civis): # Test to make sure the backend will pickle. backend = civis.parallel._CivisBackend( setup_cmd='blah', from_template_id=-1, max_submit_retries=10, client='ha', remote_backend='cool', hidden=False) with parallel_backend(backend): Parallel(n_jobs=-1)([]) buff = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(backend, buff) new_backend = pickle.load(buff) with parallel_backend(new_backend): Parallel(n_jobs=-1)([])
Example #3
Source File: From PsyNeuLink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run_search(): from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster import joblib import hypertunity as ht #client = Client(scheduler_file='scheduler.json') client = Client() print(client) domain = ht.Domain({ "cost_rate": set([-.8]) }) # with joblib.parallel_backend('dask'): # with joblib.Parallel() as parallel: # print("Doing the work ... ") # results = parallel(joblib.delayed(run_games)(*domain.sample().as_namedtuple()) for s in range(1)) # # print(results) run_games(-.8)
Example #4
Source File: From pynndescent with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_effective_n_jobs_with_context(): assert_equal(threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(), 1, "Default to 1 job") assert_equal( threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(-1), joblib.cpu_count(), "Use all cores with num_jobs=-1", ) assert_equal( threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(2), 2, "Use n_jobs if specified" ) with joblib.parallel_backend("threading"): assert_equal( threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(), joblib.cpu_count(), "Use all cores with context manager", ) with joblib.parallel_backend("threading", n_jobs=3): assert_equal( threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(), 3, "Use n_jobs from context manager", ) with joblib.parallel_backend("threading", n_jobs=3): assert_equal( threaded.effective_n_jobs_with_context(2), 2, "Use n_jobs specified rather than from context manager", )
Example #5
Source File: From pynndescent with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_nn_decent_with_parallel_backend(): np.random.seed(42) N = 100 D = 128 chunk_size = N // 8 n_neighbors = 25 data = np.random.rand(N, D).astype(np.float32) nn_indices, nn_distances = NNDescent( data, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, max_candidates=max_candidates, n_iters=1, random_state=42, delta=0, tree_init=False, seed_per_row=True, )._neighbor_graph with joblib.parallel_backend("threading"): nn_indices_threaded, nn_distances_threaded = NNDescent( data, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, max_candidates=max_candidates, n_iters=1, random_state=42, delta=0, tree_init=False, seed_per_row=True, )._neighbor_graph assert_allclose(nn_indices_threaded, nn_indices) assert_allclose(nn_distances_threaded, nn_distances)
Example #6
Source File: From pynndescent with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def effective_n_jobs_with_context(n_jobs=None): """Find the effective number of jobs, either specified directly, or from the joblib.parallel_backend context.""" if n_jobs is None: _, n_jobs_from_context = joblib.parallel.get_active_backend() n_jobs = n_jobs_from_context return joblib.effective_n_jobs(n_jobs)
Example #7
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ray_backend(shutdown_only): register_ray() from ray.util.joblib.ray_backend import RayBackend with joblib.parallel_backend("ray"): assert type(joblib.parallel.get_active_backend()[0]) == RayBackend
Example #8
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_svm_single_node(shutdown_only): digits = load_digits() param_space = { "C": np.logspace(-6, 6, 10), "gamma": np.logspace(-8, 8, 10), "tol": np.logspace(-4, -1, 3), "class_weight": [None, "balanced"], } model = SVC(kernel="rbf") search = RandomizedSearchCV(model, param_space, cv=3, n_iter=2, verbose=10) register_ray() with joblib.parallel_backend("ray"):, assert ray.is_initialized()
Example #9
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_svm_multiple_nodes(ray_start_cluster_2_nodes): digits = load_digits() param_space = { "C": np.logspace(-6, 6, 30), "gamma": np.logspace(-8, 8, 30), "tol": np.logspace(-4, -1, 30), "class_weight": [None, "balanced"], } model = SVC(kernel="rbf") search = RandomizedSearchCV(model, param_space, cv=5, n_iter=2, verbose=10) register_ray() with joblib.parallel_backend("ray"):, assert ray.is_initialized()
Example #10
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_cross_validation(shutdown_only): register_ray() iris = load_iris() clf = SVC(kernel="linear", C=1, random_state=0) with joblib.parallel_backend("ray", n_jobs=5): accuracy = cross_val_score(clf,,, cv=5) assert len(accuracy) == 5 for result in accuracy: assert result > 0.95
Example #11
Source File: From palladium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def with_parallel_backend( estimator, backend, methods=('fit', 'predict', 'predict_proba'), **backend_params ): def wrapper(func): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with parallel_backend(backend, **backend_params): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped for name in methods: setattr(estimator, name, wrapper(getattr(estimator, name))) return estimator
Example #12
Source File: From optuna with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_optimize_parallel_storage_warning(recwarn): # type: (WarningsRecorder) -> None study = optuna.create_study() # Default joblib backend is threading and no warnings will be captured. study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_uniform("x", 0, 1), n_trials=20, n_jobs=2) assert len(recwarn) == 0 with pytest.warns(UserWarning): with joblib.parallel_backend("loky"): study.optimize(lambda t: t.suggest_uniform("x", 0, 1), n_trials=20, n_jobs=2)
Example #13
Source File: From civis-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _test_retries_helper(num_failures, max_submit_retries, should_fail, from_template_id, mock_file_to_civis, mock_result_cls, mock_custom_exec_cls, mock_executor_cls): mock_file_to_civis.return_value = 0 mock_result_cls.return_value.get.return_value = [123] # A function to raise fake API errors the first num_failures times it is # called. counter = {'n_failed': 0} def mock_submit(fn='', *args, **kwargs): if counter['n_failed'] < num_failures: counter['n_failed'] += 1 raise CivisAPIError(mock.MagicMock()) else: return mock.MagicMock(spec=ContainerFuture) mock_custom_exec_cls.return_value.submit.side_effect = mock_submit mock_executor_cls.return_value.submit.side_effect = mock_submit if from_template_id: factory = civis.parallel.make_backend_template_factory( from_template_id=from_template_id, max_submit_retries=max_submit_retries, client=create_client_mock()) else: factory = civis.parallel.make_backend_factory( max_submit_retries=max_submit_retries, client=create_client_mock()) register_parallel_backend('civis', factory) with parallel_backend('civis'): # NB: joblib >v0.11 relies on callbacks from the result object to # decide when it's done consuming inputs. We've mocked the result # object here, so Parallel must be called either with n_jobs=1 or # pre_dispatch='all' to consume the inputs all at once. parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=1, pre_dispatch='n_jobs') if should_fail: with pytest.raises(civis.parallel.JobSubmissionError): parallel(delayed(sqrt)(i ** 2) for i in range(3)) else: parallel(delayed(sqrt)(i ** 2) for i in range(3))
Example #14
Source File: From civis-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def worker_func(func_file_id): # Have the output File expire in 7 days. expires_at = ( + timedelta(days=7)).isoformat() client = civis.APIClient() job_id = os.environ.get('CIVIS_JOB_ID') run_id = os.environ.get('CIVIS_RUN_ID') if not job_id or not run_id: raise RuntimeError("This function must be run inside a " "Civis container job.") # Run the function. result = None try: func, remote_backend = _robust_pickle_download( func_file_id, client=client, n_retries=5, delay=0.5) _backend = _setup_remote_backend(remote_backend) # graceful nested context managers are ~hard across python versions, # this just works... if NO_SKLEARN: with _joblib_para_backend(_backend): result = func() else: # we are using the nested context managers to set the joblib # backend to the requested one in both copes of joblib, the # package and the copy shipped by sklearn at # `sklearn.externals.joblib`. joblib maintains the current # backend as global state in the package and thus there are # two backends to set when you have two copies of the package # in play. with _sklearn_para_backend(_backend): with _joblib_para_backend(_backend): result = func() except Exception: print("Error! Attempting to record exception.") # Wrap the exception in joblib's TransportableException # so that joblib can properly display the results. e_type, e_value, e_tb = sys.exc_info() text = format_exc(e_type, e_value, e_tb, context=10, tb_offset=1) result = TransportableException(text, e_type) raise finally: # Serialize the result and upload it to the Files API. if result is not None: # If the function exits without erroring, we may not have a result. result_buffer = BytesIO() cloudpickle.dump(result, result_buffer, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output_name = "Results from Joblib job {} / run {}".format(job_id, run_id) output_file_id = _robust_file_to_civis(result_buffer, output_name, n_retries=5, delay=0.5, expires_at=expires_at, client=client) client.scripts.post_containers_runs_outputs(job_id, run_id, 'File', output_file_id) print("Results output to file ID: {}".format(output_file_id))