Python cyvcf2.VCF Examples
The following are 30
code examples of cyvcf2.VCF().
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Example #1
Source File: From CharGer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_vep_csq_fields(cls: Type[V], vcf_raw_headers: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Extract the CSQ fields VEP output in the given VCF.""" # Get CSQ spec # Reverse the header order because the newer header appears later try: csq_info_header = next( l for l in reversed(vcf_raw_headers) if l.startswith("##INFO=<ID=CSQ,") ) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find CSQ format in the VCF header") m ="Format: ([\w\|]+)['\"]", csq_info_header) if m: csq_format = else: raise ValueError( f"Cannot parse the CSQ field format from its INFO VCF header: {csq_info_header}" ) csq_fields = csq_format.split("|") return csq_fields
Example #2
Source File: From CharGer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def read_vcf(cls: Type[V], path: Path) -> Generator[V, None, None]: """ Read VCF record from `path`. This function walks through each variant record in the given VCF using :class:`cyvcf2.VCF <cyvcf2.cyvcf2.VCF>`, and yields the record as a :class:`Variant` object. See also :meth:`read_and_parse_vcf` to read and parse the VCF. Args: path: Path to the VCF. Returns: An generator walking through all variants per record. """ with closing(VCF(str(path))) as vcf: for cy_variant in vcf: variant = cls.from_cyvcf2(cy_variant) yield variant
Example #3
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(vcf): variants = VCF(vcf) samples = variants.samples identifiers = {i: set() for i in samples} for v in variants: for sample, call in zip(samples, v.gt_types): if is_variant(call): identifiers[sample].add(v.ID) df = pd.DataFrame(index=samples, columns=samples) for i_sample, i_values in identifiers.items(): for j_sample, j_values in identifiers.items(): df.loc[i_sample, j_sample] = len(i_values & j_values) try: proper_names = [i.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for i in samples] except IndexError: proper_names = samples sns.heatmap(data=df, annot=True, fmt="d", linewidths=0.5, xticklabels=proper_names, yticklabels=proper_names) plt.savefig("SV-calls_heatmap.png", bbox_inches="tight")
Example #4
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() vcf = VCF(args.vcf) w = Writer(args.output, vcf) for v in vcf: if v.INFO["SVTYPE"] == "DEL": if not v.INFO["SVLEN"] < 0: v.INFO["SVLEN"] = - v.INFO["SVLEN"] w.write_record(v)
Example #5
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() vcf_in = VCF(args.vcf) vcf_out = Writer(args.output, vcf_in) for v in vcf_in: if v.INFO["SVLEN"] > 49: vcf_out.write_record(v) vcf_in.close() vcf_out.close()
Example #6
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_parse_rank_results_header(variant_clinical_file): ## GIVEN a vcf object vcf_obj = VCF(variant_clinical_file) ## WHEN parsing the rank results header rank_results_header = parse_rank_results_header(vcf_obj) ## THEN assert the header is returned correct assert isinstance(rank_results_header, list) assert rank_results_header assert "Consequence" in rank_results_header
Example #7
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_parse_vep_header(variant_clinical_file): ## GIVEN a vcf object vcf_obj = VCF(variant_clinical_file) ## WHEN parsing the vep header vep_header = parse_vep_header(vcf_obj) ## THEN assert the header is returned correct assert isinstance(vep_header, list) assert vep_header assert "ALLELE" in vep_header
Example #8
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_parse_cnvnator(): """docstring for test_parse_cnvnator""" vcf_obj = VCF(one_cnvnator) for variant in vcf_obj: assert variant
Example #9
Source File: From puzzle with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_variant_type(variant_source): """Try to find out what type of variants that exists in a variant source Args: variant_source (str): Path to variant source source_mode (str): 'vcf' or 'gemini' Returns: variant_type (str): 'sv' or 'snv' """ file_type = get_file_type(variant_source) variant_type = 'sv' if file_type == 'vcf': variants = VCF(variant_source) elif file_type == 'gemini': variants = GeminiQuery(variant_source) gemini_query = "SELECT * from variants" # Check 1000 first variants, if anyone is a snv we set the variant_type # to 'snv' for i,variant in enumerate(variants): if file_type == 'vcf': if variant.is_snp: variant_type = 'snv' elif file_type == 'gemini': if variant['type'] == 'snp': variant_type = 'snv' if i > 1000: break return variant_type
Example #10
Source File: From puzzle with MIT License | 5 votes |
def variant(self, case_id, variant_id): """Return a specific variant. Args: case_id (str): Path to vcf file variant_id (str): A variant id Returns: variant (Variant): The variant object for the given id """ case_obj = vcf_file_path = case_obj.variant_source self.head = get_header(vcf_file_path) self.vep_header = self.head.vep_columns self.snpeff_header = self.head.snpeff_columns handle = VCF(vcf_file_path) for index, variant in enumerate(handle): index += 1 line_id = get_variant_id(variant_line=str(variant)).lstrip('chrCHR') if line_id == variant_id: return self._format_variants( variant=variant, index=index, case_obj=case_obj, add_all_info=True ) return None
Example #11
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_sets(vcf, names): """From the merged SV file, return pd.Series of overlapping sets""" calls = defaultdict(int) for v in VCF(vcf): calls[gt_types_to_binary_comparison(v.gt_types)] += 1 tf_array = [[True, False]] * len(list(calls.keys())[0]) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(tf_array, names=names) values = [calls[''.join([str(int(j)) for j in i])] for i in index] return pd.Series(values, index=index)
Example #12
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def zygosity_accuracy(vcff): """ First level of the dict is the "truth" call, second level is the "test" """ zygosities = dict(het=dict(het=0, hom=0, nocall=0 ), hom=dict(het=0, hom=0, nocall=0 ), nocall=dict(het=0, hom=0, nocall=0 ), ) for v in VCF(vcff): zyg_truth, zyg_test = [get_zygosity(gt) for gt in v.gt_types] zygosities[zyg_truth][zyg_test] += 1 zygs = ["nocall", "het", "hom"] df = pd.DataFrame(index=zygs, columns=zygs) for tr in zygs: for te in zygs: df.loc[tr, te] = zygosities[tr][te] print(df)
Example #13
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() vcf = VCF(args.vcf) output = Writer(args.output, vcf) incorrect = 0 for v in vcf: if v.REF == v.ALT[0] and v.INFO["SVTYPE"] == "DEL": v.ALT = "<DEL>" incorrect += 1 output.write_record(v) print("Fixed {} positions".format(incorrect)) output.close() vcf.close()
Example #14
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() genome = Fasta(args.genome) vcf = VCF(args.vcf) output = Writer(args.output, vcf) incorrect_reference = 0 for v in vcf: ref_nucl = get_reference_nucleotide(v.CHROM, v.start, genome) if v.REF != ref_nucl: v.REF = ref_nucl incorrect_reference += 1 output.write_record(v) print("Fixed {} positions".format(incorrect_reference)) output.close() vcf.close()
Example #15
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_load_variants_high_treshold(real_populated_database, case_obj): ## GIVEN a populated database and a case adapter = real_populated_database ## WHEN Trying to load variants where no one are above the rank score treshold vcf = VCF(case_obj["vcf_files"]["vcf_sv"]) rankscore_treshold = 1000000 individual_positions = {"ADM1059A2": 0, "ADM1059A1": 1, "ADM1059A3": 2} ## THEN assert that no variants are inserted nr_inserted = adapter._load_variants( vcf, "clinical", case_obj, individual_positions, rankscore_treshold, "cut000" ) assert nr_inserted == 0
Example #16
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_venn(vcf, outname="venn.png"): positions = [[], []] for v in VCF(vcf): if not v.CHROM == 'chrEBV': for index, call in enumerate(v.gt_types): if is_variant(call): positions[index].append( "{}:{}-{}".format(v.CHROM, v.start, v.INFO.get('SVTYPE'))) identifier_sets = [set(i) for i in positions] venn2(identifier_sets, set_labels=('Truth', 'Test')) plt.savefig(outname) plt.close() return identifier_sets
Example #17
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bar_chart(vcf, outname="stacked_bar.png"): """ Make a stacked bar chart for length of the SV split by validation status This ignores zygosity. """ len_dict = {"True": [], "False": [], "Missed": []} for v in VCF(vcf): if not v.INFO.get('SVTYPE') == 'TRA' and abs(v.INFO.get('AVGLEN')) >= 50: calls = [is_variant(call) for call in v.gt_types] if calls == [True, True]: len_dict['True'].append(v.INFO.get('AVGLEN')) elif calls == [False, True]: len_dict['False'].append(v.INFO.get('AVGLEN')) elif calls == [True, False]: len_dict['Missed'].append(v.INFO.get('AVGLEN')) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.hist(x=np.array(list(len_dict.values())), bins=[i for i in range(0, 2000, 10)], stacked=True, histtype='bar', label=list(len_dict.keys())) plt.xlabel('Length of structural variant') plt.ylabel('Number of variants') plt.legend(frameon=False, fontsize="small") plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.hist(x=np.array(list(len_dict.values())), bins=[i for i in range(0, 20000, 100)], stacked=True, histtype='bar', label=list(len_dict.keys()), log=True) plt.xlabel('Length of structural variant') plt.ylabel('Number of variants') plt.legend(frameon=False, fontsize="small") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outname) plt.close()
Example #18
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extract_variants(vcf): return pd.DataFrame( data=[ tuple(v.format('CO')) + tuple([is_variant(call) for call in v.gt_types]) + parse_qualities(v.format('QV')) for v in VCF(vcf)], columns=["coords_truth", "coords_test", "truth", "test", "quals_truth", "quals_test"])
Example #19
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() vars = defaultdict(list) vcf = VCF(args.vcf) output = args.vcf.replace('.vcf', '') for v in vcf: vars[v.INFO.get('SVTYPE')].append(v) for k, varlist in vars.items(): w = Writer(output + '_' + k.replace('/', '') + '.vcf', vcf) for v in varlist: w.write_record(v)
Example #20
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() len_dict = defaultdict(list) vcf = VCF(args.vcf) if len(vcf.samples) > 1: sys.stderr.write("\n\nWarning: this script does not support multiple samples in a vcf.\n") sys.stderr.write("Plotting and counting only for {}.".format(vcf.samples[0])) for v in vcf: if is_variant(v.gt_types) and not v.INFO.get('SVTYPE') == 'TRA': try: if get_svlen(v) >= 50: len_dict[get_svtype(v)].append(get_svlen(v)) except TypeError: if v.INFO.get('SVTYPE') == 'INV': if (v.end - v.start) >= 50: len_dict[get_svtype(v)].append(v.end - v.start) elif v.INFO.get('SVTYPE') == 'BND': try: len_dict['BND'].append(abs(v.INFO.get('MATEDIST'))) except TypeError: len_dict['BND'].append(0) else: sys.stderr.write("Exception when parsing variant:\n{}\n\n".format(v)) len_dict["parse_error"].append(0) with open(args.counts, 'w') as counts: counts.write("Number of nucleotides affected by SV:\n") for svtype, lengths in len_dict.items(): counts.write("{}:\t{} variants\t{}bp\n".format( svtype, len(lengths), sum(lengths))) make_plot(dict_of_lengths=len_dict, output=args.output)
Example #21
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_variant(gt_types): """Check if a variant position qualifies as a variant 0,1,2,3==HOM_REF, HET, UNKNOWN, HOM_ALT If the VCF does not contain genotypes/zygosities, and hence gt_types is empty, then assume the position is indeed a variant allele""" if not gt_types: return True else: if gt_types[0] in [1, 3]: return True else: return False
Example #22
Source File: From nano-snakemake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_args() variants = VCF(args.vcf) plt.hist(x=[get_carrier_number(v.gt_types) for v in variants], bins=range(10), align="left") plt.xlabel('Number of carriers') plt.xticks(range(1, len(variants.samples) + 1), range(1, len(variants.samples) + 1)) plt.ylabel('Number of variants') plt.savefig(args.output)
Example #23
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def one_cancer_manta_SV_variant(request, vep_94_manta_annotated_SV_variants_file):"Return one parsed cancer SV variant") variant_parser = VCF(vep_94_manta_annotated_SV_variants_file) variant = next(variant_parser) return variant
Example #24
Source File: From models with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_vep_scores(vcf_name, vep_vcf_key="CSQ", sel_vep_keys=["phyloP46way_placental", "phyloP46way_primate", "CADD_phred", "CADD_raw"]): vcf_fh = cyvcf2.VCF(vcf_name) # get the correct elements for hdr in vcf_fh.header_iter(): hdr_info = if 'ID' in hdr_info: if hdr_info['ID'] == vep_vcf_key: vep_keys = hdr_info['Description'].split(": ")[-1].rstrip('"').split("|") break sel_vep_elms = [vep_keys.index(k) for k in sel_vep_keys] info_tags = [] entries = [] # Iterate over all entries and extract the `info_tag` if set, otherwise return all INFO tags for rec in vcf_fh: info_dict = dict(rec.INFO) if vep_vcf_key in info_dict: vep_entries = info_dict[vep_vcf_key].split(",")[0].split("|") variant_uid = ":".join([rec.CHROM, str(rec.POS), rec.REF, rec.ALT[0]]) vals = [vep_entries[i] for i in sel_vep_elms] entries.append(pd.Series([vep_entries[i] for i in sel_vep_elms], name = variant_uid, index = sel_vep_keys)) # Turn into a data frame df = pd.DataFrame(entries,) df = df.replace("", "nan").astype(float) # dedup df = df.loc[~pd.Series(df.index.values).duplicated().values,:] return df
Example #25
Source File: From cyvcf2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_hemi(): """ make sure that we are getting the correct gt_types for hemizygous variants """ for p in (HEM_PATH, VCF_PATH): vcf = VCF(p) for v in vcf: check_var(v)
Example #26
Source File: From CharGer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def from_cyvcf2(cls: Type[V], variant: CyVCF2Variant) -> V: """ Create one Variant object based on the given :class:`cyvcf2.Variant <cyvcf2.cyvcf2.Variant>` VCF record. """ return cls( chrom=variant.CHROM, start_pos=variant.start + 1, end_pos=variant.end, ref_allele=variant.REF, alt_allele=variant.ALT[0], id=variant.ID, filter=variant.FILTER, info=dict(variant.INFO), )
Example #27
Source File: From CharGer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_vep_version(cls: Type[V], vcf_raw_headers: List[str]) -> str: """Extract the VEP version in the given VCF.""" # Find VEP version # Reverse the header order because the newer header appears later try: vep_header = next( l for l in reversed(vcf_raw_headers) if l.startswith("##VEP=") ) vep_version = re.match(r"^##VEP=['\"]?v(\d+)['\"]?", vep_header).group(1) # type: ignore except (StopIteration, AttributeError): logger.warning(f"Cannot find VEP version in the VCF header") vep_version = "UNKNOWN" return vep_version
Example #28
Source File: From kipoiseq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from cyvcf2 import VCF super(MultiSampleVCF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs, strict_gt=True) self.sample_mapping = dict(zip(self.samples, range(len(self.samples))))
Example #29
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def one_variant(request, variant_clinical_file):"Return one parsed variant") variant_parser = VCF(variant_clinical_file) variant = next(variant_parser) return variant
Example #30
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def one_vep97_annotated_variant(request, vep_97_annotated_variant_clinical_file):"Return one parsed variant") variant_parser = VCF(vep_97_annotated_variant_clinical_file) variant = next(variant_parser) return variant