Python numpy.isscalar() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.isscalar().
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Example #1
Source File: From gmpe-smtk with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _tojson(*numpy_objs): '''Utility function which returns a list where each element of numpy_objs is converted to its python equivalent (float or list)''' ret = [] # problem: browsers might not be happy with JSON 'NAN', so convert # NaNs to None. Unfortunately, the conversion must be done element wise # in numpy (seems not to exist a pandas na filter): for obj in numpy_objs: isscalar = np.isscalar(obj) nan_indices = None if isscalar else \ np.argwhere(np.isnan(obj)).flatten() # note: numpy.float64(N).tolist() returns a python float, so: obj = None if isscalar and np.isnan(obj) else obj.tolist() if nan_indices is not None: for idx in nan_indices: obj[idx] = None ret.append(obj) return ret # tuple(_.tolist() for _ in numpy_objs)
Example #2
Source File: From aboleth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_kl_gaussian_normal(random): """Test Gaussian/Normal KL.""" dim = (5, 10) Dim = (5, 10, 10) mu0 = random.randn(*dim).astype(np.float32) L0 = random_chol(Dim) q = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL(mu0, L0) mu1 = random.randn(*dim).astype(np.float32) std1 = 1.0 L1 = [(std1 * np.eye(dim[1])).astype(np.float32) for _ in range(dim[0])] p = tf.distributions.Normal(mu1, std1) KL = kl_sum(q, p) KLr = KLdiv(mu0, L0, mu1, L1) tc = tf.test.TestCase() with tc.test_session(): kl = KL.eval() assert np.isscalar(kl) assert np.allclose(kl, KLr)
Example #3
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 6 votes |
def extract_params_as_shared_arrays(link): assert isinstance(link, chainer.Link) shared_arrays = {} for param_name, param in link.namedparams(): typecode = param.array.dtype.char shared_arrays[param_name] = mp.RawArray(typecode, param.array.ravel()) for persistent_name, persistent in chainerrl.misc.namedpersistent(link): if isinstance(persistent, np.ndarray): typecode = persistent.dtype.char shared_arrays[persistent_name] = mp.RawArray( typecode, persistent.ravel()) else: assert np.isscalar(persistent) # Wrap by a 1-dim array because multiprocessing.RawArray does not # accept a 0-dim array. persistent_as_array = np.asarray([persistent]) typecode = persistent_as_array.dtype.char shared_arrays[persistent_name] = mp.RawArray( typecode, persistent_as_array) return shared_arrays
Example #4
Source File: From scanorama with MIT License | 6 votes |
def handle_zeros_in_scale(scale, copy=True): ''' Makes sure that whenever scale is zero, we handle it correctly. This happens in most scalers when we have constant features. Adapted from''' # if we are fitting on 1D arrays, scale might be a scalar if np.isscalar(scale): if scale == .0: scale = 1. return scale elif isinstance(scale, np.ndarray): if copy: # New array to avoid side-effects scale = scale.copy() scale[scale == 0.0] = 1.0 return scale
Example #5
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_policy_gradient_full_correction( action_distrib, action_distrib_mu, action_value, v, truncation_threshold): """Compute off-policy bias correction term wrt all actions.""" assert truncation_threshold is not None assert np.isscalar(v) with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): rho_all_inv = compute_full_importance(action_distrib_mu, action_distrib) correction_weight = ( np.maximum(1 - truncation_threshold * rho_all_inv, np.zeros_like(rho_all_inv)) * action_distrib.all_prob.array[0]) correction_advantage = action_value.q_values.array[0] - v return -F.sum(correction_weight * action_distrib.all_log_prob * correction_advantage, axis=1)
Example #6
Source File: From chainerrl with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compute_policy_gradient_sample_correction( action_distrib, action_distrib_mu, action_value, v, truncation_threshold): """Compute off-policy bias correction term wrt a sampled action.""" assert np.isscalar(v) assert truncation_threshold is not None with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): sample_action = action_distrib.sample().array rho_dash_inv = compute_importance( action_distrib_mu, action_distrib, sample_action) if (truncation_threshold > 0 and rho_dash_inv >= 1 / truncation_threshold): return chainer.Variable(np.asarray([0], dtype=np.float32)) correction_weight = max(0, 1 - truncation_threshold * rho_dash_inv) assert correction_weight <= 1 q = float(action_value.evaluate_actions(sample_action).array[0]) correction_advantage = q - v return -(correction_weight * action_distrib.log_prob(sample_action) * correction_advantage)
Example #7
Source File: From DualFisheye with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_pixels(self, uv_px, img1d, weight=None): # Lookup row & column for each in-bounds coordinate. mask = self.get_mask(uv_px) xx = uv_px[0,mask] yy = uv_px[1,mask] # Update matrix according to assigned weight. if weight is None: img1d[mask] = self.img[yy,xx] elif np.isscalar(weight): img1d[mask] += self.img[yy,xx] * weight else: w1 = np.asmatrix(weight, dtype='float32') w3 = w1.transpose() * np.ones((1,3)) img1d[mask] += np.multiply(self.img[yy,xx], w3[mask]) # A panorama image made from several FisheyeImage sources. # TODO: Add support for supersampled anti-aliasing filters.
Example #8
Source File: From aboleth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dense_outputs(dense, make_data): """Make sure the dense layers output expected dimensions.""" x, _, _ = make_data S = 3 x_, X_ = _make_placeholders(x, S) N = x.shape[0] Phi, KL = dense(output_dim=D)(X_) tc = tf.test.TestCase() with tc.test_session(): tf.global_variables_initializer().run() P = Phi.eval(feed_dict={x_: x}) assert P.shape == (S, N, D) assert P.dtype == np.float32 assert np.isscalar(KL.eval(feed_dict={x_: x}))
Example #9
Source File: From aboleth with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dense_embeddings(make_categories, reps, layer): """Test the embedding layer.""" x, K = make_categories x = np.repeat(x, reps, axis=-1) N = len(x) S = 3 x_, X_ = _make_placeholders(x, S, tf.int32) output, reg = layer(output_dim=D, n_categories=K)(X_) tc = tf.test.TestCase() with tc.test_session(): tf.global_variables_initializer().run() r = reg.eval() assert np.isscalar(r) assert r >= 0 Phi = output.eval(feed_dict={x_: x}) assert Phi.shape == (S, N, D * reps)
Example #10
Source File: From respy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def convert_dictionary_keys_to_dense_indices(dictionary): """Convert the keys to tuples containing integers. Example ------- >>> dictionary = {(0.0, 1): 0, 2: 1} >>> convert_dictionary_keys_to_dense_indices(dictionary) {(0, 1): 0, (2,): 1} """ new_dictionary = {} for key, val in dictionary.items(): new_key = (int(key),) if np.isscalar(key) else tuple(int(i) for i in key) new_dictionary[new_key] = val return new_dictionary
Example #11
Source File: From tenpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def gen_random_legcharge_nq(chinfo, ind_len, n_qsector): """return a random (unsorted) LegCharge with a given number of charge sectors. `nqsector` gives the (desired) number of sectors for each of the charges. """ if np.isscalar(n_qsector): n_qsector = [n_qsector] * chinfo.qnumber n_qsector = np.asarray(n_qsector, dtype=np.intp) if n_qsector.shape != (chinfo.qnumber, ): raise ValueError slices = rand_partitions(0, ind_len,, dtype=int)) qs = np.zeros((len(slices) - 1, len(n_qsector)), int) q_combos = [a for a in it.product(*[range(-(nq // 2), nq // 2 + 1) for nq in n_qsector])] qs = np.array(q_combos)[rand_distinct_int(0, len(q_combos) - 1, len(slices) - 1), :] qs = chinfo.make_valid(qs) return charges.LegCharge.from_qind(chinfo, slices, qs)
Example #12
Source File: From 3D-R2N2 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sparse_to_dense(voxel_data, dims, dtype=np.bool): if voxel_data.ndim != 2 or voxel_data.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('voxel_data is wrong shape; should be 3xN array.') if np.isscalar(dims): dims = [dims] * 3 dims = np.atleast_2d(dims).T # truncate to integers xyz = voxel_data.astype( # discard voxels that fall outside dims valid_ix = ~np.any((xyz < 0) | (xyz >= dims), 0) xyz = xyz[:, valid_ix] out = np.zeros(dims.flatten(), dtype=dtype) out[tuple(xyz)] = True return out # def get_linear_index(x, y, z, dims): # """ Assuming xzy order. (y increasing fastest. # TODO ensure this is right when dims are not all same # """ # return x*(dims[1]*dims[2]) + z*dims[1] + y
Example #13
Source File: From tenpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def gen_random_legcharge_nq(chinfo, ind_len, n_qsector): """return a random (unsorted) LegCharge with a given number of charge sectors. `nqsector` gives the (desired) number of sectors for each of the charges. """ if np.isscalar(n_qsector): n_qsector = [n_qsector] * chinfo.qnumber n_qsector = np.asarray(n_qsector, dtype=np.intp) if n_qsector.shape != (chinfo.qnumber, ): raise ValueError slices = rand_partitions(0, ind_len,, dtype=int)) qs = np.zeros((len(slices) - 1, len(n_qsector)), int) q_combos = [a for a in it.product(*[range(-(nq // 2), nq // 2 + 1) for nq in n_qsector])] qs = np.array(q_combos)[rand_distinct_int(0, len(q_combos) - 1, len(slices) - 1), :] qs = chinfo.make_valid(qs) return npc.LegCharge.from_qind(chinfo, slices, qs)
Example #14
Source File: From vampyre with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, zval, pz, shape, var_axes=(0,),\ is_complex=False,name=None): # Convert scalars to arrays if np.isscalar(zval): zval = np.array([zval]) if np.isscalar(pz): pz = np.array([pz]) # Set parameters of base estimator dtype = zval.dtype BaseEst.__init__(self,shape=shape, var_axes=var_axes, dtype=dtype, name=name,\ type_name='DiscreteEst', nvars=1, cost_avail=True) # Set parameters self.zval = zval self.pz = pz self.shape = shape self.is_complex = is_complex self.fz = -np.log(pz)
Example #15
Source File: From skan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def image_summary(skeleton, *, spacing=1): """Compute some summary statistics for an image. Parameters ---------- skeleton : array, shape (M, N) The input image. Other Parameters ---------------- spacing : float or array of float, shape (`skeleton.ndim`,) The resolution along each axis of `skeleton`. Returns ------- stats : pandas.DataFrame Selected statistics about the image. """ stats = pd.DataFrame() stats['scale'] = [spacing] g, coords, degimg = csr.skeleton_to_csgraph(skeleton, spacing=spacing) degrees = np.diff(g.indptr) num_junctions = np.sum(degrees > 2) stats['number of junctions'] = num_junctions pixel_area = (spacing ** skeleton.ndim if np.isscalar(spacing) else stats['area'] = * pixel_area stats['junctions per unit area'] = (stats['number of junctions'] / stats['area']) sizes = mesh_sizes(skeleton) stats['average mesh area'] = np.mean(sizes) stats['median mesh area'] = np.median(sizes) stats['mesh area standard deviation'] = np.std(sizes) structure = np.ones((3,) * skeleton.ndim) stats['number of disjoint skeletons'] = ndi.label(skeleton, structure)[1] return stats
Example #16
Source File: From tenpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def iscale_prefactor(self, prefactor): """``self *= prefactor`` for scalar `prefactor`. Note that we allow the type of `self` to change if necessary. """ if not np.isscalar(prefactor): raise ValueError("prefactor is not scalar: {0!r}".format(type(prefactor))) if prefactor == 0.: self._data = [] self._qdata = np.empty((0, self.rank), np.intp) self._qdata_sorted = True return self return self.iunary_blockwise(np.multiply, prefactor)
Example #17
Source File: From tenpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def iadd_prefactor_other(self, prefactor, other): """``self += prefactor * other`` for scalar `prefactor` and :class:`Array` `other`. Note that we allow the type of `self` to change if necessary. Moreover, if `self` and `other` have the same labels in different order, other gets **transposed** before the action. """ if not isinstance(other, Array) or not np.isscalar(prefactor): raise ValueError("wrong argument types: {0!r}, {1!r}".format( type(prefactor), type(other))) self.ibinary_blockwise(np.add, other.__mul__(prefactor)) return self
Example #18
Source File: From skan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, skeleton_image, *, spacing=1, source_image=None, _buffer_size_offset=None, keep_images=True, unique_junctions=True): graph, coords, degrees = skeleton_to_csgraph(skeleton_image, spacing=spacing, unique_junctions=unique_junctions) if np.issubdtype(skeleton_image.dtype, np.float_): pixel_values = ndi.map_coordinates(skeleton_image, coords.T, order=3) else: pixel_values = None self.graph = graph self.nbgraph = csr_to_nbgraph(graph, pixel_values) self.coordinates = coords self.paths = _build_skeleton_path_graph(self.nbgraph, _buffer_size_offset=_buffer_size_offset) self.n_paths = self.paths.shape[0] self.distances = np.empty(self.n_paths, dtype=float) self._distances_initialized = False self.skeleton_image = None self.source_image = None self.degrees_image = degrees self.degrees = np.diff(self.graph.indptr) self.spacing = (np.asarray(spacing) if not np.isscalar(spacing) else np.full(skeleton_image.ndim, spacing)) if keep_images: self.skeleton_image = skeleton_image self.source_image = source_image
Example #19
Source File: From buzzard with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_intersection_and_equals_and_of_extent(fp, env): if env < fp._significant_min: pytest.skip() eps = np.abs(fp.coords).max() * 10 ** -buzz.env.significant cwr = itertools.combinations_with_replacement for ax, ay, bx, by in cwr([-eps * LESS_ERROR, 0, +eps * LESS_ERROR], 4): deltas = np.asarray([ax, ay, bx, by]) assert fp.almost_equals(fp & sg.LineString([ + [ax, ay], + [bx, by]])) assert fp.almost_equals(fp.of_extent(fp.extent + deltas, fp.scale)) if (np.asarray([ax, ay, bx, by]) != 0).any(): assert fp != fp.of_extent(fp.extent + deltas / LESS_ERROR * MORE_ERROR, fp.scale) for slacka, slackb in itertools.product( [0, -fp.pxvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR, -fp.pxlrvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxlrvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR, -fp.pxtbvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxtbvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR], [0, fp.pxvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR, fp.pxlrvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxlrvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR, fp.pxtbvec / np.linalg.norm(fp.pxtbvec) * eps * MORE_ERROR], ): if np.isscalar(slacka) and np.isscalar(slackb): continue assert fp != fp.dilate(2) & sg.LineString([ + slacka, + slackb])
Example #20
Source File: From adversarial-policies with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_env(env_from_spec): """Based on Gym smoke test in gym.envs.tests.test_envs.""" ob_space = env_from_spec.observation_space act_space = env_from_spec.action_space ob = env_from_spec.reset() assert ob_space.contains(ob), "Reset observation: {!r} not in space".format(ob) a = act_space.sample() ob, reward, done, _info = env_from_spec.step(a) assert ob_space.contains(ob), "Step observation: {!r} not in space".format(ob) assert isinstance(done, bool), "Expected {} to be a boolean".format(done) if hasattr(env_from_spec, "num_agents"): # multi agent environment assert len(reward) == env_from_spec.num_agents assert isinstance(env_from_spec.observation_space, Tuple), "Observations should be Tuples" assert isinstance(env_from_spec.action_space, Tuple), "Actions should be Tuples" assert len(env_from_spec.observation_space.spaces) == env_from_spec.num_agents assert len(env_from_spec.action_space.spaces) == env_from_spec.num_agents else: # pragma: no cover assert np.isscalar(reward), "{} is not a scalar for {}".format(reward, env_from_spec) for mode in env_from_spec.metadata.get("render.modes", []): env_from_spec.render(mode=mode) # Make sure we can render the environment after close. for mode in env_from_spec.metadata.get("render.modes", []): env_from_spec.render(mode=mode) # Test VecMultiEnv classes
Example #21
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def zeeman_transitions(ju, jl, type): """ Find possible mu and ml for valid ju and jl for a given transistion polarization Parameters: ju (scalar): Upper level J jl (scalar): Lower level J type (string): "Pi", "S+", or "S-" for relevant polarization type Returns: tuple: MU, ML arrays for given Js and polarization type """ assert np.isscalar(ju) and np.isscalar(jl), "non-scalar J non supported" assert type.lower() in ["pi", "s+", "s-"], "unknown transition type" assert ju - jl in [-1, 0, 1], "delta-J should belong to {-1, 0, 1}" assert ju > 0 and jl >= 0, "only for positive ju and non-negative for jl" if type.lower() == "pi": J = min(ju, jl) return np.arange(-J, J + 1), np.arange(-J, J + 1) elif type.lower() == "s+": if ju < jl: return np.arange(-ju, ju+1), np.arange(-ju+1, ju+2) elif ju == jl: return np.arange(-ju, ju), np.arange(-ju+1, ju+1) else: return np.arange(-ju, jl), np.arange(-ju+1, jl+1) elif type.lower() == "s-": if ju < jl: return np.arange(-ju, ju+1), np.arange(-jl, ju) elif ju == jl: return np.arange(-ju+1, ju+1), np.arange(-ju, ju) else: return np.arange(-ju+2, ju+1), np.arange(-ju+1, ju)
Example #22
Source File: From ibllib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, nxyz, xyz0=[0, 0, 0], dxyz=[1, 1, 1]): if np.isscalar(dxyz): dxyz = [dxyz for i in range(3)] self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 = list(xyz0) self.dx, self.dy, = list(dxyz) self.nx, self.ny, = list(nxyz)
Example #23
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, indexes): if not isinstance(indexes, tuple): indexes = (indexes,) for index in indexes: if not np.isscalar(index): raise ValueError('Invalid call for scalar access (getting)!') return self._loc[indexes]
Example #24
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def series_getitem(series, labels, combine_size=None): if isinstance(labels, list) or np.isscalar(labels): op = SeriesIndex(labels=labels, combine_size=combine_size) return op(series, elif isinstance(labels, _list_like_types) and astensor(labels).dtype == np.bool: return series.loc[labels] else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s is not support for getitem' % type(labels))
Example #25
Source File: From Counterfactual-StoryRW with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, shape=None, low=None, high=None, dtype=None): if low is None: low = -float('inf') if high is None: high = float('inf') if shape is None: low = np.asarray(low) high = np.asarray(high) if low.shape != high.shape: raise ValueError('`low` and `high` must have the same shape.') shape = low.shape else: shape = tuple(shape) if np.isscalar(low): low = low + np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) if np.isscalar(high): high = high + np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) if shape != low.shape or shape != high.shape: raise ValueError( 'Shape inconsistent: shape={}, low.shape={}, high.shape={}' .format(shape, low.shape, high.shape)) if dtype is None: dtype = low.dtype dtype = np.dtype(dtype) low = low.astype(dtype) high = high.astype(dtype) self._shape = shape self._low = low self._high = high self._dtype = dtype
Example #26
Source File: From galario with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-8): """Drop in replacement for `numpy.testing.assert_allclose` that shows the nonmatching elements""" if np.isscalar(x) and np.isscalar(y) == 1: return np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if x.shape != y.shape: raise AssertionError("Shape mismatch: %s vs %s" % (str(x.shape), str(y.shape))) d = ~np.isclose(x, y, rtol, atol) if np.any(d): miss = np.where(d)[0] raise AssertionError("""Mismatch of %d elements (%g %%) at the level of rtol=%g, atol=%g %s %s %s""" % (len(miss), len(miss)/x.size, rtol, atol, repr(miss), str(x[d]), str(y[d])))
Example #27
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_return(self): assert_(np.isscalar(np.isclose(1, 1)))
Example #28
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tst_isclose_allclose(self, x, y): msg = "isclose.all() and allclose aren't same for %s and %s" msg2 = "isclose and allclose aren't same for %s and %s" if np.isscalar(x) and np.isscalar(y): assert_(np.isclose(x, y) == np.allclose(x, y), msg=msg2 % (x, y)) else: assert_array_equal(np.isclose(x, y).all(), np.allclose(x, y), msg % (x, y))
Example #29
Source File: From aboleth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_map_likelihood(make_graph): """Test for expected output dimensions from deepnet.""" x, y, N, X_, Y_, N_, layers = make_graph nn, reg = layers(X=X_) log_like = tf.distributions.Normal(nn, scale=1.).log_prob(Y_) loss = ab.max_posterior(log_like, reg) tc = tf.test.TestCase() with tc.test_session(): tf.global_variables_initializer().run() L = loss.eval(feed_dict={X_: x, Y_: y}) assert np.isscalar(L)
Example #30
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_isscalar(self): assert_(np.isscalar(3.1)) assert_(np.isscalar(np.int16(12345))) assert_(np.isscalar(False)) assert_(np.isscalar('numpy')) assert_(not np.isscalar([3.1])) assert_(not np.isscalar(None)) # PEP 3141 from fractions import Fraction assert_(np.isscalar(Fraction(5, 17))) from numbers import Number assert_(np.isscalar(Number()))