Python preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay() Examples
The following are 8
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Example #1
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def selfplay( load_file: "The path to the network model files", output_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/selfplay", holdout_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/holdout", output_sgf: "Where to write the sgfs"="sgf/", readouts: 'How many simulations to run per move'=100, verbose: '>=2 will print debug info, >=3 will print boards' = 1, resign_threshold: 'absolute value of threshold to resign at' = 0.95, holdout_pct: 'how many games to hold out for validation' = 0.05): qmeas.start_time('selfplay') clean_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'clean') full_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'full') _ensure_dir_exists(clean_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) with timer("Loading weights from %s ... " % load_file): network = dual_net.DualNetwork(load_file) with timer("Playing game"): player = network, readouts, resign_threshold, verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time() * 1000 * 1000), socket.gethostname()) game_data = player.extract_data() with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(clean_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=False)) with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(full_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf()) tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join(holdout_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples) qmeas.stop_time('selfplay')
Example #2
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def selfplay_cache_model( network: "The path to the network model files", output_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/selfplay", holdout_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/holdout", output_sgf: "Where to write the sgfs"="sgf/", readouts: 'How many simulations to run per move'=100, verbose: '>=2 will print debug info, >=3 will print boards' = 1, resign_threshold: 'absolute value of threshold to resign at' = 0.95, holdout_pct: 'how many games to hold out for validation' = 0.05): qmeas.start_time('selfplay') clean_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'clean') full_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'full') _ensure_dir_exists(clean_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) with timer("Playing game"): player = network, readouts, resign_threshold, verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time() * 1000 * 1000), socket.gethostname()) game_data = player.extract_data() with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(clean_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=False)) with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(full_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf()) tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join(holdout_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples) qmeas.stop_time('selfplay')
Example #3
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def selfplay( load_file: "The path to the network model files", output_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/selfplay", holdout_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/holdout", output_sgf: "Where to write the sgfs"="sgf/", readouts: 'How many simulations to run per move'=100, verbose: '>=2 will print debug info, >=3 will print boards' = 1, resign_threshold: 'absolute value of threshold to resign at' = 0.95, holdout_pct: 'how many games to hold out for validation' = 0.05): qmeas.start_time('selfplay') clean_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'clean') full_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'full') _ensure_dir_exists(clean_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) with timer("Loading weights from %s ... " % load_file): network = dual_net.DualNetwork(load_file) with timer("Playing game"): player = network, readouts, resign_threshold, verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time() * 1000 * 1000), socket.gethostname()) game_data = player.extract_data() with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(clean_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=False)) with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(full_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf()) tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join(holdout_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples) qmeas.stop_time('selfplay')
Example #4
Source File: From training_results_v0.5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def selfplay_cache_model( network: "The path to the network model files", output_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/selfplay", holdout_dir: "Where to write the games"="data/holdout", output_sgf: "Where to write the sgfs"="sgf/", readouts: 'How many simulations to run per move'=100, verbose: '>=2 will print debug info, >=3 will print boards' = 1, resign_threshold: 'absolute value of threshold to resign at' = 0.95, holdout_pct: 'how many games to hold out for validation' = 0.05): qmeas.start_time('selfplay') clean_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'clean') full_sgf = os.path.join(output_sgf, 'full') _ensure_dir_exists(clean_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) with timer("Playing game"): player = network, readouts, resign_threshold, verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time() * 1000 * 1000), socket.gethostname()) game_data = player.extract_data() with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(clean_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=False)) with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(full_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf()) tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join(holdout_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join(output_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples) qmeas.stop_time('selfplay')
Example #5
Source File: From training with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_game(load_file, selfplay_dir=None, holdout_dir=None, sgf_dir=None, holdout_pct=0.05): """Takes a played game and record results and game data.""" if sgf_dir is not None: minimal_sgf_dir = os.path.join(sgf_dir, 'clean') full_sgf_dir = os.path.join(sgf_dir, 'full') utils.ensure_dir_exists(minimal_sgf_dir) utils.ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf_dir) if selfplay_dir is not None: utils.ensure_dir_exists(selfplay_dir) utils.ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) with utils.logged_timer("Loading weights from %s ... " % load_file): network = dual_net.DualNetwork(load_file) with utils.logged_timer("Playing game"): player = play(network) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time()), socket.gethostname()) game_data = player.extract_data() if sgf_dir is not None: with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(minimal_sgf_dir, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=False)) with gfile.GFile(os.path.join(full_sgf_dir, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf()) tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data) if selfplay_dir is not None: # Hold out 5% of games for validation. if random.random() < holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join(holdout_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join(selfplay_dir, "{}.tfrecord.zz".format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples)
Example #6
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def selfplay(model_name, trained_models_dir, selfplay_dir, holdout_dir, sgf_dir, params): """Perform selfplay with a specific model. Args: model_name: The name of the model used for selfplay. trained_models_dir: The path to the model files. selfplay_dir: Where to write the games. Set as 'base_dir/data/selfplay/'. holdout_dir: Where to write the holdout data. Set as 'base_dir/data/holdout/'. sgf_dir: Where to write the sgf (Smart Game Format) files. Set as 'base_dir/sgf/'. params: An object of hyperparameters for the model. """ print('Playing a game with model {}'.format(model_name)) # Set paths for the model with 'model_name' model_path = os.path.join(trained_models_dir, model_name) output_dir = os.path.join(selfplay_dir, model_name) holdout_dir = os.path.join(holdout_dir, model_name) # clean_sgf is to write sgf file without comments. # full_sgf is to write sgf file with comments. clean_sgf = os.path.join(sgf_dir, model_name, 'clean') full_sgf = os.path.join(sgf_dir, model_name, 'full') _ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(holdout_dir) _ensure_dir_exists(clean_sgf) _ensure_dir_exists(full_sgf) with utils.logged_timer('Loading weights from {} ... '.format(model_path)): network = dualnet.DualNetRunner(model_path, params) with utils.logged_timer('Playing game'): player = params.board_size, network, params.selfplay_readouts, params.selfplay_resign_threshold, params.simultaneous_leaves, params.selfplay_verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time()), socket.gethostname()) def _write_sgf_data(dir_sgf, use_comments): with tf.gfile.GFile( os.path.join(dir_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=use_comments)) _write_sgf_data(clean_sgf, use_comments=False) _write_sgf_data(full_sgf, use_comments=True) game_data = player.extract_data() tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data, params) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < params.holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join( holdout_dir, ('{}'+_TF_RECORD_SUFFIX).format(output_name)) else: fname = os.path.join( output_dir, ('{}'+_TF_RECORD_SUFFIX).format(output_name)) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples)
Example #7
Source File: From g-tensorflow-models with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def selfplay(selfplay_dirs, selfplay_model, params): """Perform selfplay with a specific model. Args: selfplay_dirs: A dict to specify the directories used in selfplay. selfplay_dirs = { 'output_dir': output_dir, 'holdout_dir': holdout_dir, 'clean_sgf': clean_sgf, 'full_sgf': full_sgf } selfplay_model: The actual Dualnet runner for selfplay. params: A MiniGoParams instance of hyperparameters for the model. """ with utils.logged_timer('Playing game'): player = params.board_size, selfplay_model, params.selfplay_readouts, params.selfplay_resign_threshold, params.simultaneous_leaves, params.selfplay_verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time()), socket.gethostname()) def _write_sgf_data(dir_sgf, use_comments): with tf.gfile.GFile( os.path.join(dir_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=use_comments)) _write_sgf_data(selfplay_dirs['clean_sgf'], use_comments=False) _write_sgf_data(selfplay_dirs['full_sgf'], use_comments=True) game_data = player.extract_data() tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data, params) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < params.holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join( selfplay_dirs['holdout_dir'], output_name + _TF_RECORD_SUFFIX) else: fname = os.path.join( selfplay_dirs['output_dir'], output_name + _TF_RECORD_SUFFIX) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples)
Example #8
Source File: From multilabel-image-classification-tensorflow with MIT License | 4 votes |
def selfplay(selfplay_dirs, selfplay_model, params): """Perform selfplay with a specific model. Args: selfplay_dirs: A dict to specify the directories used in selfplay. selfplay_dirs = { 'output_dir': output_dir, 'holdout_dir': holdout_dir, 'clean_sgf': clean_sgf, 'full_sgf': full_sgf } selfplay_model: The actual Dualnet runner for selfplay. params: A MiniGoParams instance of hyperparameters for the model. """ with utils.logged_timer('Playing game'): player = params.board_size, selfplay_model, params.selfplay_readouts, params.selfplay_resign_threshold, params.simultaneous_leaves, params.selfplay_verbose) output_name = '{}-{}'.format(int(time.time()), socket.gethostname()) def _write_sgf_data(dir_sgf, use_comments): with tf.gfile.GFile( os.path.join(dir_sgf, '{}.sgf'.format(output_name)), 'w') as f: f.write(player.to_sgf(use_comments=use_comments)) _write_sgf_data(selfplay_dirs['clean_sgf'], use_comments=False) _write_sgf_data(selfplay_dirs['full_sgf'], use_comments=True) game_data = player.extract_data() tf_examples = preprocessing.make_dataset_from_selfplay(game_data, params) # Hold out 5% of games for evaluation. if random.random() < params.holdout_pct: fname = os.path.join( selfplay_dirs['holdout_dir'], output_name + _TF_RECORD_SUFFIX) else: fname = os.path.join( selfplay_dirs['output_dir'], output_name + _TF_RECORD_SUFFIX) preprocessing.write_tf_examples(fname, tf_examples)