Python pylab.pie() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of pylab.pie().
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Example #1
Source File: From bioservices with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def show_pie(self): """a simple example to demonstrate how to visualise number of interactions found in various databases """ try: from pylab import pie, clf, title, show, legend except ImportError: from bioservices import BioServicesError raise BioServicesError("You must install pylab/matplotlib to use this functionality") labels = range(1, self.N + 1) print(labels) counting = [len(self.relevant_interactions[i]) for i in labels] clf() #pie(counting, labels=[str(int(x)) for x in labels], shadow=True) pie(counting, labels=[str(x) for x in counting], shadow=True) title("Number of interactions found in N databases") legend([str(x) + " database(s)" for x in labels]) show()
Example #2
Source File: From binaryanalysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generateImages(picklefile, pickledir, filehash, imagedir, pietype): leaf_file = open(os.path.join(pickledir, picklefile), 'rb') (piedata, pielabels) = cPickle.load(leaf_file) leaf_file.close() pylab.figure(1, figsize=(6.5,6.5)) ax = pylab.axes([0.2, 0.15, 0.6, 0.6]) pylab.pie(piedata, labels=pielabels) pylab.savefig(os.path.join(imagedir, '%s-%s.png' % (filehash, pietype))) pylab.gcf().clear() os.unlink(os.path.join(pickledir, picklefile))
Example #3
Source File: From pyFileFixity with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_pie_chart(self, snapshot, filename=''): """ Create a pie chart that depicts the distribution of the allocated memory for a given `snapshot`. The chart is saved to `filename`. """ try: from pylab import figure, title, pie, axes, savefig from pylab import sum as pylab_sum except ImportError: return self.nopylab_msg % ("pie_chart") # Don't bother illustrating a pie without pieces. if not snapshot.tracked_total: return '' classlist = [] sizelist = [] for k, v in list(snapshot.classes.items()): if v['pct'] > 3.0: classlist.append(k) sizelist.append(v['sum']) sizelist.insert(0, snapshot.asizeof_total - pylab_sum(sizelist)) classlist.insert(0, 'Other') #sizelist = [x*0.01 for x in sizelist] title("Snapshot (%s) Memory Distribution" % (snapshot.desc)) figure(figsize=(8,8)) axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) pie(sizelist, labels=classlist) savefig(filename, dpi=50) return self.chart_tag % (self.relative_path(filename))
Example #4
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plotSumPie(all_result_outputs, label=''): merged_data = mergeSamples(all_result_outputs, ['Total reads'] + ALL_LABELS, data_label='perOligoCounts') for col in ALL_LABELS: merged_data[col + ' Perc'] = merged_data[col + ' Sum']*100.0/merged_data['Total reads Sum'] merged_data.to_csv('data_dump_indel_pie.txt',sep='\t',columns=['Oligo Id'] + [col + ' Perc' for col in ALL_LABELS]) pie_vals = [merged_data[col + ' Perc'].mean() for col in ALL_LABELS] PL.figure(figsize=(4,4)) PL.pie(pie_vals, labels=ALL_LABELS, autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.05, startangle=90.0, counterclock=False, colors=COLORS) PL.title('Average distribution\n of mutations\n per gRNA') saveFig('pie_chart_cats')
Example #5
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plotMCIPie(all_result_outputs, label=''): mci_merged_data = mergeSamples(all_result_outputs, ['MCI Type','Most Common Indel'], data_label='perOligoMCI') mci_common = mci_merged_data.loc[(mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 2']) & (mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 3'])] pie_vals, pie_labels = [], [] for mci_type in ALL_LABELS: pie_vals.append(len(mci_common.loc[mci_common['MCI Type'] == mci_type])) pie_labels.append(mci_type) pie_vals.append(len(mci_merged_data)-len(mci_common)) pie_labels.append('Inconsistent\nbetween\nreplicates') PL.figure(figsize=(4,4)) PL.pie(pie_vals, labels=pie_labels, autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.05, startangle=90.0, counterclock=False, colors=COLORS) PL.title('Most frequent\nmutation per gRNA') saveFig('pie_chart_cats_dominant')
Example #6
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 5 votes |
def computePieDataWithAmbig(data,label='', norm='I1 Total'): merged_data = mergeWithIndelData(data) pie_labels = ['I1_Rpt Left Reads - NonAmb','Ambiguous Rpt Reads','I1_Rpt Right Reads - NonAmb','I1_NonRpt Reads'] labels = ['Repeated\nleft nucleotide', 'Ambiguous\n(Left = Right)', 'Repeated\nright nucleotide', 'Non-repeated\nnucleotide'] pie_data = {x: (merged_data[x]*100.0/merged_data[norm]).mean(axis=0) for x in pie_labels} PL.figure(figsize=(3,3)) PL.pie([pie_data[x] for x in pie_labels], labels=labels, autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.05, startangle=120.0, counterclock=False) PL.title('Single nucleotide insertions (I1)') saveFig('ambig_pie_%s' % label) return pie_data, pie_labels, data['Total reads'].median()
Example #7
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 5 votes |
def computeFractionWithI1Repeats(data, label=''): merged_data = mergeWithIndelData(data) pie_label = 'Oligos with I1 Repeats' perc_with_11Rpt = len(merged_data.loc[(merged_data['I1_Rpt Left Reads - NonAmb'] + merged_data['Ambiguous Rpt Reads'])> 0.0])*100.0/len(merged_data) pie_data = {pie_label:perc_with_11Rpt} PL.figure() PL.pie([perc_with_11Rpt, 1-perc_with_11Rpt], labels=[pie_label,'Oligos without I1 Repeats'], autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.05, startangle=90.0, counterclock=False) PL.title(label) return pie_data, [pie_label], merged_data['Total reads'].median()
Example #8
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plotDominantPieDataWithAmbig(all_result_outputs, label=''): pie_labels = ['I1_Rpt Left Reads - NonAmb','Ambiguous Rpt Reads','I1_Rpt Right Reads - NonAmb','I1_NonRpt Reads'] mci_merged_data = mergeSamples(all_result_outputs, [], data_label='i1IndelData') mci_merged_data['Equal MCI'] = (mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 2']) & (mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 3']) mci_common_i1 = mci_merged_data.loc[mci_merged_data['Equal MCI'] & (mci_merged_data['MCI Type'] == 'I1')] labels = ['Repeated\nleft nucleotide', 'Ambiguous\n(Left = Right)', 'Repeated\nright nucleotide', 'Non-repeated\nnucleotide'] pie_data = [] for label in pie_labels: is_rpt = lambda row: row['MCI Reads'] == row[label] pie_data.append(sum(mci_common_i1.apply(is_rpt,axis=1))*100.0/len(mci_common_i1)) PL.figure(figsize=(3,3)) PL.pie(pie_data, labels=labels, autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.05, startangle=180.0, counterclock=False) PL.title('Dominant single nucleotide insertions (I1)\n%d from %d gRNAs' % (len(mci_common_i1), len(mci_merged_data))) saveFig('I1_dom_pie_3_rep')
Example #9
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plotD1(all_result_outputs, label=''): mci_merged_data = mergeSamples(all_result_outputs, [], data_label='perOligoMCI') mci_merged_data['Equal MCI'] = (mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 2']) & (mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel']==mci_merged_data['Most Common Indel 3']) mci_common = mci_merged_data.loc[mci_merged_data['Equal MCI']] pie_vals, pie_labels = [], [] dmci_data = mci_common.loc[(mci_common['MCI Type'] == 'D1')] #Note: type check discards equally most common indels spans_cutsite = lambda indel: tokFullIndel(indel)[2]['L'] < -1 and tokFullIndel(indel)[2]['R'] > 0 for nt in 'ATGC': is_mh = lambda alt_seq: len(alt_seq) >= 2 and alt_seq == (len(alt_seq)*nt) num_repeat_nt = len(dmci_data.loc[dmci_data['Altered Sequence'].apply(is_mh) & dmci_data['Most Common Indel'].apply(spans_cutsite)]) pie_vals.append(num_repeat_nt*100.0/len(dmci_data)) print(num_repeat_nt) pie_labels.append('Removal of %s\nfrom %s|%s' % (nt,nt,nt)) is_non_repeat = lambda seq: len(seq) < 2 or seq != (seq[0]*len(seq)) num_non_repeat = len(dmci_data.loc[dmci_data['Altered Sequence'].apply(is_non_repeat) | ~dmci_data['Most Common Indel'].apply(spans_cutsite)]) pie_vals.append(num_non_repeat*100.0/len(dmci_data)) print(num_non_repeat) pie_labels.append('Removal from non-repeat') PL.figure(figsize=(4,4)) PL.pie(pie_vals, labels=pie_labels, autopct='%.1f', labeldistance=1.1, counterclock=False, colors=OLD_COLORS) PL.title('Size 1 deletions that are\n"most common" for their gRNA in all 3 replicates\n(%d gRNAs from %d total)' % (len(dmci_data), len(mci_merged_data))) saveFig('pie_chart_D1') oligo_data = pd.read_csv(getHighDataDir() + '/ST_June_2017/data/self_target_oligos_details_with_pam_details.csv',sep='\t') remove_under = lambda x: x.replace('_','') oligo_data['Oligo Id'] = oligo_data['ID'].apply(remove_under) merged_mci_data = pd.merge(mci_merged_data, oligo_data[['Oligo Id','Guide']], how='inner',on='Oligo Id') print(len(merged_mci_data)) nt_dbl_perc_d1, cnt_labels = [], [] is_d1 = lambda indel: (indel.split('_')[0] == 'D1') non_dbl_nt = lambda row: row['Guide'][-4] != row['Guide'][-3] nts = 'ATGC' for nt in nts: double_nt = lambda row: row['Guide'][-4:-2] == (nt+nt) dbl_data = merged_mci_data.loc[merged_mci_data.apply(double_nt,axis=1)] num_dbl_d1 = sum(dbl_data['Most Common Indel'].apply(is_d1) & dbl_data['Equal MCI'] & (dbl_data['Oligo Id']!='Oligo28137')) #Oligo28137: Corner case where a guide has CT|T and loses the C nt_dbl_perc_d1.append(num_dbl_d1*100.0/len(dbl_data)) cnt_labels.append('%d/%d' % (num_dbl_d1,len(dbl_data))) print(len(dbl_data)) non_dbl_data = merged_mci_data.loc[merged_mci_data.apply(non_dbl_nt,axis=1)] print(len(non_dbl_data)) num_non_dbl_d1 = sum(non_dbl_data['Most Common Indel'].apply(is_d1) & non_dbl_data['Equal MCI']) nt_dbl_perc_d1.append(num_non_dbl_d1*100.0/len(non_dbl_data)) cnt_labels.append('%d/%d' % (num_non_dbl_d1,len(non_dbl_data))) PL.figure(), nt_dbl_perc_d1, width=0.8) for i, cnt in enumerate(cnt_labels): PL.text(i-0.3,nt_dbl_perc_d1[i]+5.0,cnt) PL.xticks(range(5), ['%s' % x*2 for x in nts] + ['Other']) PL.ylim((0,40)) PL.xlabel('Nucleotides on either side of cut site') PL.ylabel('Percent gRNAs with single nucleotide deletion\nas most common indel in all 3 replicates') saveFig('D1_bar_3_rep')