Python pylab.tick_params() Examples
The following are 4
code examples of pylab.tick_params().
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Example #1
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compareMHlines(all_result_outputs, label='', y_axis = 'Percent Non-Null Reads', data_label='RegrLines'): color_map = {'K562':'b','K562_1600x':'lightblue', 'BOB':'g', 'RPE1':'purple', 'TREX2':'k', 'TREX2_2A':'gray', 'HAP1':'r', 'E14TG2A':'orange','eCAS9':'c', 'WT':'pink', 'CHO':'salmon'} lysty_map = {2:'--',3:'--',5:'--',7:'-',10:'-.',16:':',20:':'} dirnames = [x[1] for x in all_result_outputs] lystys = [lysty_map[parseSampleName(x)[1]] for x in dirnames] clrs = [color_map[parseSampleName(x)[0]] for x in dirnames] for mh_len in [9]: PL.figure() regr_lines = [x[0][data_label][mh_len] for x in all_result_outputs] for dirname, regr_line,lysty,clr in zip(dirnames,regr_lines,lystys, clrs): PL.plot(regr_line[0], regr_line[1], label='%s (R=%.1f)' % (getSimpleName(dirname), regr_line[2]), linewidth=2, color=clr, linestyle=lysty, alpha=0.5 ) PL.xlabel('Distance between nearest ends of microhomologous sequences',fontsize=14) PL.ylabel('Corresponding microhomology-mediated deletion\n as percent of total mutated reads',fontsize=14) PL.tick_params(labelsize=16) PL.legend(loc='upper right') PL.ylim((0,70)) PL.xlim((0,20)) PL.xticks(range(0,21,5)) PL.title('Microhomology Length %d' % mh_len,fontsize=18) saveFig('mh_regr_lines_all_samples__%d' % mh_len)
Example #2
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 6 votes |
def compareMHK562lines(all_result_outputs, label='', y_axis = 'Percent Non-Null Reads', data_label='RegrLines'): dirnames = [x[1] for x in all_result_outputs] clrs = ['silver','grey','darkgreen','green','lightgreen','royalblue','dodgerblue','skyblue','mediumpurple','orchid','red','orange','salmon'] fig = PL.figure(figsize=(6,6)) leg_handles = [] mh_lens = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] for mh_len, clr in zip(mh_lens,clrs): regr_lines = [x[0][data_label][mh_len] for x in all_result_outputs] mean_line = np.mean([x[:2] for x in regr_lines], axis=0) leg_handles.append(PL.plot(mean_line[0], mean_line[1], label='MH Len=%d (R=%.1f)' % (mh_len,np.mean([x[2] for x in regr_lines])) , linewidth=2, color=clr )[0]) PL.xlabel('Distance between nearest ends of\nmicrohomologous sequences',fontsize=16) PL.ylabel('Correspondng microhomology-mediated deletion\n as percent of total mutated reads',fontsize=16) PL.tick_params(labelsize=16) PL.legend(handles=[x for x in reversed(leg_handles)], loc='upper right') PL.ylim((0,80)) PL.xlim((0,20)) PL.xticks(range(0,21,5)) saveFig('mh_regr_lines_K562')
Example #3
Source File: From webvectors with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def embed(words, matrix, classes, usermodel, fname): perplexity = int(len(words) ** 0.5) # We set perplexity to a square root of the words number embedding = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=perplexity, metric='cosine', n_iter=500, init='pca') y = embedding.fit_transform(matrix) print('2-d embedding finished', file=sys.stderr) class_set = [c for c in set(classes)] colors =, 1, len(class_set))) class2color = [colors[class_set.index(w)] for w in classes] xpositions = y[:, 0] ypositions = y[:, 1] seen = set() plot.clf() for color, word, class_label, x, y in zip(class2color, words, classes, xpositions, ypositions): plot.scatter(x, y, 20, marker='.', color=color, label=class_label if class_label not in seen else "") seen.add(class_label) lemma = word.split('_')[0].replace('::', ' ') mid = len(lemma) / 2 mid *= 4 # TODO Should really think about how to adapt this variable to the real plot size plot.annotate(lemma, xy=(x - mid, y), size='x-large', weight='bold', fontproperties=font, color=color) plot.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False) plot.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False) plot.legend(loc='best') plot.savefig(root + 'data/images/tsneplots/' + usermodel + '_' + fname + '.png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight') plot.close() plot.clf()
Example #4
Source File: From SelfTarget with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plotPercScatterAnalysis(data, label='test', y_axis = 'Percent Non-Null Reads', plot_scatters=False, plot_regr_lines=False, scatter_mh_lens=[], mh_lens=[9]): plot_dir = getPlotDir() regr_lines = {} for mh_len in mh_lens: mh_data = data.loc[data['MH Len'] == mh_len] mh_rdata = mh_data.loc[(mh_data['MH Dist'] >= 0) & (mh_data['MH Dist'] < (30-mh_len)) ] regr = linear_model.LinearRegression() rx, ry = mh_rdata[['MH Dist']], mh_rdata[[y_axis]] #np.log(mh_rdata[[y_axis]]), ry) corr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(rx, ry) min_x, max_x = rx.min()[0], rx.max()[0] x_pts = [min_x, max_x] regr_lines[mh_len] = (x_pts,[regr.predict(x)[0] for x in x_pts],corr[0]) if plot_scatters and mh_len in scatter_mh_lens: fig = PL.figure(figsize=(5,5)) PL.plot( mh_data['MH Dist'], mh_data[y_axis], '.', alpha=0.4 ) PL.plot(regr_lines[mh_len][0],regr_lines[mh_len][1],'dodgerblue',linewidth=3) PL.xlabel('Distance between nearest ends of\nmicrohomologous sequences',fontsize=14) PL.ylabel('Percent of mutated reads of corresponding\nMH-mediated deletion',fontsize=14) PL.tick_params(labelsize=14) PL.xlim((0,20)) PL.title('Microhomology of length %d (r=%.2f)' % (mh_len,corr[0]),fontsize=14) saveFig('mh_scatter_len%d_%s' % (mh_len,label.split('/')[-1])) if plot_regr_lines: fig = PL.figure() output_data = {} for mh_len in mh_lens: fit_data = regr_lines[mh_len] if mh_len > 15: continue lsty = '--' if mh_len < 9 else '-' PL.plot(fit_data[0], fit_data[1], linewidth=2, linestyle=lsty, label='MH length %d (R=%.1f)' % (mh_len, fit_data[2])) PL.title(label,fontsize=18) PL.xlabel('Distance between nearest ends of\nmicrohomologous sequences',fontsize=14) PL.ylabel('Percent of mutated reads of corresponding\nMH-mediated deletion',fontsize=14) PL.tick_params(labelsize=18) PL.legend() PL.ylim((0,100)) saveFig(plot_dir + '/mh_scatter_all_len_%s' % label.split('/')[-1]) return regr_lines