Python rdkit.Chem.RenumberAtoms() Examples
The following are 6
code examples of rdkit.Chem.RenumberAtoms().
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Example #1
Source File: From reinvent-randomized with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomize_smiles(mol, random_type="restricted"): """ Returns a random SMILES given a SMILES of a molecule. :param mol: A Mol object :param random_type: The type (unrestricted, restricted) of randomization performed. :return : A random SMILES string of the same molecule or None if the molecule is invalid. """ if not mol: return None if random_type == "unrestricted": return rkc.MolToSmiles(mol, canonical=False, doRandom=True, isomericSmiles=False) if random_type == "restricted": new_atom_order = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) random.shuffle(new_atom_order) random_mol = rkc.RenumberAtoms(mol, newOrder=new_atom_order) return rkc.MolToSmiles(random_mol, canonical=False, isomericSmiles=False) raise ValueError("Type '{}' is not valid".format(random_type))
Example #2
Source File: From cddd with MIT License | 6 votes |
def randomize_smile(sml): """Function that randomizes a SMILES sequnce. This was adapted from the implemetation of E. Bjerrum 2017, SMILES Enumeration as Data Augmentation for Neural Network Modeling of Molecules. Args: sml: SMILES sequnce to randomize. Return: randomized SMILES sequnce or nan if SMILES is not interpretable. """ try: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(sml) ans = list(range(m.GetNumAtoms())) np.random.shuffle(ans) nm = Chem.RenumberAtoms(m, ans) return Chem.MolToSmiles(nm, canonical=False) except: return float('nan')
Example #3
Source File: From OpenChem with MIT License | 5 votes |
def randomize_smiles(self, smiles): """Perform a randomization of a SMILES string must be RDKit sanitizable""" m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) ans = list(range(m.GetNumAtoms())) np.random.shuffle(ans) nm = Chem.RenumberAtoms(m, ans) return Chem.MolToSmiles(nm, canonical=self.canonical, isomericSmiles=self.isomericSmiles)
Example #4
Source File: From Deep-Drug-Coder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def randomize_mol(self, mol): """Performs a randomization of the atom order of an RDKit molecule""" ans = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) np.random.shuffle(ans) return Chem.RenumberAtoms(mol,ans)
Example #5
Source File: From reinvent-scaffold-decorator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_smiles(mol, variant="canonical"): """ Converts a Mol object into a canonical SMILES string. :param mol: Mol object. :return: A SMILES string. """ if mol: if variant.startswith("random"): new_atom_order = list(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) random.shuffle(new_atom_order) random_mol = rkc.RenumberAtoms(mol, newOrder=new_atom_order) return rkc.MolToSmiles(random_mol, canonical=False, isomericSmiles=False) else: return rkc.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=False, canonical=True)
Example #6
Source File: From SMILES-enumeration with MIT License | 5 votes |
def randomize_smiles(self, smiles): """Perform a randomization of a SMILES string must be RDKit sanitizable""" m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) ans = list(range(m.GetNumAtoms())) np.random.shuffle(ans) nm = Chem.RenumberAtoms(m,ans) return Chem.MolToSmiles(nm, canonical=self.canonical, isomericSmiles=self.isomericSmiles)