Python xarray.open_dataarray() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of xarray.open_dataarray().
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Example #1
Source File: From pygmt with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_surface_with_outfile_param(): """ Run surface with the parameter """ ship_data = load_sample_bathymetry() data = ship_data.values # convert pandas.DataFrame to numpy.ndarray try: output = surface( data=data, spacing="5m", region=[245, 255, 20, 30], outfile=TEMP_GRID ) assert output is None # check that output is None since outfile is set assert os.path.exists(path=TEMP_GRID) # check that outfile exists at path with xr.open_dataarray(TEMP_GRID) as grid: assert isinstance(grid, xr.DataArray) # ensure netcdf grid loads ok finally: os.remove(path=TEMP_GRID) return output
Example #2
Source File: From pygmt with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_surface_short_aliases(): """ Run surface using short aliases -I for spacing, -R for region, -G for outfile """ ship_data = load_sample_bathymetry() data = ship_data.values # convert pandas.DataFrame to numpy.ndarray try: output = surface(data=data, I="5m", R=[245, 255, 20, 30], G=TEMP_GRID) assert output is None # check that output is None since outfile is set assert os.path.exists(path=TEMP_GRID) # check that outfile exists at path with xr.open_dataarray(TEMP_GRID) as grid: assert isinstance(grid, xr.DataArray) # ensure netcdf grid loads ok finally: os.remove(path=TEMP_GRID) return output
Example #3
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load(cls, filename: str) -> "ExpressionMatrix": # type: ignore """load an ExpressionMatrix from Netcdf Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load Returns ------- ExpressionMatrix """ loaded = xr.open_dataarray(filename) expression_matrix = cls(, loaded.coords, loaded.dims ) return expression_matrix
Example #4
Source File: From recipy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def open_dataarray(self): """ Use xarray.open_dataarray to read a netcdf file. """ file_name = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "") xarray.open_dataarray(file_name)
Example #5
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_netcdf(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> "LabelImage": """Load a label image saved as a netcdf file from disk. Parameters ---------- path : Union[str, Path] Path of the label image to instantiate from. Returns ------- label_image : LabelImage Label image from the path. """ label_image = xr.open_dataarray(path) if ( AttrKeys.DOCTYPE not in label_image.attrs or label_image.attrs[AttrKeys.DOCTYPE] != DOCTYPE_STRING or AttrKeys.VERSION not in label_image.attrs ): raise ValueError(f"{path} does not appear to be a starfish label image") if not ( MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION <= Version(label_image.attrs[AttrKeys.VERSION]) <= MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION): raise ValueError( f"{path} contains a label image, but the version " f"{label_image.attrs[AttrKeys.VERSION]} is not supported") return cls(label_image)
Example #6
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_netcdf(cls, filename: str) -> "IntensityTable": """ Load an IntensityTable from Netcdf. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load. Returns ------- IntensityTable """ loaded = xr.open_dataarray(filename) intensity_table = cls(, loaded.coords, loaded.dims, attrs=loaded.attrs, ) return intensity_table
Example #7
Source File: From georinex with MIT License | 4 votes |
def rinexobs(fn, ofn=None): """ Program overviw: 1) scan the whole file for the header and other information using scan(lines) 2) each epoch is read and the information is put in a 4-D xarray.DataArray 3) rinexobs can also be sped up with if an h5 file is provided, also rinexobs can save the rinex file as an h5. The header will be returned only if specified. rinexobs() returns the data in a 4-D xarray.DataArray, [Parameter,Sat #,time,data/loss of lock/signal strength] """ # open file, get header info, possibly speed up reading data with a premade h5 file fn = Path(fn).expanduser() with'r') as f: tic = time() lines = header, version, headlines, headlength, obstimes, sats, svset = scan(lines) print(fn, 'is a RINEX', version, 'file.', fn.stat().st_size//1000, 'kB.') if fn.suffix == '.nc': data = xarray.open_dataarray(str(fn), group='OBS') elif fn.suffix == '.h5': logging.warning('HDF5 is deprecated in this program, please use NetCDF format') import pandas data = pandas.read_hdf(fn, key='OBS') else: data = processBlocks(lines, header, obstimes, svset, headlines, headlength, sats) print("finished in {:.2f} seconds".format(time()-tic)) # write an h5 file if specified if ofn: ofn = Path(ofn).expanduser() print('saving OBS data to', ofn) if ofn.is_file(): wmode = 'a' else: wmode = 'w' data.to_netcdf(ofn, group='OBS', mode=wmode) return data, header # this will scan the document for the header info and for the line on # which each block starts
Example #8
Source File: From pygmt with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def load_earth_relief(resolution="01d"): """ Load Earth relief grids (topography and bathymetry) in various resolutions. The grids are downloaded to a user data directory (usually ``~/.gmt/``) the first time you invoke this function. Afterwards, it will load the data from the cache. So you'll need an internet connection the first time around. These grids can also be accessed by passing in the file name ``'@earth_relief_XXm'`` or ``'@earth_relief_XXs'`` to any grid plotting/processing function. Parameters ---------- resolution : str The grid resolution. The suffix ``d``, ``m`` and ``s`` stand for arc-degree, arc-minute and arc-second. It can be ``'01d'``, ``'30m'``, ``'20m'``, ``'15m'``, ``'10m'``, ``'06m'``, ``'05m'``, ``'04m'``, ``'03m'``, ``'02m'``, ``'01m'``, ``'30s'`` or ``'15s'``. Returns ------- grid : xarray.DataArray The Earth relief grid. Coordinates are latitude and longitude in degrees. Relief is in meters. """ _is_valid_resolution(resolution) fname = which("@earth_relief_{}".format(resolution), download="u") grid = xr.open_dataarray(fname) # Add some metadata to the grid = "elevation" grid.attrs["long_name"] = "elevation relative to the geoid" grid.attrs["units"] = "meters" grid.attrs["vertical_datum"] = "EMG96" grid.attrs["horizontal_datum"] = "WGS84" # Remove the actual range because it gets outdated when indexing the grid, # which causes problems when exporting it to netCDF for usage on the # command-line. grid.attrs.pop("actual_range") for coord in grid.coords: grid[coord].attrs.pop("actual_range") return grid