Python xarray.CFTimeIndex() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of xarray.CFTimeIndex().
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Example #1
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_multiple_lead_cftime_shift_args(units, leads): """Returns ``CFTimeIndex.shift()`` offset increment for an arbitrary number of leads. Args: units (str): Units associated with the lead dimension. Must be one of years, seasons, months, weeks, pentads, days. leads (list, array, xr.DataArray of ints): Leads to return offset for. Returns: n (tuple of ints): Number of units to shift for ``leads``. ``value`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. freq (str): Pandas frequency alias. ``str`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. """ n_freq_tuples = [get_lead_cftime_shift_args(units, lead) for lead in leads] n, freq = list(zip(*n_freq_tuples)) return n, freq[0]
Example #2
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 6 votes |
def shift_cftime_singular(cftime, n, freq): """Shifts a singular ``cftime`` by the desired frequency. This directly pulls the ``shift`` method from ``CFTimeIndex`` in ``xarray``. This is useful if you need to shift a singular ``cftime`` by some offset, but are not working with a full ``CFTimeIndex``. Args: cftime (``cftime``): ``cftime`` object to shift. n (int): Number of steps to shift by. freq (str): Frequency string, per ``pandas`` convention. See: """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError(f"'n' must be an int, got {n}.") if not isinstance(freq, str): raise TypeError(f"'freq' must be a str, got {freq}.") return cftime + n * to_offset(freq)
Example #3
Source File: From esmlab with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_time_decoded(self, midpoint=True): """Return time decoded. """ # to compute a time midpoint, we need a time_bound variable if midpoint and self.time_bound is None: raise ValueError('cannot compute time midpoint w/o time bounds') if midpoint: time_data = self.time_bound.mean(self.tb_dim) else: # if time has already been decoded and there's no year_offset, # just return the time as is if self.isdecoded(self.time): if self.year_offset is None: return self.time # if we need to un-decode time to apply the year_offset, time_data = self.get_time_undecoded() # time has not been decoded else: time_data = self.time if self.year_offset is not None: time_data += cftime.date2num( datetime(int(self.year_offset), 1, 1), units=self.time_attrs['units'], calendar=self.time_attrs['calendar'], ) time_out = self.time.copy() = xr.CFTimeIndex( cftime.num2date( time_data, units=self.time_attrs['units'], calendar=self.time_attrs['calendar'], only_use_cftime_datetimes=True, ) ) return time_out
Example #4
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _same_verifs_alignment(init_lead_matrix, valid_inits, all_verifs, leads, n, freq): """Returns initializations and verification dates, maintaining a common verification window at all leads. See ``return_inits_and_verif_dates`` for descriptions of expected variables. """ common_set_of_verifs = [ i for i in all_verifs if (i == init_lead_matrix).any('time').all('lead') ] if not common_set_of_verifs: raise CoordinateError( 'A common set of verification dates cannot be found for the ' 'initializations and verification data supplied. Change `alignment` to ' "'same_inits' or 'maximize'." ) # Force to CFTimeIndex for consistency with `same_inits` verif_dates = xr.concat(common_set_of_verifs, 'time').to_index() inits_that_verify_with_verif_dates = init_lead_matrix.isin(verif_dates) inits = { lead: valid_inits.where( inits_that_verify_with_verif_dates.sel(lead=lead), drop=True ) for lead in leads } verif_dates = {lead: verif_dates for lead in leads} return inits, verif_dates
Example #5
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _construct_init_lead_matrix(forecast, n, freq, leads): """Returns xr.DataArray of "real time" (init + lead) over all inits and leads. Arguments: forecast (``xarray object``): Prediction ensemble with ``init`` dim renamed to ``time`` and containing ``lead`` dim. n (tuple of ints): Number of units to shift for ``leads``. ``value`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. freq (str): Pandas frequency alias. ``str`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. leads (list, array, xr.DataArray of ints): Leads to return offset for. Returns: init_lead_matrix (``xr.DataArray``): DataArray with x=inits and y=lead with values corresponding to "real time", or ``init + lead`` over all inits and leads. """ # Note that `init` is renamed to `time` in compute functions. init_lead_matrix = xr.concat( [ xr.DataArray( shift_cftime_index(forecast, 'time', n, freq), dims=['time'], coords=[forecast['time']], ) for n in n ], 'lead', ) init_lead_matrix['lead'] = leads return init_lead_matrix
Example #6
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_lead_cftime_shift_args(units, lead): """Determines the date increment to use when adding the lead time to init time based on the units attribute. Args: units (str): Units associated with the lead dimension. Must be years, seasons, months, weeks, pentads, days. lead (int): Increment of lead being computed. Returns: n (int): Number of units to shift. ``value`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. freq (str): Pandas frequency alias. ``str`` for ``CFTimeIndex.shift(value, str)``. """ lead = int(lead) d = { # Currently assumes yearly aligns with year start. 'years': (lead, 'YS'), 'seasons': (lead * 3, 'MS'), # Currently assumes monthly aligns with month start. 'months': (lead, 'MS'), 'weeks': (lead * 7, 'D'), 'pentads': (lead * 5, 'D'), 'days': (lead, 'D'), } try: n, freq = d[units] except KeyError: print(f'{units} is not a valid choice.') print(f'Accepted `units` values include: {d.keys()}') return n, freq
Example #7
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pandas_datetime_converted_to_cftime(): """Tests that a pd.DatetimeIndex is converted to xr.CFTimeIndex.""" inits = pd.date_range('1990', '2000', freq='YS') da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(len(inits)), dims='init', coords=[inits]) new_inits = convert_time_index(da, 'init', '') assert isinstance(new_inits['init'].to_index(), xr.CFTimeIndex)
Example #8
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_int64_converted_to_cftime(): """Tests the xr.Int64Index is converted to xr.CFTimeIndex.""" inits = np.arange(1990, 2000) da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(len(inits)), dims='init', coords=[inits]) new_inits = convert_time_index(da, 'init', '') assert isinstance(new_inits['init'].to_index(), xr.CFTimeIndex)
Example #9
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_float64_converted_to_cftime(): """Tests the xr.Float64Index is converted to xr.CFTimeIndex.""" inits = np.arange(1990, 2000) * 1.0 da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(len(inits)), dims='init', coords=[inits]) new_inits = convert_time_index(da, 'init', '') assert isinstance(new_inits['init'].to_index(), xr.CFTimeIndex)
Example #10
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_convert_time_index_does_not_overwrite(): """Tests that `convert_time_index` does not overwrite the original index.""" inits = np.arange(1990, 2000) da = xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(len(inits)), dims='init', coords=[inits]) new_inits = convert_time_index(da, 'init', '') assert isinstance(da.init.to_index(), pd.Int64Index) assert isinstance(new_inits.init.to_index(), xr.CFTimeIndex)
Example #11
Source File: From MetSim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def read_netcdf(data_handle, domain=None, is_worker=False, start=None, stop=None, calendar='standard', var_dict=None) -> xr.Dataset: """Read in a NetCDF file""" if '*' in data_handle: ds = xr.open_mfdataset(data_handle) else: ds = xr.open_dataset(data_handle) if domain is not None: ds = ds.sel({k: domain[k] for k in list(domain.dims.keys()) if k in list(ds.dims.keys())}) else: dims_wo_coords = set(ds.dims) - set(ds.coords) for d in dims_wo_coords: if is_worker: logger = logging.getLogger('MetSim') logger.warning( 'Setting sequential coordinate on dimension {}'.format(d)) ds[d] = np.arange(0, len(ds[d])) if 'time' in ds.coords: if isinstance(ds.indexes['time'], xr.CFTimeIndex): ds['time'] = ds.indexes['time'].to_datetimeindex() ds['time'] = (ds.indexes['time'] - pd.Timedelta('11H59M59S')).round('D') if var_dict is not None: var_list = list(var_dict.keys()) ds = ds[var_list] ds = ds.rename(var_dict) if start is not None or stop is not None: ds = ds.sel(time=slice(start, stop)) dates = ds.indexes['time'] ds['day_of_year'] = xr.Variable(('time', ), dates.dayofyear) return ds
Example #12
Source File: From climpred with MIT License | 4 votes |
def convert_time_index(xobj, time_string, kind, calendar=HINDCAST_CALENDAR_STR): """Converts incoming time index to a standard xr.CFTimeIndex. Args: xobj (xarray object): Dataset or DataArray with a time dimension to convert. time_string (str): Name of time dimension. kind (str): Kind of object for error message. calendar (str): calendar to set time dimension to. Returns: Dataset or DataArray with converted time dimension. If incoming time index is ``xr.CFTimeIndex``, returns the same index. If ``pd.DatetimeIndex``, converts to ``cftime.ProlepticGregorian``. If ``pd.Int64Index`` or ``pd.Float64Index``, assumes annual resolution and returns year-start ``cftime.ProlepticGregorian``. Raises: ValueError: If ``time_index`` is not an ``xr.CFTimeIndex``, ``pd.Int64Index``, ``pd.Float64Index``, or ``pd.DatetimeIndex``. """ xobj = xobj.copy() # Ensures that main object index is not overwritten. time_index = xobj[time_string].to_index() if not isinstance(time_index, xr.CFTimeIndex): if isinstance(time_index, pd.DatetimeIndex): # Extract year, month, day strings from datetime. time_strings = [str(t) for t in time_index] split_dates = [d.split(' ')[0].split('-') for d in time_strings] # If Float64Index or Int64Index, assume annual and convert accordingly. elif isinstance(time_index, pd.Float64Index) | isinstance( time_index, pd.Int64Index ): warnings.warn( 'Assuming annual resolution due to numeric inits. ' 'Change init to a datetime if it is another resolution.' ) # TODO: What about decimal time? E.g. someone has 1955.5 or something? dates = [str(int(t)) + '-01-01' for t in time_index] split_dates = [d.split('-') for d in dates] if 'lead' in xobj.dims: # Probably the only case we can assume lead units, since `lead` does not # give us any information on this. xobj['lead'].attrs['units'] = 'years' else: raise ValueError( f'Your {kind} object must be pd.Float64Index, ' 'pd.Int64Index, xr.CFTimeIndex or ' 'pd.DatetimeIndex.' ) # TODO: Account for differing calendars. Currently assuming `Gregorian`. cftime_dates = [ getattr(cftime, calendar)(int(y), int(m), int(d)) for (y, m, d) in split_dates ] time_index = xr.CFTimeIndex(cftime_dates) xobj[time_string] = time_index return xobj