Python gurobipy.Model() Examples

The following are 25 code examples of gurobipy.Model(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module gurobipy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 8 votes vote down vote up
def fit(array, convex=1):
    """Fit a smooth line to the given time-series data"""
    N = len(array)
    m = gurobipy.Model()
    fv = m.addVars(N)
    if convex == 1:
        m.addConstrs(fv[i] <= fv[i-1] for i in range(1,N))
        m.addConstrs(fv[i] + fv[i-2] >= 2*fv[i-1] for i in range(2,N))
        m.addConstrs(fv[i] >= fv[i-1] for i in range(1,N))
        m.addConstrs(fv[i] + fv[i-2] <= 2*fv[i-1] for i in range(2,N))
        gurobipy.quicksum([fv[i] * fv[i] for i in range(N)])
        - 2 * gurobipy.LinExpr(array,fv.values())
    m.Params.outputFlag = 0
    return [fv[i].X for i in range(N)] 
Example #2
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualSolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            creates a cplex model, variables and constraints and attaches
            them to the lp model which it then solves
            #set the initial solution
            log.debug("Solve the Model using cplex")
            #get the solution information
            solutionStatus = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False
            return solutionStatus 
Example #3
Source File:    From GridCal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualResolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            uses the old solver and modifies the rhs of the modified constraints
            log.debug("Resolve the Model using gurobi")
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                if constraint.modified:
            self.callSolver(lp, callback = callback)
            #get the solution information
            solutionStatus = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False
            return solutionStatus 
Example #4
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualSolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            creates a gurobi model, variables and constraints and attaches
            them to the lp model which it then solves
            #set the initial solution
            log.debug("Solve the Model using gurobi")
            self.callSolver(lp, callback = callback)
            #get the solution information
            solutionStatus = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False
            return solutionStatus 
Example #5
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualResolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            uses the old solver and modifies the rhs of the modified constraints
            log.debug("Resolve the Model using gurobi")
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                if constraint.modified:
            self.callSolver(lp, callback = callback)
            #get the solution information
            solutionStatus = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False
            return solutionStatus 
Example #6
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualSolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            creates a glpk model, variables and constraints and attaches
            them to the lp model which it then solves
            #set the initial solution
            log.debug("Solve the Model using glpk")
            self.callSolver(lp, callback = callback)
            #get the solution information
            solutionStatus = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False
            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False
            return solutionStatus 
Example #7
Source File:    From GridCal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def actualSolve(self, lp, callback = None):
            Solve a well formulated lp problem

            creates a gurobi model, variables and constraints and attaches
            them to the lp model which it then solves

            # set the initial solution
            log.debug("Solve the Model using gurobi")
            self.callSolver(lp, callback=callback)

            # get the solution information
            solution_status = self.findSolutionValues(lp)
            for var in lp.variables():
                var.modified = False

            for constraint in lp.constraints.values():
                constraint.modified = False

            return solution_status 
Example #8
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, X_train, Y_train, labeled_idx, amount):

        if self.autoencoder is None:
            self.autoencoder = get_autoencoder_model(input_shape=(28,28,1))
            self.autoencoder.compile(optimizer=optimizers.Adam(lr=0.0003), loss='binary_crossentropy')
  , X_train,
            encoder = Model(self.autoencoder.input, self.autoencoder.get_layer('embedding').input)
            self.embedding = encoder.predict(X_train.reshape((-1,28,28,1)), batch_size=1024)

        # subsample from the unlabeled set:
        unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
        unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

        # iteratively sub-sample using the discriminative sampling routine:
        labeled_so_far = 0
        sub_sample_size = int(amount / self.sub_batches)
        while labeled_so_far < amount:
            if labeled_so_far + sub_sample_size > amount:
                sub_sample_size = amount - labeled_so_far

            model = train_discriminative_model(self.embedding[labeled_idx], self.embedding[unlabeled_idx], self.embedding[0].shape, gpu=self.gpu)
            predictions = model.predict(self.embedding[unlabeled_idx])
            selected_indices = np.argpartition(predictions[:,1], -sub_sample_size)[-sub_sample_size:]
            labeled_idx = np.hstack((labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx[selected_indices]))
            labeled_so_far += sub_sample_size
            unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
            unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

            # delete the model to free GPU memory:
            del model

        return labeled_idx 
Example #9
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, X_train, Y_train, labeled_idx, amount):

        unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)

        # use the learned representation for the k-greedy-center algorithm:
        representation_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input, outputs=self.model.get_layer('softmax').input)
        representation = representation_model.predict(X_train, verbose=0)
        new_indices = self.greedy_k_center(representation[labeled_idx, :], representation[unlabeled_idx, :], amount)
        return np.hstack((labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx[new_indices])) 
Example #10
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, X_train, Y_train, labeled_idx, amount):

        # subsample from the unlabeled set:
        unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
        unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

        embedding_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input,
        representation = embedding_model.predict(X_train, batch_size=256).reshape((X_train.shape[0], -1, 1))

        # iteratively sub-sample using the discriminative sampling routine:
        labeled_so_far = 0
        sub_sample_size = int(amount / self.sub_batches)
        while labeled_so_far < amount:
            if labeled_so_far + sub_sample_size > amount:
                sub_sample_size = amount - labeled_so_far

            model = train_discriminative_model(representation[labeled_idx], representation[unlabeled_idx], representation[0].shape, gpu=self.gpu)
            predictions = model.predict(representation[unlabeled_idx])
            predictions -= 1  # for numerical stability
            predictions = np.exp(predictions / self.temperature)
            predictions[:,1] /= np.sum(predictions[:,1])
            selected_indices = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, sub_sample_size, replace=False, p=predictions[:,1])

            labeled_idx = np.hstack((labeled_idx, selected_indices))
            labeled_so_far += sub_sample_size
            unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
            unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

            # delete the model to free GPU memory:
            del model

        del embedding_model

        return labeled_idx 
Example #11
Source File:    From optimization-tutorial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, input_data, input_params):
        self.input_data = input_data
        self.input_params = input_params
        self.model = grb.Model('prod_planning')

    # ================== Decision variables ================== 
Example #12
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def query(self, X_train, Y_train, labeled_idx, amount):

        # subsample from the unlabeled set:
        unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
        unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

        embedding_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input,
        representation = embedding_model.predict(X_train, batch_size=128).reshape((X_train.shape[0], -1, 1))

        # iteratively sub-sample using the discriminative sampling routine:
        labeled_so_far = 0
        sub_sample_size = int(amount / self.sub_batches)
        while labeled_so_far < amount:
            if labeled_so_far + sub_sample_size > amount:
                sub_sample_size = amount - labeled_so_far

            model = train_discriminative_model(representation[labeled_idx], representation[unlabeled_idx], representation[0].shape, gpu=self.gpu)
            predictions = model.predict(representation[unlabeled_idx])
            selected_indices = np.argpartition(predictions[:,1], -sub_sample_size)[-sub_sample_size:]
            labeled_idx = np.hstack((labeled_idx, unlabeled_idx[selected_indices]))
            labeled_so_far += sub_sample_size
            unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)
            unlabeled_idx = np.random.choice(unlabeled_idx, np.min([labeled_idx.shape[0]*10, unlabeled_idx.size]), replace=False)

            # delete the model to free GPU memory:
            del model
        del embedding_model

        return labeled_idx 
Example #13
Source File:    From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def solve(self, start=0, flag_rolling=0, **kwargs):
        """Call extensive solver to solve the discretized problem. It will first
        construct the extensive model and then call Gurobi solver to solve it.

        **kwargs: optional
            Gurobipy attributes to specify on extensive model.
        # extensive solver is able to solve MSLP with CTG or without CTG

        construction_start_time = time.time()

        self.extensive_model = gurobipy.Model()
        self.extensive_model.modelsense = self.MSP.sense
        self.start = start

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self.extensive_model.Params, k, v)
        construction_end_time = time.time()
        self.construction_time = construction_end_time - construction_start_time
        solving_start_time = time.time()
        solving_end_time = time.time()
        self.solving_time = solving_end_time - solving_start_time
        self.total_time = self.construction_time + self.solving_time
        return self.extensive_model.objVal 
Example #14
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, name, sense):
            self.gurobi_model = gurobipy.Model(name)
            self.sense = sense
            if sense == LpMaximize:
                self.gurobi_model.setAttr("ModelSense", -1)
            self.varables = {}
            self.objective = None
            self.status = None 
Example #15
Source File:    From blackbox-backprop with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def gurobi_tsp(distance_matrix):
    Solves tsp problem.
    :param distance_matrix: symmetric matrix of distances, where the i,j element is the distance between object i and j
    :return: matrix containing {0, 1}, 1 for each transition that is included in the tsp solution
    n = len(distance_matrix)
    m = Model()
    m.setParam("OutputFlag", False)
    m.setParam("Threads", 1)

    # Create variables
    vars = {}
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i + 1):
            vars[i, j] = m.addVar(
                obj=0.0 if i == j else distance_matrix[i][j], vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="e" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)
            vars[j, i] = vars[i, j]

    # Add degree-2 constraint, and forbid loops
    for i in range(n):
        m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[i, j] for j in range(n)) == 2)
        vars[i, i].ub = 0

    # Optimize model
    m._vars = vars
    m.params.LazyConstraints = 1

    def subtour_fn(model, where):
        return subtourelim(n, model, where)

    solution = m.getAttr("x", vars)
    selected = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(n) if solution[i, j] > 0.5]
    result = np.zeros_like(distance_matrix)
    for (i, j) in selected:
        result[i][j] = 1

    return result 
Example #16
Source File:    From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, name=""):
        self._model = gurobipy.Model(env=gurobipy.Env(), name=name)
        # each and every instance must have state variables, local copy variables
        self.states = []
        self.local_copies = []
        # (discretized) uncertainties
        # stage-wise independent discrete uncertainties
        self.uncertainty_rhs = {}
        self.uncertainty_coef = {}
        self.uncertainty_obj = {}
        # indices of stage-dependent uncertainties
        self.uncertainty_rhs_dependent = {}
        self.uncertainty_coef_dependent = {}
        self.uncertainty_obj_dependent = {}
        # true uncertainties
        # stage-wise independent true continuous uncertainties
        self.uncertainty_rhs_continuous = {}
        self.uncertainty_coef_continuous = {}
        self.uncertainty_obj_continuous = {}
        self.uncertainty_mix_continuous = {}
        # stage-wise independent true discrete uncertainties
        self.uncertainty_rhs_discrete = {}
        self.uncertainty_coef_discrete = {}
        self.uncertainty_obj_discrete = {}
        # cutting planes approximation of recourse variable alpha
        self.alpha = None
        self.cuts = []
        # linking constraints
        self.link_constrs = []
        # number of discrete uncertainties
        self.n_samples = 1
        # number of state varibles
        self.n_states = 0
        # probability measure for discrete uncertainties
        self.probability = None
        # type of true problem: continuous/discrete
        self._type = None
        # flag to indicate discretization of true problem
        self._flag_discrete = 0
        # collection of all specified dim indices of Markovian uncertainties
        self.Markovian_dim_index = []
        # risk measure
        self.measure = Expectation 
Example #17
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def mip_model(self, representation, labeled_idx, budget, delta, outlier_count, greedy_indices=None):

        import gurobipy as gurobi

        model = gurobi.Model("Core Set Selection")

        # set up the variables:
        points = {}
        outliers = {}
        for i in range(representation.shape[0]):
            if i in labeled_idx:
                points[i] = model.addVar(ub=1.0, lb=1.0, vtype="B", name="points_{}".format(i))
                points[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="points_{}".format(i))
        for i in range(representation.shape[0]):
            outliers[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="outliers_{}".format(i))
            outliers[i].start = 0

        # initialize the solution to be the greedy solution:
        if greedy_indices is not None:
            for i in greedy_indices:
                points[i].start = 1.0

        # set the outlier budget:
        model.addConstr(sum(outliers[i] for i in outliers) <= outlier_count, "budget")

        # build the graph and set the constraints:
        model.addConstr(sum(points[i] for i in range(representation.shape[0])) == budget, "budget")
        neighbors = {}
        graph = {}
        print("Updating Neighborhoods In MIP Model...")
        for i in range(0, representation.shape[0], 1000):
            print("At Point " + str(i))

            if i+1000 > representation.shape[0]:
                distances = self.get_distance_matrix(representation[i:], representation)
                amount = representation.shape[0] - i
                distances = self.get_distance_matrix(representation[i:i+1000], representation)
                amount = 1000

            distances = np.reshape(distances, (amount, -1))
            for j in range(i, i+amount):
                graph[j] = [(idx, distances[j-i, idx]) for idx in np.reshape(np.where(distances[j-i, :] <= delta),(-1))]
                neighbors[j] = [points[idx] for idx in np.reshape(np.where(distances[j-i, :] <= delta),(-1))]
                model.addConstr(sum(neighbors[j]) >= 1, "coverage+outliers")

        model.__data = points, outliers
        model.Params.MIPFocus = 1
        model.params.TIME_LIMIT = 180

        return model, graph 
Example #18
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def query_regular(self, X_train, Y_train, labeled_idx, amount):

        import gurobipy as gurobi

        unlabeled_idx = get_unlabeled_idx(X_train, labeled_idx)

        # use the learned representation for the k-greedy-center algorithm:
        representation_model = Model(inputs=self.model.input, outputs=self.model.get_layer('softmax').input)
        representation = representation_model.predict(X_train, batch_size=128, verbose=0)
        print("Calculating Greedy K-Center Solution...")
        new_indices, max_delta = self.greedy_k_center(representation[labeled_idx], representation[unlabeled_idx], amount)
        new_indices = unlabeled_idx[new_indices]
        outlier_count = int(X_train.shape[0] / 10000)
        # outlier_count = 250
        submipnodes = 20000

        # iteratively solve the MIP optimization problem:
        eps = 0.01
        upper_bound = max_delta
        lower_bound = max_delta / 2.0
        print("Building MIP Model...")
        model, graph = self.mip_model(representation, labeled_idx, len(labeled_idx) + amount, upper_bound, outlier_count, greedy_indices=new_indices)
        model.Params.SubMIPNodes = submipnodes
        points, outliers = model.__data
        indices = [i for i in graph if points[i].X == 1]
        current_delta = upper_bound
        while upper_bound - lower_bound > eps:

            print("upper bound is {ub}, lower bound is {lb}".format(ub=upper_bound, lb=lower_bound))
            if model.getAttr(gurobi.GRB.Attr.Status) in [gurobi.GRB.INFEASIBLE, gurobi.GRB.TIME_LIMIT]:
                print("Optimization Failed - Infeasible!")

                lower_bound = max(current_delta, self.get_graph_min(representation, current_delta))
                current_delta = (upper_bound + lower_bound) / 2.0

                del model
                model, graph = self.mip_model(representation, labeled_idx, len(labeled_idx) + amount, current_delta, outlier_count, greedy_indices=indices)
                points, outliers = model.__data
                model.Params.SubMIPNodes = submipnodes

                print("Optimization Succeeded!")
                upper_bound = min(current_delta, self.get_graph_max(representation, current_delta))
                current_delta = (upper_bound + lower_bound) / 2.0
                indices = [i for i in graph if points[i].X == 1]

                del model
                model, graph = self.mip_model(representation, labeled_idx, len(labeled_idx) + amount, current_delta, outlier_count, greedy_indices=indices)
                points, outliers = model.__data
                model.Params.SubMIPNodes = submipnodes

            if upper_bound - lower_bound > eps:

        return np.array(indices) 
Example #19
Source File:    From setcover with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def create_model(instance):
  Creates a simple MIP model for a set cover instance.

  Creates one binary decision variable s_i for each set. The objective
  function is simply the sum over the c_i * s_i. The constraints
  are that each item is captured by at least one set that is taken.

    instance: The set cover instance as created by read().

    A pair of the Gurobi MIP model and the mapping from the sets
    in the instance to the corresponding Gurobi variables.
  name, nitems, sets = instance
  model = grb.Model(name)

  # One variable for each set. Also remember which sets cover each item.
  covered_by = [[] for i in range(nitems)]
  vars = []
  for i, set in enumerate(sets):
    cost, covers = set
    vars.append(model.addVar(obj=cost, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="s_{0}".format(i)))

    for item in covers:

  # Constraint: Each item covered at least once.
  for item in range(nitems):
    model.addConstr(grb.quicksum(covered_by[item]) >= 1)

  # We want to minimize. Objective coefficients already fixed during variable creation.
  model.setAttr("ModelSense", grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)

  # Tuning parameters derived from sc_330_0"mip.prm")

  model.setParam("Threads", 3)
  model.setParam("MIPGap", 0.001)  # 0.1% usually suffices

  return model, vars 
Example #20
Source File:    From setcover with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def create_model(instance):
  Creates a simple MIP model for a set cover instance.

  Creates one binary decision variable s_i for each set. The objective
  function is simply the sum over the c_i * s_i. The constraints
  are that each item is captured by at least one set that is taken.

    instance: The set cover instance as created by read().

    A pair of the Gurobi MIP model and the mapping from the sets
    in the instance to the corresponding Gurobi variables.
  name, nitems, sets = instance
  model = grb.Model(name)

  # One variable for each set. Also remember which sets cover each item.
  covered_by = [[] for i in range(nitems)]
  vars = []
  for i, set in enumerate(sets):
    cost, covers = set
    vars.append(model.addVar(obj=cost, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="s_{0}".format(i)))

    for item in covers:

  # Constraint: Each item covered at least once.
  for item in range(nitems):
    model.addConstr(grb.quicksum(covered_by[item]) >= 1)

  # We want to minimize. Objective coefficients already fixed during variable creation.
  model.setAttr("ModelSense", grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)

  # Tuning parameters derived from sc_330_0"mip.prm")

  model.setParam("Threads", 3)
  model.setParam("MIPGap", 0.001)  # 0.1% usually suffices

  return model, vars 
Example #21
Source File:    From VeRyPy with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _mmp_solve(w1_ij, x_ij_keys, n, w2_ij = None):
    """A helper function that solves a weighted maximum matching problem.
    m = Model("MBSA")
    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG,"Solving a weighted maximum matching problem with "+
                  "%d savings weights." % len(w1_ij))

    # build model
    x_ij = m.addVars(x_ij_keys, obj=w1_ij, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='x')    
    _mmp_add_cnts_sum(m, x_ij, x_ij_keys, w1_ij, n)
    m._vars = x_ij
    m.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

    # disable output
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)    
    m.setParam('TimeLimit', MAX_MIP_SOLVER_RUNTIME)
    m.setParam('Threads', MIP_SOLVER_THREADS)

    # restore SIGINT callback handler which is changed by gurobipy
    signal(SIGINT, default_int_handler)

    if __debug__:
        log(DEBUG-1, "Gurobi runtime = %.2f"%m.Runtime)
    if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
        if w2_ij==None:
            max_wt, max_merge = max( (w1_ij[k], x_ij_keys[k])
                                      for k, v in enumerate(m.X) if v )
            max_wt, _, max_merge = max( (w1_ij[k], w2_ij[k], x_ij_keys[k])
                                      for k, v in enumerate(m.X) if v )
        return max_wt, max_merge[0], max_merge[1]
    elif m.Status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT:
        raise GurobiError(10023, "Gurobi timeout reached when attempting to solve GAP")
    elif m.Status == GRB.INTERRUPTED:
        raise KeyboardInterrupt()
    return None 
Example #22
Source File:    From GridCal with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildSolverModel(self, lp):
            Takes the pulp lp model and translates it into a gurobi model
            log.debug("create the gurobi model")
            lp.solverModel = gurobipy.Model(
            log.debug("set the sense of the problem")
            if lp.sense == LpMaximize:
                lp.solverModel.setAttr("ModelSense", -1)

            if self.timeLimit:
                lp.solverModel.setParam("TimeLimit", self.timeLimit)

            if self.epgap:
                lp.solverModel.setParam("MIPGap", self.epgap)
            log.debug("add the variables to the problem")

            for var in lp.variables():
                lowBound = var.lowBound
                if lowBound is None:
                    lowBound = -gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY
                upBound = var.upBound
                if upBound is None:
                    upBound = gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY
                obj = lp.objective.get(var, 0.0)
                varType = gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS
                if == LpInteger and self.mip:
                    varType = gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER
                var.solverVar = lp.solverModel.addVar(lowBound, upBound, vtype=varType, obj=obj,

            log.debug("add the Constraints to the problem")
            for name, constraint in lp.constraints.items():

                # build the expression
                expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(list(constraint.values()), [v.solverVar for v in constraint.keys()])

                if constraint.sense == LpConstraintLE:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL

                elif constraint.sense == LpConstraintGE:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL

                elif constraint.sense == LpConstraintEQ:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL

                    raise PulpSolverError('Detected an invalid constraint type')

                constraint.solverConstraint = lp.solverModel.addConstr(expr, relation, -constraint.constant, name)

Example #23
Source File:    From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildSolverModel(self, lp):
            Takes the pulp lp model and translates it into a gurobi model
            log.debug("create the gurobi model")
            lp.solverModel = gurobipy.Model(
            log.debug("set the sense of the problem")
            if lp.sense == LpMaximize:
                lp.solverModel.setAttr("ModelSense", -1)
            if self.timeLimit:
                lp.solverModel.setParam("TimeLimit", self.timeLimit)
            if self.epgap:
                lp.solverModel.setParam("MIPGap", self.epgap)
            log.debug("add the variables to the problem")
            for var in lp.variables():
                lowBound = var.lowBound
                if lowBound is None:
                    lowBound = -gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY
                upBound = var.upBound
                if upBound is None:
                    upBound = gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY
                obj = lp.objective.get(var, 0.0)
                varType = gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS
                if == LpInteger and self.mip:
                    varType = gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER
                var.solverVar = lp.solverModel.addVar(lowBound, upBound,
                            vtype = varType,
                            obj = obj, name =
            log.debug("add the Constraints to the problem")
            for name,constraint in lp.constraints.items():
                #build the expression
                expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(list(constraint.values()),
                            [v.solverVar for v in constraint.keys()])
                if constraint.sense == LpConstraintLE:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL
                elif constraint.sense == LpConstraintGE:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL
                elif constraint.sense == LpConstraintEQ:
                    relation = gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL
                    raise PulpSolverError('Detected an invalid constraint type')
                constraint.solverConstraint = lp.solverModel.addConstr(expr,
                    relation, -constraint.constant, name)
Example #24
Source File:    From checkmate with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(
        g: DFGraph,
        budget: int,
        imposed_schedule: ImposedSchedule = ImposedSchedule.FULL_SCHEDULE,
        write_model_file: Optional[PathLike] = None,
        gurobi_params: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        self.GRB_CONSTRAINED_PRESOLVE_TIME_LIMIT = 300  # todo (paras): read this from gurobi_params
        self.gurobi_params = gurobi_params
        self.num_threads = self.gurobi_params.get("Threads", 1)
        self.model_file = write_model_file
        self.seed_s = seed_s
        self.integral = integral
        self.imposed_schedule = imposed_schedule
        self.solve_r = solve_r
        self.eps_noise = eps_noise
        self.budget = budget
        self.g = g
        self.solve_time = None

        if not self.integral:
            assert not self.solve_r, "Can't solve for R if producing a fractional solution"

        self.init_constraints = []  # used for seeding the model

        self.m = Model("checkpointmip_gc_{}_{}".format(self.g.size, self.budget))
        if gurobi_params is not None:
            for k, v in gurobi_params.items():
                setattr(self.m.Params, k, v)

        T = self.g.size
        self.ram_gcd = self.g.ram_gcd(self.budget)
        if self.integral:
            self.R = self.m.addVars(T, T, name="R", vtype=GRB.BINARY)
            self.S = self.m.addVars(T, T, name="S", vtype=GRB.BINARY)
            self.Free_E = self.m.addVars(T, len(self.g.edge_list), name="FREE_E", vtype=GRB.BINARY)
            self.R = self.m.addVars(T, T, name="R", vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, ub=1.0)
            self.S = self.m.addVars(T, T, name="S", vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, ub=1.0)
            self.Free_E = self.m.addVars(T, len(self.g.edge_list), name="FREE_E", vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, lb=0.0, ub=1.0)
        gcd = float(budget) / self.ram_gcd
        self.U = self.m.addVars(T, T, name="U", lb=0.0, ub=gcd)
        for x in range(T):
            for y in range(T):
                self.m.addLConstr(self.U[x, y], GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, 0)
                self.m.addLConstr(self.U[x, y], GRB.LESS_EQUAL, float(budget) / self.ram_gcd) 
Example #25
Source File:    From checkmate with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def solve(self):
        T = self.g.size
        with Timer("Gurobi model optimization", extra_data={"T": str(T), "budget": str(self.budget)}):
            if self.seed_s is not None:
                self.m.Params.TimeLimit = self.GRB_CONSTRAINED_PRESOLVE_TIME_LIMIT
                if self.m.status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:
                    print("Infeasible ILP seed at budget {:.2E}".format(self.budget))
            self.m.Params.TimeLimit = self.gurobi_params.get("TimeLimit", 0)
            self.m.message("\n\nRestarting solve\n\n")
            with Timer("ILPSolve") as solve_ilp:
            self.solve_time = solve_ilp.elapsed

        infeasible = self.m.status == GRB.INFEASIBLE
        if infeasible:
            raise ValueError("Infeasible model, check constraints carefully. Insufficient memory?")

        if self.m.solCount < 1:
            raise ValueError("Model status is {} (not infeasible), but solCount is {}".format(self.m.status, self.m.solCount))

        Rout = np.zeros((T, T), dtype=checkmate.core.utils.solver_common.SOLVER_DTYPE if self.integral else np.float)
        Sout = np.zeros((T, T), dtype=checkmate.core.utils.solver_common.SOLVER_DTYPE if self.integral else np.float)
        Uout = np.zeros((T, T), dtype=checkmate.core.utils.solver_common.SOLVER_DTYPE if self.integral else np.float)
        Free_Eout = np.zeros((T, len(self.g.edge_list)), dtype=checkmate.core.utils.solver_common.SOLVER_DTYPE)
        solver_dtype_cast = int if self.integral else float
            for t in range(T):
                for i in range(T):
                        Rout[t][i] = solver_dtype_cast(self.R[t, i].X)
                    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
                        Rout[t][i] = solver_dtype_cast(self.R[t, i])

                        Sout[t][i] = solver_dtype_cast(self.S[t, i])
                    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
                        Sout[t][i] = solver_dtype_cast(self.S[t, i].X)

                        Uout[t][i] = self.U[t, i].X * self.ram_gcd
                    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
                        Uout[t][i] = self.U[t, i] * self.ram_gcd
                for e in range(len(self.g.edge_list)):
                        Free_Eout[t][e] = solver_dtype_cast(self.Free_E[t, e].X)
                    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
                        Free_Eout[t][e] = solver_dtype_cast(self.Free_E[t, e])
        except AttributeError as e:
            return None, None, None, None

        # prune R using closed-form solver
        if self.solve_r and self.integral:
            Rout = solve_r_opt(self.g, Sout)

        return Rout, Sout, Uout, Free_Eout