Python gurobipy.quicksum() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of gurobipy.quicksum().
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Example #1
Source File: From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 8 votes |
def fit(array, convex=1): """Fit a smooth line to the given time-series data""" N = len(array) m = gurobipy.Model() fv = m.addVars(N) if convex == 1: m.addConstrs(fv[i] <= fv[i-1] for i in range(1,N)) m.addConstrs(fv[i] + fv[i-2] >= 2*fv[i-1] for i in range(2,N)) else: m.addConstrs(fv[i] >= fv[i-1] for i in range(1,N)) m.addConstrs(fv[i] + fv[i-2] <= 2*fv[i-1] for i in range(2,N)) m.setObjective( gurobipy.quicksum([fv[i] * fv[i] for i in range(N)]) - 2 * gurobipy.LinExpr(array,fv.values()) ) m.Params.outputFlag = 0 m.optimize() return [fv[i].X for i in range(N)]
Example #2
Source File: From VeRyPy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _subtourelim(model, where): """ Callback - use lazy constraints to eliminate sub-tours """ if where == GRB.callback.MIPSOL: # make a list of edges selected in the solution X = model.cbGetSolution(model._vars) n = int(sqrt(len(X))) selected = [(i,j) for i in xrange(n) for j in xrange(n) if X[(i,j)]>0.5] # find the shortest cycle in the selected edge list tour = _subtour(selected,n) if len(tour) < n: # add a subtour elimination constraint expr = quicksum(model._vars[tour[i], tour[j]] for i in xrange(len(tour)) for j in xrange(i+1, len(tour))) model.cbLazy(expr <= len(tour)-1) # closures that include n
Example #3
Source File: From VeRyPy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _add_set_covering_constraints(m, N, K, X_j, X_j_keys, X_j_node_sets, X_j_forbidden_combos): # c1, the convering constraint, each node mus be served exactly by # one route c1_constrs = [] for i in xrange(1,N): active_vars_sum = quicksum([X_j[j] for j, ns in enumerate(X_j_node_sets) if i in ns]) c1c = m.addConstr( active_vars_sum == 1, "c1_n%d"%i ) c1_constrs.append(c1c); # c2, the forbid constraints that do not allow some petal combinations c2_constrs = [] for i, fc in enumerate(X_j_forbidden_combos): # sum_{i \in S } x_i - sum_{j \in \not{S} } x_j < |S| combo_sum = quicksum([X_j[j] if (j in fc) else -X_j[j] for j in X_j_keys]) c2c = m.addConstr( combo_sum <= len(fc)-1, "c2_n%d"%i ) c2_constrs.append(c2c); # c3, number of vehicles constraint c3_constrs = [] if K: active_vars_sum = quicksum(X_j) c3c = m.addConstr( active_vars_sum <= K, "c3" ) c3_constrs.append(c3c) return c1_constrs, c2_constrs, c3_constrs
Example #4
Source File: From optimization-tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _set_objective_function(self): # Similar to constraints, saving the costs expressions as attributes # can give you the chance to retrieve their values at the end of the optimization self.total_holding_cost = self.input_params['holding_cost'] * grb.quicksum(self.inventory_variables.values()) self.total_production_cost = grb.quicksum(row['production_cost'] * self.production_variables[index] for index, row in self.input_data.iterrows()) objective = self.total_holding_cost + self.total_production_cost self.model.setObjective(objective, grb.GRB.MINIMIZE) # ================== Optimization ==================
Example #5
Source File: From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def regularize(self, center, norm, a, b, i): """Regularize a stochastic model. Parameters ---------- center: array-like The regularization center with length n_states. norm: 'L1'/'L2' The norm to use for regularization. a,b,i: float,float,integer (a>0, 0<b<1, i>0) The coefficient of the regularization term is a*b^{i}, where i is the index of iteration. """ self.rgl = self._model.addVar( lb=0, obj=self.modelsense*b**i, name='rgl' ) if norm == 'L1': self.rgl_constr = self._model.addConstrs( (self.rgl >= a*(self.states[i] - center[i]) for i in range(self.n_states)), name = 'rgl' ).values() elif norm == 'L2': self.rgl_constr = [self._model.addQConstr( self.rgl - a*gurobipy.QuadExpr( gurobipy.quicksum([ self.states[i] * self.states[i] - self.states[i] * 2 * center[i] + center[i] * center[i] for i in range(self.n_states) ]) ) >=0, name = 'rgl' )] self._model.update()
Example #6
Source File: From msppy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _binarize(self, precision, n_binaries, transition=0): # Binarize StochasticModel. StochasticModel at transition stage keeps # states in original space while binarzing local_copies self.n_states_original_space = self.n_states self.local_copies_original_space = self.local_copies self.states_original_space = self.states if transition == 0: self.states = [] self.n_states = 0 self.local_copies = [] for i, (x, y) in enumerate( zip(self.states_original_space, self.local_copies_original_space) ): if transition == 0: states = self.addVars( n_binaries[i], vtype=gurobipy.GRB.BINARY, name=x.varName ).values() local_copies = self.addVars( n_binaries[i], vtype=gurobipy.GRB.BINARY, name=y.varName ).values() self.update() if transition == 0: temp1 = gurobipy.quicksum( pow(2, i) * states[i] for i in range(n_binaries[i]) ) temp2 = gurobipy.quicksum( pow(2, i) * local_copies[i] for i in range(n_binaries[i]) ) # Assume bounds are the same over time! if x.vtype not in ["I","B"]: if transition == 0: self.addConstr( temp1 == precision * (x -, name="binarize_states_{}".format(i), ) self.addConstr( temp2 == precision * (y -, name="binarize_local_copies_{}".format(i), ) else: = math.ceil( = math.ceil( if transition == 0: self.addConstr( temp1 == x -, name="binarize_states_{}".format(i), ) self.addConstr( temp2 == y -, name="binarize_local_copies_{}".format(i), ) if transition == 0: self.states += states self.n_states += n_binaries[i] self.local_copies += local_copies
Example #7
Source File: From blackbox-backprop with MIT License | 4 votes |
def gurobi_tsp(distance_matrix): """ Solves tsp problem. :param distance_matrix: symmetric matrix of distances, where the i,j element is the distance between object i and j :return: matrix containing {0, 1}, 1 for each transition that is included in the tsp solution """ n = len(distance_matrix) m = Model() m.setParam("OutputFlag", False) m.setParam("Threads", 1) # Create variables vars = {} for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1): vars[i, j] = m.addVar( obj=0.0 if i == j else distance_matrix[i][j], vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="e" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) ) vars[j, i] = vars[i, j] m.update() # Add degree-2 constraint, and forbid loops for i in range(n): m.addConstr(quicksum(vars[i, j] for j in range(n)) == 2) vars[i, i].ub = 0 m.update() # Optimize model m._vars = vars m.params.LazyConstraints = 1 def subtour_fn(model, where): return subtourelim(n, model, where) m.optimize(subtour_fn) solution = m.getAttr("x", vars) selected = [(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(n) if solution[i, j] > 0.5] result = np.zeros_like(distance_matrix) for (i, j) in selected: result[i][j] = 1 return result
Example #8
Source File: From setcover with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_model(instance): """ Creates a simple MIP model for a set cover instance. Creates one binary decision variable s_i for each set. The objective function is simply the sum over the c_i * s_i. The constraints are that each item is captured by at least one set that is taken. Args: instance: The set cover instance as created by read(). Returns: A pair of the Gurobi MIP model and the mapping from the sets in the instance to the corresponding Gurobi variables. """ name, nitems, sets = instance model = grb.Model(name) # One variable for each set. Also remember which sets cover each item. covered_by = [[] for i in range(nitems)] vars = [] for i, set in enumerate(sets): cost, covers = set vars.append(model.addVar(obj=cost, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="s_{0}".format(i))) for item in covers: covered_by[item].append(vars[i]) model.update() # Constraint: Each item covered at least once. for item in range(nitems): model.addConstr(grb.quicksum(covered_by[item]) >= 1) # We want to minimize. Objective coefficients already fixed during variable creation. model.setAttr("ModelSense", grb.GRB.MINIMIZE) # Tuning parameters derived from sc_330_0"mip.prm") model.setParam("Threads", 3) model.setParam("MIPGap", 0.001) # 0.1% usually suffices return model, vars
Example #9
Source File: From setcover with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_model(instance): """ Creates a simple MIP model for a set cover instance. Creates one binary decision variable s_i for each set. The objective function is simply the sum over the c_i * s_i. The constraints are that each item is captured by at least one set that is taken. Args: instance: The set cover instance as created by read(). Returns: A pair of the Gurobi MIP model and the mapping from the sets in the instance to the corresponding Gurobi variables. """ name, nitems, sets = instance model = grb.Model(name) # One variable for each set. Also remember which sets cover each item. covered_by = [[] for i in range(nitems)] vars = [] for i, set in enumerate(sets): cost, covers = set vars.append(model.addVar(obj=cost, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, name="s_{0}".format(i))) for item in covers: covered_by[item].append(vars[i]) model.update() # Constraint: Each item covered at least once. for item in range(nitems): model.addConstr(grb.quicksum(covered_by[item]) >= 1) # We want to minimize. Objective coefficients already fixed during variable creation. model.setAttr("ModelSense", grb.GRB.MINIMIZE) # Tuning parameters derived from sc_330_0"mip.prm") model.setParam("Threads", 3) model.setParam("MIPGap", 0.001) # 0.1% usually suffices return model, vars