Python tushare.set_token() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of tushare.set_token().
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Example #1
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, param, info): super().__init__(param, info) ts.set_token(DyStockCommon.tuShareProToken) self._pro = ts.pro_api() # unpack parameters self._baseDate = param['基准日期'] self._forwardNTDays = param['向前N日周期'] # @self._baseDate is included self._score = param['得分至少'] self._tuShareProInterval = param['TuSharePro访问间隔(ms)']/1000
Example #2
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _startTuSharePro(self): if self._tuSharePro is None: ts.set_token(DyStockCommon.tuShareProToken) self._tuSharePro = ts.pro_api()
Example #3
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _startPro(func): def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): if is None: ts.set_token(DyStockCommon.tuShareProToken) = ts.pro_api() return func(cls, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
Example #4
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __getConcepts(cls, codeTable, info, isBackTesting): """ 从TuSharePro获取股票概念 """ conceptsDict = None needSaved2File = False # 回测时使用,这样没必要每次都网上抓取,节省时间。本策略回测,概念数据会导致一定的未来函数。 if isBackTesting: conceptsDict = cls.getConceptsFromFile() if conceptsDict is None: needSaved2File = isBackTesting info.print('开始从TuSharePro获取股票所属行业和概念...', DyLogData.ind) ts.set_token(DyStockCommon.tuShareProToken) pro = ts.pro_api() try: conceptsDict = cls.__getConceptsFromTuSharePro(pro) except Exception as ex: info.print('TuSharePro: 获取概念异常: {}'.format(ex), DyLogData.error) return None, needSaved2File info.print('从TuSharePro获取股票所属行业和概念完成', DyLogData.ind) filteredConceptsDict = {} for code, name in codeTable.items(): if code not in conceptsDict: info.print('TuSharePro不存在{}({})的所属行业'.format(code, name), DyLogData.warning) continue filteredConceptsDict[code] = conceptsDict[code] return filteredConceptsDict, needSaved2File
Example #5
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _setTradeDaysViaTuSharePro(self, startDate): print("TuSharePro: 获取交易日数据[{}]".format(startDate)) ts.set_token(DyStockCommon.tuShareProToken) pro = ts.pro_api() proStartDate = startDate.replace('-', '') try: df = pro.trade_cal(exchange='SSE', start_date=proStartDate) df = df.set_index('cal_date') df = df[proStartDate:] # get trade days dates = DyTime.getDates(startDate, df.index[-1][:4] + '-' + df.index[-1][4:6] + '-' + df.index[-1][6:], strFormat=True) self._tradeDays = {} for date in dates: if df.loc[date.replace('-', ''), 'is_open'] == 1: self._tradeDays[date] = True else: self._tradeDays[date] = False except Exception as ex: self._info.print("一键挂机: 从TuSharePro获取交易日[{}]数据异常: {}".format(startDate, ex), DyLogData.warning) return False return True
Example #6
Source File: From QUANTAXIS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_token(token=None): try: if token is None: # 从~/.quantaxis/setting/config.ini中读取配置 token = QASETTING.get_config('TSPRO', 'token', None) else: QASETTING.set_config('TSPRO', 'token', token) ts.set_token(token) except: if token is None: print('请设置tushare的token') else: print('请升级tushare 至最新版本 pip install tushare -U')
Example #7
Source File: From QUANTAXIS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_pro(): try: set_token() pro = ts.pro_api() except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, NameError): print('请设置tushare pro的token凭证码') else: print('请升级tushare 至最新版本 pip install tushare -U') print(e) pro = None return pro