Python dask.__version__() Examples

The following are 6 code examples of dask.__version__(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module dask , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From aospy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _submit_calcs_on_client(calcs, client, func):
    """Submit calculations via dask.bag and a distributed client"""'Connected to client: {}'.format(client))
    if LooseVersion(dask.__version__) < '0.18':
        dask_option_setter = dask.set_options
        dask_option_setter = dask.config.set
    with dask_option_setter(get=client.get):
        return db.from_sequence(calcs).map(func).compute() 
Example #2
Source File:    From napari with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_dask_array_creates_cache():
    """Test that adding a dask array creates a dask cache and turns of fusion.
    # by default we have no dask_cache and task fusion is active
    original = dask.config.get("", None)

    def mock_set_view_slice():
        assert dask.config.get("") is False

    layer = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))
    layer._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice
    # adding a dask array will turn on the cache, and turn off task fusion.
    assert isinstance(utils.dask_cache, dask.cache.Cache)
    assert dask.config.get("", None) == original

    # if the dask version is too low to remove task fusion, emit a warning
    _dask_ver = dask.__version__
    dask.__version__ = '2.14.0'
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
        _ = layers.Image(da.ones((100, 100)))

    assert 'upgrade Dask to v2.15.0 or later' in record[0].message.args[0]
    dask.__version__ = _dask_ver

    # make sure we can resize the cache
    assert utils.dask_cache.cache.total_bytes > 1000
    assert utils.dask_cache.cache.total_bytes <= 1000

    # This should only affect dask arrays, and not numpy data
    def mock_set_view_slice2():
        assert dask.config.get("", None) == original

    layer2 = layers.Image(np.ones((100, 100)))
    layer2._set_view_slice = mock_set_view_slice2

    # clean up cache
    utils.dask_cache = None 
Example #3
Source File:    From sphinxcontrib-jupyter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def task_execution_time(self, builderSelf):
        ## calculates execution time of each task in client using get task stream
        task_Info_latest = builderSelf.client.get_task_stream()[-1]
        time_tuple = task_Info_latest['startstops'][0]

        if version.parse(dask.__version__) <  version.parse("2.10.0"):
            computing_time = time_tuple[2] - time_tuple[1]
            computing_time = time_tuple['stop'] - time_tuple['start']
        return computing_time 
Example #4
Source File:    From xarray-simlab with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def resolve_name(self, modname, parents, path, base):
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                mod_cls = path.rstrip(".")
                mod_cls = None
                # if documenting a class-level object without path,
                # there must be a current class, either from a parent
                # auto directive ...
                mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get("autodoc:class")
                # ... or from a class directive
                if mod_cls is None:
                    mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get("py:class")
                # ... if still None, there's no way to know
                if mod_cls is None:
                    return None, []
            # HACK: this is added in comparison to ClassLevelDocumenter
            # mod_cls still exists of class.accessor, so an extra
            # rpartition is needed
            modname, accessor = rpartition(mod_cls, ".")
            modname, cls = rpartition(modname, ".")
            parents = [cls, accessor]
            # if the module name is still missing, get it like above
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get("autodoc:module")
            if not modname:
                if sphinx.__version__ > "1.3":
                    modname = self.env.ref_context.get("py:module")
                    modname = self.env.temp_data.get("py:module")
            # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base] 
Example #5
Source File:    From modin with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_execution_engine():
    # In the future, when there are multiple engines and different ways of
    # backing the DataFrame, there will have to be some changed logic here to
    # decide these things. In the meantime, we will use the currently supported
    # execution engine + backing (Pandas + Ray).
    if "MODIN_ENGINE" in os.environ:
        # .title allows variants like ray, RAY, Ray
        return os.environ["MODIN_ENGINE"].title()
        if "MODIN_DEBUG" in os.environ:
            return "Python"
            if sys.platform != "win32":
                    import ray

                except ImportError:
                    if version.parse(ray.__version__) != version.parse("0.8.6"):
                        raise ImportError(
                            "Please `pip install modin[ray]` to install compatible Ray version."
                    return "Ray"
                import dask
                import distributed

            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError(
                    "Please `pip install {}modin[dask]` to install an engine".format(
                        "modin[ray]` or `" if sys.platform != "win32" else ""
                if version.parse(dask.__version__) < version.parse(
                ) or version.parse(distributed.__version__) < version.parse("2.3.2"):
                    raise ImportError(
                        "Please `pip install modin[dask]` to install compatible Dask version."
                return "Dask" 
Example #6
Source File:    From dask-labextension with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def make_cluster_model(
    cluster_id: str,
    cluster_name: str,
    cluster: Cluster,
    adaptive: Union[Adaptive, None],
) -> ClusterModel:
    Make a cluster model. This is a JSON-serializable representation
    of the information about a cluster that can be sent over the wire.

    cluster_id: string
        A unique string for the cluster.

    cluster_name: string
        A display name for the cluster.

    cluster: Cluster
        The cluster out of which to make the cluster model.

    adaptive: Adaptive
        The adaptive controller for the number of workers for the cluster, or
        none if the cluster is not scaled adaptively.
    # This would be a great target for a dataclass
    # once python 3.7 is in wider use.
        info = cluster.scheduler_info
    except AttributeError:
        info = cluster.scheduler.identity()
        cores = sum(d["nthreads"] for d in info["workers"].values())
    except KeyError:  # dask.__version__ < 2.0
        cores = sum(d["ncores"] for d in info["workers"].values())
    assert isinstance(info, dict)
    model = dict(
        dashboard_link=cluster.dashboard_link or "",
            sum(d["memory_limit"] for d in info["workers"].values())
    if adaptive:
        model["adapt"] = {"minimum": adaptive.minimum, "maximum": adaptive.maximum}

    return model

# Create a default cluster manager
# to keep track of clusters.