Python steppy.base.BaseTransformer() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of steppy.base.BaseTransformer().
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Example #1
Source File: From open-solution-googleai-object-detection with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_apply_transformer_stream(func, output_name='output', apply_on=None): class StaticApplyTransformerStream(BaseTransformer): def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_input(*args, **kwargs) return {output_name: self._transform(*args, **kwargs)} def _transform(self, *args, **kwargs): if not apply_on: iterator = zip(*args, *kwargs.values()) else: iterator = zip(*args, *[kwargs[key] for key in apply_on]) for func_args in tqdm(iterator): yield func(*func_args) @staticmethod def check_input(*args, **kwargs): for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if not isinstance(arg, Iterable): raise Exception('All inputs must be iterable') return StaticApplyTransformerStream()
Example #2
Source File: From open-solution-value-prediction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_transformer(func, output_name): class StaticTransformer(BaseTransformer): def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): return {output_name: func(*args, **kwargs)} return StaticTransformer()
Example #3
Source File: From open-solution-salt-identification with MIT License | 4 votes |
def make_apply_transformer(func, output_name='output', apply_on=None): class StaticApplyTransformer(BaseTransformer): def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_input(*args, **kwargs) if not apply_on: iterator = zip(*args, *kwargs.values()) else: iterator = zip(*args, *[kwargs[key] for key in apply_on]) output = [] for func_args in tqdm(iterator, total=self.get_arg_length(*args, **kwargs)): output.append(func(*func_args)) return {output_name: output} @staticmethod def check_input(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) and len(kwargs) == 0: raise Exception('Input must not be empty') arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if not isinstance(arg, Iterable): raise Exception('All inputs must be iterable') arg_length_loc = None try: arg_length_loc = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length_loc is not None: if arg_length is None: arg_length = arg_length_loc elif arg_length_loc != arg_length: raise Exception('All inputs must be the same length') @staticmethod def get_arg_length(*args, **kwargs): arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if arg_length is None: try: arg_length = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length is not None: return arg_length return StaticApplyTransformer()
Example #4
Source File: From open-solution-ship-detection with MIT License | 4 votes |
def make_apply_transformer(func, output_name='output', apply_on=None, n_threads=1): class StaticApplyTransformer(BaseTransformer): def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_input(*args, **kwargs) if not apply_on: iterator = list(zip(*args, *kwargs.values())) else: iterator = list(zip(*args, *[kwargs[key] for key in apply_on])) n_jobs = np.minimum(n_threads, len(iterator)) with mp.pool.ThreadPool(n_jobs) as executor: output = list(tqdm(executor.imap(lambda p: func(*p), iterator), total=len(iterator))) return {output_name: output} @staticmethod def check_input(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) and len(kwargs) == 0: raise Exception('Input must not be empty') arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if not isinstance(arg, Iterable): raise Exception('All inputs must be iterable') arg_length_loc = None try: arg_length_loc = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length_loc is not None: if arg_length is None: arg_length = arg_length_loc elif arg_length_loc != arg_length: raise Exception('All inputs must be the same length') @staticmethod def get_arg_length(*args, **kwargs): arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if arg_length is None: try: arg_length = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length is not None: return arg_length return StaticApplyTransformer()
Example #5
Source File: From open-solution-googleai-object-detection with MIT License | 4 votes |
def make_apply_transformer(func, output_name='output', apply_on=None): class StaticApplyTransformer(BaseTransformer): def transform(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_input(*args, **kwargs) if not apply_on: iterator = zip(*args, *kwargs.values()) else: iterator = zip(*args, *[kwargs[key] for key in apply_on]) output = [] for func_args in tqdm(iterator, total=self.get_arg_length(*args, **kwargs)): output.append(func(*func_args)) return {output_name: output} @staticmethod def check_input(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) and len(kwargs) == 0: raise Exception('Input must not be empty') arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if not isinstance(arg, Iterable): raise Exception('All inputs must be iterable') arg_length_loc = None try: arg_length_loc = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length_loc is not None: if arg_length is None: arg_length = arg_length_loc elif arg_length_loc != arg_length: raise Exception('All inputs must be the same length') @staticmethod def get_arg_length(*args, **kwargs): arg_length = None for arg in chain(args, kwargs.values()): if arg_length is None: try: arg_length = len(arg) except: pass if arg_length is not None: return arg_length return StaticApplyTransformer()