Python sympy.Piecewise() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of sympy.Piecewise().
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Example #1
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def test_PiecewisePoly__sympy(): import sympy as sp Poly = mk_Poly('T') p1 = Poly([0, 1, 0.1]) p2 = Poly([0, 3, -.1]) TPiecewisePoly = mk_PiecewisePoly('temperature') tpwp = TPiecewisePoly([2, 2, 0, 10, 2, 10, 20, 0, 1, 0.1, 0, 3, -.1]) x = sp.Symbol('x') res = tpwp.eval_poly({'temperature': x}, backend=sp) assert isinstance(res, sp.Piecewise) assert res.args[0][0] == 1 + 0.1*x assert res.args[0][1] == sp.And(0 <= x, x <= 10) assert res.args[1][0] == 3 - 0.1*x assert res.args[1][1] == sp.And(10 <= x, x <= 20) with pytest.raises(ValueError): tpwp.from_polynomials([(0, 10), (10, 20)], [p1, p2])
Example #2
Source File: From qupulse with MIT License | 6 votes |
def duration(self) -> ExpressionScalar: step_size = self._loop_range.step.sympified_expression loop_index = sympy.symbols(self._loop_index) sum_index = sympy.symbols(self._loop_index) # replace loop_index with sum_index dependable expression body_duration = self.body.duration.sympified_expression.subs({loop_index: self._loop_range.start.sympified_expression + sum_index*step_size}) # number of sum contributions step_count = sympy.ceiling((self._loop_range.stop.sympified_expression-self._loop_range.start.sympified_expression) / step_size) sum_start = 0 sum_stop = sum_start + (sympy.functions.Max(step_count, 1) - 1) # expression used if step_count >= 0 finite_duration_expression = sympy.Sum(body_duration, (sum_index, sum_start, sum_stop)) duration_expression = sympy.Piecewise((0, step_count <= 0), (finite_duration_expression, True)) return ExpressionScalar(duration_expression)
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _print_Piecewise(self, expr, **kwargs): import numpy as np e, cond = expr.args[0].args if len(expr.args) == 1: return tt.switch(self._print(cond, **kwargs), self._print(e, **kwargs), np.nan) return tt.switch(self._print(cond, **kwargs), self._print(e, **kwargs), self._print(sympy.Piecewise(*expr.args[1:]), **kwargs))
Example #4
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _needs_mul_brackets(self, expr, last=False): """ Returns True if the expression needs to be wrapped in brackets when printed as part of a Mul, False otherwise. This is True for Add, but also for some container objects that would not need brackets when appearing last in a Mul, e.g. an Integral. ``last=True`` specifies that this expr is the last to appear in a Mul. """ from sympy import Integral, Piecewise, Product, Sum return expr.is_Add or (not last and any([expr.has(x) for x in (Integral, Piecewise, Product, Sum)]))
Example #5
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_logic(): x = true y = false x1 = sympy.true y1 = sympy.false assert And(x, y) == And(x1, y1) assert And(x1, y) == And(x1, y1) assert And(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.And(x1, y1) assert sympify(sympy.And(x1, y1)) == And(x, y) assert Or(x, y) == Or(x1, y1) assert Or(x1, y) == Or(x1, y1) assert Or(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Or(x1, y1) assert sympify(sympy.Or(x1, y1)) == Or(x, y) assert Not(x) == Not(x1) assert Not(x1) == Not(x1) assert Not(x)._sympy_() == sympy.Not(x1) assert sympify(sympy.Not(x1)) == Not(x) assert Xor(x, y) == Xor(x1, y1) assert Xor(x1, y) == Xor(x1, y1) assert Xor(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Xor(x1, y1) assert sympify(sympy.Xor(x1, y1)) == Xor(x, y) x = Symbol("x") x1 = sympy.Symbol("x") assert Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True)) == Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True)) assert Piecewise((x, x1 < 1), (0, True)) == Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True)) assert Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True))._sympy_() == sympy.Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True)) assert sympify(sympy.Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True))) == Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True)) assert Contains(x, Interval(1, 1)) == Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1)) assert Contains(x, Interval(1, 1))._sympy_() == sympy.Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1)) assert sympify(sympy.Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1))) == Contains(x, Interval(1, 1))
Example #6
Source File: From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _integrate_exact(f, c2): xi = sympy.DeferredVector("xi") pxi = ( c2[0] * 0.25 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) + c2[1] * 0.25 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) + c2[2] * 0.25 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) + c2[3] * 0.25 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) ) pxi = [sympy.expand(pxi[0]), sympy.expand(pxi[1])] # determinant of the transformation matrix det_J = +sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[0]) * sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[1]) - sympy.diff( pxi[1], xi[0] ) * sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[1]) # we cannot use abs(), see <>. abs_det_J = sympy.Piecewise((det_J, det_J >= 0), (-det_J, det_J < 0)) g_xi = f(pxi) exact = sympy.integrate( sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * g_xi, (xi[1], -1, 1)), (xi[0], -1, 1) ) return float(exact)
Example #7
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def f(self, yvec, params): import sympy as sp f_penalty = [sp.Piecewise((yi**2, yi < 0), (0, True)) for yi in yvec] return super(_NumSysLinNegPenalty, self).f(yvec, params) + f_penalty
Example #8
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def f(self, yvec, params): import sympy ymax = self.eqsys.upper_conc_bounds( params[:self.eqsys.ns], min_=lambda a, b: sympy.Piecewise((a, a < b), (b, True))) ytanh = [yimax*(4 + 5*sympy.tanh(yi))/8 for yimax, yi in zip(ymax, yvec)] return NumSysLin.f(self, ytanh, params)
Example #9
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_PiecewiseTPolyMassAction__sympy(): import sympy as sp tp1 = TPoly([10, 0.1]) tp2 = ShiftedTPoly([273.15, 37.315, -0.1]) pwp = MassAction(TPiecewise([0, tp1, 273.15, tp2, 373.15])) T = sp.Symbol('T') r = Reaction({'A': 2, 'B': 1}, {'C': 1}, inact_reac={'B': 1}) res1 = pwp({'A': 11, 'B': 13, 'temperature': T}, backend=sp, reaction=r) ref1 = 11**2 * 13 * sp.Piecewise( (10+0.1*T, sp.And(0 <= T, T <= 273.15)), (37.315 - 0.1*(T-273.15), sp.And(273.15 <= T, T <= 373.15)), (sp.Symbol('NAN'), True) ) assert res1 == ref1
Example #10
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_create_Piecewise_Poly__sympy(): import sympy as sp Poly = create_Poly('Tmpr') p1 = Poly([1, 0.1]) p2 = Poly([3, -.1]) TPw = create_Piecewise('Tmpr') pw = TPw([0, p1, 10, p2, 20]) x = sp.Symbol('x') res = pw({'Tmpr': x}, backend=sp) assert isinstance(res, sp.Piecewise) assert res.args[0][0] == 1 + 0.1*x assert res.args[0][1] == sp.And(0 <= x, x <= 10) assert res.args[1][0] == 3 - 0.1*x assert res.args[1][1] == sp.And(10 <= x, x <= 20)
Example #11
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _print_hyper(self, e): # FIXME refactor Matrix, Piecewise, and this into a tabular environment ap = [self._print(a) for a in e.ap] bq = [self._print(b) for b in] P = self._print(e.argument) P.baseline = P.height()//2 # Drawing result - first create the ap, bq vectors D = None for v in [ap, bq]: D_row = self._hprint_vec(v) if D is None: D = D_row # first row in a picture else: D = prettyForm(*D.below(' ')) D = prettyForm(*D.below(D_row)) # make sure that the argument `z' is centred vertically D.baseline = D.height()//2 # insert horizontal separator P = prettyForm(*P.left(' ')) D = prettyForm(*D.right(' ')) # insert separating `|` D = self._hprint_vseparator(D, P) # add parens D = prettyForm(*D.parens('(', ')')) # create the F symbol above = D.height()//2 - 1 below = D.height() - above - 1 sz, t, b, add, img = annotated('F') F = prettyForm('\n' * (above - t) + img + '\n' * (below - b), baseline=above + sz) add = (sz + 1)//2 F = prettyForm(*F.left(self._print(len(e.ap)))) F = prettyForm(*F.right(self._print(len( F.baseline = above + add D = prettyForm(*F.right(' ', D)) return D
Example #12
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _print_Mul(self, product): a = [] # items in the numerator b = [] # items that are in the denominator (if any) if self.order not in ('old', 'none'): args = product.as_ordered_factors() else: args = product.args # Gather terms for numerator/denominator for item in args: if item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational and item.exp.is_negative: b.append(C.Pow(item.base, -item.exp)) elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity: if item.p != 1: a.append( C.Rational(item.p) ) if item.q != 1: b.append( C.Rational(item.q) ) else: a.append(item) from sympy import Integral, Piecewise, Product, Sum # Convert to pretty forms. Add parens to Add instances if there # is more than one term in the numer/denom for i in xrange(0, len(a)): if (a[i].is_Add and len(a) > 1) or (i != len(a) - 1 and isinstance(a[i], (Integral, Piecewise, Product, Sum))): a[i] = prettyForm(*self._print(a[i]).parens()) else: a[i] = self._print(a[i]) for i in xrange(0, len(b)): if (b[i].is_Add and len(b) > 1) or (i != len(b) - 1 and isinstance(b[i], (Integral, Piecewise, Product, Sum))): b[i] = prettyForm(*self._print(b[i]).parens()) else: b[i] = self._print(b[i]) # Construct a pretty form if len(b) == 0: return prettyForm.__mul__(*a) else: if len(a) == 0: a.append( self._print(S.One) ) return prettyForm.__mul__(*a)/prettyForm.__mul__(*b) # A helper function for _print_Pow to print x**(1/n)
Example #13
Source File: From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _integrate_exact(k, pyra): def f(x): return x[0] ** int(k[0]) * x[1] ** int(k[1]) * x[2] ** int(k[2]) # map the reference hexahedron [-1,1]^3 to the p3 xi = sympy.DeferredVector("xi") pxi = ( +pyra[0] * (1 - xi[0]) * (1 - xi[1]) * (1 - xi[2]) / 8 + pyra[1] * (1 + xi[0]) * (1 - xi[1]) * (1 - xi[2]) / 8 + pyra[2] * (1 + xi[0]) * (1 + xi[1]) * (1 - xi[2]) / 8 + pyra[3] * (1 - xi[0]) * (1 + xi[1]) * (1 - xi[2]) / 8 + pyra[4] * (1 + xi[2]) / 2 ) pxi = [sympy.expand(pxi[0]), sympy.expand(pxi[1]), sympy.expand(pxi[2])] # determinant of the transformation matrix J = sympy.Matrix( [ [ sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[2]), ], [ sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[2]), ], [ sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[2]), ], ] ) det_J = sympy.det(J) # we cannot use abs(), see <>. # abs_det_J = sympy.Piecewise((det_J, det_J >= 0), (-det_J, det_J < 0)) # This is quite the leap of faith, but sympy will cowardly bail out # otherwise. abs_det_J = det_J exact = sympy.integrate( sympy.integrate( sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * f(pxi), (xi[2], -1, 1)), (xi[1], -1, +1) ), (xi[0], -1, +1), ) return float(exact)
Example #14
Source File: From quadpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _integrate_exact(f, hexa): xi = sympy.DeferredVector("xi") pxi = ( +hexa[0] * 0.125 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) * (1.0 - xi[2]) + hexa[1] * 0.125 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) * (1.0 - xi[2]) + hexa[2] * 0.125 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) * (1.0 - xi[2]) + hexa[3] * 0.125 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) * (1.0 - xi[2]) + hexa[4] * 0.125 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) * (1.0 + xi[2]) + hexa[5] * 0.125 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 - xi[1]) * (1.0 + xi[2]) + hexa[6] * 0.125 * (1.0 + xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) * (1.0 + xi[2]) + hexa[7] * 0.125 * (1.0 - xi[0]) * (1.0 + xi[1]) * (1.0 + xi[2]) ) pxi = [sympy.expand(pxi[0]), sympy.expand(pxi[1]), sympy.expand(pxi[2])] # determinant of the transformation matrix J = sympy.Matrix( [ [ sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[2]), ], [ sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[2]), ], [ sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[0]), sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[1]), sympy.diff(pxi[2], xi[2]), ], ] ) det_J = sympy.det(J) # we cannot use abs(), see <>. abs_det_J = sympy.Piecewise((det_J, det_J >= 0), (-det_J, det_J < 0)) g_xi = f(pxi) exact = sympy.integrate( sympy.integrate( sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * g_xi, (xi[2], -1, 1)), (xi[1], -1, 1) ), (xi[0], -1, 1), ) return float(exact)
Example #15
Source File: From RBF with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _add_diff_to_cache(self, diff): ''' Symbolically differentiates the RBF and then converts the expression to a function which can be evaluated numerically. ''' logger.debug('Creating a numerical function for the RBF %s with ' 'the derivative %s ...' % (self, str(diff))) dim = len(diff) c_sym = sympy.symbols('c:%s' % dim) x_sym = sympy.symbols('x:%s' % dim) r_sym = sympy.sqrt(sum((xi-ci)**2 for xi, ci in zip(x_sym, c_sym))) # substitute 'r' in the RBF expression with the cartesian spatial variables # and differentiate the RBF with respect to them expr = self.expr.subs(_R, r_sym) for xi, order in zip(x_sym, diff): if order == 0: continue expr = expr.diff(*(xi,)*order) # if `tol` is given, form a separate expression for the RBF near its center if self.tol is not None: if diff in self.limits: # use a user-specified limit if available lim = self.limits[diff] else: logger.debug('Symbolically evaluating the RBF at its center ...') # evaluate the limit of the RBF at (x0=tol+c0, x1=c1, x2=c2, ...) as # tol goes to zero. lim = expr.subs(zip(x_sym[1:], c_sym[1:])) lim = lim.simplify() lim = lim.limit(x_sym[0], c_sym[0]) logger.debug('Value of the RBF at its center: %s' % lim) # create a piecewise symbolic function which is `lim` when `r_sym < tol` # and `expr` otherwise expr = sympy.Piecewise((lim, r_sym < self.tol), (expr, True)) if _SYMBOLIC_TO_NUMERIC_METHOD == 'ufuncify': func = ufuncify(x_sym + c_sym + (_EPS,), expr, backend='numpy') elif _SYMBOLIC_TO_NUMERIC_METHOD == 'lambdify': func = lambdify(x_sym + c_sym + (_EPS,), expr, modules=['numpy']) else: raise ValueError() self._cache[diff] = func logger.debug('The numeric function has been created and cached')