Python sympy.Interval() Examples

The following are 7 code examples of sympy.Interval(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module sympy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From GetOrganelle with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def adjust_vertically_in_different_lines(middle_y, min_graph_dist, x_factor=1., y_factor=1., *sorted_x_y_positions):
    x_y_positions = deepcopy(sorted_x_y_positions)
    for go_p, (x_pos, y_pos) in enumerate(x_y_positions):
        if go_p > 0 and (x_pos - x_y_positions[go_p - 1][0]) * x_factor < min_graph_dist:
            go_back = go_p - 1
            constraints = Interval(-inf, inf)
            while go_back >= 0 and (x_pos - x_y_positions[go_back][0]) * x_factor < min_graph_dist:
                prev_x = x_y_positions[go_back][0]
                if len(x_y_positions[go_back][1]):
                    prev_y = sum(x_y_positions[go_back][1]) / len(x_y_positions[go_back][1])
                    prev_y = 0.
                y_move = (min_graph_dist ** 2 - ((x_pos - prev_x) * x_factor) ** 2) ** 0.5 / y_factor
                constraints &= (Interval(-inf, prev_y - y_move) | Interval(prev_y + y_move, inf))
                go_back -= 1
            if middle_y not in constraints:
                new_average_y = sorted(constraints.boundary, key=lambda cons_y: abs(cons_y-middle_y))[0]
                if len(y_pos):
                    old_y = sum(y_pos) / len(y_pos)
                    old_y = 0.
                x_y_positions[go_p][1] = x_y_positions[go_p][1] - (old_y - new_average_y)
    return x_y_positions 
Example #2
Source File:    From with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_logic():
    x = true
    y = false
    x1 = sympy.true
    y1 = sympy.false

    assert And(x, y) == And(x1, y1)
    assert And(x1, y) == And(x1, y1)
    assert And(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.And(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.And(x1, y1)) == And(x, y)

    assert Or(x, y) == Or(x1, y1)
    assert Or(x1, y) == Or(x1, y1)
    assert Or(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Or(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Or(x1, y1)) == Or(x, y)

    assert Not(x) == Not(x1)
    assert Not(x1) == Not(x1)
    assert Not(x)._sympy_() == sympy.Not(x1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Not(x1)) == Not(x)

    assert Xor(x, y) == Xor(x1, y1)
    assert Xor(x1, y) == Xor(x1, y1)
    assert Xor(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Xor(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Xor(x1, y1)) == Xor(x, y)

    x = Symbol("x")
    x1 = sympy.Symbol("x")

    assert Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True)) == Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True))
    assert Piecewise((x, x1 < 1), (0, True)) == Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True))
    assert Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True))._sympy_() == sympy.Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True))
    assert sympify(sympy.Piecewise((x1, x1 < 1), (0, True))) == Piecewise((x, x < 1), (0, True))

    assert Contains(x, Interval(1, 1)) == Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1))
    assert Contains(x, Interval(1, 1))._sympy_() == sympy.Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1))
    assert sympify(sympy.Contains(x1, Interval(1, 1))) == Contains(x, Interval(1, 1)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_sets():
    x = Integer(2)
    y = Integer(3)
    x1 = sympy.Integer(2)
    y1 = sympy.Integer(3)

    assert Interval(x, y) == Interval(x1, y1)
    assert Interval(x1, y) == Interval(x1, y1)
    assert Interval(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Interval(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Interval(x1, y1)) == Interval(x, y)

    assert sympify(sympy.S.EmptySet) == EmptySet()
    assert sympy.S.EmptySet == EmptySet()._sympy_()

    assert sympify(sympy.S.UniversalSet) == UniversalSet()
    assert sympy.S.UniversalSet == UniversalSet()._sympy_()

    assert FiniteSet(x, y) == FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert FiniteSet(x1, y) == FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert FiniteSet(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.FiniteSet(x1, y1)) == FiniteSet(x, y)

    x = Interval(1, 2)
    y = Interval(2, 3)
    x1 = sympy.Interval(1, 2)
    y1 = sympy.Interval(2, 3)

    assert Union(x, y) == Union(x1, y1)
    assert Union(x1, y) == Union(x1, y1)
    assert Union(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Union(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Union(x1, y1)) == Union(x, y)

    assert Complement(x, y) == Complement(x1, y1)
    assert Complement(x1, y) == Complement(x1, y1)
    assert Complement(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Complement(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Complement(x1, y1)) == Complement(x, y) 
Example #4
Source File:    From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __new__(cls, interval):
        if not isinstance(interval, Interval):
            raise TypeError('L2 interval must be an Interval instance: %r'
            % interval)
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, interval)
        return obj 
Example #5
Source File:    From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_L2():
    b1 = L2(Interval(-oo, 1))
    assert isinstance(b1, L2)
    assert b1.dimension == oo
    assert b1.interval == Interval(-oo, 1)

    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    b2 = L2(Interval(x, y))
    assert b2.dimension == oo
    assert b2.interval == Interval(x, y)
    assert b2.subs(x, -1) == L2(Interval(-1, y)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From devito with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init_finalize__(self, name, parent, left, right, thickness, local):
        super().__init_finalize__(name, parent)
        self._interval = sympy.Interval(left, right)
        self._thickness = Thickness(*thickness)
        self._local = local 
Example #7
Source File:    From devito with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _arg_values(self, args, interval, grid, **kwargs):
        Produce a map of argument values after evaluating user input. If no user
        input is provided, get a known value in ``args`` and adjust it so that no
        out-of-bounds memory accesses will be performeed. The adjustment exploits
        the information in ``interval``, an Interval describing the Dimension data
        space. If no value is available in ``args``, use a default value.

        args : dict
            Known argument values.
        interval : Interval
            Description of the Dimension data space.
        grid : Grid
            Only relevant in case of MPI execution; if ``self`` is a distributed
            Dimension, then ``grid`` is used to translate user input into rank-local
            Dictionary of user-provided argument overrides.
        # Fetch user input and convert into rank-local values
        glb_minv = kwargs.pop(self.min_name, None)
        glb_maxv = kwargs.pop(self.max_name, kwargs.pop(, None))
        if grid is not None and grid.is_distributed(self):
            loc_minv, loc_maxv = grid.distributor.glb_to_loc(self, (glb_minv, glb_maxv))
            loc_minv, loc_maxv = glb_minv, glb_maxv

        # If no user-override provided, use a suitable default value
        defaults = self._arg_defaults()
        if glb_minv is None:
            loc_minv = args.get(self.min_name, defaults[self.min_name])
                loc_minv -= min(interval.lower, 0)
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        if glb_maxv is None:
            loc_maxv = args.get(self.max_name, defaults[self.max_name])
                loc_maxv -= max(interval.upper, 0)
            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

        return {self.min_name: loc_minv, self.max_name: loc_maxv}