Python object_detection.core.batcher.BatchQueue() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of object_detection.core.batcher.BatchQueue().
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Example #1
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #2
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #3
Source File: From Hands-On-Machine-Learning-with-OpenCV-4 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #4
Source File: From garbage-object-detection-tensorflow with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #5
Source File: From tensorflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #6
Source File: From object_detector_app with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list ) = _get_inputs(input_queue, detection_model.num_classes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #7
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_same_size_in_all_dimensions(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 1) image = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 13), [4, 3]) * counter batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([4, 3], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 1 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(1, 13).reshape((4, 3)) * i) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #8
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batcher_when_batch_size_is_one(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 1 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #9
Source File: From Hands-On-Machine-Learning-with-OpenCV-4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_input_queue(batch_size_per_clone, create_tensor_dict_fn, batch_queue_capacity, num_batch_queue_threads, prefetch_queue_capacity, data_augmentation_options): """Sets up reader, prefetcher and returns input queue. Args: batch_size_per_clone: batch size to use per clone. create_tensor_dict_fn: function to create tensor dictionary. batch_queue_capacity: maximum number of elements to store within a queue. num_batch_queue_threads: number of threads to use for batching. prefetch_queue_capacity: maximum capacity of the queue used to prefetch assembled batches. data_augmentation_options: a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a data augmentation function and a dictionary containing arguments and their values (see Returns: input queue: a batcher.BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts (which hold images, boxes and targets). To get a batch of tensor_dicts, call input_queue.Dequeue(). """ tensor_dict = create_tensor_dict_fn() tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] = tf.expand_dims( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image], 0) images = tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] float_images = tf.to_float(images) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] = float_images if data_augmentation_options: tensor_dict = preprocessor.preprocess(tensor_dict, data_augmentation_options) input_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict, batch_size=batch_size_per_clone, batch_queue_capacity=batch_queue_capacity, num_batch_queue_threads=num_batch_queue_threads, prefetch_queue_capacity=prefetch_queue_capacity) return input_queue
Example #10
Source File: From ros_tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn, train_config): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. train_config: a train_pb2.TrainConfig protobuf. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, _, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list, _) = get_inputs( input_queue, detection_model.num_classes, train_config.merge_multiple_label_boxes, train_config.use_multiclass_scores) preprocessed_images = [] true_image_shapes = [] for image in images: resized_image, true_image_shape = detection_model.preprocess(image) preprocessed_images.append(resized_image) true_image_shapes.append(true_image_shape) images = tf.concat(preprocessed_images, 0) true_image_shapes = tf.concat(true_image_shapes, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None if any(keypoints is None for keypoints in groundtruth_keypoints_list): groundtruth_keypoints_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images, true_image_shapes) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict, true_image_shapes) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #11
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn, train_config): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. train_config: a train_pb2.TrainConfig protobuf. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, _, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list, _) = get_inputs( input_queue, detection_model.num_classes, train_config.merge_multiple_label_boxes, train_config.use_multiclass_scores) preprocessed_images = [] true_image_shapes = [] for image in images: resized_image, true_image_shape = detection_model.preprocess(image) preprocessed_images.append(resized_image) true_image_shapes.append(true_image_shape) images = tf.concat(preprocessed_images, 0) true_image_shapes = tf.concat(true_image_shapes, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None if any(keypoints is None for keypoints in groundtruth_keypoints_list): groundtruth_keypoints_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images, true_image_shapes) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict, true_image_shapes) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #12
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_1st_dimension(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) boxes = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(4), [1, 4]), tf.stack([counter, tf.constant(1)])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'boxes': boxes}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, 4], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.tile(np.arange(4), (i, 1))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #13
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_all_dimensions( self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #14
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn, train_config): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. train_config: a train_pb2.TrainConfig protobuf. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, _, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list, _) = get_inputs( input_queue, detection_model.num_classes, train_config.merge_multiple_label_boxes) preprocessed_images = [] true_image_shapes = [] for image in images: resized_image, true_image_shape = detection_model.preprocess(image) preprocessed_images.append(resized_image) true_image_shapes.append(true_image_shape) images = tf.concat(preprocessed_images, 0) true_image_shapes = tf.concat(true_image_shapes, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None if any(keypoints is None for keypoints in groundtruth_keypoints_list): groundtruth_keypoints_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images, true_image_shapes) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict, true_image_shapes) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #15
Source File: From ros_tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_all_dimensions( self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #16
Source File: From ros_tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_same_size_in_all_dimensions(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 1) image = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 13), [4, 3]) * counter batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([4, 3], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 1 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(1, 13).reshape((4, 3)) * i) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #17
Source File: From tensorflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_batcher_when_batch_size_is_one(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 1 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #18
Source File: From ros_tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_1st_dimension(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) boxes = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(4), [1, 4]), tf.stack([counter, tf.constant(1)])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'boxes': boxes}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, 4], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.tile(np.arange(4), (i, 1))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #19
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_all_dimensions( self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #20
Source File: From Traffic-Rule-Violation-Detection-System with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_1st_dimension(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) boxes = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(4), [1, 4]), tf.stack([counter, tf.constant(1)])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'boxes': boxes}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, 4], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.tile(np.arange(4), (i, 1))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #21
Source File: From Hands-On-Machine-Learning-with-OpenCV-4 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_1st_dimension(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) boxes = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(4), [1, 4]), tf.stack([counter, tf.constant(1)])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'boxes': boxes}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, 4], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.tile(np.arange(4), (i, 1))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #22
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batcher_when_batch_size_is_one(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 1 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #23
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_same_size_in_all_dimensions(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 1) image = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 13), [4, 3]) * counter batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([4, 3], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 1 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(1, 13).reshape((4, 3)) * i) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #24
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_all_dimensions( self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #25
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_1st_dimension(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) boxes = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(4), [1, 4]), tf.stack([counter, tf.constant(1)])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'boxes': boxes}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, 4], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.tile(np.arange(4), (i, 1))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #26
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_losses(input_queue, create_model_fn, train_config): """Creates loss function for a DetectionModel. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. create_model_fn: A function to create the DetectionModel. train_config: a train_pb2.TrainConfig protobuf. """ detection_model = create_model_fn() (images, _, groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list) = get_inputs( input_queue, detection_model.num_classes, train_config.merge_multiple_label_boxes) images = [detection_model.preprocess(image) for image in images] images = tf.concat(images, 0) if any(mask is None for mask in groundtruth_masks_list): groundtruth_masks_list = None if any(keypoints is None for keypoints in groundtruth_keypoints_list): groundtruth_keypoints_list = None detection_model.provide_groundtruth(groundtruth_boxes_list, groundtruth_classes_list, groundtruth_masks_list, groundtruth_keypoints_list) prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(images) losses_dict = detection_model.loss(prediction_dict) for loss_tensor in losses_dict.values(): tf.losses.add_loss(loss_tensor)
Example #27
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batcher_when_batch_size_is_one(self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 1 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #28
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_batch_and_unpad_2d_tensors_of_different_sizes_in_all_dimensions( self): with self.test_session() as sess: batch_size = 3 num_batches = 2 examples = tf.Variable(tf.constant(2, dtype=tf.int32)) counter = examples.count_up_to(num_batches * batch_size + 2) image = tf.reshape( tf.range(counter * counter), tf.stack([counter, counter])) batch_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict={'image': image}, batch_size=batch_size, batch_queue_capacity=100, num_batch_queue_threads=1, prefetch_queue_capacity=100) batch = batch_queue.dequeue() for tensor_dict in batch: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual([None, None], tensor.get_shape().as_list()) tf.initialize_all_variables().run() with slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): i = 2 for _ in range(num_batches): batch_np = for tensor_dict in batch_np: for tensor in tensor_dict.values(): self.assertAllEqual(tensor, np.arange(i * i).reshape((i, i))) i += 1 with self.assertRaises(tf.errors.OutOfRangeError):
Example #29
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_input_queue(batch_size_per_clone, create_tensor_dict_fn, batch_queue_capacity, num_batch_queue_threads, prefetch_queue_capacity, data_augmentation_options): """Sets up reader, prefetcher and returns input queue. Args: batch_size_per_clone: batch size to use per clone. create_tensor_dict_fn: function to create tensor dictionary. batch_queue_capacity: maximum number of elements to store within a queue. num_batch_queue_threads: number of threads to use for batching. prefetch_queue_capacity: maximum capacity of the queue used to prefetch assembled batches. data_augmentation_options: a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a data augmentation function and a dictionary containing arguments and their values (see Returns: input queue: a batcher.BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts (which hold images, boxes and targets). To get a batch of tensor_dicts, call input_queue.Dequeue(). """ tensor_dict = create_tensor_dict_fn() tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] = tf.expand_dims( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image], 0) images = tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] float_images = tf.to_float(images) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image] = float_images if data_augmentation_options: tensor_dict = preprocessor.preprocess(tensor_dict, data_augmentation_options) input_queue = batcher.BatchQueue( tensor_dict, batch_size=batch_size_per_clone, batch_queue_capacity=batch_queue_capacity, num_batch_queue_threads=num_batch_queue_threads, prefetch_queue_capacity=prefetch_queue_capacity) return input_queue
Example #30
Source File: From HereIsWally with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_inputs(input_queue, num_classes): """Dequeue batch and construct inputs to object detection model. Args: input_queue: BatchQueue object holding enqueued tensor_dicts. num_classes: Number of classes. Returns: images: a list of 3-D float tensor of images. locations_list: a list of tensors of shape [num_boxes, 4] containing the corners of the groundtruth boxes. classes_list: a list of padded one-hot tensors containing target classes. masks_list: a list of 3-D float tensors of shape [num_boxes, image_height, image_width] containing instance masks for objects if present in the input_queue. Else returns None. """ read_data_list = input_queue.dequeue() label_id_offset = 1 def extract_images_and_targets(read_data): image = read_data[fields.InputDataFields.image] location_gt = read_data[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes] classes_gt = tf.cast(read_data[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes], tf.int32) classes_gt -= label_id_offset classes_gt = util_ops.padded_one_hot_encoding(indices=classes_gt, depth=num_classes, left_pad=0) masks_gt = read_data.get(fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks) return image, location_gt, classes_gt, masks_gt return zip(*map(extract_images_and_targets, read_data_list))