Python backtrader.num2date() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of backtrader.num2date().
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Example #1
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_datas(strategy: bt.Strategy) -> str: md = '\n# Data Feeds\n' for data in strategy.datas: md += f'## {data.__class__.__name__}\n' tabdata = { 'DataName:': str(data._dataname).replace("|", "\\|"), 'Timezone:': data._tz, 'Number of bars:': len(data), 'Bar Length:': f"{data._compression} {bt.TimeFrame.getname(data._timeframe, data._compression)}", } # live trading does not have valid data parameters (other datas might also not have) if not math.isinf(data.fromdate): tabdata['Time From:'] = bt.num2date(data.fromdate) if not math.isinf(data.todate): tabdata['Time To:'] = bt.num2date(data.todate) md += _get_table(['Property', 'Value'], tabdata) return md
Example #2
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_to_pandas(strat_clk, obj: bt.LineSeries, start: datetime = None, end: datetime = None, name_prefix: str = "", num_back=None) -> pd.DataFrame: lines_clk = obj.lines.datetime.plotrange(start, end) df = pd.DataFrame() # iterate all lines for lineidx in range(obj.size()): line = obj.lines[lineidx] linealias = obj.lines._getlinealias(lineidx) if linealias == 'datetime': continue # get data limited to time range data = line.plotrange(start, end) ndata = convert_by_line_clock(data, lines_clk, strat_clk) df[name_prefix + linealias] = ndata df[name_prefix + 'datetime'] = [bt.num2date(x) for x in strat_clk] return df
Example #3
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _st_start(self, instart=True, tmout=None): if self.p.historical: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) dtend = None if self.todate < float('inf'): dtend = num2date(self.todate) dtbegin = None if self.fromdate > float('-inf'): dtbegin = num2date(self.fromdate) self.qhist = self.o.candles( self.p.dataname, dtbegin, dtend, self._timeframe, self._compression, candleFormat=self._candleFormat, includeFirst=self.p.includeFirst) self._state = self._ST_HISTORBACK return True self.qlive = self.o.streaming_prices(self.p.dataname, tmout=tmout) if instart: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill_start else: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill if self._statelivereconn: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) self._state = self._ST_LIVE if instart: self._reconns = self.p.reconnections return True # no return before - implicit continue
Example #4
Source File: From alpaca-backtrader-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #5
Source File: From alpaca-backtrader-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #6
Source File: From alpaca-backtrader-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #7
Source File: From alpaca-backtrader-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _st_start(self, instart=True, tmout=None): if self.p.historical: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) dtend = None if self.todate < float('inf'): dtend = num2date(self.todate) dtbegin = None if self.fromdate > float('-inf'): dtbegin = num2date(self.fromdate) self.qhist = self.o.candles( self.p.dataname, dtbegin, dtend, self._timeframe, self._compression, candleFormat=self._candleFormat, includeFirst=self.p.includeFirst) self._state = self._ST_HISTORBACK return True self.qlive = self.o.streaming_prices(self.p.dataname, tmout=tmout) if instart: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill_start else: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill if self._statelivereconn: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) self._state = self._ST_LIVE if instart: self._reconns = self.p.reconnections return True # no return before - implicit continue
Example #8
Source File: From backtrader-oandav20 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _t_poll(self): dtstart = self._getstarttime( self._timeframe, self._compression, offset=1) while True: dtcurr = self._getstarttime(self._timeframe, self._compression) # request candles in live instead of stream if dtcurr > dtstart: if len(self) > 1: # len == 1 ... forwarded for the 1st time dtbegin = self.datetime.datetime(-1) elif self.fromdate > float('-inf'): dtbegin = num2date(self.fromdate) else: # 1st bar and no begin set dtbegin = dtstart self.qlive = self.o.candles( self.p.dataname, dtbegin, None, self._timeframe, self._compression, candleFormat=self._candleFormat, onlyComplete=True, includeFirst=False) dtstart = dtbegin # sleep until next call dtnow = datetime.utcnow() dtnext = self._getstarttime( self._timeframe, self._compression, dt=dtnow, offset=-1) dtdiff = dtnext - dtnow tmout = (dtdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60) + dtdiff.seconds + 1 if tmout <= 0: tmout = 5 _time.sleep(tmout)
Example #9
Source File: From backtrader-oandav20 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _st_start(self, instart=True): if self.p.historical: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) dtend = None if self.todate < float('inf'): dtend = num2date(self.todate) dtbegin = None if self.fromdate > float('-inf'): dtbegin = num2date(self.fromdate) self.qhist = self.o.candles( self.p.dataname, dtbegin, dtend, self._timeframe, self._compression, candleFormat=self._candleFormat, includeFirst=True) self._state = self._ST_HISTORBACK return True # depending on candles, either stream or use poll if instart: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill_start else: self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill if self._statelivereconn: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) if not self.p.candles: # recreate a new stream on call self.qlive = self.o.streaming_prices( self.p.dataname) elif instart: # poll thread will never die, so no need to recreate it self.poll_thread() self._state = self._ST_LIVE return True # no return before - implicit continue
Example #10
Source File: From sptrader with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def next(self): # Simply log the closing price of the series from the reference self.log(bt.num2date(self.datas[0].datetime[0]), bt.num2date(self.datas[1].datetime[0]), self.datas[0].open[0], self.datas[1].open[0])
Example #11
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log_status(self): status_dict = {} # general status status_dict["date"] = bt.num2date(self.data0.datetime[0]) status_dict["data0"] = self.data0[0] status_dict["data1"] = self.data1[0] status_dict["lookback"] = self.lookback status_dict["max_lookback"] = self.max_lookback status_dict["enter_threshold_size"] = self.enter_threshold_size status_dict["exit_threshold_size"] = self.exit_threshold_size status_dict["loss_limit"] = self.loss_limit status_dict["status"] = self.status status_dict["qty0"] = self.qty0 status_dict["qty1"] = self.qty1 status_dict["initial_price_data0"] = self.initial_price_data0 status_dict["initial_price_data1"] = self.initial_price_data1 status_dict["initial_cash"] = self.initial_cash status_dict["initial_long_pv"] = self.initial_long_pv status_dict["initial_short_pv"] = self.initial_short_pv status_dict["upper_limit"] = self.upper_limit status_dict["lower_limit"] = self.lower_limit status_dict["up_medium"] = self.up_medium status_dict["low_medium"] = self.low_medium status_dict["portfolio_value"] = status_dict["latest_trade_action"] =self.latest_trade_action status_dict["sell_stk"] = self.sell_stk status_dict["buy_stk"] = self.buy_stk status_dict["sell_amt"] = self.sell_amt status_dict["buy_amt"] = self.buy_amt # strategy-specific status status_dict["spread"] = self.get_spread() status_dict["allow_trade"] = self.allow_trade status_dict["alpha"] = self.alpha status_dict["intercept"] = self.intercept status_dict["resid_mean"] = self.resid_mean status_dict["resid_std"] = self.resid_std # log the dictionary PTStrategy.log("[strategy-status]: {}".format(status_dict), None, self.data0)
Example #12
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log(txt, dt=None, data=None): dt = dt or data.datetime[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt)'%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #13
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log_status(self): status_dict = {} # general status status_dict["date"] = bt.num2date(self.data0.datetime[0]) status_dict["data0"] = self.data0[0] status_dict["data1"] = self.data1[0] status_dict["lookback"] = self.lookback status_dict["max_lookback"] = self.max_lookback status_dict["enter_threshold_size"] = self.enter_threshold_size status_dict["exit_threshold_size"] = self.exit_threshold_size status_dict["loss_limit"] = self.loss_limit status_dict["status"] = self.status status_dict["qty0"] = self.qty0 status_dict["qty1 "] = self.qty1 status_dict["initial_price_data0"] = self.initial_price_data0 status_dict["initial_price_data1"] = self.initial_price_data1 status_dict["initial_cash"] = self.initial_cash status_dict["initial_long_pv"] = self.initial_long_pv status_dict["initial_short_pv"] = self.initial_short_pv status_dict["upper_limit"] = self.upper_limit status_dict["lower_limit"] = self.lower_limit status_dict["up_medium"] = self.up_medium status_dict["low_medium"] = self.low_medium status_dict["portfolio_value"] = status_dict["latest_trade_action"] =self.latest_trade_action status_dict["sell_stk"] = self.sell_stk status_dict["buy_stk"] = self.buy_stk status_dict["sell_amt"] = self.sell_amt status_dict["buy_amt"] = self.buy_amt # strategy-specific status status_dict["spread"] = self.get_spread() status_dict["allow_trade"] = self.allow_trade status_dict["resid_mean"] = self.resid_mean status_dict["resid_std"] = self.resid_std # log the dictionary PTStrategy.log("[strategy-status]: {}".format(status_dict), None, self.data0)
Example #14
Source File: From Backtrader-MQL5-API with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _st_start(self): self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) date_begin = num2date( self.fromdate) if self.fromdate > float('-inf') else None date_end = num2date( self.todate) if self.todate < float('inf') else None self.qhist = self.o.price_data(self.p.dataname, date_begin, date_end, self.p.timeframe, self.p.compression, self.p.include_last) self._state = self._ST_HISTORBACK return True
Example #15
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #16
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def notify_order(self, order): if not order.alive(): print('{} {} {}@{}'.format( bt.num2date(order.executed.dt), 'buy' if order.isbuy() else 'sell', order.executed.size, order.executed.price) )
Example #17
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _st_start(self): if self.p.historical: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) dtend = None if self.todate < float('inf'): dtend = num2date(self.todate) dtbegin = None if self.fromdate > float('-inf'): dtbegin = num2date(self.fromdate) self.qhist = self.ib.reqHistoricalDataEx( contract=self.contract, enddate=dtend, begindate=dtbegin, timeframe=self._timeframe, compression=self._compression, what=self.p.what, useRTH=self.p.useRTH, tz=self._tz, sessionend=self.p.sessionend) self._state = self._ST_HISTORBACK return True # continue before # Live is requested if not self.ib.reconnect(resub=True): self.put_notification(self.DISCONNECTED) self._state = self._ST_OVER return False # failed - was so self._statelivereconn = self.p.backfill_start if self.p.backfill_start: self.put_notification(self.DELAYED) self._state = self._ST_LIVE return True # no return before - implicit continue
Example #18
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #19
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None, nodate=False): if not nodate: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt)) else: print('---------- %s' % (txt))
Example #20
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None, nodate=False): if not nodate: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt)) else: print('---------- %s' % (txt))
Example #21
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #22
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #23
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #24
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #25
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def notify_order(self, order): curdtstr ='%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if order.status in [order.Completed]: dtstr = bt.num2date(order.executed.dt).strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if order.isbuy(): print('%s: BUY EXECUTED, on:' % curdtstr, dtstr) self.order = None else: # Sell print('%s: SELL EXECUTED, on:' % curdtstr, dtstr)
Example #26
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): if self.p.printout: dt = dt or[0] dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #27
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): ''' Logging function fot this strategy''' dt = dt or[0] if isinstance(dt, float): dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #28
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def log(self, txt, dt=None): ''' Logging function fot this strategy''' dt = dt or[0] if isinstance(dt, float): dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))
Example #29
Source File: From backtrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def notify_order(self, order): if order.status != order.Completed: return self.order = None print('{} {} Executed at price {}'.format( bt.num2date(order.executed.dt).date(), 'Buy' * order.isbuy() or 'Sell', order.executed.price) )
Example #30
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def log_status(self): status_dict = {} # general status status_dict["date"] = bt.num2date(self.data0.datetime[0]) status_dict["data0"] = self.data0[0] status_dict["data1"] = self.data1[0] status_dict["lookback"] = self.lookback status_dict["max_lookback"] = self.max_lookback status_dict["enter_threshold_size"] = self.enter_threshold_size status_dict["exit_threshold_size"] = self.exit_threshold_size status_dict["loss_limit"] = self.loss_limit status_dict["status"] = self.status status_dict["qty0"] = self.qty0 status_dict["qty1"] = self.qty1 status_dict["initial_price_data0"] = self.initial_price_data0 status_dict["initial_price_data1"] = self.initial_price_data1 status_dict["initial_cash"] = self.initial_cash status_dict["initial_long_pv"] = self.initial_long_pv status_dict["initial_short_pv"] = self.initial_short_pv status_dict["upper_limit"] = self.upper_limit status_dict["lower_limit"] = self.lower_limit status_dict["up_medium"] = self.up_medium status_dict["low_medium"] = self.low_medium status_dict["portfolio_value"] = status_dict["latest_trade_action"] =self.latest_trade_action status_dict["sell_stk"] = self.sell_stk status_dict["buy_stk"] = self.buy_stk status_dict["sell_amt"] = self.sell_amt status_dict["buy_amt"] = self.buy_amt # strategy-specific status status_dict["spread"] = self.get_spread() status_dict["allow_trade"] = self.allow_trade status_dict["alpha"] = self.alpha status_dict["intercept"] = self.intercept # status_dict["filtered_state_means"] = self.filtered_state_means # status_dict["filtered_state_covariances"] = self.filtered_state_covariances status_dict["spread_std"] = self.spread_std # log the dictionary PTStrategy.log("[strategy-status]: {}".format(status_dict), None, self.data0)