Python mmh3.hash64() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of mmh3.hash64().
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Example #1
Source File: From kAFL with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def copy_bitmap(self, shm, num, size, bitmap, payload, payload_size, effector_mode=False): new_hash = mmh3.hash64(bitmap) if not (self.crashed or self.kasan or self.timeout): if new_hash in self.lookup.non_finding: if effector_mode: * num) shm.write(bitmap) return True else: * num) + len(bitmap)) return False if not (self.crashed or self.kasan or self.timeout) and not self.check_for_unseen_bits(bitmap): self.lookup.non_finding[new_hash] = None return False if not (self.timeout): bitmap = self.verifiy_input(payload, bitmap, payload_size) * num) shm.write(bitmap) self.lookup.non_finding[new_hash] = None return True
Example #2
Source File: From pipeline with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def sim_shi4_mm3_text(text): text = HTML_COMMENT_RE.sub(" ", text) text = SCRIPT_RE.sub(" ", text) text = STYLE_RE.sub(" ", text) text = HTML_TAGS_RE.sub(" ", text) text = HTML_ENTITIES_RE.sub(" ", text) text = NONTEXT_RE.sub(" ", text) # replace all runs of spaces and punctuation i1, i2 = itertools.tee(WORD_RE.finditer(text)) for _ in xrange(3): # 4 words per shingle next(i2, None) hash64 = mmh3.hash64 # NB: `array` of i64 & ui64 is Python 3.3+ mm = [ hash64(text[m1.start() : m2.end()])[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for m1, m2 in itertools.izip(i1, i2) ] r = simhash.compute(mm) return r - 0x10000000000000000 if r > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF else r
Example #3
Source File: From grimoire with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def debug_execution(config, execs, qemu_verbose=False, notifiers=True): log_info("Starting...") zero_hash = mmh3.hash64(("\x00" * config.config_values['BITMAP_SHM_SIZE'])) q = qemu(1337, config, debug_mode=True, notifiers=notifiers) q.start(verbose=qemu_verbose) q.set_payload(open(config.argument_values["payload"][0]).read()) # try: start = time.time() for i in range(execs): if i % 3 == 0: q.set_payload(open(config.argument_values["payload"][0]).read()) # time.sleep(0.01 * randint(0, 9)) print("+----------------------------------------------+") # a = str(q.send_payload()) # hexdump(a) current_hash = q.send_payload().hash() if zero_hash == current_hash: print("Hash: " + str( current_hash) + common.color.WARNING + " (WARNING: Zero hash found!)" + common.color.ENDC) else: print("Hash: " + str(current_hash)) end = time.time() print("Performance: " + str(execs / (end - start)) + "t/s") # except: # print("EXC") q.__del__() try: for i in range(512): if os.path.exists("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)): os.remove("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)) else: break except: pass os.system("stty sane") return 0
Example #4
Source File: From deepdiff with MIT License | 5 votes |
def murmur3_64bit(obj): """ Use murmur3_64bit for 64 bit hash by passing this method: hasher=DeepHash.murmur3_64bit """ if isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.encode('utf-8') # This version of murmur3 returns two 64bit integers. return mmh3.hash64(obj, MURMUR_SEED)[0]
Example #5
Source File: From kAFL with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __req_effector_tag_handler(self, request): #log_mapserver("New Effector Map (" + str(len( + ")") self.effector_initial_bitmap = mmh3.hash64( for i in range(self.config.config_values['PAYLOAD_SHM_SIZE']): self.effector_map.append(False)
Example #6
Source File: From SyferText with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def hash_string(string: str) -> int: """Create a hash for a given string. Hashes created by this functions will be used everywhere by SyferText to represent tokens. """ key = mmh3.hash64(string, signed=False, seed=1)[0] return key
Example #7
Source File: From pipeline with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def sim_shi4_mm3_layout(text): text = SPACE_RE.sub(" ", text) # replace all runs of spaces i1, i2 = itertools.tee(WORD_RE.finditer(text)) for _ in xrange(3): # 4 words per shingle next(i2, None) hash64 = mmh3.hash64 # NB: `array` of i64 & ui64 is Python 3.3+ mm = [ hash64(text[m1.start() : m2.end()])[0] & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for m1, m2 in itertools.izip(i1, i2) ] r = simhash.compute(mm) return r - 0x10000000000000000 if r > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF else r
Example #8
Source File: From pipeline with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def sim_shi4_mm3(text): # NB: It makes quite little sense to use both 64bit numbers to compare # hashes as pairwise Hamming distance using high 64bit is highly correlated # with the distance computed using low 64bit. It's actually expected, but # it means, that summing these distances is not linear and should be avoided. # -- i1, i2 = itertools.tee(WORD_RE.finditer(text)) for _ in xrange(3): # 4 words per shingle next(i2, None) mm = [mmh3.hash64(text[m1.start():m2.end()]) for m1, m2 in itertools.izip(i1, i2)] return (simhash.compute([_[0] & 0xffffffffffffffff for _ in mm]), simhash.compute([_[1] & 0xffffffffffffffff for _ in mm]))
Example #9
Source File: From pipeline with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def main(): simhash.Simhash(unicode(TEXT, 'utf-8'), reg=RE_WORD, hashfunc=lambda x: mmh3.hash64(x)[0])
Example #10
Source File: From hyperminhash with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def triple_hash(self, item): '''Returns a triple i, val, aug hashed values, where i is bucketbits, val is the position of the leading one in a 64-bit integer, and aug is the bits to go in the subbuckets''' y, h2 = mmh3.hash64(str(item).encode()) val = 64 + 1 - int(np.uint64(y)).bit_length() val = min(val, 2**self.bucketsize) h2prime = int(np.uint64(h2)) i = h2prime >> self._bucketbit_shift aug = h2prime & self._bbit_mask return (i, val, aug)
Example #11
Source File: From redqueen with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def benchmark(config): log_info("Starting...") q = qemu(1337, config, debug_mode=False) q.start(verbose=False) q.set_payload(open(config.argument_values["payload"][0]).read()) print(mmh3.hash64(q.send_payload())) try: while True: start = time.time() execs = 0 while (time.time()-start < REFRESH): q.set_payload(open(config.argument_values["payload"][0]).read()) q.send_payload() execs += 1 end = time.time() stdout.write(common.color.FLUSH_LINE + "Performance: " + str(execs/(end - start)) + "t/s") stdout.flush() except: print("\nExit") q.__del__() try: for i in range(512): if os.path.exists("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)): os.remove("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)) else: break except: pass return 0
Example #12
Source File: From redqueen with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def debug_execution(config, execs, qemu_verbose=False, notifiers=True): log_info("Starting...") zero_hash = mmh3.hash64(("\xFF" * config.config_values['BITMAP_SHM_SIZE'])) q = qemu(1337, config, debug_mode=True, notifiers=notifiers) q.start(verbose=qemu_verbose) q.set_payload(open(config.argument_values["payload"][0]).read()) start = time.time() for i in range(execs): print("+----------------------------------------------+") current_hash = mmh3.hash64(q.send_payload()) if zero_hash == current_hash: print("Hash: " + str(current_hash) + common.color.WARNING + " (WARNING: Zero hash found!)" + common.color.ENDC) else: print("Hash: " + str(current_hash)) end = time.time() print("Performance: " + str(execs/(end - start)) + "t/s") q.__del__() try: for i in range(512): if os.path.exists("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)): os.remove("/tmp/kAFL_printf.txt." + str(i)) else: break except: pass os.system("stty sane") return 0
Example #13
Source File: From redqueen with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __req_effector_tag_handler(self, request): log_mapserver("New Effector Map (" + str(len( + ")") self.effector_initial_bitmap = mmh3.hash64( for i in range(self.config.config_values['PAYLOAD_SHM_SIZE']): self.effector_map.append(False)
Example #14
Source File: From redqueen with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __respond_bitmap_hash_req(self, response): self.q.set_payload( while True: try: bitmap = self.q.send_payload() break except: log_slave("__respond_bitmap_hash_req failed...", self.slave_id) log_slave("%s"%traceback.format_exc(), self.slave_id) self.__restart_vm() send_msg(KAFL_TAG_REQ_BITMAP_HASH, mmh3.hash64(bitmap), self.comm.to_master_from_slave_queue, source=self.slave_id)
Example #15
Source File: From kAFL with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __result_tag_handler(self, request): self.comm.slave_locks_B[request.source].acquire() results = payloads = [] bitmaps = [] payload_shm = self.comm.get_mapserver_payload_shm(request.source) bitmap_shm = self.comm.get_bitmap_shm(request.source) for result in results: if result.new_bits: * self.comm.get_bitmap_shm_size()) * self.comm.get_mapserver_payload_shm_size()) length = data_len = (ord(length[3]) << 24) + (ord(length[2]) << 16) + (ord(length[1]) << 8) + \ (ord(length[0])) payloads.append( bitmaps.append( else: payloads.append(None) bitmaps.append(None) #log_mapserver("[MAPS]\t\ SKIP") self.comm.slave_locks_A[request.source].release() for i in range(len(results)): if results[i].reloaded: self.abortion_counter += 1 if results[i].new_bits: if results[i].timeout: self.mapserver_state_obj.timeout += 1 new_hash = mmh3.hash64(bitmaps[i]) self.__check_hash(new_hash, bitmaps[i], payloads[i], results[i].crash, results[i].timeout, results[i].kasan, results[i].slave_id, results[i].reloaded, results[i].performance, results[i].qid, results[i].pos) self.last_hash = new_hash self.round_counter += 1 if self.effector_initial_bitmap: if self.effector_initial_bitmap != new_hash: for j in results[i].affected_bytes: if not self.effector_map[j]: self.effector_map[j] = True else: self.round_counter += 1 # TODO: Replace const value by performance*(1/50)s if self.abortion_counter >= self.abortion_threshold: if not self.abortion_alredy_sent: log_mapserver("Stage abortion limit (" + str(self.abortion_threshold) + ") reached!") send_msg(KAFL_TAG_ABORT_REQ, self.mapserver_state_obj, self.comm.to_master_queue) self.abortion_alredy_sent = True self.comm.stage_abortion_notifier.value = True
Example #16
Source File: From redqueen with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __respond_verification(self, response): jobs =[0] methods =[1] results = [] i = 0 self.comm.slave_locks_A[self.slave_id].acquire() while True: payload, payload_shm_size = self.q.copy_master_payload(self.comm.get_master_payload_shm(self.slave_id), i, self.comm.get_master_payload_shm_size()) payload_content_len_init = struct.unpack("I", payload[0:4])[0] payload_content_len = perform_trim(payload_content_len_init, self.q.send_payload, self.q.modify_payload_size, self.error_handler) if payload_content_len_init != payload_content_len: log_slave("TRIM: " + "{0:.2f}".format(((payload_content_len*1.0)/(payload_content_len_init*1.0))*100.0) + "% (" + str(payload_content_len) + "/" + str(payload_content_len_init) + ")", self.slave_id) patches = jobs[0] if len(patches) > 0: log_slave("Got payload to fix with size: %d and patches %s"%( payload_content_len, patches), self.slave_id ) if len(patches): log_redq("Slave "+str(self.slave_id)+" Orig Payload: " + repr(payload[4:4+payload_content_len])) hash = HashFixer(self.q, self.redqueen_state) new_payload = hash.try_fix_data(payload[4:4+payload_content_len]) if new_payload: log_redq("Slave "+str(self.slave_id)+"Fixed Payload: " + repr("".join(map(chr,new_payload)))) payload = payload[:4]+"".join(map(chr,new_payload)) self.q.set_payload(new_payload) start_time = time.time() bitmap = self.q.send_payload(apply_patches=False) performance = time.time() - start_time log_slave("performance: " + str(1.0/performance) + " -> " + str(performance), self.slave_id) break if not bitmap: log_slave("SHM ERROR....", self.slave_id) new_bits = self.q.copy_bitmap(self.comm.get_bitmap_shm(self.slave_id), i, self.comm.get_bitmap_shm_size(), bitmap, payload, payload_shm_size, effector_mode_hash=None, apply_patches = False) if new_bits: self.q.copy_mapserver_payload(self.comm.get_mapserver_payload_shm(self.slave_id), i, self.comm.get_mapserver_payload_shm_size()) results.append(FuzzingResult(i, self.q.crashed, self.q.timeout, self.q.kasan, jobs[i], self.slave_id, performance, methods[i], mmh3.hash64(bitmap), reloaded=(self.q.timeout or self.q.crashed or self.q.kasan), new_bits=new_bits, qid=self.slave_id)) self.comm.slave_locks_B[self.slave_id].release() send_msg(KAFL_TAG_RESULT, results, self.comm.to_mapserver_queue, source=self.slave_id)