Python builtins.enumerate() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of builtins.enumerate().
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Example #1
Source File: From reframe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def avg(iterable): '''Return the average of all the elements of ``iterable``.''' # We walk over the iterable manually in case this is a generator total = 0 num_vals = None for num_vals, val in builtins.enumerate(iterable, start=1): total += val if num_vals is None: raise SanityError('attempt to get average on an empty container') return total / num_vals # Other utility functions
Example #2
Source File: From reframe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def count(iterable): '''Return the element count of ``iterable``. This is similar to the built-in :func:`len() <python:len>`, except that it can also handle any argument that supports iteration, including generators. ''' try: return builtins.len(iterable) except TypeError: # Try to determine length by iterating over the iterable ret = 0 for ret, _ in builtins.enumerate(iterable, start=1): pass return ret
Example #3
Source File: From fypp with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _get_callable_argspec_py2(func): argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) varpos = argspec.varargs varkw = argspec.keywords args = argspec.args tuplearg = False for elem in args: tuplearg = tuplearg or isinstance(elem, list) if tuplearg: msg = 'tuple argument(s) found' raise FyppFatalError(msg) defaults = {} if argspec.defaults is not None: for ind, default in enumerate(argspec.defaults): iarg = len(args) - len(argspec.defaults) + ind defaults[args[iarg]] = default return args, defaults, varpos, varkw
Example #4
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __new__(cls, iterable, start=0): new_enumerate = _coconut.enumerate.__new__(cls, iterable, start) new_enumerate.iter = iterable new_enumerate.start = start return new_enumerate
Example #5
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __repr__(self): return "enumerate(%r, %r)" % (self.iter, self.start)
Example #6
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): key = (args, _coconut.frozenset(kwargs)) use_backup = False try: hash(key) except _coconut.Exception: try: key = _coconut.pickle.dumps(key, -1) except _coconut.Exception: use_backup = True if use_backup: for i, (k, v) in _coconut.enumerate(self.backup_tee_store): if k == key: to_tee, store_pos = v, i break else: # no break to_tee = self.func(*args, **kwargs) store_pos = None to_store, to_return = _coconut_tee(to_tee) if store_pos is None: self.backup_tee_store.append([key, to_store]) else: self.backup_tee_store[store_pos][1] = to_store else: self.tee_store[key], to_return = _coconut_tee(self.tee_store.get(key) or self.func(*args, **kwargs)) return to_return
Example #7
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __new__(cls, iterable, start=0): new_enumerate = _coconut.enumerate.__new__(cls, iterable, start) new_enumerate.iter = iterable new_enumerate.start = start return new_enumerate
Example #8
Source File: From pyprover with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __repr__(self): return "enumerate(%r, %r)" % (self.iter, self.start)
Example #9
Source File: From reframe with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def enumerate(iterable, start=0): '''Replacement for the built-in :func:`enumerate() <python:enumerate>` function.''' return builtins.enumerate(iterable, start)
Example #10
Source File: From fypp with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _get_call_arguments(self, fname, spans, argexpr, contents, argnames): if argexpr is None: posargs = [] kwargs = {} else: # Parse and evaluate arguments passed in call header self._evaluator.openscope() try: posargs, kwargs = self._evaluate( '__getargvalues(' + argexpr + ')', fname, spans[0][0]) except Exception as exc: msg = "unable to parse argument expression '{0}'"\ .format(argexpr) raise FyppFatalError(msg, fname, spans[0], exc) self._evaluator.closescope() # Render arguments passed in call body args = [] for content in contents: self._evaluator.openscope() rendered = self.render(content, divert=True) self._evaluator.closescope() if rendered.endswith('\n'): rendered = rendered[:-1] args.append(rendered) # Separate arguments in call body into positional and keyword ones: if argnames: posargs += args[:len(args) - len(argnames)] offset = len(args) - len(argnames) for iargname, argname in enumerate(argnames): ind = offset + iargname if argname in kwargs: msg = "keyword argument '{0}' already defined"\ .format(argname) raise FyppFatalError(msg, fname, spans[ind + 1]) kwargs[argname] = args[ind] else: posargs += args return posargs, kwargs
Example #11
Source File: From fypp with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _postprocess_eval_lines(self, output, eval_inds, eval_pos): ilastproc = -1 for ieval, ind in enumerate(eval_inds): span, fname = eval_pos[ieval] if ind <= ilastproc: continue iprev, eolprev = self._find_last_eol(output, ind) inext, eolnext = self._find_next_eol(output, ind) curline = self._glue_line(output, ind, iprev, eolprev, inext, eolnext) output[iprev + 1:inext] = [''] * (inext - iprev - 1) output[ind] = self._postprocess_eval_line(curline, fname, span) ilastproc = inext
Example #12
Source File: From fypp with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _argsplit_fortran(argtxt): txt = _INLINE_EVAL_REGION_REGEXP.sub(_blank_match, argtxt) splitpos = [-1] quote = None closing_brace_stack = [] closing_brace = None for ind, char in enumerate(txt): if quote: if char == quote: quote = None continue if char in _QUOTES_FORTRAN: quote = char continue if char in _OPENING_BRACKETS_FORTRAN: closing_brace_stack.append(closing_brace) ind = _OPENING_BRACKETS_FORTRAN.index(char) closing_brace = _CLOSING_BRACKETS_FORTRAN[ind] continue if char in _CLOSING_BRACKETS_FORTRAN: if char == closing_brace: closing_brace = closing_brace_stack.pop(-1) continue else: msg = "unexpected closing delimiter '{0}' in expression '{1}' "\ "at position {2}".format(char, argtxt, ind + 1) raise FyppFatalError(msg) if not closing_brace and char == _ARGUMENT_SPLIT_CHAR_FORTRAN: splitpos.append(ind) if quote or closing_brace: msg = "open quotes or brackets in expression '{0}'".format(argtxt) raise FyppFatalError(msg) splitpos.append(len(txt)) fragments = [argtxt[start + 1 : end] for start, end in zip(splitpos, splitpos[1:])] return fragments
Example #13
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_power_spectrum_two_layers(powers_negative, powers_positive, times, title='', figure_fname='', only_power_spectrum=True, high_gamma_max=120): if not only_power_spectrum: fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3)#, sharex=True) else: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() F, T = powers_negative.shape freqs = np.concatenate([np.arange(1, 30), np.arange(31, 60, 3), np.arange(60, high_gamma_max + 5, 5)]) bands = dict(delta=[1, 4], theta=[4, 8], alpha=[8, 15], beta=[15, 30], gamma=[30, 55], high_gamma=[65, high_gamma_max]) im1 = _plot_powers(powers_negative, ax1, times, freqs) # cba = plt.colorbar(im1, shrink=0.25) im2 = _plot_powers(powers_positive, ax1, times, freqs) cbb = plt.colorbar(im2, shrink=0.25) plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title(title) if not only_power_spectrum: for band_name, band_freqs in bands.items(): idx = [k for k, f in enumerate(freqs) if band_freqs[0] <= f <= band_freqs[1]] band_power = np.mean(powers_negative[idx, :], axis=0) ax2.plot(band_power.T, label=band_name) ax2.set_xlim([0, T]) # ax2.legend() for band_name, band_freqs in bands.items(): idx = [k for k, f in enumerate(freqs) if band_freqs[0] <= f <= band_freqs[1]] band_power = np.mean(powers_positive[idx, :], axis=0) ax3.plot(band_power.T, label=band_name) ax3.set_xlim([0, T]) # ax3.legend() if figure_fname != '': print('Saving figure to {}'.format(figure_fname)) plt.savefig(figure_fname, dpi=300) plt.close() else:
Example #14
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def calc_band_power(powers, freqs, band_freqs): idx = [k for k, f in enumerate(freqs) if band_freqs[0] <= f <= band_freqs[1]] return np.mean(powers[idx, :], axis=0)
Example #15
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_positive_and_negative_power_spectrum( powers_negative, powers_positive, times, title='', figure_fname='', only_power_spectrum=True, show_only_sig_in_graph=True, sig_threshold=2, high_gamma_max=120, min_f=1): from src.utils import color_maps_utils as cmu YlOrRd = cmu.create_YlOrRd_cm() PuBu = cmu.create_PuBu_cm() freqs = epi_utils.get_freqs(min_f, high_gamma_max) bands = epi_utils.calc_bands(min_f, high_gamma_max) if show_only_sig_in_graph: powers_positive[np.where(np.abs(powers_positive) < sig_threshold)] = 0 powers_negative[np.where(np.abs(powers_negative) < sig_threshold)] = 0 min_t, max_t = round(times[0], 1), round(times[-1], 1) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) pos_powers_ax, neg_powers_ax = axs[0, 0], axs[0, 1] pos_graph_ax, neg_graph_ax = axs[1, 0], axs[1, 1] pos_powers_ax.title.set_text('Positives') neg_powers_ax.title.set_text('Negatives') neg_cmap_vmin_vmax = (PuBu, np.min(powers_negative), -2 if show_only_sig_in_graph else 0) pos_cmap_vmin_vmax = (YlOrRd, 2 if show_only_sig_in_graph else 0, np.max(powers_positive)) im1 = _plot_powers(powers_negative, neg_powers_ax, times, freqs, neg_cmap_vmin_vmax) # cba = plt.colorbar(im1, ax=neg_powers_ax, shrink=0.25) im2 = _plot_powers(powers_positive, pos_powers_ax, times, freqs, pos_cmap_vmin_vmax) # cbb = plt.colorbar(im2, ax=pos_graph_ax, shrink=0.25) for band_name, band_freqs in bands.items(): idx = [k for k, f in enumerate(freqs) if band_freqs[0] <= f <= band_freqs[1]] band_power = np.mean(powers_negative[idx, :], axis=0) neg_graph_ax.plot(times, band_power.T, label=band_name) neg_graph_ax.set_xlim([min_t, max_t]) neg_graph_ax.set_ylim([None, -2 if show_only_sig_in_graph else 0]) neg_graph_ax.legend() for band_name, band_freqs in bands.items(): band_power = calc_band_power(powers_positive, freqs, band_freqs) pos_graph_ax.plot(times, band_power.T, label=band_name) pos_graph_ax.set_xlim([min_t, max_t]) pos_graph_ax.set_ylim([2 if show_only_sig_in_graph else 0, None]) # pos_graph_ax.legend() plt.suptitle(title) if figure_fname != '': print('Saving figure to {}'.format(figure_fname)) plt.savefig(figure_fname, dpi=300) plt.close() else:
Example #16
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def calc_induced_power(subject, run_num, windows_fnames, modality, inverse_method='dSPM', check_for_labels_files=True, overwrite=False): def files_exist(window_fname): fol = op.join(root_dir, '{}-epilepsy-{}-{}-{}-induced_power'.format( subject, inverse_method, modality, utils.namebase(window_fname))) if not op.isdir(fol): return False files = glob.glob(op.join(fol, 'epilepsy_*_induced_power.npy')) if len(files) < 62: return False for fname in files: # file_mod_time = utils.file_modification_time_struct(fname) # if not (file_mod_time.tm_year >= 2019 and (file_mod_time.tm_mon == 7 and file_mod_time.tm_mday >= 10) or \ # (file_mod_time.tm_mon > 7)): if not utils.file_mod_after_date(fname, 10, 7, 2019): return False return True root_dir = op.join(EEG_DIR if modality == 'eeg' else MEG_DIR, subject) module = eeg if modality == 'eeg' else meg files_to_calc = [utils.namebase(window_fname) for window_fname in windows_fnames if not files_exist(window_fname)] if len(files_to_calc) == 0 and not overwrite: print('All files exist!') return else: print('Files needed to recalc:') for ind, fname in enumerate(files_to_calc): print('{}: {}'.format(ind + 1, fname)) # ret = input('Do you want to continue (y/n)? ') # if not au.is_true(ret): # return # output_fname = op.join(MMVT_DIR, 'eeg' if modality == 'eeg' else 'meg', '{}-epilepsy-{}-{}-{}_{}'.format( # subject, inverse_method, modality, '{window}', '{band}')) for window_fname in windows_fnames: print('{} {} {}:'.format(subject, modality, utils.namebase(window_fname))) if files_exist(window_fname) and not overwrite: print('Already exist') continue args = module.read_cmd_args(dict( subject=subject, mri_subject=subject, function='calc_stc', task='epilepsy', inverse_method=inverse_method, inv_fname=op.join(root_dir, '{}-epilepsy{}-{}-inv.fif'.format(subject, run_num, modality)), fwd_fname=op.join(root_dir, '{}-epilepsy{}-{}-fwd.fif'.format(subject, run_num, modality)), calc_source_band_induced_power=True, fwd_usingEEG=modality in ['eeg', 'meeg'], evo_fname=window_fname, n_jobs=1, overwrite_stc=overwrite )) module.call_main(args)