Python pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetFile().
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Example #1
Source File: From json2parquet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_convert_json(): """ Test converting a JSON file to Parquet """ schema = pa.schema([ pa.field("foo", pa.int32()), pa.field("bar", pa.int64()) ]) input_path = "{}/tests/fixtures/simple_json.txt".format(os.getcwd()) expected_file = "{}/tests/fixtures/simple.parquet".format(os.getcwd()) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: output_file = client.convert_json(input_path, output_file, schema) output = pq.ParquetFile(output_file) expected = pq.ParquetFile(expected_file) assert output.metadata.num_columns == expected.metadata.num_columns assert output.metadata.num_rows == expected.metadata.num_rows assert output.schema.equals(expected.schema) assert output.read_row_group(0).to_pydict() == expected.read_row_group(0).to_pydict()
Example #2
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_predicate_accept_in(store, predicate_value, expected): df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [0, 4, 13, 29]}) # min = 0, max = 29 predicate = ("A", "in", predicate_value) serialiser = ParquetSerializer(chunk_size=None) key =, "prefix", df) parquet_file = ParquetFile( row_meta = parquet_file.metadata.row_group(0) arrow_schema = parquet_file.schema.to_arrow_schema() parquet_reader = parquet_file.reader assert ( _predicate_accepts( predicate, row_meta=row_meta, arrow_schema=arrow_schema, parquet_reader=parquet_reader, ) == expected )
Example #3
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def table(self, name: str, path: Optional[str] = None) -> ir.TableExpr: if name not in self.list_tables(path): raise AttributeError(name) if path is None: path = self.root # get the schema f = path / "{}.parquet".format(name) parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(str(f)) schema = sch.infer(parquet_file.schema) table = self.table_class(name, schema, self).to_expr() self.dictionary[name] = f return table
Example #4
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_write_from_csv(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') assert pqf.num_row_groups == 1 schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['a', 'b'] assert schema.column(0).logical_type.type == 'STRING' assert schema.column(1).logical_type.type == 'STRING' row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 3 row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 3 col_a = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert col_a == ['1', '2', '3'] col_b = row_group.column(1).to_pylist() assert col_b == ['a', 'b', 'c']
Example #5
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_opt_invalid_types(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/invalid-types.csv', '--type', 'bool=bool?', 'float32=float32?', 'float64=float64?', 'int8=int8?', 'int16=int16?', 'int32=int32?', 'int64=int64?', 'string=string?', 'timestamp=timestamp?']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/invalid-types.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['bool', 'float32', 'float64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'string', 'timestamp'] row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 2 bools = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert bools == [True, None] float32 = row_group.column(1).to_pylist() assert len(float32) == 2 assert float32[0] == pytest.approx(0.5) assert float32[1] is None float64 = row_group.column(2).to_pylist() assert float64 == [0.75, None] int8 = row_group.column(3).to_pylist() assert int8 == [12, None] int16 = row_group.column(4).to_pylist() assert int16 == [400, None] int32 = row_group.column(5).to_pylist() assert int32 == [132000, None] int64 = row_group.column(6).to_pylist() assert int64 == [6000000000, None] string = row_group.column(7).to_pylist() assert string == ['string', 'blah'] timestamp = row_group.column(8).to_pylist() assert timestamp == [datetime(2018, 7, 9, 0, 0), None]
Example #6
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_rowgroup_writing(store, use_categorical, chunk_size): df = pd.DataFrame({"string": ["abc", "affe", "banane", "buchstabe"]}) serialiser = ParquetSerializer(chunk_size=2) # Arrow 0.9.0 has a bug in writing categorical columns to more than a single # RowGroup: "ArrowIOError: Column 2 had 2 while previous column had 4". # We have special handling for that in pandas-serialiser that should be # removed once we switch to 0.10.0 if use_categorical: df_write = df.astype({"string": "category"}) else: df_write = df key =, "prefix", df_write) parquet_file = ParquetFile( assert parquet_file.num_row_groups == 2
Example #7
Source File: From gcr-catalogs with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def handle(self): if self._handle is None: self._handle = pq.ParquetFile(self.path) return self._handle
Example #8
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_required_types(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/types.csv', '--type', 'bool=bool', 'float32=float32', 'float64=float64', 'int8=int8', 'int16=int16', 'int32=int32', 'int64=int64', 'string=string', 'timestamp=timestamp']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/types.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['bool', 'float32', 'float64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'string', 'timestamp'] row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 2 bools = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert bools == [True, False] float32 = row_group.column(1).to_pylist() assert float32 == pytest.approx([0.5, 0.6]) float64 = row_group.column(2).to_pylist() assert float64 == [0.75, 1.75] int8 = row_group.column(3).to_pylist() assert int8 == [12, 13] int16 = row_group.column(4).to_pylist() assert int16 == [400, 401] int32 = row_group.column(5).to_pylist() assert int32 == [132000, 132001] int64 = row_group.column(6).to_pylist() assert int64 == [6000000000, 6000000001] string = row_group.column(7).to_pylist() assert string == ['string', 'string'] timestamp = row_group.column(8).to_pylist() assert timestamp == [datetime(2018, 7, 9, 0, 0), datetime(2018, 7, 10, 0, 0)]
Example #9
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_exclude_by_index(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--exclude', '0']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['b'] row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 3 col_b = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert col_b == ['a', 'b', 'c']
Example #10
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_exclude_by_name(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--exclude', 'a']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['b'] row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 3 col_b = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert col_b == ['a', 'b', 'c']
Example #11
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_include_by_index(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--include', '0']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['a'] row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 3 col_a = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert col_a == ['1', '2', '3']
Example #12
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_limit(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--rows', '1']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 1
Example #13
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_row_group_size(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--row-group-size', '1']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') assert pqf.num_row_groups == 3
Example #14
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_rename(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple.csv', '--rename', '0=alpha', 'b=bee']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple.parquet') schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['alpha', 'bee']
Example #15
Source File: From csv2parquet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_from_tsv(): csv2parquet.main_with_args(csv2parquet.convert, ['csvs/simple2.tsv']) pqf = pq.ParquetFile('csvs/simple2.parquet') assert pqf.num_row_groups == 1 schema = pqf.schema assert schema.names == ['a', 'b'] assert schema.column(0).logical_type.type == 'STRING' assert schema.column(1).logical_type.type == 'STRING' row_group = pqf.read_row_group(0) assert row_group.num_rows == 1 col_a = row_group.column(0).to_pylist() assert col_a == ['1'] col_b = row_group.column(1).to_pylist() assert col_b == ['b']
Example #16
Source File: From ibis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def parquet_schema(): np.random.seed(0) size = 100 df = pd.DataFrame( { 'uint8': np.arange(size, dtype=np.uint8), 'uint16': np.arange(size, dtype=np.uint16), 'uint32': np.arange(size, dtype=np.uint32), 'uint64': np.arange(size, dtype=np.uint64), 'int8': np.arange(size, dtype=np.int16), 'int16': np.arange(size, dtype=np.int16), 'int32': np.arange(size, dtype=np.int32), 'int64': np.arange(size, dtype=np.int64), 'float32': np.arange(size, dtype=np.float32), 'float64': np.arange(size, dtype=np.float64), 'bool': np.random.randn(size) > 0, # TODO(wesm): Test other timestamp resolutions now that arrow # supports them 'datetime': np.arange( "2016-01-01T00:00:00.001", size, dtype='datetime64[ms]' ), 'str': [str(x) for x in range(size)], 'str_with_nulls': [None] + [str(x) for x in range(size - 2)] + [None], 'empty_str': [''] * size, 'bytes': [b'foo'] * size, }, columns=[ 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'bool', 'datetime', 'str', 'str_with_nulls', 'empty_str', 'bytes', ], ) with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as path: table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df) pq.write_table(table, path) parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile(path) return parquet_file.schema
Example #17
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process(self, piece_index, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition): """Main worker function. Loads and returns all rows matching the predicate from a rowgroup Looks up the requested piece (a single row-group in a parquet file). If a predicate is specified, columns needed by the predicate are loaded first. If no rows in the rowgroup matches the predicate criteria the rest of the columns are not loaded. :param piece_index: :param shuffle_row_drop_partition: A tuple 2 of the current row drop partition and the total number of partitions. :return: """ if not self._dataset: self._dataset = pq.ParquetDataset( self._dataset_path_or_paths, filesystem=self._filesystem, validate_schema=False) if self._dataset.partitions is None: # When read from parquet file list, the `dataset.partitions` will be None. # But other petastorm code require at least an empty `ParquetPartitions` object. self._dataset.partitions = pq.ParquetPartitions() piece = self._split_pieces[piece_index] # Create pyarrow file system parquet_file = ParquetFile( if not isinstance(self._local_cache, NullCache): if worker_predicate: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with predicates, ' 'unless the dataset is partitioned by the column the predicate operates on.') if shuffle_row_drop_partition[1] != 1: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1') if worker_predicate: all_cols = self._load_rows_with_predicate(parquet_file, piece, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition) else: # Using hash of the dataset path with the relative path in order to: # 1. Make sure if a common cache serves multiple processes (e.g. redis), we don't have conflicts # 2. Dataset path is hashed, to make sure we don't create too long keys, which maybe incompatible with # some cache implementations # 3. Still leave relative path and the piece_index in plain text to make it easier to debug if isinstance(self._dataset_path_or_paths, list): path_str = ','.join(self._dataset_path_or_paths) else: path_str = self._dataset_path_or_paths cache_key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(hashlib.md5(path_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), piece.path, piece_index) all_cols = self._local_cache.get(cache_key, lambda: self._load_rows(parquet_file, piece, shuffle_row_drop_partition)) if all_cols: self.publish_func(all_cols)
Example #18
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process(self, piece_index, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition): """Main worker function. Loads and returns all rows matching the predicate from a rowgroup Looks up the requested piece (a single row-group in a parquet file). If a predicate is specified, columns needed by the predicate are loaded first. If no rows in the rowgroup matches the predicate criteria the rest of the columns are not loaded. :param piece_index: :param shuffle_row_drop_partition: A tuple 2 of the current row drop partition and the total number of partitions. :return: """ if not self._dataset: self._dataset = pq.ParquetDataset( self._dataset_path, filesystem=self._filesystem, validate_schema=False) piece = self._split_pieces[piece_index] # Create pyarrow file system parquet_file = ParquetFile( if not isinstance(self._local_cache, NullCache): if worker_predicate: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with predicates, ' 'unless the dataset is partitioned by the column the predicate operates on.') if shuffle_row_drop_partition[1] != 1: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1') if worker_predicate: all_cols = self._load_rows_with_predicate(parquet_file, piece, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition) else: # Using hash of the dataset path with the relative path in order to: # 1. Make sure if a common cache serves multiple processes (e.g. redis), we don't have conflicts # 2. Dataset path is hashed, to make sure we don't create too long keys, which maybe incompatible with # some cache implementations # 3. Still leave relative path and the piece_index in plain text to make it easier to debug cache_key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(hashlib.md5(self._dataset_path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), piece.path, piece_index) all_cols = self._local_cache.get(cache_key, lambda: self._load_rows(parquet_file, piece, shuffle_row_drop_partition)) if self._ngram: all_cols = self._ngram.form_ngram(data=all_cols, schema=self._schema) if all_cols: self.publish_func(all_cols)
Example #19
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_store_schema_metadata(store, df_all_types): store_schema_metadata( schema=make_meta(df_all_types, origin="df_all_types"), dataset_uuid="some_uuid", store=store, table="some_table", ) key = "some_uuid/some_table/_common_metadata" assert key in store.keys() pq_file = pq.ParquetFile( actual_schema = pq_file.schema.to_arrow_schema() fields = [ pa.field("array_float32", pa.list_(pa.float64())), pa.field("array_float64", pa.list_(pa.float64())), pa.field("array_int16", pa.list_(pa.int64())), pa.field("array_int32", pa.list_(pa.int64())), pa.field("array_int64", pa.list_(pa.int64())), pa.field("array_int8", pa.list_(pa.int64())), pa.field("array_uint16", pa.list_(pa.uint64())), pa.field("array_uint32", pa.list_(pa.uint64())), pa.field("array_uint64", pa.list_(pa.uint64())), pa.field("array_uint8", pa.list_(pa.uint64())), pa.field("array_unicode", pa.list_(pa.string())), pa.field("bool", pa.bool_()), pa.field("byte", pa.binary()), pa.field("date", pa.date32()), pa.field("datetime64", pa.timestamp("us")), pa.field("float32", pa.float64()), pa.field("float64", pa.float64()), pa.field("int16", pa.int64()), pa.field("int32", pa.int64()), pa.field("int64", pa.int64()), pa.field("int8", pa.int64()), pa.field("null", pa.null()), pa.field("uint16", pa.uint64()), pa.field("uint32", pa.uint64()), pa.field("uint64", pa.uint64()), pa.field("uint8", pa.uint64()), pa.field("unicode", pa.string()), ] expected_schema = pa.schema(fields) assert actual_schema.remove_metadata() == expected_schema