Python pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset().
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Example #1
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_schema_from_dataset_url(dataset_url_or_urls, hdfs_driver='libhdfs3'): """Returns a :class:`petastorm.unischema.Unischema` object loaded from a dataset specified by a url. :param dataset_url_or_urls: a url to a parquet directory or a url list (with the same scheme) to parquet files. :param hdfs_driver: A string denoting the hdfs driver to use (if using a dataset on hdfs). Current choices are libhdfs (java through JNI) or libhdfs3 (C++) :return: A :class:`petastorm.unischema.Unischema` object """ fs, path_or_paths = get_filesystem_and_path_or_paths(dataset_url_or_urls, hdfs_driver) dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(path_or_paths, filesystem=fs, validate_schema=False, metadata_nthreads=10) # Get a unischema stored in the dataset metadata. stored_schema = get_schema(dataset) return stored_schema
Example #2
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_asymetric_parquet_pieces(reader_factory, tmpdir): """Check that datasets with parquet files that all rows in datasets that have different number of rowgroups can be fully read """ url = 'file://' + tmpdir.strpath ROWS_COUNT = 1000 # id_div_700 forces asymetric split between partitions and hopefully get us files with different number of row # groups create_test_scalar_dataset(url, ROWS_COUNT, partition_by=['id_div_700']) # We verify we have pieces with different number of row-groups dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(tmpdir.strpath) row_group_counts = set(compat_get_metadata(piece, for piece in dataset.pieces) assert len(row_group_counts) > 1 # Make sure we are not missing any rows. with reader_factory(url, schema_fields=['id']) as reader: row_ids_batched = [ for row in reader] actual_row_ids = list(itertools.chain(*row_ids_batched)) assert ROWS_COUNT == len(actual_row_ids)
Example #3
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_regenerate_metadata(synthetic_dataset, tmpdir): a_moved_path = tmpdir.join('moved').strpath copytree(synthetic_dataset.path, a_moved_path) # Make sure we can read dataset before _check_reader(a_moved_path) # Delete both metadata files dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(a_moved_path) os.remove(dataset.common_metadata_path) # make_reader should not be able to read a dataset without Petastorm metadat. with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='make_reader supports reading only Petastorm datasets'): _check_reader(a_moved_path) # Regenerate all metadata including unischema information petastorm_generate_metadata._main([ '--dataset_url', 'file://{}'.format(a_moved_path), '--unischema_class', 'petastorm.tests.test_common.TestSchema', ]) # Reader should now work again (row group selector will not since we removed all metadata) _check_reader(a_moved_path)
Example #4
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_partition_cols_supported(self, pa, df_full): # GH #23283 partition_cols = ['bool', 'int'] df = df_full with tm.ensure_clean_dir() as path: df.to_parquet(path, partition_cols=partition_cols, compression=None) import pyarrow.parquet as pq dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(path, validate_schema=False) assert len(dataset.partitions.partition_names) == 2 assert dataset.partitions.partition_names == set(partition_cols)
Example #5
Source File: From mars with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def read_parquet(self, path, columns=None, metadata=None, schema=None, use_threads=True, use_pandas_metadata=False): """ Read Parquet data from path in file system. Can read from a single file or a directory of files Parameters ---------- path : str Single file path or directory columns : List[str], optional Subset of columns to read metadata : pyarrow.parquet.FileMetaData Known metadata to validate files against schema : pyarrow.parquet.Schema Known schema to validate files against. Alternative to metadata argument use_threads : boolean, default True Perform multi-threaded column reads use_pandas_metadata : boolean, default False If True and file has custom pandas schema metadata, ensure that index columns are also loaded Returns ------- table : pyarrow.Table """ from pyarrow.parquet import ParquetDataset dataset = ParquetDataset(path, schema=schema, metadata=metadata, filesystem=self) return, use_threads=use_threads, use_pandas_metadata=use_pandas_metadata)
Example #6
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _filter_row_groups(self, dataset, row_groups, predicate, rowgroup_selector, cur_shard, shard_count): """Calculates which rowgroups will be read during. The following filters are applied: - predicates; - row-group selector (our indexing mechanism); - training partition :param dataset: ParquetDataset instance :param row_groups: a list of row groups (a list of ParquetDatasetPiece objects) :param predicate: instance of predicate object to filter rows to be returned by reader. :param rowgroup_selector: instance of row group selector object to select row groups to be read :param cur_shard: An int denoting the current shard number used. Each node should pass in a unique partition number in the range [0, shard_count). :param shard_count An int denoting the number of reader shards :return: (filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate): filtered_row_group_indexes an integer index into row_groups array. worker_predicate contains only predicates that could not be resolved on the partitioned fields and need to be evaluated by workers. """ filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate = \ self._apply_predicate_to_row_groups(dataset, row_groups, predicate) if rowgroup_selector: filtered_row_group_indexes = self._apply_row_group_selector(dataset, rowgroup_selector, filtered_row_group_indexes) if cur_shard is not None or shard_count is not None: filtered_row_group_indexes = self._partition_row_groups(dataset, row_groups, shard_count, cur_shard, filtered_row_group_indexes) if not filtered_row_group_indexes: warnings.warn('No matching data is available for loading after rowgroup ' 'selector were applied and the data was sharded.') return filtered_row_group_indexes, worker_predicate
Example #7
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _generate_unischema_metadata(dataset, schema): """ Generates the serialized unischema and adds it to the dataset parquet metadata to be used upon reading. :param dataset: (ParquetDataset) Dataset to attach schema :param schema: (Unischema) Schema to attach to dataset :return: None """ # TODO(robbieg): Simply pickling unischema will break if the UnischemaField class is changed, # or the codec classes are changed. We likely need something more robust. assert schema serialized_schema = pickle.dumps(schema) utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, UNISCHEMA_KEY, serialized_schema)
Example #8
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _generate_num_row_groups_per_file(dataset, spark_context, filesystem_factory): """ Generates the metadata file containing the number of row groups in each file for the parquet dataset located at the dataset_url. It does this in spark by opening all parquet files in the dataset on the executors and collecting the number of row groups in each file back on the driver. :param dataset: :class:`pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset` :param spark_context: spark context to use for retrieving the number of row groups in each parquet file in parallel :return: None, upon successful completion the metadata file will exist. """ if not isinstance(dataset.paths, str): raise ValueError('Expected dataset.paths to be a single path, not a list of paths') # Get the common prefix of all the base path in order to retrieve a relative path paths = [piece.path for piece in dataset.pieces] # Needed pieces from the dataset must be extracted for spark because the dataset object is not serializable base_path = dataset.paths def get_row_group_info(path): fs = filesystem_factory() relative_path = os.path.relpath(path, base_path) pq_file = num_row_groups = pq.read_metadata(pq_file).num_row_groups pq_file.close() return relative_path, num_row_groups row_groups = spark_context.parallelize(paths, len(paths)) \ .map(get_row_group_info) \ .collect() num_row_groups_str = json.dumps(dict(row_groups)) # Add the dict for the number of row groups in each file to the parquet file metadata footer utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY, num_row_groups_str)
Example #9
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_normalize_shuffle_partitions(synthetic_dataset): dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(synthetic_dataset.path) row_drop_partitions = Reader._normalize_shuffle_options(2, dataset) assert row_drop_partitions == 2 row_drop_partitions = Reader._normalize_shuffle_options(1000, dataset) assert row_drop_partitions == 10
Example #10
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_partition_cols_supported(self, pa, df_full): # GH #23283 partition_cols = ['bool', 'int'] df = df_full with tm.ensure_clean_dir() as path: df.to_parquet(path, partition_cols=partition_cols, compression=None) import pyarrow.parquet as pq dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(path, validate_schema=False) assert len(dataset.partitions.partition_names) == 2 assert dataset.partitions.partition_names == set(partition_cols)
Example #11
Source File: From sdc with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def parquet_file_schema(file_name): import pyarrow.parquet as pq col_names = [] col_types = [] pq_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(file_name) col_names = pq_dataset.schema.names pa_schema = pq_dataset.schema.to_arrow_schema() col_types = [_get_numba_typ_from_pa_typ(pa_schema.field_by_name(c).type) for c in col_names] # TODO: close file? return col_names, col_types
Example #12
Source File: From modin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _read_parquet_columns(path, columns, num_splits, kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Use a Ray task to read columns from Parquet into a Pandas DataFrame. Note: Ray functions are not detected by codecov (thus pragma: no cover) Args: path: The path of the Parquet file. columns: The list of column names to read. num_splits: The number of partitions to split the column into. Returns: A list containing the split Pandas DataFrames and the Index as the last element. If there is not `index_col` set, then we just return the length. This is used to determine the total length of the DataFrame to build a default Index. """ import pyarrow.parquet as pq df = ( pq.ParquetDataset(path, **kwargs) .read(columns=columns, use_pandas_metadata=True) .to_pandas() ) df = df[columns] # Append the length of the index here to build it externally return _split_result_for_readers(0, num_splits, df) + [len(df.index)]
Example #13
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process(self, piece_index, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition): """Main worker function. Loads and returns all rows matching the predicate from a rowgroup Looks up the requested piece (a single row-group in a parquet file). If a predicate is specified, columns needed by the predicate are loaded first. If no rows in the rowgroup matches the predicate criteria the rest of the columns are not loaded. :param piece_index: :param shuffle_row_drop_partition: A tuple 2 of the current row drop partition and the total number of partitions. :return: """ if not self._dataset: self._dataset = pq.ParquetDataset( self._dataset_path_or_paths, filesystem=self._filesystem, validate_schema=False) if self._dataset.partitions is None: # When read from parquet file list, the `dataset.partitions` will be None. # But other petastorm code require at least an empty `ParquetPartitions` object. self._dataset.partitions = pq.ParquetPartitions() piece = self._split_pieces[piece_index] # Create pyarrow file system parquet_file = ParquetFile( if not isinstance(self._local_cache, NullCache): if worker_predicate: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with predicates, ' 'unless the dataset is partitioned by the column the predicate operates on.') if shuffle_row_drop_partition[1] != 1: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1') if worker_predicate: all_cols = self._load_rows_with_predicate(parquet_file, piece, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition) else: # Using hash of the dataset path with the relative path in order to: # 1. Make sure if a common cache serves multiple processes (e.g. redis), we don't have conflicts # 2. Dataset path is hashed, to make sure we don't create too long keys, which maybe incompatible with # some cache implementations # 3. Still leave relative path and the piece_index in plain text to make it easier to debug if isinstance(self._dataset_path_or_paths, list): path_str = ','.join(self._dataset_path_or_paths) else: path_str = self._dataset_path_or_paths cache_key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(hashlib.md5(path_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), piece.path, piece_index) all_cols = self._local_cache.get(cache_key, lambda: self._load_rows(parquet_file, piece, shuffle_row_drop_partition)) if all_cols: self.publish_func(all_cols)
Example #14
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process(self, piece_index, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition): """Main worker function. Loads and returns all rows matching the predicate from a rowgroup Looks up the requested piece (a single row-group in a parquet file). If a predicate is specified, columns needed by the predicate are loaded first. If no rows in the rowgroup matches the predicate criteria the rest of the columns are not loaded. :param piece_index: :param shuffle_row_drop_partition: A tuple 2 of the current row drop partition and the total number of partitions. :return: """ if not self._dataset: self._dataset = pq.ParquetDataset( self._dataset_path, filesystem=self._filesystem, validate_schema=False) piece = self._split_pieces[piece_index] # Create pyarrow file system parquet_file = ParquetFile( if not isinstance(self._local_cache, NullCache): if worker_predicate: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with predicates, ' 'unless the dataset is partitioned by the column the predicate operates on.') if shuffle_row_drop_partition[1] != 1: raise RuntimeError('Local cache is not supported together with shuffle_row_drop_partitions > 1') if worker_predicate: all_cols = self._load_rows_with_predicate(parquet_file, piece, worker_predicate, shuffle_row_drop_partition) else: # Using hash of the dataset path with the relative path in order to: # 1. Make sure if a common cache serves multiple processes (e.g. redis), we don't have conflicts # 2. Dataset path is hashed, to make sure we don't create too long keys, which maybe incompatible with # some cache implementations # 3. Still leave relative path and the piece_index in plain text to make it easier to debug cache_key = '{}:{}:{}'.format(hashlib.md5(self._dataset_path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), piece.path, piece_index) all_cols = self._local_cache.get(cache_key, lambda: self._load_rows(parquet_file, piece, shuffle_row_drop_partition)) if self._ngram: all_cols = self._ngram.form_ngram(data=all_cols, schema=self._schema) if all_cols: self.publish_func(all_cols)
Example #15
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def build_rowgroup_index(dataset_url, spark_context, indexers, hdfs_driver='libhdfs3'): """ Build index for given list of fields to use for fast rowgroup selection :param dataset_url: (str) the url for the dataset (or a path if you would like to use the default hdfs config) :param spark_context: (SparkContext) :param indexers: list of objects to build row groups indexes. Should support RowGroupIndexerBase interface :param hdfs_driver: A string denoting the hdfs driver to use (if using a dataset on hdfs). Current choices are libhdfs (java through JNI) or libhdfs3 (C++) :return: None, upon successful completion the rowgroup predicates will be saved to _metadata file """ if dataset_url and dataset_url[-1] == '/': dataset_url = dataset_url[:-1] # Create pyarrow file system resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url, spark_context._jsc.hadoopConfiguration(), hdfs_driver=hdfs_driver, user=spark_context.sparkUser()) dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(resolver.get_dataset_path(), filesystem=resolver.filesystem(), validate_schema=False) split_pieces = dataset_metadata.load_row_groups(dataset) schema = dataset_metadata.get_schema(dataset) # We need direct reference on partitions object partitions = dataset.partitions pieces_num = len(split_pieces) piece_info_list = [] for piece_index in range(pieces_num): # indexes relies on the ordering of the split dataset pieces. # This relies on how the dataset pieces are split and sorted which although should not change, # still might and we should make sure not to forget that could break this. piece = split_pieces[piece_index] piece_info_list.append(PieceInfo(piece_index, piece.path, piece.row_group, piece.partition_keys)) start_time = time.time() piece_info_rdd = spark_context.parallelize(piece_info_list, min(len(piece_info_list), PARALLEL_SLICE_NUM)) indexer_rdd = piece_info: _index_columns(piece_info, dataset_url, partitions, indexers, schema, hdfs_driver=hdfs_driver)) indexer_list = indexer_rdd.reduce(_combine_indexers) indexer_dict = {indexer.index_name: indexer for indexer in indexer_list} serialized_indexers = pickle.dumps(indexer_dict, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY, serialized_indexers)"Elapsed time of index creation: %f s", (time.time() - start_time))