Python tensorflow.python.framework.tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of tensorflow.python.framework.tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList().
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Example #1
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, tf.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list)]
Example #2
Source File: From tensorflow-for-poets-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [ create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, dtypes.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list) ]
Example #3
Source File: From MobileNet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [ create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, dtypes.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list) ]
Example #4
Source File: From sketch-to-react-native with MIT License | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [ create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, dtypes.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list) ]
Example #5
Source File: From pokemon-mini with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [ create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, dtypes.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list) ]
Example #6
Source File: From AudioNet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def quantize_weight_rounded(input_node): """Returns a replacement node for input_node containing bucketed floats.""" input_tensor = input_node.attr["value"].tensor tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_tensor) shape = input_tensor.tensor_shape # Currently, the parameter FLAGS.bitdepth is used to compute the # number of buckets as 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth, meaning the number of # buckets can only be a power of 2. # This could be fixed by introducing a new parameter, num_buckets, # which would allow for more flexibility in chosing the right model # size/accuracy tradeoff. But I didn't want to add more parameters # to this script than absolutely necessary. num_buckets = 1 << FLAGS.bitdepth tensor_value_rounded = quantize_array(tensor_value, num_buckets) tensor_shape_list = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(shape) return [ create_constant_node(, tensor_value_rounded, dtypes.float32, shape=tensor_shape_list) ]
Example #7
Source File: From incubator-tvm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _parse_param(self, key, value, name, shape): try: from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import tensorflow which is required {}".format(e)) if key == 'value': np_array = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(value.tensor) if np_array.dtype == np.dtype(object): # Object types are generally tensorflow DT_STRING (DecodeJpeg op). # Just leave it as placeholder. if shape and name in shape: var_shape = shape[name] else: var_shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(value.tensor.tensor_shape) self._nodes[name] = [_expr.var(name, shape=var_shape, dtype='uint8')] return array_ndim = len(np_array.shape) if array_ndim == 0: self._nodes[name] = [tvm.relay.const(np_array)] else: self._params[name] = tvm.nd.array(np_array) self._nodes[name] = [_expr.var(name, shape=self._params[name].shape, dtype=self._params[name].dtype)] else: if key not in ('dtype', '_output_shapes', '_class'): raise NotImplementedError \ ("Other attributes for a Const(param) Node {} ? .".format(key))
Example #8
Source File: From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_tensor_from_event(event): """Load a tensor from an Event proto. Args: event: The Event proto, assumed to hold a tensor value in its summary.value[0] field. Returns: The tensor value loaded from the event file, as a `numpy.ndarray`, if representation of the tensor value by a `numpy.ndarray` is possible. For uninitialized Tensors, returns `None`. For Tensors of data types that cannot be represented as `numpy.ndarray` (e.g., `tf.resource`), return the `TensorProto` protobuf object without converting it to a `numpy.ndarray`. """ tensor_proto = event.summary.value[0].tensor shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(tensor_proto.tensor_shape) num_elements = 1 for shape_dim in shape: num_elements *= shape_dim if tensor_proto.tensor_content or tensor_proto.string_val or not num_elements: # Initialized tensor or empty tensor. if tensor_proto.dtype == types_pb2.DT_RESOURCE: tensor_value = InconvertibleTensorProto(tensor_proto) else: try: tensor_value = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(tensor_proto) except KeyError: tensor_value = InconvertibleTensorProto(tensor_proto) else: # Uninitialized tensor or tensor of unconvertible data type. tensor_value = InconvertibleTensorProto(tensor_proto, False) return tensor_value
Example #9
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray( input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = tf.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = tf.contrib.quantization.python.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, tf.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr[ "value"].tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node(quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, tf.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, tf.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, tf.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", tf.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]
Example #10
Source File: From tensorflow-for-poets-2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # Make sure that the range includes zero. if min_value > 0.0: min_value = 0.0 # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = session.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = array_ops.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, dtypes.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr["value"] .tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node( quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, dtypes.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, dtypes.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, dtypes.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", dtypes.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]
Example #11
Source File: From MobileNet with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # Make sure that the range includes zero. if min_value > 0.0: min_value = 0.0 # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = session.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = array_ops.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, dtypes.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr["value"] .tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node( quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, dtypes.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, dtypes.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, dtypes.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", dtypes.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]
Example #12
Source File: From sketch-to-react-native with MIT License | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # Make sure that the range includes zero. if min_value > 0.0: min_value = 0.0 # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = session.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = array_ops.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, dtypes.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr["value"] .tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node( quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, dtypes.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, dtypes.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, dtypes.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", dtypes.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]
Example #13
Source File: From pokemon-mini with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # Make sure that the range includes zero. if min_value > 0.0: min_value = 0.0 # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = session.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = array_ops.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, dtypes.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr["value"] .tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node( quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, dtypes.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, dtypes.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, dtypes.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", dtypes.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]
Example #14
Source File: From AudioNet with MIT License | 4 votes |
def quantize_weight_eightbit(input_node, quantization_mode): """Returns replacement nodes for input_node using the Dequantize op.""" base_name = + "_" quint8_const_name = base_name + "quint8_const" min_name = base_name + "min" max_name = base_name + "max" float_tensor = tensor_util.MakeNdarray(input_node.attr["value"].tensor) min_value = np.min(float_tensor.flatten()) max_value = np.max(float_tensor.flatten()) # Make sure that the range includes zero. if min_value > 0.0: min_value = 0.0 # min_value == max_value is a tricky case. It can occur for general # tensors, and of course for scalars. The quantized ops cannot deal # with this case, so we set max_value to something else. # It's a tricky question what is the numerically best solution to # deal with this degeneracy. # TODO(petewarden): Better use a tolerance than a hard comparison? if min_value == max_value: if abs(min_value) < 0.000001: max_value = min_value + 1.0 elif min_value > 0: max_value = 2 * min_value else: max_value = min_value / 2.0 sess = session.Session() with sess.as_default(): quantize_op = array_ops.quantize_v2( float_tensor, min_value, max_value, dtypes.quint8, mode=quantization_mode) quint8_tensor = quantize_op[0].eval() shape = tensor_util.TensorShapeProtoToList(input_node.attr["value"] .tensor.tensor_shape) quint8_const_node = create_constant_node( quint8_const_name, quint8_tensor, dtypes.quint8, shape=shape) min_node = create_constant_node(min_name, min_value, dtypes.float32) max_node = create_constant_node(max_name, max_value, dtypes.float32) dequantize_node = create_node("Dequantize",, [quint8_const_name, min_name, max_name]) set_attr_dtype(dequantize_node, "T", dtypes.quint8) set_attr_string(dequantize_node, "mode", quantization_mode) return [quint8_const_node, min_node, max_node, dequantize_node]